1,434 research outputs found

    Combined Impact of Sample Size and Modeling Approaches for Predicting Stem Volume in Eucalyptus spp. Forest Plantations Using Field and LiDAR Data

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    Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) remote sensing has been established as one of the most promising tools for large-scale forest monitoring and mapping. Continuous advances in computational techniques, such as machine learning algorithms, have been increasingly improving our capability to model forest attributes accurately and at high spatial and temporal resolution. While there have been previous studies exploring the use of LiDAR and machine learning algorithms for forest inventory modeling, as yet, no studies have demonstrated the combined impact of sample size and different modeling techniques for predicting and mapping stem total volume in industrial Eucalyptus spp. tree plantations. This study aimed to compare the combined effects of parametric and nonparametric modeling methods for estimating volume in Eucalyptus spp. tree plantation using airborne LiDAR data while varying the reference data (sample size). The modeling techniques were compared in terms of root mean square error (RMSE), bias, and R2 with 500 simulations. The best performance was verified for the ordinary least-squares (OLS) method, which was able to provide comparable results to the traditional forest inventory approaches using only 40% (n = 63; ~0.04 plots/ha) of the total field plots, followed by the random forest (RF) algorithm with identical sample size values. This study provides solutions for increasing the industry efficiency in monitoring and managing forest plantation stem volume for the paper and pulp supply chain

    Estimating forest stand density and structure using Bayesian individual tree detection, stochastic geometry, and distribution matching

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    Errors in individual tree detection and delineation affect diameter distribution predictions based on crown attributes extracted from the detected trees. We develop a methodology for circumventing these problems. The method is based on matching cumulative distribution functions of field measured tree diameter distributions and crown radii distributions extracted from airborne laser scanning data through individual tree detection presented by Vauhkonen and Mehtatalo (2015). In this study, empirical distribution functions and a monotonic, nonlinear model curve are introduced. Tree crown radius distribution produced by individual tree detection is corrected by a method taking into account that all trees cannot be detected. The evaluation is based on the ability of the developed model sequence to predict quadratic mean diameter and total basal area. The studied data consists of 36 field plots in a typical boreal managed forest area in eastern Finland. The suggested enhancements to the model sequence produce improved results in most of the test cases. Most notably, in leaveone-out cross-validation experiments the modified models improve RMSE of basal area 13% in the full data and RMSE of quadratic mean diameter and basal area 69% and 11%, respectively, in pure pine plots. Better modeling of the crown radius distribution and improved matching between crown radii and stem diameters add the operational premises of the full distribution matching.Peer reviewe

    Cooperative Forestry Research Unit Annual Report 2013

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    Cooperative forestry research unit annual repor

    Estimation of boreal forest biomass from ICESat-2 data using hierarchical hybrid inference

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    The ICESat-2, launched in 2018, carries the ATLAS instrument, which is a photon-counting spaceborne lidar that provides profile samples over the terrain. While primarily designed for snow and ice monitoring, there has been a great interest in using ICESat-2 to predict forest above-ground biomass density (AGBD). As ICESat-2 is on a polar orbit, it provides good spatial coverage of boreal forests. The aim of this study is to evaluate the estimation of mean AGBD from ICESat-2 data using a hierarchical modeling approach combined with rigorous statistical inference. We propose a hierarchical hybrid inference approach for uncertainty quantification of the average AGBD of the area of interest estimated directly from a sample of ICESat-2 lidar profiles. Our approach models the errors coming from the multiple modeling steps, including the allometric models used for predicting tree-level AGB. For testing the procedure, we have data from two adjacent study sites, denoted Valtimo and Nurmes, of which Valtimo site is used for model training and Nurmes for validation. The ICESat-2 estimated mean AGBD in the Nurmes validation area was 65.7 +/- 1.9 Mg/ha (relative standard error of 2.9%). The local reference hierarchical model -based estimate obtained from wall -to -wall airborne lidar data was 63.9 +/- 0.6 Mg/ha (relative standard error of 1.0%). The reference estimate was within the 95% confidence interval of the ICESat-2 hierarchical hybrid estimate. The small standard errors indicate that the proposed method is useful for AGBD assessment. However, some sources of error were not accounted for in the study and thus the real uncertainties are probably slightly larger than those reported

    Prediction of Timber Quality Parameters of Forest Stands by Means of Small Footprint Airborne Laser Scanner Data

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    The aim of this study was to explore the capability of airborne laser scanner (ALS) data to explain the variation in field-measured variables representing timber quality within square 0.25 ha grid cells in a mature conifer forest in the southeast of Norway. These variables were the mean ratio between stem diameter at six m above ground and the diameter at breast height (R D6 ), the volume of saw logs (V SL ), the proportion of saw logs relative to the total volume (P SL ), the ratio between tree height and diameter at breast height (HD), mean basal area diameter (D g ), and crown height (CH). Each of these variables was modeled using a mixed modeling approach. Model fit was expressed by the Pseudo-R 2 , and were 0.85, 0.50, 0.78, 0.57, 0.74, and 0.58 for the respective quality variables. Furthermore, much of the residual error could be attributed to the different forest stands from which the grid cells originated even though we used field-observed tree species proportions as auxiliary information. It was concluded that more auxiliary information is needed to estimate models that are general across stands, but that the relationships between ALS-data and the quality variables considered here seem strong enough to be utilized for example to prioritize between stands in relation to harvest when specific quality distributions are sought

    Estimation of Forest Biomass From Two-Level Model Inversion of Single-Pass InSAR Data

