22 research outputs found

    Distributed Power Control Techniques Based on Game Theory for Wideband Wireless Networks

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    This thesis describes a theoretical framework for the design and the analysis of distributed (decentralized) power control algorithms for high-throughput wireless networks using ultrawideband (UWB) technologies. The tools of game theory are shown to be expedient for deriving scalable, energy-efficient, distributed power control schemes to be applied to a population of battery-operated user terminals in a rich multipath environment. In particular, the power control issue is modeled as a noncooperative game in which each user chooses its transmit power so as to maximize its own utility, which is defined as the ratio of throughput to transmit power. Although distributed (noncooperative) control is known to be suboptimal with respect to the optimal centralized (cooperative) solution, it is shown via large-system analysis that the game-theoretic distributed algorithm based on Nash equilibrium exhibits negligible performance degradation with respect to the centralized socially optimal configuration. The framework described here is general enough to also encompass the analysis of code division multiple access (CDMA) systems and to show that UWB slightly outperforms CDMA in terms of achieved utility at the Nash equilibrium

    Parametric Radio Channel Estimation and Robust Localization

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    Human vital signs including respiratory rate, heart rate, oxygen saturation, blood pressure, and body temperature are important physiological parameters that are used to track and monitor human health condition. Another important biological parameter of human health is human gait. Human vital sign detection and gait investigations have been attracted many scientists and practitioners in various fields such as sport medicine, geriatric medicine, bio-mechanic and bio-medical engineering and has many biological and medical applications such as diagnosis of health issues and abnormalities, elderly care and health monitoring, athlete performance analysis, and treatment of joint problems. Thoroughly tracking and understanding the normal motion of human limb joints can help to accurately monitor human subjects or patients over time to provide early flags of possible complications in order to aid in a proper diagnosis and development of future comprehensive treatment plans. With the spread of COVID-19 around the world, it has been getting more important than ever to employ technology that enables us to detect human vital signs in a non-contact way and helps protect both patients and healthcare providers from potentially life-threatening viruses, and have the potential to also provide a convenient way to monitor people health condition, remotely. A popular technique to extract biological parameters from a distance is to use cameras. Radar systems are another attractive solution for non-contact human vital signs monitoring and gait investigation that track and monitor these biological parameters without invading people privacy. The goal of this research is to develop non-contact methods that is capable of extracting human vital sign parameters and gait features accurately. To do that, in this work, optical systems including cameras and proper filters have been developed to extract human respiratory rate, heart rate, and oxygen saturation. Feasibility of blood pressure extraction using the developed optical technique has been investigated, too. Moreover, a wideband and low-cost radar system has been implemented to detect single or multiple human subject’s respiration and heart rate in dark or from behind the wall. The performance of the implemented radar system has been enhanced and it has been utilized for non-contact human gait analysis. Along with the hardware, advanced signal processing schemes have been enhanced and applied to the data collected using the aforementioned radar system. The data processing algorithms have been extended for multi-subject scenarios with high accuracy for both human vital sign detection and gait analysis. In addition, different configurations of this and high-performance radar system including mono-static and MIMO have been designed and implemented with great success. Many sets of exhaustive experiments have been conducted using different human subjects and various situations and accurate reference sensors have been used to validate the performance of the developed systems and algorithms

    Geometry-based Radio Channel Characterization and Modeling: Parameterization, Implementation and Validation

