89 research outputs found

    A gain scheduled robust linear quadratic regulator for vehicle direct yaw moment control

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    Yaw moment control systems improve vehicle stability and handling in severe driving manoeuvres. Nevertheless, the control system performance is limited by the unmodelled dynamics and parameter uncertainties. To guarantee robustness of the control system against system uncertainties, this paper proposes a gain scheduling Robust Linear Quadratic Regulator (RLQR), in which an extra control term is added to the feedback of a conventional LQR to limit the closed-loop tracking error in a neighbourhood of the origin of its state-space, despite of the uncertainties and persistent disturbances acting on the plant. In addition, the intrinsic parameter-varying nature of the vehicle dynamics model with respect to the longitudinal vehicle velocity can jeopardize the closed-loop performance of fixed-gain control algorithms in different driving conditions. Therefore, the control gains optimally vary based on the actual longitudinal vehicle velocity to adapt the closed-loop system to the variations of this parameter. The effectiveness of the proposed RLQR in improving the robustness of classical LQR against model uncertainties and parameter variations is proven analytically, numerically and experimentally. The numerical and experimental results are consistent with the analytical analysis proving that the proposed RLQR reduces the ultimate bound of error dynamics

    Robust Impedance Control of a Four Degree of Freedom Exercise Robot

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    The CSU 4OptimX exercise robot provides a platform for future research into advanced exercise and rehabilitation. The robot and its control system will autonomously modify reference trajectories and impedances on the basis of an optimization criterion and physiological feedback. To achieve this goal, a robust impedance control system with trajectory tracking must be implemented as the foundational control scheme. Two control laws will be compared, sliding mode and H-infinity control. The above robust control laws are combined with underlying impedance control laws to overcome uncertain plant model parameters and disturbance anomalies affecting the input signal. The sliding mode control law is synthesized based on a nominal plant model due to its inherent nature of overcoming unspecified, un-modeled dynamics and disturbances. Implementation of the H-infinity control law uses weights as well as the nominal plant, a structured parametric uncertainty model of the plant, and a model with multiplicative uncertainty. The performance and practicality of each controller is discussed as well as the challenges associated with attempts to implement controllers successfully onto the robot. The findings of this thesis indicate that the closed loop controller with sliding mode is the superior control scheme due to its abilities to counter non-linearities. It is chosen as the platform control scheme. The 2 out of 3 H-infinity controllers performed well in simulation but only one was able to successfully control the robot. Challenges associated with H-infinity control implementation toward impedance control include determining proper weight shapes that balance performance and practicality. This challenge is a starting point for future research into general weight shape determination for H-infinity robust impedance control

    Hybrid Kinematic-Dynamic Sideslip and Friction Estimation

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    Vehicle sideslip and tyre/road friction are crucial variables for advanced vehicle stability control systems. Estimation is required since direct measurement through sensors is costly and unreliable. In this paper, we develop and validate a sideslip estimator robust to unknown road grip conditions. Particularly, the paper addresses the problem of rapid tyre/road friction adaptation when sudden road condition variations happen. The algorithm is based on a hybrid kinematic-dynamic closed-loop observer augmented with a tyre/road friction classifier that reinitializes the states of the estimator when a change of friction is detected. Extensive experiments on a four wheel drive electric vehicle carried out on different roads quantitatively validate the approach. The architecture guarantees accurate estimation on dry and wet asphalt and snow terrain with a maximum sideslip estimation error lower than 1.5 deg. The classifier correctly recognizes 87% of the friction changes; wrongly classifies 2% of the friction changes while it is unable to detect the change in 11% of the cases. The missed detections are due to the fact that the algorithm requires a certain level of vehicle excitation to detect a change of friction. The average classification time is 1.6 s. The tests also indicate the advantages of the friction classifiers on the sideslip estimation error

