196 research outputs found

    Specification-Driven Predictive Business Process Monitoring

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    Predictive analysis in business process monitoring aims at forecasting the future information of a running business process. The prediction is typically made based on the model extracted from historical process execution logs (event logs). In practice, different business domains might require different kinds of predictions. Hence, it is important to have a means for properly specifying the desired prediction tasks, and a mechanism to deal with these various prediction tasks. Although there have been many studies in this area, they mostly focus on a specific prediction task. This work introduces a language for specifying the desired prediction tasks, and this language allows us to express various kinds of prediction tasks. This work also presents a mechanism for automatically creating the corresponding prediction model based on the given specification. Differently from previous studies, instead of focusing on a particular prediction task, we present an approach to deal with various prediction tasks based on the given specification of the desired prediction tasks. We also provide an implementation of the approach which is used to conduct experiments using real-life event logs.Comment: This article significantly extends the previous work in https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-91704-7_7 which has a technical report in arXiv:1804.00617. This article and the previous work have a coauthor in commo


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    Predictive business process monitoring deals with predicting a process’s future behavior or the value of process-related performance indicators based on process event data. A variety of prototypical predictive business process monitoring techniques has been proposed by researchers in order to help process participants performing business processes better. In practical settings, these techniques have a low predictive quality that is often close to random, so that predictive business process monitoring applications are rare in practice. The inclusion of process-context data has been discussed as a way to improve the predictive quality. Existing approaches have considered only structured data as context. In this paper, we argue that process-related unstructured documents are also a promising source for extracting process-context data. Accordingly, this research-in-progress paper outlines a design-science research process for creating a predictive business process monitoring technique that utilizes context data from process-related documents to predict a process instance’s next activity more accurately

    Predictive Business Process Monitoring with tree-based classification algorithms

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    Predictive business process monitoring is a current research area which purpose is to predict the outcome of a whole process (or an element of a process i.e. a single event or task) based on available data. In the article we explore the possibility of use of the machine learning classification algorithms based on trees (CART, C5.0, random forest and extreme gradient boosting) in order to anticipate the result of a process. We test the application of these algorithms on real world event-log data and compare it with the known approaches. Our results show tha

    Genetic algorithms for hyperparameter optimization in predictive business process monitoring

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    Predictive business process monitoring exploits event logs to predict how ongoing (uncompleted) traces will unfold up to their completion. A predictive process monitoring framework collects a range of techniques that allow users to get accurate predictions about the achievement of a goal for a given ongoing trace. These techniques can be combined and their parameters configured in different framework instances. Unfortunately, a unique framework instance that is general enough to outperform others for every dataset, goal or type of prediction is elusive. Thus, the selection and configuration of a framework instance needs to be done for a given dataset. This paper presents a predictive process monitoring framework armed with a hyperparameter optimization method to select a suitable framework instance for a given dataset

    Leveraging Multi-Perspective A priori Knowledge in Predictive Business Process Monitoring

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    Äriprotsesside ennestusseire on valdkond, mis on pühendunud käimasolevate äriprotsesside tuleviku ennustamisele kasutades selleks minevikus sooritatud äriprotsesside kohta käivaid andmeid. Valdav osa uurimustööst selles valdkonnas keskendub ainult seda tüüpi andmetele, jättes tähelepanuta täiendavad teadmised (a priori teadmised) protsessi teostumise kohta tulevikus. Hiljuti pakuti välja lähenemine, mis võimaldab a priori teadmisi kasutada LTL-reeglite näol. Kuid tõsiasjana on antud tehnika limiteeritud äriprotsessi kontroll-voole, jättes välja võimaluse väljendada a priori teadmisi, mis puudutavad lisaks kontrollvoole ka informatsiooni protsessis leiduvate atribuutide kohta (multiperspektiivsed a priori teadmised). Me pakume välja lahenduse, mis võimaldab seda tüüpi teadmiste kasutuse, tehes multiperspektiivseid ennustusi käimasoleva äriprotsessi kohta. Tulemused, milleni jõuti rakendades väljapakutud tehnikat 20-le tehisärilogile ning ühele elulisele ärilogile, näitavad, et meie lähenemine suudab pakkuda konkurentsivõimelisi ennustusi.Predictive business process monitoring is an area dedicated to exploiting past process execution data in order to predict the future unfolding of a currently executed business process instance. Most of the research done in this domain focuses on exploiting the past process execution data only, leaving neglected additional a priori knowledge that might become available at runtime. Recently, an approach was proposed, which allows to leverage a priori knowledge on the control flow in the form of LTL-rules. However, cases exist in which more granular a priori knowledge becomes available about perspectives that go be-yond the pure control flow like data, time and resources (multiperspective a priori knowledge). In this thesis, we propose a technique that enables to leverage multi-perspective a priori knowledge when making predictions of complex sequences, i.e., sequences of events with a subset of the data attributes attached to them. The results, obtained by applying the proposed technique to 20 synthetic logs and 1 real life log, show that the proposed technique is able to overcome state-of-the-art approaches by successfully leveraging multiperspective a priori knowledge

    A General Framework for Predictive Business Process Monitoring

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    Abstract. As organizations gain awareness of the potential business value locked in their process execution event logs, "evidence-based" business process management (BPM) becomes a common tool for process analysts. In contrast to traditional process monitoring techniques which are typically performed using data from running process instances only, predictive evidence-based BPM methods tap also into historical data, to allow process workers to respond, in real-time, to specific process performance issues and compliance violations as they arise or even before they arise. In previous work, various approaches have been proposed to address typical predictive process monitoring problems, such as whether a running process instance will meet its performance targets, or when will an instance be finally finished. However, these approaches are rather ad-hoc and lack generality, as they tackle only particular, pre-defined aspects of predictive monitoring and often only work with specific characteristics of the dataset. The proposed research project aims at developing a general and robust framework for predictive process monitoring that will address a variety of process monitoring tasks such as predicting the outcome of individual activities or of the whole process instance, or predicting the completion path of an instance