2,699 research outputs found

    Prediction of peptides binding to MHC class I alleles by partial periodic pattern mining

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    MHC (Major Histocompatibility Complex) is a key player in the immune response of an organism. It is important to be able to predict which antigenic peptides will bind to a specific MHC allele and which will not, creating possibilities for controlling immune response and for the applications of immunotherapy. However, a problem for MHC class I is the presence of bulges and loops in the peptides, changing the total length. Most machine learning methods in use today require the sequences to be of same length to successfully mine the binding motifs. We propose the use of time-based data mining methods in motif mining to be able to mine motifs position-independently. Also, the information for both binding and non-binding peptides is used on the contrary to the other methods which only rely on binding peptides. The prediction results are between 60-95% for the tested alleles

    MHCherryPan, a novel model to predict the binding affinity of pan-specific class I HLA-peptide

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    The human leukocyte antigen (HLA) system or complex plays an essential role in regulating the immune system in humans. Accurate prediction of peptide binding with HLA can efficiently help to identify those neoantigens, which potentially make a big difference in immune drug development. HLA is one of the most polymorphic genetic systems in humans, and thousands of HLA allelic versions exist. Due to the high polymorphism of HLA complex, it is still pretty difficult to accurately predict the binding affinity. In this thesis, we presented a new algorithm to combine convolutional neural network and long short-term memory to solve this problem. Compared with other current popular algorithms, our model achieved the state-of-the-art results

    Peptide Binding Classification on Quantum Computers

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    We conduct an extensive study on using near-term quantum computers for a task in the domain of computational biology. By constructing quantum models based on parameterised quantum circuits we perform sequence classification on a task relevant to the design of therapeutic proteins, and find competitive performance with classical baselines of similar scale. To study the effect of noise, we run some of the best-performing quantum models with favourable resource requirements on emulators of state-of-the-art noisy quantum processors. We then apply error mitigation methods to improve the signal. We further execute these quantum models on the Quantinuum H1-1 trapped-ion quantum processor and observe very close agreement with noiseless exact simulation. Finally, we perform feature attribution methods and find that the quantum models indeed identify sensible relationships, at least as well as the classical baselines. This work constitutes the first proof-of-concept application of near-term quantum computing to a task critical to the design of therapeutic proteins, opening the route toward larger-scale applications in this and related fields, in line with the hardware development roadmaps of near-term quantum technologies

    Prediction of CTL epitopes using QM, SVM and ANN techniques

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    Cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) epitopes are potential candidates for subunit vaccine design for various diseases. Most of the existing T cell epitope prediction methods are indirect methods that predict MHC class I binders instead of CTL epitopes. In this study, a systematic attempt has been made to develop a direct method for predicting CTL epitopes from an antigenic sequence. This method is based on quantitative matrix (QM) and machine learning techniques such as Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN). This method has been trained and tested on non-redundant dataset of T cell epitopes and non-epitopes that includes 1137 experimentally proven MHC class I restricted T cell epitopes. The accuracy of QM-, ANN- and SVM-based methods was 70.0, 72.2 and 75.2%, respectively. The performance of these methods has been evaluated through Leave One Out Cross-Validation (LOOCV) at a cutoff score where sensitivity and specificity was nearly equal. Finally, both machine-learning methods were used for consensus and combined prediction of CTL epitopes. The performances of these methods were evaluated on blind dataset where machine learning-based methods perform better than QM-based method. We also demonstrated through subgroup analysis that our methods can discriminate between T-cell epitopes and MHC binders (non-epitopes). In brief this method allows prediction of CTL epitopes using QM, SVM, ANN approaches. The method also facilitates prediction of MHC restriction in predicted T cell epitopes. The method is available at http://www.imtech.res.in/raghava/ctlpred/

    Exploiting physico-chemical properties in string kernels

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>String kernels are commonly used for the classification of biological sequences, nucleotide as well as amino acid sequences. Although string kernels are already very powerful, when it comes to amino acids they have a major short coming. They ignore an important piece of information when comparing amino acids: the physico-chemical properties such as size, hydrophobicity, or charge. This information is very valuable, especially when training data is less abundant. There have been only very few approaches so far that aim at combining these two ideas.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We propose new string kernels that combine the benefits of physico-chemical descriptors for amino acids with the ones of string kernels. The benefits of the proposed kernels are assessed on two problems: MHC-peptide binding classification using position specific kernels and protein classification based on the substring spectrum of the sequences. Our experiments demonstrate that the incorporation of amino acid properties in string kernels yields improved performances compared to standard string kernels and to previously proposed non-substring kernels.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In summary, the proposed modifications, in particular the combination with the RBF substring kernel, consistently yield improvements without affecting the computational complexity. The proposed kernels therefore appear to be the kernels of choice for any protein sequence-based inference.</p> <p>Availability</p> <p>Data sets, code and additional information are available from <url>http://www.fml.tuebingen.mpg.de/raetsch/suppl/aask</url>. Implementations of the developed kernels are available as part of the Shogun toolbox.</p

    PepDist: A New Framework for Protein-Peptide Binding Prediction based on Learning Peptide Distance Functions