    Multiple-Model Robust Adaptive Vehicle Motion Control

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    An improvement in active safety control systems has become necessary to assist drivers in unfavorable driving conditions. In these conditions, the dynamic of the vehicle shows rather different respond to driver command. Since available sensor technologies and estimation methods are insufficient, uncertain nonlinear tire characteristics and road condition may not be correctly figured out. Thus, the controller cannot provide the appropriate feedback input to vehicle, which may result in deterioration of controller performance and even in loss of vehicle control. These problems have led many researchers to new active vehicle stability controllers which make vehicle robust against critical driving conditions like harsh maneuvers in which tires show uncertain nonlinear behaviour and/or the tire-road friction coefficient is uncertain and low. In this research, the studied vehicle has active front steering system for driver steer correction and in-wheel electric motors in all wheels to generate torque vector at vehicle center of gravity. To address robustness against uncertain nonlinear characteristics of tire and road condition, new blending based multiple-model adaptive schemes utilizing gradient and recursive least squares (RLS) methods are proposed for a faster system identification. To this end, the uncertain nonlinear dynamics of vehicle motion is addressed as a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) linear system with polytopic parameter uncertainties. These polytopic uncertainties denote uncertain variation in tire longitudinal and lateral force capacity due to nonlinear tire characteristics and road condition. In the proposed multiple-model approach, a set of fixed linear parametric identifi cation models are designed in advance, based on the known bounds of polytopic parameter set. The proposed adaptive schemes continuously generates a weighting vector for blending the identifi cation model to achieve the true model (operation condition) of the vehicle. Furthermore, the proposed adaptive schemes are generalized for MIMO systems with polytopic parameter uncertainties. The asymptotic stability of the proposed adaptive identifi cation schemes for linear MIMO systems is studied in detail. Later, the proposed blending based adaptive identi fication schemes are used to develop Linear Quadratic (LQ) based multiple-model adaptive control (MMAC) scheme for MIMO systems with polytopic parameter uncertainties. To this end, for each identi fication model, an optimal LQ controller is computed on-line for the corresponding model in advance, which saves computation power during operation. The generated control inputs from the set of LQ controllers is being blended on-line using weighting vector continuously updated by the proposed adaptive identifi cation schemes. The stability analysis of the proposed LQ based optimal MMAC scheme is provided. The developed LQ based optimal MMAC scheme has been applied to motion control of the vehicle. The simulation application to uncertain lateral single-track vehicle dynamics is presented in Simulink environment. The performances of the proposed LQ based MMAC utilizing RLS and gradient based methods have been compared to each other and an LQ controller which is designed using the same performance matrices and fixed nominal values of the uncertain parameters. The results validated the stability and effectiveness of the proposed LQ based MMAC algorithm and demonstrate that the proposed adaptive LQ control schemes outperform over the LQ control scheme for tracking tasks. In the next step, we addressed the constraints on actuation systems for a model predictive control (MPC) based MMAC design. To determine the constraints on torque vectoring at vehicle center of gravity (CG), we have used the min/max values of torque and torque rate at each corner, and the vehicle kinematic structure information. The MPC problem has been redefi ned as a constrained quadratic programming (QP) problem which is solved in real-time via interior-point algorithm by an embedded QP solver using MATLAB each time step. The solution of the designed MPC based MMAC provides total steering angle and desired torque vector at vehicle CG which is optimally distributed to each corner based on holistic corner control (HCC) principle. For validation of the designed MPC based MMAC scheme, several critical driving scenarios has been simulated using a high- fidelity vehicle simulation environment CarSim/Simulink. The performance of the proposed MPC based MMAC has been compared to an MPC controller which is designed for a wet road condition using the same tuning parameters in objective function design. The results validated the stability and effectiveness of the proposed MPC based MMAC algorithm and demonstrate that the proposed adaptive control scheme outperform over an MPC controller with fixed parameter values for tracking tasks

    A Systematic Survey of Control Techniques and Applications: From Autonomous Vehicles to Connected and Automated Vehicles

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    Vehicle control is one of the most critical challenges in autonomous vehicles (AVs) and connected and automated vehicles (CAVs), and it is paramount in vehicle safety, passenger comfort, transportation efficiency, and energy saving. This survey attempts to provide a comprehensive and thorough overview of the current state of vehicle control technology, focusing on the evolution from vehicle state estimation and trajectory tracking control in AVs at the microscopic level to collaborative control in CAVs at the macroscopic level. First, this review starts with vehicle key state estimation, specifically vehicle sideslip angle, which is the most pivotal state for vehicle trajectory control, to discuss representative approaches. Then, we present symbolic vehicle trajectory tracking control approaches for AVs. On top of that, we further review the collaborative control frameworks for CAVs and corresponding applications. Finally, this survey concludes with a discussion of future research directions and the challenges. This survey aims to provide a contextualized and in-depth look at state of the art in vehicle control for AVs and CAVs, identifying critical areas of focus and pointing out the potential areas for further exploration

