2,063 research outputs found


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    Artificial neuronal networks (ANNs) are rapidly becoming a very useful tool in the petroleum industry for predicting different evolution types for different parameters and use the human nervous system principles in creating the required prediction algorithm. Main objective of paper is to use a feedforward neural network to estimate the distribution of initial water saturation, as a small part of reservoir characterization in the presence of heterogeneities. It is very known that ANNs are complicated structures, take a long time in programing, are computer-time consuming and often require specialized aid in using them. Therefore, it will be an asset to know if reservoir heterogeneities can be pointed out with ANNs, or other prediction methods are indicated for these cases

    Modelling of a generalized thermal conductivity for granular multiphase geomaterial design purposes

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    Soil thermal conductivity has an important role in geo-energy applications such as high voltage buried power cables, oil and gas pipelines, shallow geo-energy storage systems and heat transfer modelling. Hence, improvement of thermal conductivity of geomaterials is important in many engineering applications. In this thesis, an extensive experimental investigation was performed to enhance the thermal conductivity of geomaterials by modifying particle size distribution into fuller curve gradation, and by adding fine particles in an appropriate ratio as fillers. A significant improvement in the thermal conductivity was achieved with the newly developed geomaterials. An adaptive model based on artificial neural networks (ANNs) was developed to generalize the different conditions and soil types for estimating the thermal conductivity of geomaterials. After a corresponding training phase of the model based on the experimental data, the ANN model was able to predict the thermal conductivity of the independent experimental data very well. In perspective, the model can be supplemented with data of further soil types and conditions, so that a comprehensive representation of the saturation-dependent thermal conductivity of any materials can be prepared. The numerical 'black box' model developed in this way can generalize the relationships between different materials for later added amounts of data and soil types. In addition to the model development, a detailed validation was carried out using different geomaterials and boundary conditions to reinforce the applicability and superiority of the prediction models

    Feedforward backpropagation, genetic algorithm approaches for predicting reference evapotranspiration

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    Water scarcity is a global concern, as the demand for water is increasing tremendously and poor management of water resources will accelerates dramatically the depletion of available water. The precise prediction of evapotranspiration (ET), that consumes almost 100% of the supplied irrigation water, is one of the goals that should be adopted in order to avoid more squandering of water especially in arid and semiarid regions. The capabilities of feedforward backpropagation neural networks (FFBP) in predicting reference evapotranspiration (ET0) are evaluated in this paper in comparison with the empirical FAO Penman-Monteith (P-M) equation, later a model of FFBP+Genetic Algorithm (GA) is implemented for the same evaluation purpose. The study location is the main station in Iraq, namely Baghdad Station. Records of weather variables from the related meteorological station, including monthly mean records of maximum air temperature (Tmax), minimum air temperature (Tmin), sunshine hours (Rn), relative humidity (Rh) and wind speed (U2), from the related meteorological station are used in the prediction of ET0 values. The performance of both simulation models were evaluated using statistical coefficients such as the root of mean squared error (RMSE), mean absolute error (MAE) and coefficient of determination (R2). The results of both models are promising, however the hybrid model shows higher efficiency in predicting ET0 and could be recommended for modeling of ET0 in arid and semiarid regions

    Using Artificial Neural Networks to Produce High-Resolution Soil Property Maps

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    High-resolution maps of soil property are considered as the most important inputs for decision support and policy-making in agriculture, forestry, flood control, and environmental protection. Commonly, soil properties are mainly obtained from field surveys. Field soil surveys are generally time-consuming and expensive, with a limitation of application throughout a large area. As such, high-resolution soil property maps are only available for small areas, very often, being obtained for research purposes. In the chapter, artificial neural network (ANN) models were introduced to produce high-resolution maps of soil property. It was found that ANNs can be used to predict high-resolution soil texture, soil drainage classes, and soil organic content across landscape with reasonable accuracy and low cost. Expanding applications of the ANNs were also presented

    Intelligent data-driven decision-making to mitigate or stop lost circulation

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    ”Lost circulation is a challenging problem in the oil and gas industry. Each year, millions of dollars are spent to mitigate or stop this problem. The aim of this work is to utilize machine learning and other intelligent solutions to help to make better decision to mitigate or stop lost circulation. A detailed literature review on the applications of decision tree analysis, expected monetary value, and artificial neural networks in the oil and gas industry was provided. Data for more than 3000 wells were gathered from many sources around the world. Detailed economics and probability analyses for lost circulation treatments’ strategies were conducted for three formations in southern Iraq which are the Dammam, Hartha, and Shuaiba formations. Multiple machine learning methods such as support vector machine, decision trees, logistic regression, artificial neural networks, and ensemble trees were used to create models that can predict lost circulation and recommend the best lost circulation treatment based on the type of loss and reason of loss. The results showed that the created models can predict lost circulation and recommend the best lost circulation strategy within a reasonable margin of error. The created models can be used globally which avoids the shortcoming in the literature. Intelligence solutions and machine learning have proven their applicability to solve complicated problems and make better future decisions. With the large data available in the oil and gas industry, these methods can help the decision-makers to make better future decisions that will save time and money”--Abstract, page iv

