4,434 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACTThe article analyzed pre-service teachers’ experiences in designing and implementing instructional videos based on the TPACK framework in their microteaching course. This was a qualitative study in which nine students of English teacher education (i.e., preservice teachers) were the participants who learned to design and implement instructional videos in their micro-teaching course. The data were extracted from the results of the interview and document analyses on their instructional videos made in microteaching class together with other 29 students participating in the class. The data were analyzed by using the interactive model proposed by Miles et al. (2014). The result showed that pre-service teachers had various self-reflections in the experiences of designing and implementing the instructional videos based on the TPACK framework, putting into three phases of steps in design-making and product-implementing. The pre-service teachers’ inadequacies in having the TK and CK caused difficulties in designing the instructional videos in general. Moreover, the pre-service teachers coped with numerous challenges, both personally and technically. Finally, this finding is advisable for 21st-century teacher candidates who should integrate technology into teaching in that they should be technology-alert in any circumstance of teaching.ABSTRAKArtikel ini menganalisis pengalaman calon guru dalam merancang dan mengimplementasikan video instruksional berdasarkan kerangka kerja TPACK dalam kursus microteaching mereka. Ini adalah studi kualitatif di mana sembilan siswa pendidikan guru bahasa Inggris (yaitu, calon guru) adalah peserta yang belajar merancang dan mengimplementasikan video instruksional dalam kursus micro-teaching mereka. Data diambil dari hasil wawancara dan analisis dokumen pada video instruksional mereka yang dibuat di kelas microteaching bersama dengan 29 siswa lain yang berpartisipasi di kelas tersebut. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan model interaktif yang diusulkan oleh Miles et al. (2014). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa calon guru memiliki berbagai refleksi diri dalam pengalaman merancang dan mengimplementasikan video pembelajaran berdasarkan kerangka TPACK, menempatkan ke dalam tiga fase langkah dalam pembuatan desain dan implementasi produk. Kekurangan guru prajabatan dalam memiliki TK dan CK menyebabkan kesulitan dalam merancang video pembelajaran secara umum. Selain itu, calon guru menghadapi berbagai tantangan, baik secara pribadi maupun teknis. Akhirnya, temuan ini disarankan untuk calon guru abad ke-21 yang harus mengintegrasikan teknologi ke dalam pengajaran karena mereka harus mewaspadai teknologi dalam segala situasi pengajaran.How to Cite: Putri I., Susilo, Rachmawaty, N.(2022). EFL Pre-Service Teachers’ Experiences in Designing TPACK -Based Instructional Videos . IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education), 9(2), 334-357. doi:10.15408/ijee.v9i2.2744

    Protecting the Last Tree: Environmental Education in the United States, 1990-2012

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    Having already been hired as an environmental organizer, I reflect on how my childhood experiences impacted me. I embark upon this vocational journey with youthful optimism, a good dose of realism, and just a touch of cynicism. An environmental organizer is someone who works mobilizing individuals around targeted environmental issues. They create policy changes that are environmentally positive… generally for little pay. What has motivated me, and scores of others, to willingly take on this seemingly impossible task? For me: was it the summer vacations to Yellowstone and The Rocky Mountains with my brothers and parents? Maybe it was being able to explore in “The Woods” behind my elementary school as a child? These questions have been central in my life this semester, as I am involved in two environmental education programs: the K-12 education component of Energy Service Corps (ESC) and the Leadership in Environmental Education Partnership (LEEP). My work within these organizations, which I will elaborate on in greater detail, compels me to contemplate the impact these programs have on children

    Mind and Matter

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    Do brains create material reality in thinking processes or is it the other way around, with things shaping the mind? Where is the location of meaning-making? How do neural networks become established by means of multimodal pattern replications, and how are they involved in conceptualization? How are resonance textures within cellular entities extended in the body and the mind by means of mirroring processes? In which ways do they correlate to consciousness and self-consciousness? Is it possible to explain out-of-awareness unconscious processes? What holds together the relationship between experiential reality, bodily processes like memory, reason, or imagination, and sign-systems and simulation structures like metaphor and metonymy visible in human language? This volume attempts to answer some of these questions

    Pengaruh Film Animasi Terhadap Perilaku Moral Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun

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    The moral behavior of children today is quite worrying, especially in early childhood. This can be triggered by several factors, one of which is watching animated films that are used to be consumed by children. This study aims to examine the relationship and impact between animated films (y) on children's moral behavior (x). The method in this research is correlational using bivariate analysis technique. The object of the research is group B students with a total sample of 12 children. From the results of data processing, the r value of 0.973 is obtained, the correlation coefficient of determination is 2.7% so that interpreting the relationship and influence between animated films and the moral behavior of students aged 5-6 years has a positive influence

