18 research outputs found

    Robust computer vision system for marbling meat segmentation

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    In this study, we developed a robust automatic computer vision system for marbling meat segmentation. Our approach can segment muscle fat in various marbled meat samples using images acquired with different quality devices in an uncontrolled environment, where there was external ambient light and artificial light; thus, professionals can apply this method without specialized knowledge in terms of sample treatments or equipment, as well as without disruption to normal procedures, thereby obtaining a robust solution. The proposed approach for marbling segmentation is based on data clustering and dynamic thresholding. Experiments were performed using two datasets that comprised 82 images of 41 longissimus dorsi muscles acquired by different sampling devices. The experimental results showed that the computer vision system performed well with over 98% accuracy and a low number of false positives, regardless of the acquisition device employed

    Empleo del análisis de imagen 3d para el control de procesos en la ia

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    [ES] Las exigencias de los consumidores y la necesidad de mejorar los rendimientos en la industria alimentaria hacen necesario el desarrollo de nuevas técnicas rápidas y fiables para el control de calidad a pie de línea. En este sentido los análisis basados en técnicas no destructivas son los que mayor potencial presentan para ajustarse a las necesidades requeridas para tal tarea. El análisis de alimentos mediante tecnología de visión artificial es un campo que se ha venido estudiando con resultados satisfactorios, siendo diversas las aplicaciones en algunos de los sectores de la industria de alimentos. La aplicación en la industria cárnica es variada, existiendo diversas líneas de investigación basadas en distintas variantes de ésta tecnología que proporcionan información sobre atributos sensoriales, propiedades fisicoquímicas e índices de frescura entre otros. En el presente trabajo se han testado dos métodos de análisis de imágenes 3D (por tiempo de vuelo y por luz estructurada) para ser aplicados a la determinación del volumen de magro y grasa de cerdo. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron como el método basado en la captura del tiempo de vuelo de luz no es una metodología aplicable a este tipo de muestras, dado que la composición de las mismas (principalmente el agua) afectan en gran medida al tiempo de vuelo. En cambio, el método basado en el fenómeno de luz estructurada se ha mostrado como una herramienta óptima para este fin, por lo que esta tecnología podría ser aplicada y/o combinada con otras con la finalidad de ser aplicada a la industria de alimentos.[CA] Les exigències dels consumidors i la necessitat de millorar els rendiments en la indústria alimentària fan necessari el desenvolupament de noves tècniques ràpides i fiables per al control de qualitat a peu de línia. En aquest sentit els anàlisis basats en tècniques no destructives són els que major potencial presenten per a ajustar-se a les necessitats requerides per a tal tasca. L'anàlisi d'aliments per mitjà de tecnologia de visió artificial és un camp que s'ha vingut estudiant amb resultats satisfactoris, sent diverses les aplicacions en alguns dels sectors de la indústria d'aliments. L'aplicació en la indústria càrnia és variada, existint diverses línies d'investigació basades en distintes variants d'esta tecnologia que proporcionen informació sobre atributs sensorials, propietats fisicoquímiques i índexs de frescor entre altres. En el present treball s'han testat dos mètodes d'anàlisi d'imatges 3D (per temps de vol i per llum estructurada) per a ser aplicats a la determinació del volum de magre i greix de porc. Els resultats obtinguts van mostrar com el mètode basat en la captura del temps de vol de llum no és una metodologia aplicable a aquest tipus de mostres, atès que la composició de les mateixes (principalment l'aigua) afecten en gran manera a temps de vol. En canvi, el mètode basat en el fenomen de llum estructurada s'ha mostrat com una ferramenta òptima per a aquest fi, per la qual cosa esta tecnologia podria ser aplicada i/o combinades amb altres amb la finalitat de ser aplicada a l¿industria d¿aliments.[EN] Consumers¿ requirements and the necessity of the food industry to increase its productivity require the development of new rapid and reliable quality control assessments methods. In this sense, the assessments based in non-destructive techniques have the greatest potential to perform this task. The artificial vision analysis, applied to food industry, is a widely studied area with successfully results. There are many applications in food industry based in some variants of this technique. They provide information such as physicochemical properties and freshness index. In this work, two 3D image methods were tested (time of flight & structured light) to predict the volume of samples of pork lean and fat. The results showed that the method based on time of flight cannot be applicable for predicting the samples volume, due to the influence of their chemical composition. The structured light method showed a good performance for this purpose, so this technology could be applied, combined or not, with other methods for analyzing and checking food processing.Verdú Amat, S. (2011). Empleo del análisis de imagen 3d para el control de procesos en la ia. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/27910.Archivo delegad

    Performance, carcass, and meat traits of locally adapted Brazilian cattle breeds under feedlot conditions.