    Vehicle Stability Control Considering the Driver-in-the-Loop

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    A driver‐in‐the‐loop modeling framework is essential for a full analysis of vehicle stability systems. In theory, knowing the vehicle’s desired path (driver’s intention), the problem is reduced to a standard control system in which one can use different methods to produce a (sub) optimal solution. In practice, however, estimation of a driver’s desired path is a challenging – if not impossible – task. In this thesis, a new formulation of the problem that integrates the driver and the vehicle model is proposed to improve vehicle performance without using additional information from the future intention of the driver. The driver’s handling technique is modeled as a general function of the road preview information as well as the dynamic states of the vehicle. In order to cover a variety of driving styles, the time‐ varying cumulative driver's delay and model uncertainties are included in the formulation. Given that for practical implementations, the driver’s future road preview data is not accessible, this information is modeled as bounded uncertainties. Subsequently, a state feedback controller is designed to counteract the negative effects of a driver’s lag while makes the system robust to modeling and process uncertainties. The vehicle’s performance is improved by redesigning the controller to consider a parameter varying model of the driver‐vehicle system. An LPV controller robust to unknown time‐varying delay is designed and the disturbance attenuation of the closed loop system is estimated. An approach is constructed to identify the time‐varying parameters of the driver model using past driving information. The obtained gains are clustered into several modes and the transition probability of switching between different driving‐styles (modes) is calculated. Based on this analysis, the driver‐vehicle system is modeled as a Markovian jump dynamical system. Moreover, a complementary analysis is performed on the convergence properties of the mode‐dependent controller and a tighter estimation for the maximum level of disturbance rejection of the LPV controller is obtained. In addition, the effect of a driver’s skills in controlling the vehicle while the tires are saturated is analyzed. A guideline for analysis of the nonlinear system performance with consideration to the driver’s skills is suggested. Nonlinear controller design techniques are employed to attenuate the undesirable effects of both model uncertainties and tire saturation

