312 research outputs found

    A Socio-contextual Approach in Automated Detection of Cyberbullying

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    Cyberbullying is a major cyber issue that is common among adolescents. Recent reports show that more than one out of five students in the United States is a victim of cyberbullying. Majority of cyberbullying incidents occur on public social media platforms such as Twitter. Automated cyberbullying detection methods can help prevent cyberbullying before the harm is done on the victim. In this study, we analyze a corpus of cyberbullying Tweets to construct an automated detection model. Our method emphasizes on the two claims that are supported by our results. First, despite other approaches that assume that cyberbullying instances use vulgar or profane words, we show that they do not necessarily contain negative words. Second, we highlight the importance of context and the characteristics of actors involved and their position in the network structure in detecting cyberbullying rather than only considering the textual content in our analysis

    Understanding and Measuring Psychological Stress using Social Media

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    A body of literature has demonstrated that users' mental health conditions, such as depression and anxiety, can be predicted from their social media language. There is still a gap in the scientific understanding of how psychological stress is expressed on social media. Stress is one of the primary underlying causes and correlates of chronic physical illnesses and mental health conditions. In this paper, we explore the language of psychological stress with a dataset of 601 social media users, who answered the Perceived Stress Scale questionnaire and also consented to share their Facebook and Twitter data. Firstly, we find that stressed users post about exhaustion, losing control, increased self-focus and physical pain as compared to posts about breakfast, family-time, and travel by users who are not stressed. Secondly, we find that Facebook language is more predictive of stress than Twitter language. Thirdly, we demonstrate how the language based models thus developed can be adapted and be scaled to measure county-level trends. Since county-level language is easily available on Twitter using the Streaming API, we explore multiple domain adaptation algorithms to adapt user-level Facebook models to Twitter language. We find that domain-adapted and scaled social media-based measurements of stress outperform sociodemographic variables (age, gender, race, education, and income), against ground-truth survey-based stress measurements, both at the user- and the county-level in the U.S. Twitter language that scores higher in stress is also predictive of poorer health, less access to facilities and lower socioeconomic status in counties. We conclude with a discussion of the implications of using social media as a new tool for monitoring stress levels of both individuals and counties.Comment: Accepted for publication in the proceedings of ICWSM 201

    Big five personality prediction based in Indonesian tweets using machine learning methods

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    The popularity of social media has drawn the attention of researchers who have conducted cross-disciplinary studies examining the relationship between personality traits and behavior on social media. Most current work focuses on personality prediction analysis of English texts, but Indonesian has received scant attention. Therefore, this research aims to predict user’s personalities based on Indonesian text from social media using machine learning techniques. This paper evaluates several machine learning techniques, including naive Bayes (NB), K-nearest neighbors (KNN), and support vector machine (SVM), based on semantic features including emotion, sentiment, and publicly available Twitter profile. We predict the personality based on the big five personality model, the most appropriate model for predicting user personality in social media. We examine the relationships between the semantic features and the Big Five personality dimensions. The experimental results indicate that the Big Five personality exhibit distinct emotional, sentimental, and social characteristics and that SVM outperformed NB and KNN for Indonesian. In addition, we observe several terms in Indonesian that specifically refer to each personality type, each of which has distinct emotional, sentimental, and social features

    Fuzzy-based machine learning for predicting narcissistic traits among Twitter users.

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    Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg.Social media has provided a platform for people to share views and opinions they identify with or which are significant to them. Similarly, social media enables individuals to express themselves authentically and divulge their personal experiences in a variety of ways. This behaviour, in turn, reflects the user’s personality. Social media has in recent times been used to perpetuate various forms of crimes, and a narcissistic personality trait has been linked to violent criminal activities. This negative side effect of social media calls for multiple ways to respond and prevent damage instigated. Eysenck's theory on personality and crime postulated that various forms of crime are caused by a mixture of environmental and neurological causes. This theory suggests certain people are more likely to commit a crime, and personality is the principal factor in criminal behaviour. Twitter is a widely used social media platform for sharing news, opinions, feelings, and emotions by users. Given that narcissists have an inflated self-view and engage in a variety of strategies aimed at bringing attention to themselves, features unique to Twitter are more appealing to narcissists than those on sites such as Facebook. This study adopted design science research methodology to develop a fuzzy-based machine learning predictive model to identify traces of narcissism from Twitter using data obtained from the activities of a user. Performance evaluation of various classifiers was conducted and an optimal classifier with 95% accuracy was obtained. The research found that the size of the dataset and input variables have an influence on classifier accuracy. In addition, the research developed an updated process model and recommended a research model for narcissism classification