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    The propagation channel determines the fundamental basis of wireless communications, as well as the actual performance of practical systems. Therefore, having good channel models is a prerequisite for developing the next generation wireless systems. This thesis first investigates one of the main channel model building blocks, namely clusters. To understand the concept of clusters and channel characterization precisely, a measurement based ray launching tool has been implemented (Paper I). Clusters and their physical interpretation are studied by using the implemented ray launching tool (Paper II). Also, this thesis studies the COST 2100 channel model, which is a geometry-based channel model using the concept of clusters. A complete parameter set for the outdoor sub-urban scenario is extracted and validated for the COST 2100 channel model (Paper III). This thesis offers valuable insights on multi-link channel modeling, where it will be widely used in the next generation wireless systems (Paper IV and Paper V). In addition, positioning and localization by using the phase information of multi-path components, which are estimated and tracked from the radio channels, are investigated in this thesis (Paper VI). Clusters are extensively used in geometry-based stochastic channel models, such as the COST 2100 and WINNER II channel models. In order to gain a better understanding of the properties of clusters, thus the characteristics of wireless channels, a measurement based ray launching tool has been implemented for outdoor scenarios in Paper I. With this ray launching tool, we visualize the most likely propagation paths together with the measured channel and a detail floor plan of the measured environment. The measurement based ray launching tool offers valuable insights of the interacting physical scatterers of the propagation paths and provides a good interpretation of propagation paths. It shows significant advantages for further channel analysis and modeling, e.g., multi-link channel modeling. \par The properties of clusters depend on how clusters are identified. Generally speaking, there are two kinds of clusters: parameter based clusters are characterized with the parameters of the associated multi-path components; physical clusters are determined based on the interacting physical scatterers of the multi-path components. It is still an open issue on how the physical clusters behave compared to the parameter based clusters and therefore we analyze this in more detail in Paper II. In addition, based on the concept of physical clusters, we extract modeling parameters for the COST 2100 channel model with sub-urban and urban micro-cell measurements. Further, we validate these parameters with the current COST 2100 channel model MATLAB implementation. The COST 2100 channel model is one of the best candidates for the next generation wireless systems. Researchers have made efforts to extract the parameters in an indoor scenario, but the parameterization of outdoor scenarios is missing. Paper III fills this blank, where, first, cluster parameters and cluster time-variant properties are obtained from the 300~MHz measurements by using a joint clustering and tracking algorithm. Parameterization of the COST 2100 channel model for single-link outdoor MIMO communication at 300~MHz is conducted in Paper III. In addition, validation of the channel model is performed for the considered scenario by comparing simulated and measured delay spreads, spatial correlations, singular value distributions and antenna correlations. Channel modeling for multi-link MIMO systems plays an important role for the developing of the next generation wireless systems. In general, it is essential to capture the correlations between multi-link as well as their correlation statistics. In Paper IV, correlation between large-scale parameters for a macro cell scenario at 2.6 GHz has been analyzed. It has been found that the parameters of different links can be correlated even if the base stations are far away from each other. When both base stations were in the same direction compared to the movement, the large-scale parameters of the different links had a tendency to be positively correlated, but slightly negatively correlated when the base stations were located in different directions compared to the movement of the mobile terminal. Paper IV focuses more on multi-site investigations, and paper V gives valuable insights for multi-user scenarios. In the COST 2100 channel model, common clusters are proposed for multi-link channel modeling. Therefore, shared scatterers among the different links are investigated in paper V, which reflects the physical existence of common clusters. We observe that, as the MS separation distance is increasing, the number of common clusters is decreasing and the cross-correlation between multiple links is decreasing as well. Multi-link MIMO simulations are also performed using the COST 2100 channel model and the parameters of the extracted common clusters are detailed in paper V. It has been demonstrated that the common clusters can represent multi-link properties well with respect to inter-link correlation and sum rate capacity. Positioning has attracted a lot of attention both in the industry and academia during the past decades. In Paper VI, positioning with accuracy down to centimeters has been demonstrated, where the phase information of multi-path components from the measured channels is used. First of all, an extended Kalman filter is implemented to process the channel data, and the phases of a number of MPCs are tracked. The tracked phases are converted into relative distance measures. Position estimates are obtained with a method based on so called structure-of-motion. In Paper VI, circular movements have been successfully tracked with a root-mean-square error around 4 cm when using a bandwidth of 40 MHz. It has been demonstrated that phase based positioning is a promising technique for positioning with accuracy down to centimeters when using a standard cellular bandwidth. In summary, this thesis has made efforts for the implementation of the COST 2100 channel model, including providing model parameters and validating such parameters, investigating multi-link channel properties, and suggesting implementations of the channel model. The thesis also has made contributions to the tools and algorithms that can be used for general channel characterizations, i.e., clustering algorithm, ray launching tool, EKF algorithm. In addition, this thesis work is the first to propose a practical positioning method by utilizing the distance estimated from the phases of the tracked multi-path components and showed a preliminary and promising result

