21 research outputs found

    Inferência de impacto causal de um sistema de recomendação na taxa de rejeição de páginas da Agência Embrapa.

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    A Agência de Informação Embrapa é um sistema web com o objetivo de organizar, tratar, armazenar e divulgar informações técnicas e conhecimentos gerados pela Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa). Diariamente o site recebe milhares de acessos que são registrados em uma base de dados

    Identifying Interesting Knowledge Factors from Big Data for Effective E-Market Prediction

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    Knowledge management plays an important role in disseminating valuable information. Knowledge creation involves analyzing data and transforming information into knowledge. Knowledge management plays an important role in improving organizational decision-making. It is evident that data mining and predictive analytics contribute a major part in the creation of knowledge and forecast the future outcomes. The ability to predict the performance of the advertising campaigns can become an asset to the advertisers. Tools like Google analytics were able to capture user logs. Large amounts of information ranging from visitor location, visitor flow throughout the website to various actions the visitor performs after clicking an ad resides in those logs. This research approach is an effort to identify key knowledge factors in the marketing sector that can further be optimized for effective e-market prediction


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    Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah Agoda yang jumlah pengunjungnya semakin menurun dari tahun ke tahun, padahal Agoda merupakan pelopor Online Travel Agent (OTA) di Indonesia. Jumlah pengunjung terus menurun menunjukkan kalau banyak konsumen yang tidak mempunyai loyalty terhadap Agoda.  Pada penelitian sebelumnya yang dilakukan oleh Jasmina Berbegal-Mirabent et al. (2015) tentang faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perilaku pembelian online di bidang turis, disebutkan bahwa untuk meningkatkan loyalty konsumen, OTA harus meningkatkan kualitas pada website atau aplikasinya, baik kualitas secara fungsional (functional quality) maupun secara hedonis (hedonic quality). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh functional quality dan hedonic quality terhadap loyalty yang dimediasi oleh perceived value, dan dimoderasi switching cost pada flashpacker OTA Agoda. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Fokus penelitian ada pada flashpacker Agoda yang pernah menggunakan Agoda minimal sebanyak dua kali dan berdomisili di Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, dan Bekasi (Jabodetabek). Data primer diperoleh melalui kuesioner yang disebarkan secara online ke 391 responden, terdiri dari 42 pertanyaan yang telah diuji validitas dan reliabilitasnya. Penghitungan data responden dihitung menggunakan Structural Equation Model (SEM) dengan SmartPLS versi 3.2.8. Hasil dan kesimpulan dari penelitian ini menemukan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara functional quality dan hedonic quality terhadap perceived value. Perceived value juga memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap loyalty. Sedangkan switching cost tidak signifikan sebagai pemoderasi pengaruh perceived value terhadap loyalty.Kata kunci: functional, hedonic, quality, perceived value, loyaltyThe background of this study is Agoda’s visitors who decrease from years to years, even though Agoda is pioneer of Online Travel Agent (OTA) in Indonesia. Number of visitors show that many consumers do not have loyalty to Agoda. At previous study by Jasmina Berbegal-Mirabent et al. (2015) about the factors that affect online purchasing behavior in tourism, it is said that to increase consumer loyalty, OTA must increase quality of website or application, in functional quality and hedonic quality. The purpose of this study is to learn the influence of functional quality and hedonic quality on loyalty which are mediated by perceived value, and is moderated by switching cost on flashpacker of OTA Agoda. This study uses quantitative method. Respondents in this study were flashpackers of Agoda who have used Agoda for minimal two times and live in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi (Jabodetabek). The primer data is collected by questionnaire which is spread by online to 391 respondents, which has 42 question that has been tested its validity dan reliability. The data calculation of respondents is counted by Structural Equation Model (SEM) with SmartPLS version 3.2.8. The result and the summary of this study is the significant influence of functional quality and hedonic quality on perceived value. Perceived value also has significant influence on loyalty. While switching cost is no significant in moderating the influence relation of perceived value and loyalty.Keywords: functional, hedonic, quality, perceived value, loyalt

    Inferência do impacto causal de um sistema de recomendação na taxa de rejeição de páginas da Agência Embrapa.

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    Os resultados obtidos nesse trabalho indicam que a nova técnica proposta pode ser utilizada para avaliar o impacto de sistemas de recomendação, utilizando um conjunto menor de dados e com maior confiabilidade.SBIAgro 2015

    Effectively Grouping Named Entities From Click- Through Data Into Clusters Of Generated Keywords1

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    Many studies show that named entities are closely related to users\u27 search behaviors, which brings increasing interest in studying named entities in search logs recently. This paper addresses the problem of forming fine grained semantic clusters of named entities within a broad domain such as “company”, and generating keywords for each cluster, which help users to interpret the embedded semantic information in the cluster. By exploring contexts, URLs and session IDs as features of named entities, a three-phase approach proposed in this paper first disambiguates named entities according to the features. Then it properly weights the features with a novel measurement, calculates the semantic similarity between named entities with the weighted feature space, and clusters named entities accordingly. After that, keywords for the clusters are generated using a text-oriented graph ranking algorithm. Each phase of the proposed approach solves problems that are not addressed in existing works, and experimental results obtained from a real click through data demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    Assessing stationarity in web analytics: A study of bounce rates

