10 research outputs found

    Predicting success of oligomerized pool engineering (OPEN) for zinc finger target site sequences

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Precise and efficient methods for gene targeting are critical for detailed functional analysis of genomes and regulatory networks and for potentially improving the efficacy and safety of gene therapies. Oligomerized Pool ENgineering (OPEN) is a recently developed method for engineering C2H2 zinc finger proteins (ZFPs) designed to bind specific DNA sequences with high affinity and specificity <it>in vivo</it>. Because generation of ZFPs using OPEN requires considerable effort, a computational method for identifying the sites in any given gene that are most likely to be successfully targeted by this method is desirable.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Analysis of the base composition of experimentally validated ZFP target sites identified important constraints on the DNA sequence space that can be effectively targeted using OPEN. Using alternate encodings to represent ZFP target sites, we implemented Naïve Bayes and Support Vector Machine classifiers capable of distinguishing "active" targets, i.e., ZFP binding sites that can be targeted with a high rate of success, from those that are "inactive" or poor targets for ZFPs generated using current OPEN technologies. When evaluated using leave-one-out cross-validation on a dataset of 135 experimentally validated ZFP target sites, the best Naïve Bayes classifier, designated ZiFOpT, achieved overall accuracy of 87% and specificity<sup>+ </sup>of 90%, with an ROC AUC of 0.89. When challenged with a completely independent test set of 140 newly validated ZFP target sites, ZiFOpT performance was comparable in terms of overall accuracy (88%) and specificity<sup>+ </sup>(92%), but with reduced ROC AUC (0.77). Users can rank potentially active ZFP target sites using a confidence score derived from the posterior probability returned by ZiFOpT.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>ZiFOpT, a machine learning classifier trained to identify DNA sequences amenable for targeting by OPEN-generated zinc finger arrays, can guide users to target sites that are most likely to function successfully <it>in vivo</it>, substantially reducing the experimental effort required. ZiFOpT is freely available and incorporated in the Zinc Finger Targeter web server (<url>http://bindr.gdcb.iastate.edu/ZiFiT</url>).</p

    A high-efficiency CRISPR/Cas9 system for targeted mutagenesis in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)

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    The complex allotetraploid genome is one of major challenges in cotton for repressing gene expression. Developing site-specific DNA mutation is the long-term dream for cotton breeding scientists. The clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats/CRISPR-associated protein 9 (CRISPR/Cas9) system is emerging as a robust biotechnology for targeted-DNA mutation. In this study, two sgRNAs, GhMYB25-like-sgRNA1 and GhMYB25-like-sgRNA2, were designed in the identical genomic regions of GhMYB25-like A and GhMYB25-like D, which were encoded by cotton A subgenome and the D subgenome, respectively, was assembled to direct Cas9-mediated allotetraploid cotton genome editing. High proportion (14.2–21.4%) CRISPR/Cas9-induced specific truncation events, either from GhMYB25-like A DNA site or from GhMYB25-like D DNA site, were detected in 50% examined transgenic cotton through PCR amplification assay and sequencing analyses. Sequencing results also demonstrated that 100% and 98.8% mutation frequency were occurred on GhMYB25-like-sgRNA1 and GhMYB25-like-sgRNA2 target site respectively. The off-target effect was evaluated by sequencing two putative off-target sites, which have 3 and 1 mismatched nucleotides with GhMYB25-like-sgRNA1 and GhMYB25-like-sgRNA2, respectively; all the examined samples were not detected any off-targetcaused mutation events. Thus, these results demonstrated that CRISPR/Cas9 is qualified for generating DNA level mutations on allotetraploid cotton genome with high-efficiency and high-specificity.ECU Open Access Publishing Support Fun

    ZFNGenome: A comprehensive resource for locating zinc finger nuclease target sites in model organisms