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    A model for aboveground biomass estimation from single-pass interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) data is presented. Forest height and canopy density estimates Delta h and eta(0), respectively, obtained from two-level model (TLM) inversion, are used as biomass predictors. Eighteen bistatic VV-polarized TanDEM-X (TDM) acquisitions are used, made over two Swedish test sites in the summers of 2011, 2012, and 2013 (nominal incidence angle: 41 degrees; height-of-ambiguity: 32-63 m). Remningstorp features a hemiboreal forest in southern Sweden, with flat topography and where 32 circular plots have been sampled between 2010 and 2011 (area: 0.5 ha; biomass: 42-242 t/ha; height: 14-32 m). Krycklan features a boreal forest in northern Sweden, 720-km north-northeast from Remningstorp, with significant topography and where 31 stands have been sampled in 2008 (area: 2.4-26.3 ha; biomass: 23-183 t/ha; height: 7-21 m). A high-resolution digital terrain model has been used as ground reference during InSAR processing. For the aforementioned plots and stands and if the same acquisition is used for model training and validation, the new model explains 65%-89% of the observed variance, with root-mean-square error (RMSE) of 12%-19% (median: 15%). By fixing two of the three model parameters, accurate biomass estimation can also be done when different acquisitions or different test sites are used for model training and validation, with RMSE of 12%-56% (median: 17%). Compared with a simple scaling model computing biomass from the phase center elevation above ground, the proposed model shows significantly better performance in Remningstorp, as it accounts for the large canopy density variations caused by active management. In Krycklan, the two models show similar performance

    Evaluation of Airborne LiDAR as a Tool for Obtaining Sustainable Forest Management of Maine\u27s Forests

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    The first objective of this study was to evaluate the applicability of using a low density (ca. 1 point m2) discrete-return LiDAR for predicting maximum tree height, stem density, basal area, quadratic mean diameter, and stem volume using an area-based approach. The research was conducted at the Penobscot Experimental Forest in central Maine, where a range of stand structures and species composition is present and generally representative of northern Maines forests. Using a variety of high dimensional LiDAR metrics, a prediction model was developed using random forest, a nonparametric approach, based on reference data collected in fixed radius circular plots. For comparison, the volume model used two sets of reference data with one being fixed radius circular plots and the other were variable sampling plots. Prediction biases were evaluated with respect to five silvicultural treatments and softwood species composition based on the coefficient of determination (R2), root mean square error, and mean bias as well as residual scatter plots. LiDAR tended to underestimate forest inventory attributes, regardless of silvicultural treatments and species composition. However, the unmanaged units had particularly larger prediction biases, while the prediction biases also tended to be larger when softwood species composition was greatest. The maximum tree height model had the largest R2 (86.9%) followed by the volume model (72.1%), while the stem density had the smallest (R2) (28.7%). Reference data collected in the 0.08-ha fixed radius circular plots resulted in a volume prediction model with a larger R2. While it was difficult to develop models with a large (R2) owing to complexities of Maines forest structures and species composition, low density LiDAR with the area-based approach can be used as a supporting tool in forest management for this region. The second objective of this thesis was to investigate the applicability of low density (ca. 3 pulses m2) LiDAR data to deploy an individual tree-based approach. Specifically, this study focused on species classifications as well as total height and volume predictions for stem mapped trees. The research was conducted at the Penobscot Experimental Forests in central Maine, where a range of stand structures and species composition is present and generally representative of northern Maine’s forests. First, a random forest technique classified species type and softwood species based on LiDAR metrics. Second, the random forest technique was employed to calibrated individual tree height and volume prediction models. Classification errors for species were evaluated with a confusion matrix, while height and volume prediction biases were evaluated based on the coefficient of determination R2, root mean square error, and mean bias, as well as residual scatter plots with respect to three silvicultural treatments and softwood species composition. Overall, both species type and softwood species classifications had poor classification accuracy, inferring that calibration of LiDAR pulse intensity is necessary. Also, the height and volume models had small R2 values of 0.38 and 0.30, respectively. This limited accuracy of both models likely is caused by low LiDAR pulse density, which prevents an accurate representation of trees in subcanopy positions

    Multi-Platform LiDAR for Non-Destructive Individual Aboveground Biomass Estimation for Changbai Larch (Larix olgensis Henry) Using a Hierarchical Bayesian Approach

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    Individual-tree aboveground biomass (AGB) estimation is vital for precision forestry and still worth exploring using multi-platform LiDAR data for high accuracy and efficiency. Based on the unmanned aerial vehicle and terrestrial LiDAR data, this study explores the feasibility of the individual tree AGB estimation of Changbai larch (Larix olgensis Henry) of eight plots from three different regions in Maoershan Forest Farm of Heilongjiang, China, using nonlinear mixed effect model with hierarchical Bayesian approach. Results showed that the fused LiDAR data estimated the individual tree parameters (i.e., diameter at breast height (DBH), tree height (TH), and crown projection area (CPA)) with high accuracies (all R-2 > 0.9 and relatively low RMSE and rRMSE) using region-based hierarchical cross-section analysis (RHCSA) algorithm. Considering regions as random variables, the nonlinear mixed-effects AGB model with three predictor variables (i.e., DBH, TH, and CPA) performed better than its corresponding nonlinear model. In addition, the hierarchical Bayesian method provided better model-fitting performances and more stable parameter estimates than the classical method (i.e., nonlinear mixed-effect model), especially for small sample sizes (e.g., <50). This methodology (i.e., multi-platform LiDAR data and the hierarchical Bayesian method) provides a potential solution for non-destructive individual-tree AGB modeling with small sample size and high accuracy in both forestry and remote sensing communities