61 research outputs found

    Open problems on graph coloring for special graph classes.

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    For a given graph G and integer k, the Coloring problem is that of testing whether G has a k-coloring, that is, whether there exists a vertex mapping c:V→{1,2,
} such that c(u)≠c(v)c(u)≠c(v) for every edge uv∈Euv∈E. We survey known results on the computational complexity of Coloring for graph classes that are hereditary or for which some graph parameter is bounded. We also consider coloring variants, such as precoloring extensions and list colorings and give some open problems in the area of on-line coloring

    Dynamic Coloring of Unit Interval Graphs with Limited Recourse Budget

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    In this paper we study the problem of coloring a unit interval graph which changes dynamically. In our model the unit intervals are added or removed one at the time, and have to be colored immediately, so that no two overlapping intervals share the same color. After each update only a limited number of intervals are allowed to be recolored. The limit on the number of recolorings per update is called the recourse budget. In this paper we show, that if the graph remains k-colorable at all times, the updates consist of insertions only, and the final instance consists of n intervals, then we can achieve an amortized recourse budget of 1˘d4aa(k7logn)\u1d4aa({k⁷ log n}) while maintaining a proper coloring with k colors. This is an exponential improvement over the result in [BartƂomiej Bosek et al., 2020] in terms of both k and n. We complement this result by showing the lower bound of Ω(n)Ω(n) on the amortized recourse budget in the fully dynamic setting. Our incremental algorithm can be efficiently implemented. As an additional application of our techniques we include a new combinatorial result on coloring unit circular arc graphs. Let L be the maximum number of arcs intersecting in one point for some set of unit circular arcs 1˘d49c\u1d49c. We show that if there is a set 1˘d49câ€Č\u1d49c' of non-intersecting unit arcs of size L2−1LÂČ-1 such that 1˘d49câˆȘ1˘d49câ€Č\u1d49c âˆȘ \u1d49c' does not contain L+1 arcs intersecting in one point, then it is possible to color 1˘d49c\u1d49c with L colors. This complements the work on circular arc coloring [Belkale and Chandran, 2009; Tucker, 1975; Valencia-Pabon, 2003], which specifies sufficient conditions needed to color 1˘d49c\u1d49c with L+1 colors or more

    Flexible List Colorings in Graphs with Special Degeneracy Conditions

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    Flexible List Colorings in Graphs with Special Degeneracy Conditions

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    For a given Δ>0\varepsilon > 0, we say that a graph GG is Δ\varepsilon-flexibly kk-choosable if the following holds: for any assignment LL of color lists of size kk on V(G)V(G), if a preferred color from a list is requested at any set RR of vertices, then at least Δ∣R∣\varepsilon |R| of these requests are satisfied by some LL-coloring. We consider the question of flexible choosability in several graph classes with certain degeneracy conditions. We characterize the graphs of maximum degree Δ\Delta that are Δ\varepsilon-flexibly Δ\Delta-choosable for some Δ=Δ(Δ)>0\varepsilon = \varepsilon(\Delta) > 0, which answers a question of Dvo\v{r}\'ak, Norin, and Postle [List coloring with requests, JGT 2019]. In particular, we show that for any Δ≄3\Delta\geq 3, any graph of maximum degree Δ\Delta that is not isomorphic to KΔ+1K_{\Delta+1} is 16Δ\frac{1}{6\Delta}-flexibly Δ\Delta-choosable. Our fraction of 16Δ\frac{1}{6 \Delta} is within a constant factor of being the best possible. We also show that graphs of treewidth 22 are 13\frac{1}{3}-flexibly 33-choosable, answering a question of Choi et al.~[arXiv 2020], and we give conditions for list assignments by which graphs of treewidth kk are 1k+1\frac{1}{k+1}-flexibly (k+1)(k+1)-choosable. We show furthermore that graphs of treedepth kk are 1k\frac{1}{k}-flexibly kk-choosable. Finally, we introduce a notion of flexible degeneracy, which strengthens flexible choosability, and we show that apart from a well-understood class of exceptions, 3-connected non-regular graphs of maximum degree Δ\Delta are flexibly (Δ−1)(\Delta - 1)-degenerate.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figure

    Maximizing Happiness in Graphs of Bounded Clique-Width

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    Clique-width is one of the most important parameters that describes structural complexity of a graph. Probably, only treewidth is more studied graph width parameter. In this paper we study how clique-width influences the complexity of the Maximum Happy Vertices (MHV) and Maximum Happy Edges (MHE) problems. We answer a question of Choudhari and Reddy '18 about parameterization by the distance to threshold graphs by showing that MHE is NP-complete on threshold graphs. Hence, it is not even in XP when parameterized by clique-width, since threshold graphs have clique-width at most two. As a complement for this result we provide a nO(ℓ⋅cw⁡)n^{\mathcal{O}(\ell \cdot \operatorname{cw})} algorithm for MHE, where ℓ\ell is the number of colors and cw⁡\operatorname{cw} is the clique-width of the input graph. We also construct an FPT algorithm for MHV with running time O∗((ℓ+1)O(cw⁡))\mathcal{O}^*((\ell+1)^{\mathcal{O}(\operatorname{cw})}), where ℓ\ell is the number of colors in the input. Additionally, we show O(ℓn2)\mathcal{O}(\ell n^2) algorithm for MHV on interval graphs.Comment: Accepted to LATIN 202