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Zinc Finger Nucleases (ZFNs) have tremendous potential as tools to facilitate genomic modifications, such as precise gene knockouts or gene replacements by homologous recombination. ZFNs can be used to advance both basic research and clinical applications, including gene therapy. Recently, the ability to engineer ZFNs that target any desired genomic DNA sequence with high fidelity has improved significantly with the introduction of rapid, robust, and publicly available techniques for ZFN design such as the Oligomerized Pool ENgineering (OPEN) method. The motivation for this study is to make resources for genome modifications using OPEN-generated ZFNs more accessible to researchers by creating a user-friendly interface that identifies and provides quality scores for all potential ZFN target sites in the complete genomes of several model organisms.</p> <p>Description</p> <p>ZFNGenome is a GBrowse-based tool for identifying and visualizing potential target sites for OPEN-generated ZFNs. ZFNGenome currently includes a total of more than 11.6 million potential ZFN target sites, mapped within the fully sequenced genomes of seven model organisms; <it>S. cerevisiae, C. reinhardtii, A. thaliana</it>, <it>D. melanogaster, D. rerio, C. elegans</it>, and <it>H. sapiens </it>and can be visualized within the flexible GBrowse environment. Additional model organisms will be included in future updates. ZFNGenome provides information about each potential ZFN target site, including its chromosomal location and position relative to transcription initiation site(s). Users can query ZFNGenome using several different criteria (e.g., gene ID, transcript ID, target site sequence). Tracks in ZFNGenome also provide "uniqueness" and ZiFOpT (Zinc Finger OPEN Targeter) "confidence" scores that estimate the likelihood that a chosen ZFN target site will function <it>in vivo</it>. ZFNGenome is dynamically linked to ZiFDB, allowing users access to all available information about zinc finger reagents, such as the effectiveness of a given ZFN in creating double-stranded breaks.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>ZFNGenome provides a user-friendly interface that allows researchers to access resources and information regarding genomic target sites for engineered ZFNs in seven model organisms. This genome-wide database of potential ZFN target sites should greatly facilitate the utilization of ZFNs in both basic and clinical research.</p> <p>ZFNGenome is freely available at: <url>http://bindr.gdcb.iastate.edu/ZFNGenome</url> or at the Zinc Finger Consortium website: <url>http://www.zincfingers.org/</url>.</p

    Genome engineering using DNA-binding proteins: zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs) and transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs)

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    Over the past two decades, research groups in both academia and private industry have developed key technologies, including viral delivery vectors and engineered transposon-based or zinc finger protein-based nucleases, towards achieving the long-sought goal of therapeutic genome editing in humans. To date, Zinc Finger Nucleases (ZFNs) have been the most promising reagents for potential therapeutic applications in humans, but the recently characterized Transcription Activator Like Effector (TALE) proteins may soon change this status quo. Although it remains to be seen whether nucleases based on these proteins (TALENs) will be as broadly applicable and effective as ZFNs, based on initial reports, TALENs look very promising. Currently, the primary advantage of TALENs is that the DNA binding code for TALENs appears to be simple and robust, making their synthesis relatively simple. In this dissertation, I summarize advances made in the field of genome editing over the past decade and compare and contrast the currently available tools, focusing on ZFNs and TALENs. Specifically, I describe our efforts to make ZFN technology more accessible by designing and implementing models to help researchers choose target sites that are most amenable to targeting using ZFNs. Also, to help explore the potential of TALENs as tools for genome editing, I describe the development of a simple protocol to aid in constructing TALENs. As ZFNs become easier to use, and TALENs become more robust, the use of genome editing techniques as therapeutics appears poised to become reality in the near future

    Predicting success of oligomerized pool engineering (OPEN) for zinc finger target site sequences