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    Abstract: Little is known about the performance, carcass, and meat traits of locally adapted cattle in Brazil. This study aimed to compare the growth, slaughter, and carcass traits as well as meat quality of two local breeds (Curraleiro Pé-Duro and Pantaneiro) with the Nelore breed. Fifteen 30-month-old steers of each breed were weighted (Curraleiro Pé-Duro = 264.80 kg; Nelore = 346.80 kg; Pantaneiro = 316.20 kg) and raised in a feedlot condition for 112 days, with measurements to assess growth and slaughter, visual and carcass and meat traits. Data were submitted to variance and multivariate analyses. Nelore and Curraleiro Pé-Duro had similar Gluteus medius depths. Pantaneiro and Curraleiro Pé-Duro were superior for leg compactness index (P < 0.05) and had higher eye muscle area than Nelore (P < 0.05). Although there was no difference in daily weight gain and slaughter weight between breeds, Curraleiro Pé-Duro had a lower initial weight (264.80 kg) when compared to Nelore (346.80 kg; P < 0.05). Nelore and Curraleiro Pé-Duro deposited more fat than Pantaneiro (P < 0.05), while Curraleiro Pé-Duro and Pantaneiro had more muscle than Nelore (P < 0.05), which also had more bone and a higher percentage of second-quality cuts (P < 0.05). Meat from Nelore also showed lower succulence than Pantaneiro (P < 0.05) and higher shear force than the other breeds (P < 0.05). Pantaneiro's meat had the most capacity to retain water (P < 0.05), lower shear force (P < 0.05), and was more succulent (P < 0.05) when compared to the other breeds. Multivariate analysis showed that Pantaneiro, Curraleiro Pé-Duro, and Nelore breeds can be considered distinct in growth, carcass, and meat traits, with the local breeds showing superior meat traits. The local breeds Curraleiro Pé-Duro and Pantaneiro presented characteristics similar or better to those of the Nelore, proving to be animals with great productive potential and generate high meat quality under feedlot conditions

    Detection of expired vacuum-packed smoked salmon based on PLS-DA method using hyperspectral images

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    Consumers want fresh food with a long shelf-life, which in 2010, resulted in an important increase in packaged and processed food. This is especially important for fishery products due to their highly perishable nature. One problem is that it is not possible to measure freshness in packaged food only using the visible spectrum. Moreover, the detection of freshness is a complex problem as fish has different tissues with different biodegradation processes. Therefore, it would be especially interesting to have a non-destructive method to evaluate the shelf-life of packed processed fish. This paper proposes a method for detecting expired packaged salmon. Firstly, this method uses hyperspectral imaging spectroscopy (HIS) using visible and SW-NIR wavelengths. Secondly, a classification of different salmon tissues is carried out by image segmentation. Finally, classifications of expired or non expired salmon are performed with the PLS-DA statistical multivariate method due to the large amount of captured data. In a similar way, spectral data and the physicochemical, biochemical and microbiological properties of salmon are correlated using partial least squares (PLSs). The result obtained has a classification success rate of 82.7% in cross-validation from real commercial samples of salmon. Therefore, this is a promising technique for the non-destructive detection of expired packaged smoked salmon.We would like to thank the Valencian Government (GVA) and the Polytechnic University of Valencia for the financial support.Ivorra Martínez, E.; Girón Hernández, LJ.; Sánchez Salmerón, AJ.; Verdú Amat, S.; Barat Baviera, JM.; Grau Meló, R. (2013). Detection of expired vacuum-packed smoked salmon based on PLS-DA method using hyperspectral images. Journal of Food Engineering. 117(3):342-349. doi:10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2013.02.022S342349117

    Machine Vision for Inspection: A Case Study

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    Preferencias del consumidor hacia la carne bovina en Chile : Importancia del país de origen, corte, envasado, marca y precio