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    BACKGROUND: Many different aspects of cellular signalling, trafficking and targeting mechanisms are mediated by interactions between proteins and peptides. Representative examples are MHC-peptide complexes in the immune system. Developing computational methods for protein-peptide binding prediction is therefore an important task with applications to vaccine and drug design. METHODS: Previous learning approaches address the binding prediction problem using traditional margin based binary classifiers. In this paper we propose PepDist: a novel approach for predicting binding affinity. Our approach is based on learning peptide-peptide distance functions. Moreover, we suggest to learn a single peptide-peptide distance function over an entire family of proteins (e.g. MHC class I). This distance function can be used to compute the affinity of a novel peptide to any of the proteins in the given family. In order to learn these peptide-peptide distance functions, we formalize the problem as a semi-supervised learning problem with partial information in the form of equivalence constraints. Specifically, we propose to use DistBoost [1,2], which is a semi-supervised distance learning algorithm. RESULTS: We compare our method to various state-of-the-art binding prediction algorithms on MHC class I and MHC class II datasets. In almost all cases, our method outperforms all of its competitors. One of the major advantages of our novel approach is that it can also learn an affinity function over proteins for which only small amounts of labeled peptides exist. In these cases, our method's performance gain, when compared to other computational methods, is even more pronounced. We have recently uploaded the PepDist webserver which provides binding prediction of peptides to 35 different MHC class I alleles. The webserver which can be found at is powered by a prediction engine which was trained using the framework presented in this paper. CONCLUSION: The results obtained suggest that learning a single distance function over an entire family of proteins achieves higher prediction accuracy than learning a set of binary classifiers for each of the proteins separately. We also show the importance of obtaining information on experimentally determined non-binders. Learning with real non-binders generalizes better than learning with randomly generated peptides that are assumed to be non-binders. This suggests that information about non-binding peptides should also be published and made publicly available

    Prediction of antigenic epitopes and MHC binders of neurotoxin alpha-KTx 3.8 from Mesobuthus tamulus sindicus

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    The potassium channel inhibitor alpha-KTx 3.8, a 38-residue peptide was isolated from the venom of Mesobuthus tamulus sindicus. In this assay we have predicted the binding affinity of alpha-KTx 3.8 having 38 amino acids, which shows 30 nonamers. Peptide fragments of the neurotoxin can be used to select nonamers for use in rational vaccine design and to increase the understanding of roles of the immune system in neurotoxin studies. Small segment ‘4-INVKCRGSPQCIQPCR-19’of neurotoxin proteincalled the antigenic epitopes is sufficient for eliciting the desired immune response. We also found the SVM based MHCII-IAb peptide regions, 26- GKCMNGKCH, 20- DAGMRFGKC, 1- GVPINVKCR, 19- RDAGMRFGK, (optimal score is 0.388); MHCII-IAd peptide regions, 20- DAGMRFGKC, 14- CIQPCRDAG, 10- GSPQCIQPC, 25- FGKCMNGKC, (optimal score is 0.386); MHCII-IAg7 peptide regions, 18- CRDAGMRFG, 17- PCRDAGMRF, 14- CIQPCRDAG, 3- PINVKCRGS, (optimal score is 1.341); and MHCIIRT1.B peptide regions, 16- QPCRDAGMR, 29- MNGKCHCTP, 8- CRGSPQCIQ, 7- KCRGSPQCI, (optimal score is -0.039) which represented predicted binders from neurotoxin protein. CTL epitope with their (ANN/SVM) scores were predicted to be 1- GVPINVKCR (0.81/0.87220559). This theme is implemented in designing subunit and synthetic peptide vaccines. We have predicted a successful immunization

    Immunoinformatics: Predicting Peptide–MHC Binding

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    Immunoinformatics is a discipline that applies methods of computer science to study and model the immune system. A fundamental question addressed by immunoinformatics is how to understand the rules of antigen presentation by MHC molecules to T cells, a process that is central to adaptive immune responses to infections and cancer. In the modern era of personalized medicine, the ability to model and predict which antigens can be presented by MHC is key to manipulating the immune system and designing strategies for therapeutic intervention. Since the MHC is both polygenic and extremely polymorphic, each individual possesses a personalized set of MHC molecules with different peptide-binding specificities, and collectively they present a unique individualized peptide imprint of the ongoing protein metabolism. Mapping all MHC allotypes is an enormous undertaking that cannot be achieved without a strong bioinformatics component. Computational tools for the prediction of peptide?MHC binding have thus become essential in most pipelines for T cell epitope discovery and an inescapable component of vaccine and cancer research. Here, we describe the development of several such tools, from pioneering efforts to the current state-of-the-art methods, that have allowed for accurate predictions of peptide binding of all MHC molecules, even including those that have not yet been characterized experimentally.Fil: Nielsen, Morten. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones BiotecnolĂłgicas. Universidad Nacional de San MartĂ­n. Instituto de Investigaciones BiotecnolĂłgicas; Argentina. Technical University of Denmark; DinamarcaFil: Andreatta, Massimo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones BiotecnolĂłgicas. Universidad Nacional de San MartĂ­n. Instituto de Investigaciones BiotecnolĂłgicas; ArgentinaFil: Peters, Bjoern. La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology; Estados UnidosFil: Buus, SĂžren. Universidad de Copenhagen; Dinamarc

    Bioactive Molecules from the Innate Immunity of Ascidians and Innovative Methods of Drug Discovery: A Computational Approach Based on Artificial Intelligence

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    The study of bioactive molecules of marine origin has created an important bridge between biological knowledge and its applications in biotechnology and biomedicine. Current studies in different research fields, such as biomedicine, aim to discover marine molecules characterized by biological activities that can be used to produce potential drugs for human use. In recent decades, increasing attention has been paid to a particular group of marine invertebrates, the Ascidians, as they are a source of bioactive products. We describe omics data and computational methods relevant to identifying the mechanisms and processes of innate immunity underlying the biosynthesis of bioactive molecules, focusing on innovative computational approaches based on Artificial Intelligence. Since there is increasing attention on finding new solutions for a sustainable supply of bioactive compounds, we propose that a possible improvement in the biodiscovery pipeline might also come from the study and utilization of marine invertebrates’ innate immunity