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    Evidence-based methods for evaluating marketing interventions such as A/B testing have become standard practice. However, the pitfalls associated with the misuse of this decision-making instrument are not well understood by managers and analytics professionals. In this study, we assess the impact of stationarity on the validity of samples from conditioned time series, which are abundant in web metrics. Such a prominent metric is the bounce rate, which is prevalent in assessing engagement with web content as well as the performance of marketing touchpoints. In this study, we show how to control for stationarity using an algorithmic transformation to calculate the optimum sampling period. This distance is based on a novel stationary ergodic process that considers that a stationary series presents reversible symmetric features and is calculated using a dynamic time warping algorithm in a self-correlation procedure. This study contributes to the expert and intelligent systems literature by demonstrating a robust method for sub-sampling time-series data, which are critical in decision making

    Development and Impact Monitoring of a Communication Strategy for the CGIAR Climate Security Program

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    The purpose of this research paper is to investigate the different aspects of a communications strategy to determine its success for future use and to identify any adaptations and adjustments necessary for improvement. It is vital that research endeavours have the appropriate tools to convey messages of scientific significance to both policy makers and the public for the findings to be of value. This paper analyses the data from a communication strategy formulated for CGIAR Climate Security, a new initiative by CGIAR intended to highlight the extensive pathways in which outcomes of climate change may exacerbate conflict in vulnerable regions. The communications strategy focuses on four main aspects – a Climate Security website, Climate Security webinars streamed from Whova, YouTube and through the UN Global Dispatch Podcast, blog posts and a social media campaign spread across three platforms, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. The strategy was developed and executed over a two month period, where results from Twitter Analytics and Google Analytics were analysed along with the engagement generated from all other platforms. Analysis of Twitter Analytics was focused on aspects of tweets which drove URL clicks and visitors to the Climate Security website. The most effective tweets for generating URL clicks were most commonly accompanied by a video, posted later in the day (afternoon and evening) and later in the week (Thursday to Sunday). The data from Google Analytics suggest that high levels of activity on the Climate Security website produced levels of high engagement. When events such as the Climate Security webinars were scheduled and promoted through social media a pattern of high engagement was observed compared to times of low activity and promotion. It can be argued that the communications strategy was a success with the Climate Security website generating 62,894 visits from 2,294 different users over the two-month period. Twitter posts generated a total of 152,796 impressions on users. The Climate Security webinars had a combined audience of 16,496 views across all streaming platforms. For sustainable impact monitoring it would be necessary to conduct similar follow-on studies in the future to analyse the impact of changes made to the communication strategy developed for the CGIAR Climate Security

    Collaborative tourism communication 2.0: promotion, advertising and interactivity in government tourism websites in Latin America

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    Introducción. La comunicación turística ha evolucionado de una comunicación de masas controlada, destinada a la promoción asimétrica y unidireccional de los destinos turísticos reconocidos, a una nueva era de la información multimediática en la red. Esta investigación evalúa lo que conceptuamos como comunicación turística colaborativa 2.0 en los sitios web de promoción turística de los 22 organismos gubernamentales de Iberoamérica. Metodología. Se crean indicadores para un modelo propio de análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo de: herramientas utilizadas, accesibilidad, recursos digitales, generación de productos, espacios interactivos (principalmente redes generalistas) y creación de comunidades virtuales. Resultados y conclusiones. La Comunicación turística necesita ajustarse a una actitud colaborativa que implica comunicación bidireccional e interactiva en planos de igualdad por ambas partes. Los sitios web se consolidan como una plataforma indispensable para la promoción y la difusión turística pero los cambios en el comportamiento del turista 2.0, exigen que estas plataformas se adapten a sus necesidades, ofreciendo recursos y herramientas que dinamicen la oferta junto a espacios de interactividad que permitan su participación y el establecimiento de una asesoría directa en la redTourism communication is undergoing a process of transformation. It has evolved from controlled mass communication, focused on the asymmetrical and one-way promotion of popular tourist destinations, to a new era of web-based multimedia information. This research evaluates what we have termed collaborative tourism communication 2.0 in the government tourism websites of 22 Latin American countries. Methods. The study is based on a purpose-created model of analysis that takes into account the website’s tools, accessibility, digital resources, generation of products, interactive spaces (mainly social networks), and creation of virtual communities. Results and conclusions. Tourism communication needs to adopt a collaborative approach that involves a two-way and interactive communication model in which both parties have equal opportunities of participation. Websites have become consolidated as an essential platform for tourism promotion and advertising, but these platforms need to be adapted to the changing needs and behaviours of the tourist 2.0, through the use of resources and tools that make the tourism offer more attractive and through the creation spaces of interaction that allow users to participate and obtain direct advice on the webS