    The Relationship between the “Dark Triad” Personality Traits and Deviant Behavior on Social Networking Sites

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    Many aspects of the Internet have been described as taking a “dark turn”, as incidents of spear-phishing, identity theft, and other known cyber threats are becoming more commonplace. Social networking sites (SNSs) such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and other services with user-generated content (UGC), provide a platform to facilitate these types of behavior. While these SNSs encourage respectful or acceptable behavior and adherence to conduct standards, incidences of obscene language, personal attacks, cyberbullying, racial, gender or sexual bias, and hate speech are rampant. Prior research suggests that this type of unacceptable or deviant behavior can be attributed to Dark Triad personality traits (i.e., narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy). Using the lens of the Dark Triad and an extensive literature review, a Short Dark Triad (SD3) survey study was conducted to investigate the gap in Information Systems (IS) research and the influence of deviant behaviors and its acceptance in SNSs

    Psychographic Traits Identification based on political ideology: An author analysis study on spanish politicians tweets posted in 2020

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    In general, people are usually more reluctant to follow advice and directions from politicians who do not have their ideology. In extreme cases, people can be heavily biased in favour of a political party at the same time that they are in sharp disagreement with others, which may lead to irrational decision making and can put people’s lives at risk by ignoring certain recommendations from the authorities. Therefore, considering political ideology as a psychographic trait can improve political micro-targeting by helping public authorities and local governments to adopt better communication policies during crises. In this work, we explore the reliability of determining psychographic traits concerning political ideology. Our contribution is twofold. On the one hand, we release the PoliCorpus-2020, a dataset composed by Spanish politicians’ tweets posted in 2020. On the other hand, we conduct two authorship analysis tasks with the aforementioned dataset: an author profiling task to extract demographic and psychographic traits, and an authorship attribution task to determine the author of an anonymous text in the political domain. Both experiments are evaluated with several neural network architectures grounded on explainable linguistic features, statistical features, and state-of-the-art transformers. In addition, we test whether the neural network models can be transferred to detect the political ideology of citizens. Our results indicate that the linguistic features are good indicators for identifying finegrained political affiliation, they boost the performance of neural network models when combined with embedding-based features, and they preserve relevant information when the models are tested with ordinary citizens. Besides, we found that lexical and morphosyntactic features are more effective on author profiling, whereas stylometric features are more effective in authorship attribution.publishedVersio

    Detecting and Classifying Malevolent Dialogue Responses: Taxonomy, Data and Methodology

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    Conversational interfaces are increasingly popular as a way of connecting people to information. Corpus-based conversational interfaces are able to generate more diverse and natural responses than template-based or retrieval-based agents. With their increased generative capacity of corpusbased conversational agents comes the need to classify and filter out malevolent responses that are inappropriate in terms of content and dialogue acts. Previous studies on the topic of recognizing and classifying inappropriate content are mostly focused on a certain category of malevolence or on single sentences instead of an entire dialogue. In this paper, we define the task of Malevolent Dialogue Response Detection and Classification (MDRDC). We make three contributions to advance research on this task. First, we present a Hierarchical Malevolent Dialogue Taxonomy (HMDT). Second, we create a labelled multi-turn dialogue dataset and formulate the MDRDC task as a hierarchical classification task over this taxonomy. Third, we apply stateof-the-art text classification methods to the MDRDC task and report on extensive experiments aimed at assessing the performance of these approaches.Comment: under review at JASIS