    Wooster Magazine: Spring 2014

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    This edition of the Wooster Magazine from Spring 2014 begins with an article by the Vice President for Enrollment & College Relations, Scott Friedhoff, about the admissions process. Karol Crosbie writes a section on five must see movies. The next section discusses the teaching minor with licensure and the experiences students and graduates have. To close the magazine, there is a small paragraph regarding the five day summer music camp.https://openworks.wooster.edu/wooalumnimag_2011-present/1032/thumbnail.jp

    The adaptation and implementation of semi-authentic material for listening activities on primary students in a public school of Pereira

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    El presente proyecto de aula propende por la implementación de material semi-auténtico con el fin de promover y reforzar de una manera más efectiva el entendimiento de las actividades de escucha por parte de los estudiantes. Dicho proyecto incluyó además en las diferentes sesiones llevadas a cabo las diferentes habilidades del idioma inglés. La población envuelta en este proyecto constó de 34 estudiantes de grado 3ro de una institución educativa de carácter público en la ciudad de Pereira, Colombia. Los estudiantes estuvieron expuestos durante las diferentes sesiones a material semi-auténtico en las actividades de escucha por un periodo de dos meses, dos horas a la semana en las cuales ellos llevaron a cabo diferentes actividades con hojas de trabajo “worksheets”. De igual forma, los docentes en formación en desarrollo de este proyecto de aula, emplearon algunas estrategias para la recolección de evidencia que permitiera la reflexión y de ese modo analizar los resultados obtenidos por los estudiantes durante todo el proceso. Acerca de los resultados, es importante destacar aspectos positivos como el crecimiento de la motivación de los estudiantes, la participación de los estudiantes en la clase y la comprensión frente a las actividades de escucha presentadas durante las diferentes sesiones. Lo anterior puede llevar a la ampliación de este tipo de proyectos en futuras clases con el fin de llevar a los estudiantes a reforzar su nivel de inglés partiendo de una habilidad tan importante como la de escucha. Por otro lado, desarrollar nuevas técnicas y estrategias que unidas a las de este proyecto ayude a la enseñanza y aprendizaje del inglés como lengua extranjera

    Children and Advertising- An Advertising Literacy Program for School Children

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    This research paper is a case study that focuses on the creation of a three-dimensional advertising literacy program for school children to teach and protect them from becoming susceptible to advertising messages. The research shows how children are affected by advertising messages, it’s many consequences and how the U.S. and other countries are protecting children from advertising today. It evaluates the effectiveness of three-dimensional advertising literacy programs in comparisons to two-dimensional advertising literacy programs and uses its framework to create the modules for educating children. Though, two-dimensional advertising literacy programs are currently the dominant way to educate children, this case study through a proposal of an eight-module three dimensional Advertising literacy program aims to shows how these literacy programs with extensive examples and interactive tactics can better equip school children with the proper awareness, knowledge and skills to critically evaluate, analyze and decode advertising messages and help them in being better informed and creating critical attitudes towards advertising as they move towards adult life

    The Emergence of a Content Acceptance Model (CAM): New Thoughts Regarding the Trial, Adoption, and Usage of New Media

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    New Media is defined not by the technology that it is based on but rather on individual level attributes that contribute to the development of new artifacts, practices and social arrangements. However, existing technology adoption models tend to stress technology and organizational level attributes over such individual level characteristics. This suggests that new models are required in order to fully capture how the New Media adoption process works. We are moving away from organizational and technology adoption focus and towards an individual and content adoption focus. A review of existing technology acceptance models reveals that the content provided by these systems is often not considered by these models. A qualitative analysis of 80 in-depth semistructured interviews revealed that it is the content which often drives the trial, use, adoption, and diffusion of New Media systems. A new way of thinking, focusing on individual and content adoption, leads to the emergence of a Content Acceptance Model (CAM): new thoughts regarding the trial, adoption, and usage of New Media

    Investigating User Experiences Through Animation-based Sketching

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    Complexity in Second Language Study Emotions

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    This book offers a socially situated view of the emergence of emotionality for additional language (L2) learners in classroom interaction in Japan. Grounded in a complexity perspective, the author argues that emotions need to be studied as they are dynamically experienced and understood in all of their multidimensional colors by individuals (in interaction). Via practitioner research, Sampson applies a small-lens focus, interweaving experiential and discursive data, offering possibilities for exploring, interpreting and representing the lived experience of L2 study emotions in a more holistic yet detailed, social yet individual fashion. Amidst the currently expanding interest in L2 study emotions, the book presents a strong case for the benefits of locating interpretations of the emergence of L2 study emotions back into situated, dynamic, social context. Sampson’s work will be of interest to students and researchers in second language acquisition and L2 learning psychology