    Feedback Systems: An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers

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    This book provides an introduction to the basic principles and tools for the design and analysis of feedback systems. It is intended to serve a diverse audience of scientists and engineers who are interested in understanding and utilizing feedback in physical, biological, information and social systems.We have attempted to keep the mathematical prerequisites to a minimum while being careful not to sacrifice rigor in the process. We have also attempted to make use of examples from a variety of disciplines, illustrating the generality of many of the tools while at the same time showing how they can be applied in specific application domains. A major goal of this book is to present a concise and insightful view of the current knowledge in feedback and control systems. The field of control started by teaching everything that was known at the time and, as new knowledge was acquired, additional courses were developed to cover new techniques. A consequence of this evolution is that introductory courses have remained the same for many years, and it is often necessary to take many individual courses in order to obtain a good perspective on the field. In developing this book, we have attempted to condense the current knowledge by emphasizing fundamental concepts. We believe that it is important to understand why feedback is useful, to know the language and basic mathematics of control and to grasp the key paradigms that have been developed over the past half century. It is also important to be able to solve simple feedback problems using back-of-the-envelope techniques, to recognize fundamental limitations and difficult control problems and to have a feel for available design methods. This book was originally developed for use in an experimental course at Caltech involving students from a wide set of backgrounds. The course was offered to undergraduates at the junior and senior levels in traditional engineering disciplines, as well as first- and second-year graduate students in engineering and science. This latter group included graduate students in biology, computer science and physics. Over the course of several years, the text has been classroom tested at Caltech and at Lund University, and the feedback from many students and colleagues has been incorporated to help improve the readability and accessibility of the material. Because of its intended audience, this book is organized in a slightly unusual fashion compared to many other books on feedback and control. In particular, we introduce a number of concepts in the text that are normally reserved for second-year courses on control and hence often not available to students who are not control systems majors. This has been done at the expense of certain traditional topics, which we felt that the astute student could learn independently and are often explored through the exercises. Examples of topics that we have included are nonlinear dynamics, Lyapunov stability analysis, the matrix exponential, reachability and observability, and fundamental limits of performance and robustness. Topics that we have deemphasized include root locus techniques, lead/lag compensation and detailed rules for generating Bode and Nyquist plots by hand. Several features of the book are designed to facilitate its dual function as a basic engineering text and as an introduction for researchers in natural, information and social sciences. The bulk of the material is intended to be used regardless of the audience and covers the core principles and tools in the analysis and design of feedback systems. Advanced sections, marked by the “dangerous bend” symbol shown here, contain material that requires a slightly more technical background, of the sort that would be expected of senior undergraduates in engineering. A few sections are marked by two dangerous bend symbols and are intended for readers with more specialized backgrounds, identified at the beginning of the section. To limit the length of the text, several standard results and extensions are given in the exercises, with appropriate hints toward their solutions. To further augment the printed material contained here, a companion web site has been developed and is available from the publisher’s web page: http://press.princeton.edu/titles/8701.html The web site contains a database of frequently asked questions, supplemental examples and exercises, and lecture material for courses based on this text. The material is organized by chapter and includes a summary of the major points in the text as well as links to external resources. The web site also contains the source code for many examples in the book, as well as utilities to implement the techniques described in the text. Most of the code was originally written using MATLAB M-files but was also tested with LabView MathScript to ensure compatibility with both packages. Many files can also be run using other scripting languages such as Octave, SciLab, SysQuake and Xmath. The first half of the book focuses almost exclusively on state space control systems. We begin in Chapter 2 with a description of modeling of physical, biological and information systems using ordinary differential equations and difference equations. Chapter 3 presents a number of examples in some detail, primarily as a reference for problems that will be used throughout the text. Following this, Chapter 4 looks at the dynamic behavior of models, including definitions of stability and more complicated nonlinear behavior. We provide advanced sections in this chapter on Lyapunov stability analysis because we find that it is useful in a broad array of applications and is frequently a topic that is not introduced until later in one’s studies. The remaining three chapters of the first half of the book focus on linear systems, beginning with a description of input/output behavior in Chapter 5. In Chapter 6, we formally introduce feedback systems by demonstrating how state space control laws can be designed. This is followed in Chapter 7 by material on output feedback and estimators. Chapters 6 and 7 introduce the key concepts of reachability and observability, which give tremendous insight into the choice of actuators and sensors, whether for engineered or natural systems. The second half of the book presents material that is often considered to be from the field of “classical control.” This includes the transfer function, introduced in Chapter 8, which is a fundamental tool for understanding feedback systems. Using transfer functions, one can begin to analyze the stability of feedback systems using frequency domain analysis, including the ability to reason about the closed loop behavior of a system from its open loop characteristics. This is the subject of Chapter 9, which revolves around the Nyquist stability criterion. In Chapters 10 and 11, we again look at the design problem, focusing first on proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers and then on the more general process of loop shaping. PID control is by far the most common design technique in control systems and a useful tool for any student. The chapter on frequency domain design introduces many of the ideas of modern control theory, including the sensitivity function. In Chapter 12, we combine the results from the second half of the book to analyze some of the fundamental trade-offs between robustness and performance. This is also a key chapter illustrating the power of the techniques that have been developed and serving as an introduction for more advanced studies. The book is designed for use in a 10- to 15-week course in feedback systems that provides many of the key concepts needed in a variety of disciplines. For a 10-week course, Chapters 1–2, 4–6 and 8–11 can each be covered in a week’s time, with the omission of some topics from the final chapters. A more leisurely course, spread out over 14–15 weeks, could cover the entire book, with 2 weeks on modeling (Chapters 2 and 3) — particularly for students without much background in ordinary differential equations — and 2 weeks on robust performance (Chapter 12). The mathematical prerequisites for the book are modest and in keeping with our goal of providing an introduction that serves a broad audience. We assume familiarity with the basic tools of linear algebra, including matrices, vectors and eigenvalues. These are typically covered in a sophomore-level course on the subject, and the textbooks by Apostol [10], Arnold [13] and Strang [187] can serve as good references. Similarly, we assume basic knowledge of differential equations, including the concepts of homogeneous and particular solutions for linear ordinary differential equations in one variable. Apostol [10] and Boyce and DiPrima [42] cover this material well. Finally, we also make use of complex numbers and functions and, in some of the advanced sections, more detailed concepts in complex variables that are typically covered in a junior-level engineering or physics course in mathematical methods. Apostol [9] or Stewart [186] can be used for the basic material, with Ahlfors [6], Marsden and Hoffman [146] or Saff and Snider [172] being good references for the more advanced material. We have chosen not to include appendices summarizing these various topics since there are a number of good books available. One additional choice that we felt was important was the decision not to rely on a knowledge of Laplace transforms in the book. While their use is by far the most common approach to teaching feedback systems in engineering, many students in the natural and information sciences may lack the necessary mathematical background. Since Laplace transforms are not required in any essential way, we have included them only in an advanced section intended to tie things together for students with that background. Of course, we make tremendous use of transfer functions, which we introduce through the notion of response to exponential inputs, an approach we feel is more accessible to a broad array of scientists and engineers. For classes in which students have already had Laplace transforms, it should be quite natural to build on this background in the appropriate sections of the text. Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank the many people who helped during the preparation of this book. The idea for writing this book came in part from a report on future directions in control [155] to which Stephen Boyd, Roger Brockett, John Doyle and Gunter Stein were major contributors. Kristi Morgansen and Hideo Mabuchi helped teach early versions of the course at Caltech on which much of the text is based, and Steve Waydo served as the head TA for the course taught at Caltech in 2003–2004 and provided numerous comments and corrections. Charlotta Johnsson and Anton Cervin taught from early versions of the manuscript in Lund in 2003–2007 and gave very useful feedback. Other colleagues and students who provided feedback and advice include Leif Andersson, John Carson, K. Mani Chandy, Michel Charpentier, Domitilla Del Vecchio, Kate Galloway, Per Hagander, Toivo Henningsson Perby, Joseph Hellerstein, George Hines, Tore Hägglund, Cole Lepine, Anders Rantzer, Anders Robertsson, Dawn Tilbury and Francisco Zabala. The reviewers for Princeton University Press and Tom Robbins at NI Press also provided valuable comments that significantly improved the organization, layout and focus of the book. Our editor, Vickie Kearn, was a great source of encouragement and help throughout the publishing process. Finally, we would like to thank Caltech, Lund University and the University of California at Santa Barbara for providing many resources, stimulating colleagues and students, and pleasant working environments that greatly aided in the writing of this book