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    A study was carried out to evaluate preferences for two cuts, four countries of origin, two forms of presentation, brand and different prices of beef cattle among supermarket buyers in southern Chile, and to distinguish the existence of different market segments, through a survey of 800 people. Using a fractional factorial design for conjoint analysis, it was determined overall that the origin was more important (44.5%) than price (20.8%), form of presentation (12.2%), cut (12.0%) and brand (10.5%), with preference for Chilean and Argentinean striploin, packaged on trays, with no brand at medium price. Using a cluster analysis, three market segments were distinguished. The largest (52.3%) placed great importance on origin and preferred the highest price. The second (27.5%) also valued origin with the greatest preference for Argentinean beef, and it was the only group that preferred the ribeye as the cut. The third (20.5%) placed the greatest importance on price, and was the only group that preferred Paraguayan meat. The segments differed in the importance of eating meat for their personal well-being. The low importance of packaging and brand indicates poorly developed marketing of this product. In order to properly insert brand beef in the Chilean market, communication strategies must be implemented that identify the product with superior quality and that position the brand in the consumer's mind.Se evaluaron las preferencias hacia dos cortes, cuatro países de origen, dos formas de presentación, marca y distintos precios de carne bovina en compradores de supermercados del sur de Chile, y la existencia de diferentes segmentos de mercado, mediante una encuesta a 800 personas. Mediante análisis conjunto de diseño factorial fraccionado se determinó, en general, que el origen fue más importante (44,5%), que el precio (20,8%), la forma de presentación (12,2%), corte (12,0%) y marca (10,5%), con preferencia por el lomo liso chileno y argentino, envasado en bandejas, sin marca a un precio medio. Mediante análisis cluster se distinguieron tres segmentos de mercado. El mayoritario (52,3%) dio alta importancia al origen y prefirió el precio mayor. El segundo (27,5%) también valoró el origen con la mayor preferencia por la carne argentina y fue el único que prefirió el lomo vetado al corte. El tercero (20,5%) dio mayor importancia al precio, siendo el único que prefirió la carne paraguaya. Los segmentos difirieron en la importancia asignada al consumo de carne para su bienestar personal. La baja importancia del envase y de la marca indica un bajo desarrollo comercial en este producto. Para lograr una adecuada penetración de carne bovina con nombre de marca en el mercado chileno, se deben implementar estrategias comunicacionales que identifiquen el producto con una calidad superior y que posicionen la marca en la mente del consumidor.Fil: Schnettler, Berta. Universidad de La Frontera (Chile). Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias y Forestales. Departamento de Producción Agropecuaria.Fil: Sepúlveda, Néstor. Universidad de La Frontera (Chile). Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias y Forestales. Departamento de Producción Agropecuaria.Fil: Sepúlveda, José. Chile. Universidad de La Frontera. Centro de Psicología Económica y del Consumo.Fil: Orellana, Ligia. Chile. Universidad de La Frontera. Centro de Psicología Económica y del Consumo.Fil: Miranda, Horacio. Universidad de La Frontera (Chile). Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias y Forestales. Departamento de Producción Agropecuaria.Fil: Lobos, Germán. Universidad de TalcaFil: Mora, Marcos. Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Ciencias Agronómicas. Departamento de Economía Agraria

    Preferencias del consumidor hacia la carne bovina en Chile: Importancia del país de origen, corte, envasado, marca y precio

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    A study was carried out to evaluate preferences for two cuts, four countries of origin, two forms of presentation, brand and different prices of beef cattle among supermarket buyers in southern Chile, and to distinguish the existence of different market segments, through a survey of 800 people. Using a fractional factorial design for conjoint analysis, it was determined overall that the origin was more important (44.5%) than price (20.8%), form of presentation (12.2%), cut (12.0%) and brand (10.5%), with preference for Chilean and Argentinean striploin, packaged on trays, with no brand at medium price. Using a cluster analysis, three market segments were distinguished. The largest (52.3%) placed great importance on origin and preferred the highest price. The second (27.5%) also valued origin with the greatest preference for Argentinean beef, and it was the only group that preferred the ribeye as the cut. The third (20.5%) placed the greatest importance on price, and was the only group that preferred Paraguayan meat. The segments differed in the importance of eating meat for their personal well-being. The low importance of packaging and brand indicates poorly developed marketing of this product. In order to properly insert brand beef in the Chilean market, communication strategies must be implemented that identify the product with superior quality and that position the brand in the consumer's mind.Se evaluaron las preferencias hacia dos cortes, cuatro países de origen, dos formas de presentación, marca y distintos precios de carne bovina en compradores de supermercados del sur de Chile, y la existencia de diferentes segmentos de mercado, mediante una encuesta a 800 personas. Mediante análisis conjunto de diseño factorial fraccionado se determinó, en general, que el origen fue más importante (44,5%), que el precio (20,8%), la forma de presentación (12,2%), corte (12,0%) y marca (10,5%), con preferencia por el lomo liso chileno y argentino, envasado en bandejas, sin marca a un precio medio. Mediante análisis cluster se distinguieron tres segmentos de mercado. El mayoritario (52,3%) dio alta importancia al origen y prefirió el precio mayor. El segundo (27,5%) también valoró el origen con la mayor preferencia por la carne argentina y fue el único que prefirió el lomo vetado al corte. El tercero (20,5%) dio mayor importancia al precio, siendo el único que prefirió la carne paraguaya. Los segmentos difirieron en la importancia asignada al consumo de carne para su bienestar personal. La baja importancia del envase y de la marca indica un bajo desarrollo comercial en este producto. Para lograr una adecuada penetración de carne bovina con nombre de marca en el mercado chileno, se deben implementar estrategias comunicacionales que identifiquen el producto con una calidad superior y que posicionen la marca en la mente del consumidor

