47 research outputs found

    What kind of chatbot do millennials prefer to interact with?

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    Meshing with the way in which young consumers socially interact, chatbots represent a key factor to address business efforts in enhancing the effectiveness of digital strategies. The conversational aspect of the human-chatbot interaction increases the necessity for this technology to present social behaviours typical of human-human conversations. This calls for a better knowledge of the social factors that enhance young consumers’ use of chatbots. From this perspective, the present study aims at understanding the impact of chatbots’ social characteristics. Through a between-participants factorial design we explore the extent to which the communication style and the visual cue influence perceived social presence and how this in turn, influences Millennials’ intention to adopt chatbots. Findings from 193 Millennials show that a social-oriented communication style increases social presence, which in turn enhances the intention to use the chatbot via perceived enjoyment and attitude.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Factors Influencing Artificial Intelligence Conversational Agents Usage in the E-commerce Field: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Artificial intelligence conversational agents have become an important strategy for business, both as an online shopping application and as a customer support solution, where they provide interactive communication for online customers. To ensure the effective usage and successful implementation of the conversational agents, the factors influencing customers\u27 attitudes and acceptance towards conversational agents need to be explored. This paper presents a systematic literature review of conversational agents in the field of e-commerce to identify the variables that influence conversational agents\u27 usage and to present the state-of-the-art in this research area. Twenty-four relevant papers are reviewed, and many significant factors are identified that positively influence customers\u27 acceptance, satisfaction, and trust towards conversational agents’ technology

    Peran Responsiveness Chatbot Artificial Intelligence Dalam Membentuk Customer Satisfaction

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    Tujuan Penelitian – Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti peran responsiveness chatbot artificial intelligence dalam membentuk customer satisfaction Desain/Metodologi/Pendekatan – Dalam penelitian ini metode pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner yang disebar terhadap 260 responden. Analisa structural equation modeling menggunakan Amos. Hasil – Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa responsiveness chatbot berpengaruh terhadap extrinsic value, intrinsic value, dan online convenience. Selanjutnya extrinsic value dan online convenience berpengaruh terhadap costumer satisfaction, sedangkan intrinsic value tidak berpengaruh. Keterbatasan Penelitian – Penelitian ini hanya meneliti hanya meneliti terhadap beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi customer satisfaction dalam penggunaan chatbot untuk berinteraksi dengan perusahaan, jumlah sampel yang terbatas, dan sampel hanya berasal dari beberapa kota. Originality/Value – Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pertama yang meneliti mengenai peran responsiveness chatbot artificial intelligence dalam membentuk customer satisfaction Key Word – Responsiveness, extrinsic value, intrinsic value, online convenience, dan customer satisfaction

    Assessing the Decision-Making Process in Human-Robot Collaboration Using a Lego-like EEG Headset

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    Human-robot collaboration (HRC) has become an emerging field, where the use of a robotic agent has been shifted from a supportive machine to a decision-making collaborator. A variety of factors can influence the effectiveness of decision-making processes during HRC, including the system-related (e.g., robot capability) and human-related (e.g., individual knowledgeability) factors. As a variety of contextual factors can significantly impact the human-robot decision-making process in collaborative contexts, the present study adopts a Lego-like EEG headset to collect and examine human brain activities and utilizes multiple questionnaires to evaluate participants’ cognitive perceptions toward the robot. A user study was conducted where two levels of robot capabilities (high vs. low) were manipulated to provide system recommendations. The participants were also identified into two groups based on their computational thinking (CT) ability. The EEG results revealed that different levels of CT abilities trigger different brainwaves, and the participants’ trust calibration of the robot also varies the resultant brain activities


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    Contemporary markets are oversaturated with ads, and increasingly so. The research literature indicates that a completely new era of communication has begun. The changing trends have transformed marketing and advertising. The techniques that dominated the market ten years ago, such as search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM), social media advertising (SMA), etc. are now referred to as the traditional media. The paper looks at the most recent advances in technology and explores how the emergence of artificial intelligence and AI-powered tools and solutions has changed the digital advertising landscape in the context of digital transformation. The paper focuses on one such driver of change – a chatbot, an automated chat system that collects data based on users’ online behaviour. Chatbots have become a powerful tool for marketers who use them to engage in a conversation with users in order to promote their products and services in a less intrusive and more natural manner. While chatbot use is on the rise worldwide, the extant literature does not provide a clear picture of the situation in Croatia. To fill this literature gap, the present paper aims to examine the relationship between chatbot advertising and campaign outcomes, and demonstrate the effectiveness of this advertising method.Danas, u vrijeme rastuće prezasićenosti oglašivačkog tržišta, mnoge znanstvene analize ukazuju na nepobitnu činjenicu početka potpuno nove ere komuniciranja. Sukladno navedenom, marketing i oglašavanje danas bilježi značajne promjene. Ono što je prije deset godina bilo dominantno (SEO, SEM, oglašavanje na društvenim mrežama itd.) danas se ubraja u kategoriju tradicionalnih medija. Razvoj tehnologije te pojava i razvoj umjetne inteligencije analizirati će se u radu u kontekstu digitalne transformacije. Drugim riječima, umjetna je inteligencija sa svim svojim mogućnostima promijenila digitalni oglašivački krajolik. Jedan od alata promjene su chatbotovi – automatizirani chat sustavi koji prikupljaju podatke na temelju ponašanja korisnika na internetu i tako postaju moćno oružje oglašivača koji, otvarajući razgovor sa korisnicima, potrošačima na neupadljiv i prirodniji način plasiraju oglase. Kako trend korištenja chatbotova u svijetu raste iz dana u dan, iz dostupnih radova i literature nije jasno vidljivo kakva je situacija na malom hrvatskom oglašivačkom tržištu. Stoga je upravo cilj ovog rada utvrditi povezanost chatbot oglašavanja i rezultata kampanja, a samim time ukazati na učinkovitost ovakvog načina oglašavanja

    The Impact of Chatbots on the Relationship between Integrated Marketing Communication and Online Purchasing Behavior in The Frontier Market

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI), applied in many fields, is the core of the fourth technological revolution. In business, AI is used for customer relationship management as applied in the autoresponder systems, i.e., chatbot. Chatbots were an essential tool in the marketing relationship as many companies applied this function to their website; hence, this study analyzed the influence of chatbots on the enterprise's integrated marketing communication (IMC) activities, resulting in impulse purchase behavior and repurchase intention behavior. The mixed research method was used, particularly the in-depth interview and the survey with 886 online consumers, who shop from the online websites with chatbots system in Vietnam as Tiki, Lazada, Sendo, excetera. The research results showed that the perceived usefulness and ease of use of chatbots have positively affected the attitude of online consumers to the IMC activities of businesses. Simultaneously, IMC leads to impulse buying as well as the repurchase intention behavior of customers. The study proposed some managerial implications for an online business to enhance the chatbot functions to consumer behaviors in the website. 