    Fractional Order State Feedback Control for Improved Lateral Stability of Semi-Autonomous Commercial Heavy Vehicles

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    With the growing development of autonomous and semi-autonomous large commercial heavy vehicles, the lateral stability control of articulated vehicles have caught the attention of researchers recently. Active vehicle front steering (AFS) can enhance the handling performance and stability of articulated vehicles for an emergency highway maneuver scenario. However, with large vehicles such tractor-trailers, the system becomes more complex to control and there is an increased occurrence of instabilities. This research investigates a new control scheme based on fractional calculus as a technique that ensures lateral stability of articulated large heavy vehicles during evasive highway maneuvering scenarios. The control method is first implemented to a passenger vehicle model with 2-axles based on the well-known “bicycle model”. The model is then extended and applied onto larger three-axle commercial heavy vehicles in platooning operations. To validate the proposed new control algorithm, the system is linearized and a fractional order PI state feedback control is developed based on the linearized model. Then using Matlab/Simulink, the developed fractional-order linear controller is implemented onto the non-linear tractor-trailer dynamic model. The tractor-trailer system is modeled based on the conventional integer-order techniques and then a non-integer linear controller is developed to control the system. Overall, results confirm that the proposed controller improves the lateral stability of a tractor-trailer response time by 20% as compared to a professional truck driver during an evasive highway maneuvering scenario. In addition, the effects of variable truck cargo loading and longitudinal speed are evaluated to confirm the robustness of the new control method under a variety of potential operating conditions

    14th Conference on Dynamical Systems Theory and Applications DSTA 2017 ABSTRACTS

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    From Preface: This is the fourteen time when the conference “Dynamical Systems – Theory and Applications” gathers a numerous group of outstanding scientists and engineers, who deal with widely understood problems of theoretical and applied dynamics. Organization of the conference would not have been possible without a great effort of the staff of the Department of Automation, Biomechanics and Mechatronics. The patronage over the conference has been taken by the Committee of Mechanics of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. It is a great pleasure that our invitation has been accepted by so many people, including good colleagues and friends as well as a large group of researchers and scientists, who decided to participate in the conference for the first time. With proud and satisfaction we welcome nearly 250 persons from 38 countries all over the world. They decided to share the results of their research and many years experiences in the discipline of dynamical systems by submitting many very interesting papers. This booklet contains a collection of 375 abstracts, which have gained the acceptance of referees and have been qualified for publication in the conference proceedings [...]