    Histology and genetic control of intramuscular fat deposition and desaturation

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    There is an increasing world demand for food production. Contemporaneously the market seeks assurance in terms of provenance, quality, and healthiness. While consumers demand tasty, highly and fine marbled meat, its healthiness has become extremely important. An important component of the organoleptic characteristics and level of healthiness is the quantity of intramuscular fat of the meat and its fatty acid composition. Higher intramuscular fat content, measured as marbling, results in better tenderness, juiciness and flavour, and is often healthier due to a higher content of UFA and MUFA, i.e. oleic acid. The intramuscular fat quantity, measured as marbling, is part of the quality grading and pricing of the carcase. This thesis examines the deposition of intramuscular fat, contributing to the understanding, and consequently the improvement, of marbling and fat desaturation. The different areas examined are (a) genetics of marbling and fat desaturation, (b) nature of marbling and possibilities of measuring in live animals and (c) similarities between marbling and muscular dystrophy in human, and opportunities for translation of scientific findings between the two species. One of the simplest ways of assessing the level of desaturation of the fat is measuring its melting temperature (Tm). Fats with higher proportions of unsaturated fatty acids melt at lower temperatures. Current techniques are practical and repeatable and can be done in conjunction with some DNA tests. Here I validate the measurement of Tm of fat obtained in the process of DNA extraction. Using this method, we proved the effects of the breed on the Tm for Red Wagyu (Akaushi) and Black Wagyu, as well as individual differences among Black Wagyu bulls. I evaluated the effect of breed-specific haplotypes in Bota19 over Tm, establishing the importance of these haplotypes in the inheritance of the trait. I show synteny between the region that contains these haplotypes in cattle and an important region in Hosa 17 involved in some muscular dystrophies. Additionally, these ancestral haplotypes also proved to be practical and successful in the confirmation of the post mortem identity. The lack of knowledge and deep understanding of intramuscular fat deposition is a big limitation. The inability to reliably measure the trait in live animals limits its measurement and analysis to the carcass stage, and even then, the traditional measurements of marbling are still not objective, reliable and repeatable. I analysed and described marbling at a microscopic level, designing a microscopic scoring system for marbling. We defined areas suitable for fat and muscle biopsies and measured their Tm and marbling. Later, I compared and validated the results against the muscle commonly used for marble score (Longissimus dorsi), showing similarities on histology, marble score and Tm of the surrounding fat. This gives the opportunity for the development of a test to monitor marbling and fat desaturation throughout the animal’s life. Following the previously established genetic relation between marbling and muscular dystrophy, a histological comparison of the two processes was made, revealing common features. Due to the histological commonalities between marbling and human muscular dystrophy, and the relation between the areas of the genome involved in fat and muscle metabolism in both species, I proposed the translation of scientific findings from one species to the other. For example, I observed fat acting as an invasive tissue, which could also be a factor in muscular dystrophy. An example of a practical way of performing farm trials was presented, as an alternative to achieve statistical significance with small sample size and minimal interference in production systems, allowing beef farmers to team up with scientists to generate practical knowledge, and to minimise the number of animals needed for research with live animals. This thesis provides new information that could lead to the development of practical techniques to establish more effective and efficient production systems, favouring grass-feeding and shorter feeding times, with the consequent improvement on animal welfare and reduction of the environmental impact

    Monitorización de la fase de fermentación del yogur mediante análisis de imagen de patrones láser como técnica no destructiva: caracterización de leche de vaca, cabra y oveja