    Antennas and Propagation

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    This Special Issue gathers topics of utmost interest in the field of antennas and propagation, such as: new directions and challenges in antenna design and propagation; innovative antenna technologies for space applications; metamaterial, metasurface and other periodic structures; antennas for 5G; electromagnetic field measurements and remote sensing applications

    Multistatic radar optimization for radar sensor network applications

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    The design of radar sensor networks (RSN) has undergone great advancements in recent years. In fact, this kind of system is characterized by a high degree of design flexibility due to the multiplicity of radar nodes and data fusion approaches. This thesis focuses on the development and analysis of RSN architectures to optimize target detection and positioning performances. A special focus is placed upon distributed (statistical) multiple-input multipleoutput (MIMO) RSN systems, where spatial diversity could be leveraged to enhance radar target detection capabilities. In the first part of this thesis, the spatial diversity is leveraged in conjunction with cognitive waveform selection and design techniques to quickly adapt to target scene variations in real time. In the second part, we investigate the impact of RSN geometry, particularly the placement of multistatic radar receivers, on target positioning accuracy. We develop a framework based on cognitive waveform selection in conjunction with adaptive receiver placement strategy to cope with time-varying target scattering characteristics and clutter distribution parameters in the dynamic radar scene. The proposed approach yields better target detection performance and positioning accuracy as compared with conventional methods based on static transmission or stationary multistatic radar topology. The third part of this thesis examines joint radar and communication systems coexistence and operation via two possible architectures. In the first one, several communication nodes in a network operate separately in frequency. Each node leverages the multi-look diversity of the distributed system by activating radar processing on multiple received bistatic streams at each node level in addition to the pre-existing monostatic processing. This architecture is based on the fact that the communication signal, such as the Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) waveform, could be well-suited for radar tasks if the proper waveform parameters are chosen so as to simultaneously perform communication and radar tasks. The advantage of using a joint waveform for both applications is a permanent availability of radar and communication functions via a better use of the occupied spectrum inside the same joint hardware platform. We then examine the second main architecture, which is more complex and deals with separate radar and communication entities with a partial or total spectrum sharing constraint. We investigate the optimum placement of radar receivers for better target positioning accuracy while reducing the radar measurement errors by minimizing the interference caused by simultaneous operation of the communication system. Better performance in terms of communication interference handling and suppression at the radar level, were obtained with the proposed placement approach of radar receivers compared to the geometric dilution of precision (GDOP)-only minimization metric

    Sensors and Systems for Indoor Positioning

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    This reprint is a reprint of the articles that appeared in Sensors' (MDPI) Special Issue on “Sensors and Systems for Indoor Positioning". The published original contributions focused on systems and technologies to enable indoor applications

    Cooperative Radio Communications for Green Smart Environments

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    The demand for mobile connectivity is continuously increasing, and by 2020 Mobile and Wireless Communications will serve not only very dense populations of mobile phones and nomadic computers, but also the expected multiplicity of devices and sensors located in machines, vehicles, health systems and city infrastructures. Future Mobile Networks are then faced with many new scenarios and use cases, which will load the networks with different data traffic patterns, in new or shared spectrum bands, creating new specific requirements. This book addresses both the techniques to model, analyse and optimise the radio links and transmission systems in such scenarios, together with the most advanced radio access, resource management and mobile networking technologies. This text summarises the work performed by more than 500 researchers from more than 120 institutions in Europe, America and Asia, from both academia and industries, within the framework of the COST IC1004 Action on "Cooperative Radio Communications for Green and Smart Environments". The book will have appeal to graduates and researchers in the Radio Communications area, and also to engineers working in the Wireless industry. Topics discussed in this book include: • Radio waves propagation phenomena in diverse urban, indoor, vehicular and body environments• Measurements, characterization, and modelling of radio channels beyond 4G networks• Key issues in Vehicle (V2X) communication• Wireless Body Area Networks, including specific Radio Channel Models for WBANs• Energy efficiency and resource management enhancements in Radio Access Networks• Definitions and models for the virtualised and cloud RAN architectures• Advances on feasible indoor localization and tracking techniques• Recent findings and innovations in antenna systems for communications• Physical Layer Network Coding for next generation wireless systems• Methods and techniques for MIMO Over the Air (OTA) testin