    Advanced analytics for process analysis of turbine plant and components

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    This research investigates the use of an alternate means of modelling the performance of a train of feed water heaters in a steam cycle power plant, using machine learning. The goal of this study was to use a simple artificial neural network (ANN) to predict the behaviour of the plant system, specifically the inlet bled steam (BS) mass flow rate and the outlet water temperature of each feedwater heater. The output of the model was validated through the use of a thermofluid engineering model built for the same plant. Another goal was to assess the ability of both the thermofluid model and ANN model to predict plant behaviour under out of normal operating circumstances. The thermofluid engineering model was built on FLOWNEX® SE using existing custom components for the various heat exchangers. The model was then tuned to current plant conditions by catering for plant degradation and maintenance effects. The artificial neural network was of a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) type, using the rectified linear unit (ReLU) activation function, mean squared error (MSE) loss function and adaptive moments (Adam) optimiser. It was constructed using Python programming language. The ANN model was trained using the same data as the FLOWNEX® SE model. Multiple architectures were tested resulting in the optimum model having two layers, 200 nodes or neurons in each layer with a batch size of 500, running over 100 epochs. This configuration attained a training accuracy of 0.9975 and validation accuracy of 0.9975. When used on a test set and to predict plant performance, it achieved a MSE of 0.23 and 0.45 respectively. Under normal operating conditions (six cases tested) the ANN model performed better than the FLOWNEX® SE model when compared to actual plant behaviour. Under out of normal conditions (four cases tested), the FLOWNEX SE® model performed better than the ANN. It is evident that the ANN model was unable to capture the “physics” of a heat exchanger or the feed heating process as a result of its poor performance in the out of normal scenarios. Further tuning by way of alternate activation functions and regularisation techniques had little effect on the ANN model performance. The ANN model was able to accurately predict an out of normal case only when it was trained to do so. This was achieved by augmenting the original training data with the inputs and results from the FLOWNEX SE® model for the same case. The conclusion drawn from this study is that this type of simple ANN model is able to predict plant performance so long as it is trained for it. The validity of the prediction is highly dependent on the integrity of the training data. Operating outside the range which the model was trained for will result in inaccurate predictions. It is recommended that out of normal scenarios commonly experienced by the plant be synthesised by engineering modelling tools like FLOWNEX® SE to augment the historic plant data. This provides a wider spectrum of training data enabling more generalised and accurate predictions from the ANN model

    Predicting Geotechnical Parameters from Seismic Wave Velocity Using Artificial Neural Networks

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    Geotechnical investigation plays an indispensable role in site characterization and provides necessary data for various construction projects. However, geotechnical measurements are time-consuming, point-based, and invasive. Non-destructive geophysical measurements (seismic wave velocity) can complement geotechnical measurements to save project money and time. However, correlations between geotechnical and seismic wave velocity are crucial in order to maximize the benefit of geophysical information. In this work, artificial neural networks (ANNs) models are developed to forecast geotechnical parameters from seismic wave velocity. Specifically, published seismic wave velocity, liquid limit, plastic limit, water content, and dry density from field and laboratory measurements are used to develop ANN models. Due to the small number of data, models are developed with and without the validation step in order to use more data for training. The results indicate that the performance of the models is improved by using more data for training. For example, predicting seismic wave velocity using more data for training improves the R2 value from 0.50 to 0.78 and reduces the ASE from 0.0174 to 0.0075, and MARE from 30.75 to 18.53. The benefit of adding velocity as an input parameter for predicting water content and dry density is assessed by comparing models with and without velocity. Models incorporating the velocity information show better predictability in most cases. For example, predicting water content using field data including the velocity improves the R2 from 0.75 to 0.85 and reduces the ASE from 0.0087 to 0.0051, and MARE from 10.68 to 7.78. A comparison indicates that ANN models outperformed multilinear regression models. For example, predicting seismic wave velocity using field plus lab data has an ANN derived R2 value that is 81.39% higher than regression model

    Artificial neural network (ANN) modeling of dynamic effects on two-phase flow in homogenous porous media

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    The dynamic effect in two-phase flow in porous media indicated by a dynamic coefficient τ depends on a number of factors (e.g. medium and fluid properties). Varying these parameters parametrically in mathematical models to compute τ incurs significant time and computational costs. To circumvent this issue, we present an artificial neural network (ANN)-based technique for predicting τ over a range of physical parameters of porous media and fluid that affect the flow. The data employed for training the ANN algorithm have been acquired from previous modeling studies. It is observed that ANN modeling can appropriately characterize the relationship between the changes in the media and fluid properties, thereby ensuring a reliable prediction of the dynamic coefficient as a function of water saturation. Our results indicate that a double-hidden-layer ANN network performs better in comparison to the single-hidden-layer ANN models for the majority of the performance tests carried out. While single-hidden-layer ANN models can reliably predict complex dynamic coefficients (e.g. water saturation relationships) at high water saturation content, the double-hidden-layer neural network model outperforms at low water saturation content. In all the cases, the single- and double-hidden-layer ANN models are better predictors in comparison to the regression models attempted in this work

    Prediction of Slope Stability Using Artificial Neural Network (Case Study: Noabad, Mazandaran, Iran)

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    The surface of the earth is very rarely flat and so there are slopes nearly everywhere. The loads on slope are due to the self-weight of the soil and to external loads, which may come from foundation at the top and seismic loads. Geotechnical engineers have to pay particular attention to geology, ground water and shear strength of soils in assessing slop stability. Neural networks are very sophisticated modeling techniques, capable of modeling extremely complex functions. In particular, neural networks are non-linear. With respect to the above advantages, in this paper, artificial neural networks are developed to predict slope stability in a specified location. Then the results are compared with older analysis methods to check the ANN model’s validity