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    [ES] En la actualidad, la mejora en la calidad de los productos es una necesidad para poder afrontar las nuevas exigencias que impone el mercado global. Las crecientes tendencias hacia la garantía de calidad e inocuidad de estos exigen la implementación de sistemas automatizados avanzados para reemplazar los sistemas tradicionales que son menos confiables y eficientes. En el presente trabajo se estudió la monitorización de la fermentación del yogur a través del análisis de imagen de patrones láser generados a través de la interacción de este con la matriz del alimento. La aplicación se llevó a cabo sobre leche de vaca, cabra y oveja. Las imágenes obtenidas durante todo el proceso fueron procesadas para la extracción posterior datos. Por otra parte, las muestras fueron analizadas fisicoquímicamente (pH y textura) en los mismos puntos de captura de imagen con el objetivo de correlacionar posteriormente ambos bloques de datos. El análisis de los datos de imagen se llevó a cabo mediante técnicas estadísticas multivariantes, en base a las cuales se corroboró que la variabilidad recogida por los patrones láser analizados, estaban directamente relacionados con los cambios de la matriz del alimento durante el proceso (evolución del pH y textura). Así pues, cuando se realizaron estudios de regresión para modelizar los parámetros fisicoquímicos en base a los datos de imagen, se obtuvieron coeficientes de correlación satisfactorios para cada parámetro fisicoquímico en vaca, ligeramente en oveja, aunque no en cabra. Esta diferencia fue debida a las diferentes propiedades de las proteínas de cabra frente a las de vaca y oveja, las cuales se sitúan en comportamientos más similares bajo estas condiciones de procesado. Por lo tanto, los resultados mostraron que la técnica consiguió capturar información de forma rápida y no destructiva sobre el estado interno de la matriz de yogur durante el proceso, mostrando a su vez un efecto significativo de la naturaleza de la materia prima.[EN] Nowadays, the improvement in the quality of the products is need to be able to face the new requirements imposed by the global market. The growing trends towards the quality assurance, and the safety of these demands the implementation of advanced automated systems in order to replace traditional systems, which are less reliable and efficient. The monitoring of yogurt fermentation was studied through the image analysis of laser patterns generated through the interaction of the same with the food matrix. Cow’s, goat’s and sheep’s milks were tested. Destructive physic-chemical analyses were done after capturing images during the processes to study the relationships between data blocks. The analysis of the image data was carried out by means of multivariate statistical techniques, based on which it was corroborated that the variability collected by the laser patterns analyzed, were directly related to the changes of the food matrix during the process (pH evolution and texture). Thus, when regression studies were conducted to model the physicochemical parameters based on the image data, satisfactory correlation coefficients were obtained for each physicochemical parameter in cow and sheep, but not in goat. This difference was due to the different properties of goat proteins compared to those of cow and sheep, which are more similar in behavior under these processing conditions. Therefore, the results showed that the technique managed to capture information quickly and non-destructively on the internal state of the yogurt matrix during the process, showing in turn a significant effect on the nature of the raw material.[CA] En l'actualitat, la millora en la qualitat dels productes és una necessitat per a poder afrontar les noves exigències que imposa el mercat global. Les creixents tendències cap a la garantia de qualitat i innocuïtat d'aquests exigeixen la implementació de sistemes automatitzats avançats per a reemplaçar els sistemes tradicionals que són menys confiables i eficients. En el present treball es va estudiar el monitoratge de la fermentació del iogurt a través de l'anàlisi d'imatge de patrons làser generats a través de la interacció del mateix amb la matriu de l'aliment. L'aplicació es va dur a terme sobre llet de vaca, cabra i ovella. Les imatges obtingudes durant tot el procés van ser processades per a l'extracció posterior dades. D'altra banda, les mostres van ser analitzades fisicoquímicamente (pH i textura) en els mateixos punts de captura d'imatge amb l'objectiu de correlacionar posteriorment tots dos blocs de dades. L'anàlisi de les dades d'imatge es va dur a terme mitjançant tècniques estadístiques multivariantes, sobre la base de les quals es va corroborar que la variabilitat arreplegada pels patrons làser analitzats estaven directament relacionats amb els canvis de la matriu de l'aliment durant el procés (evolució del pH i textura). Així doncs, quan es van realitzar estudis de regressió per a modelizar els paràmetres fisicoquímicos sobre la base de les dades d'imatge, es van obtenir coeficients de correlació satisfactoris per a cada paràmetre fisicoquímico en vaca, lleugers en ovella, encara que no en cabra. Aquesta diferència va ser deguda a les diferents propietats de les proteïnes de cabra enfront de les de vaca i ovella, les quals se situen en comportaments més similars sota aquestes condicions de processament. Per tant, els resultats van mostrar que la tècnica va aconseguir capturar informació de forma ràpida i no destructiva sobre l'estat intern de la matriu de iogurt durant el procés, mostrant al seu torn un efecte significatiu de la naturalesa de la matèria primera.Izquierdo Nieto, S. (2018). Monitorización de la fase de fermentación del yogur mediante análisis de imagen de patrones láser como técnica no destructiva: caracterización de leche de vaca, cabra y oveja. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/99102TFG