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    Background: Precise and efficient methods for gene targeting are critical for detailed functional analysis of genomes and regulatory networks and for potentially improving the efficacy and safety of gene therapies. Oligomerized Pool ENgineering (OPEN) is a recently developed method for engineering C2H2 zinc finger proteins (ZFPs) designed to bind specific DNA sequences with high affinity and specificity in vivo. Because generation of ZFPs using OPEN requires considerable effort, a computational method for identifying the sites in any given gene that are most likely to be successfully targeted by this method is desirable. Results: Analysis of the base composition of experimentally validated ZFP target sites identified important constraints on the DNA sequence space that can be effectively targeted using OPEN. Using alternate encodings to represent ZFP target sites, we implemented Naïve Bayes and Support Vector Machine classifiers capable of distinguishing “active” targets, i.e., ZFP binding sites that can be targeted with a high rate of success, from those that are “inactive” or poor targets for ZFPs generated using current OPEN technologies. When evaluated using leave-one-out cross-validation on a dataset of 135 experimentally validated ZFP target sites, the best Naïve Bayes classifier, designated ZiFOpT, achieved overall accuracy of 87% and specificity+ of 90%, with an ROC AUC of 0.89. When challenged with a completely independent test set of 140 newly validated ZFP target sites, ZiFOpT performance was comparable in terms of overall accuracy (88%) and specificity+ (92%), but with reduced ROC AUC (0.77). Users can rank potentially active ZFP target sites using a confidence score derived from the posterior probability returned by ZiFOpT. Conclusion: ZiFOpT, a machine learning classifier trained to identify DNA sequences amenable for targeting by OPEN-generated zinc finger arrays, can guide users to target sites that are most likely to function successfully in vivo, substantially reducing the experimental effort required. ZiFOpT is freely available and incorporated in the Zinc Finger Targeter web server (http://bindr.gdcb.iastate.edu/ZiFiT).This article is from BMC Bioinformatics 11 (2010): 543, doi: 10.1186/1471-2105-11-543. Posted with permission.</p

    Getting a Tight Grip on DNA: Optimizing Zinc Fingers for Efficient ZFN-Mediated Gene Editing: A Dissertation

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    The utility of a model organism for studying biological processes is closely tied to its amenability to genome manipulation. Although tools for targeted genome engineering in mice have been available since 1987, most organisms including zebrafish have lacked efficient reverse genetic tools, which has stymied their broad implementation as a model system to study biological processes. The development of zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs) that can create double-strand breaks at desired sites in a genome has provided a universal platform for targeted genome modification. ZFNs are artificial restriction endonucleases that comprise of an array of 3- to 6-C2H2-zinc finger DNA-binding domains fused with the dimeric cleavage domain of the type IIs endonuclease FokI. C2H2-zinc fingers are the most common, naturally occurring DNA-binding domain, and their specificity can be engineered to recognize a variety of DNA sequences providing a strategy for targeting the appended nuclease domain to desired sites in a genome. The utility of ZFNs for gene editing relies on their activity and precision in vivo both of which depend on the generation of ZFPs that bind desired target sites high specificity and affinity. Although various methods are available that allow construction of ZFPs with novel specificities, ZFNs assembled using existing approaches often display negligible in vivo activity, presumably resulting from ZFPs with either low affinity or suboptimal specificity. A root cause of this deficiency is the presence of interfering interactions at the finger-finger interface upon assembly of multiple fingers. In this study we have employed bacterial-one-hybrid (B1H)-based selections to identify two-finger zinc finger units (2F-modules) containing optimized interface residues that can be combined with published finger archives to rapidly yield ZFNs that can target more than 95% of the zebrafish and human protein-coding genes while maintaining a success rate higher than that of ZFNs constructed using available methods. In addition to genome engineering in model organisms, this advancement in ZFN design will aid in the development of ZFN-based therapeutics. In the process of creating this archive, we have undertaken a broader study of zinc finger specificity to better understand fundamental aspects of DNA recognition. In the process we have created the largest protein-DNA interaction dataset for zinc fingers to be described that will facilitate the development of better predictive models of recognition. Ultimately, these predictive models would enable the rational design of synthetic zinc finger proteins for targeted gene regulation or genomic modification, and the prediction of genomic binding sites for naturally occurring zinc finger proteins for the construction of more accurate gene regulatory networks

    Untersuchungen zur Gentechnologie und DNA-Reparatur in Pflanzen mithilfe der Cas9 Nickase

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    Ausgehend vom bakteriellen CRISPR/Cas System wurde ein Expressionsystem für Cas9 Nukleasen und Nickasen in Pflanzen etabliert. Deep Sequencing und Quantifizierung homologer Rekombination zeigten hocheffiziente Induktion von Einzel- und Doppelstrangbrüchen. Darüber hinaus wurden gepaarte Cas9 Nickasen zur gezielten, stabilen Mutagenese sowie zur Analyse komplexer Genomveränderungen eingesetzt