61 research outputs found

    Precise Runahead Execution

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permissíon from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertisíng or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.[EN] Runahead execution improves processor performance by accurately prefetching long-latency memory accesses. When a long-latency load causes the instruction window to fill up and halt the pipeline, the processor enters runahead mode and keeps speculatively executing code to trigger accurate prefetches. A recent improvement tracks the chain of instructions that leads to the long-latency load, stores it in a runahead buffer, and executes only this chain during runahead execution, with the purpose of generating more prefetch requests during runahead execution. Unfortunately, all these prior runahead proposals have shortcomings that limit performance and energy efficiency because they discard the full instruction window to enter runahead mode and then flush the pipeline to restart normal operation. This significantly constrains the performance benefits and increases the energy overhead of runahead execution. In addition, runahead buffer limits prefetch coverage by tracking only a single chain of instructions that lead to the same long-latency load. We propose precise runahead execution (PRE) to mitigate the shortcomings of prior work. PRE leverages the renaming unit to track all the dependency chains leading to long-latency loads. PRE uses a novel approach to manage free processor resources to execute the detected instruction chains in runahead mode without flushing the pipeline. Our results show that PRE achieves an additional 21.1 percent performance improvement over the recent runahead proposals while reducing energy consumption by 6.1 percent.This research is supported through FWO grants no. G.0434.16N and G.0144.17N, and European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant agreement no. 741097.Naithani, A.; Feliu-Pérez, J.; Adileh, A.; Eeckhout, L. (2019). Precise Runahead Execution. IEEE Computer Architecture Letters. 18(1):71-74. https://doi.org/10.1109/LCA.2019.2910518S717418

    Vector Runahead for Indirect Memory Accesses

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    Vector runahead delivers extremely high memory-level parallelism even for the chains of dependent memory accesses with complex intermediate address computation, which conventional runahead techniques fundamentally cannot handle and, therefore, have ignored. It does this by rearchitecting runahead to use speculative data-level parallelism, rather than work skipping, as its primary form of extracting more memory-level parallelism in runahead mode than a true execution can, which we hope will bring about an entirely new dimension for high-performance processors

    Kilo-instruction processors: overcoming the memory wall

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    Historically, advances in integrated circuit technology have driven improvements in processor microarchitecture and led to todays microprocessors with sophisticated pipelines operating at very high clock frequencies. However, performance improvements achievable by high-frequency microprocessors have become seriously limited by main-memory access latencies because main-memory speeds have improved at a much slower pace than microprocessor speeds. Its crucial to deal with this performance disparity, commonly known as the memory wall, to enable future high-frequency microprocessors to achieve their performance potential. To overcome the memory wall, we propose kilo-instruction processors-superscalar processors that can maintain a thousand or more simultaneous in-flight instructions. Doing so means designing key hardware structures so that the processor can satisfy the high resource requirements without significantly decreasing processor efficiency or increasing energy consumption.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Introducing runahead threads

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    Simultaneous Multithreading processors share their resources among multiple threads in order to improve performance. However, a resource control policy is needed to avoid resource conflicts and prevent some threads from monopolizing them. On the contrary, resource conflicts would cause other threads to suffer from resource starvation degrading the overall performance. This situation is especially sensitive for memory bounded threads, because they hold an important amount of resources while long latency accesses are being served. Several fetch policies and resource control techniques have been proposed to overcome these problems by limiting the per-thread resource utilization. Nevertheless, this limitation is harmful for memory bounded threads because it restricts the memory level parallelism available that hides the long latency memory accesses. In this paper, we propose Runahead threads on SMT scenarios as a valuable solution for both exploiting the memory-level parallelism and reducing the resource contention. This approach switches a memory-bounded eager resource thread to a speculative light thread, avoiding critical resource blocking among multiple threads. Furthermore, it improves the thread-level parallelism by removing long-latency memory operations from the instruction window, releasing busy resources. We compare an SMT architecture using Runahead threads (SMTRA) to both state-of-the-art static fetch and dynamic resource control policies. Our results show that the SMTRA combination performs better, in terms of throughput and fairness, than any of the other policies.Postprint (published version

    Runahead threads to improve SMT performance

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    In this paper, we propose Runahead Threads (RaT) as a valuable solution for both reducing resource contention and exploiting memory-level parallelism in Simultaneous Multithreaded (SMT) processors. Our technique converts a resource intensive memory-bound thread to a speculative light thread under long-latency blocking memory operations. These speculative threads prefetch data and instructions with minimal resources, reducing critical resource conflicts between threads. We compare an SMT architecture using RaT to both state-of-the-art static fetch policies and dynamic resource control policies. In terms of throughput and fairness, our results show that RaT performs better than any other policy. The proposed mechanism improves average throughput by 37% regarding previous static fetch policies and by 28% compared to previous dynamic resource scheduling mechanisms. RaT also improves fairness by 36% and 30% respectively. In addition, the proposed mechanism permits register file size reduction of up to 60% in a SMT processor without performance degradation.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Energy Efficient Load Latency Tolerance: Single-Thread Performance for the Multi-Core Era

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    Around 2003, newly activated power constraints caused single-thread performance growth to slow dramatically. The multi-core era was born with an emphasis on explicitly parallel software. Continuing to grow single-thread performance is still important in the multi-core context, but it must be done in an energy efficient way. One significant impediment to performance growth in both out-of-order and in-order processors is the long latency of last-level cache misses. Prior work introduced the idea of load latency tolerance---the ability to dynamically remove miss-dependent instructions from critical execution structures, continue execution under the miss, and re-execute miss-dependent instructions after the miss returns. However, previously proposed designs were unable to improve performance in an energy-efficient way---they introduced too many new large, complex structures and re-executed too many instructions. This dissertation describes a new load latency tolerant design that is both energy-efficient, and applicable to both in-order and out-of-order cores. Key novel features include formulation of slice re-execution as an alternative use of multi-threading support, efficient schemes for register and memory state management, and new pruning mechanisms for drastically reducing load latency tolerance\u27s dynamic execution overheads. Area analysis shows that energy-efficient load latency tolerance increases the footprint of an out-of-order core by a few percent, while cycle-level simulation shows that it significantly improves the performance of memory-bound programs. Energy-efficient load latency tolerance is more energy-efficient than---and synergistic with---existing performance technique like dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS)