161 research outputs found

    Investigation of Techniques for Reducing Mobile Communication Systems Harmful Out-Of-Band Emission

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    Electromagnetic compatibility in the newly designated Long-Term Evolution (LTE) mobile network in the 790–862 MHz frequency band from perspective of interference management between neighbouring services are analysed in the dissertation. Main focal point of this dissertation is on the problems that face LTE networks based on Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing (OFDM) due to the relatively strong side lobes around the active subcarriers in the main communication channel, which introduces interference effects between LTE stations and other services. The introductory chapter presents the investigated problem, objects of research, importance of the dissertation, describes research methodology, scientific novelty and the defended statements. The situation in the 790–862 MHz frequency band is overviewed regarding most sensitive challenges in the first chapter: LTE stations’ influence on Short-Range Devices (SRD), digital terrestrial TV broadcasting (DVB-T) and aeronautical radio navigation systems (ARNS). The noticeable lack of information is observed regarding SRD and LTE electromagnetic compatibility. The Filter Bank Multicarrier Transmission technique (FBMC) is pro-posed as means to minimize adjacent band interference in the 790–862 MHz frequency band. Main FBMC benefits are presented through comparison with reference case of OFDM. The key advantage of FBMC technique is derived from its low out-of-band leakage, which guarantees minimum harmful interference level between stations using adjacent channels. The harmful interference of LTE mobile stations’ influence on Short-Range Devices operating in the 863–870 MHz frequency band is analysed in the second chapter. Two analysis methods are used in this study: first applying theoretical analysis using Minimum Coupling Loss calculations, then statistical Monte-Carlo in order to verify results obtained in theoretical approach. The third chapter is focused on the experimental analysis to reproduce the situation that was investigated in theoretical analysis chapter. Verification of theoretical analysis by practical measurements confirmed that the LTE user equipment (UE) emissions may affect SRD devices and completely or partially disrupt their communications at distances of up to several meters from LTE UE. The obtained results are summarized and general conclusions are drawn

    Impacto do comportamento transitório de sistemas de radiocomunicações na gestão do espectro

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia EletrotécnicaThis PhD Thesis falls within the domain of spectrum engineering and spectrum management, and intends to address current and concrete problems, with which, regulators have to deal. Particularly, the definition of technical conditions to be met by radio systems, which will operate in specific bands, selected to introduce novel concepts such as flexibility and technological neutrality. The Block Edge Mask approach was adopted to define technical conditions of operation, in those bands. However, this model, based on spectral masks, which are defined in the frequency domain, do not take into account the transient behavior or time-varying characteristics of signals used by emerging radio communication systems. Furthermore, measurement methodologies developed for validation of technical parameters associated to these models, which are recommended by international bodies, potentially lead to practical issues that must be scrutinized. Thus, alternative time-frequency mixed domain signal processing techniques are explored, in this thesis, to be used for assessing the compliance of radio systems operating under such constraints.Esta Tese de Doutoramento insere-se nos domínios da engenharia do espectro e da gestão do espectro radioelétrico, e pretende abordar problemas atuais e concretos com que os reguladores se deparam. Em particular, a definição de condições técnicas a serem cumpridas pelos sistemas rádio que irão operar em determinadas faixas de frequências, selecionadas para a introdução de abordagens de gestão do espectro mais flexíveis e tecnologicamente neutras. O modelo de Máscara Delimitadora de Bloco (Block Edge Mask) foi adotado, a nível europeu, como estratégia de definição de condições técnicas de operação, nessas faixas. Contudo, este modelo, que recorre a restrições que são apenas estabelecidas no domínio da frequência, não entra em linha de conta com comportamentos transitórios ou com a variabilidade temporal de sinais inerentes aos sistemas de radiocomunicações atuais. Para além disso, a medição e validação de parâmetros técnicos associados a estes modelos, conforme definidas nas recomendações internacionais aplicáveis, levantam problemas práticos que importa escalpelizar. Nesse sentido, são exploradas, nesta tese, técnicas alternativas de processamento de sinal no domínio misto tempo-frequência, tendo em vista a sua utilização na avaliação de conformidade dos sistemas rádio em face das restrições aplicáveis

    Coexistence of DTT and Mobile Broadband: A Survey and Guidelines for Field Measurements

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    This article provides a survey and a general methodology for coexistence studies between digital terrestrial television (DTT) and mobile broadband (MBB) systems in the ultra high frequency (UHF) broadcasting band. The methodology includes characterization of relevant field measurement scenarios and gives a step-by-step guideline on how to obtain reliable field measurement results to be used in conjunction with link budget analyses, laboratory measurements, and simulations. A survey of potential European coexistence scenarios and regulatory status is given to determine feasible future use scenarios for the UHF television (TV) broadcasting band. The DTT reception system behavior and performance are also described as they greatly affect the amount of spectrum potentially available for MBB use and determine the relevant coexistence field measurement scenarios. Simulation methods used in determining broadcast protection criteria and in coexistence studies are briefly described to demonstrate how the information obtained from field measurements can be used to improve their accuracy. The presented field measurement guidelines can be applied to any DTT-MBB coexistence scenarios and to a wide range of spectrum sharing and cognitive radio system coexistence measurements

    Coexistence of DTT and Mobile Broadband: A Survey and Guidelines for Field Measurements

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    This article provides a survey and a general methodology for coexistence studies between digital terrestrial television (DTT) and mobile broadband (MBB) systems in the ultra high frequency (UHF) broadcasting band. The methodology includes characterization of relevant field measurement scenarios and gives a step-by-step guideline on how to obtain reliable field measurement results to be used in conjunction with link budget analyses, laboratory measurements, and simulations. A survey of potential European coexistence scenarios and regulatory status is given to determine feasible future use scenarios for the UHF television (TV) broadcasting band. The DTT reception system behavior and performance are also described as they greatly affect the amount of spectrum potentially available for MBB use and determine the relevant coexistence field measurement scenarios. Simulation methods used in determining broadcast protection criteria and in coexistence studies are briefly described to demonstrate how the information obtained from field measurements can be used to improve their accuracy. The presented field measurement guidelines can be applied to any DTT-MBB coexistence scenarios and to a wide range of spectrum sharing and cognitive radio system coexistence measurements.</p

    Field Measurements in Determining Incumbent Spectrum Utilization and Protection Criteria in Wireless Co-existence Studies

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    Studies of spectrum sharing and co-existence between different wireless communication systems are important, as the current aim is to optimize their spectrum utilization and shift from static exclusive spectrum allocation to more dynamic co-existence of different systems within same frequency bands. The main goal of this thesis is to provide measurement methodologies for obtaining realistic results in modeling incumbent spectrum utilization and in determining incumbent protection criteria. The following research questions are considered in this thesis: Q1) How should field measurements be conducted and used to model incumbent spectrum utilization? Q2) How should field measurements be conducted and used to determine protection criteria for incumbents in a co-existence scenario with mobile broadband? and Q3) Which licensing methods and technological solutions are feasible to enable spectrum sharing in frequency bands with incumbents? To answer to Q1, this thesis describes the development of a spectrum observatory network concept created through international collaboration and presents measurement methodologies, which allow to obtain realistic spectrum occupancy data over geographical areas using interference map concept. A cautious approach should be taken in making strong conclusions from previous single fixed location spectrum occupancy studies, and measurements covering larger geographical areas might be needed if the measurement results are to be used in making spectrum management decisions. The field interference measurements considered in Q2 are not covered well in the current research literature. The measurements are expensive to conduct as they require substantial human resources, test network infrastructure, professional level measurement devices and radio licenses. However, field measurements are needed to study and verify hypotheses from computer simulations or theoretical analyses in realistic operating conditions, as field measurement conditions can not or are not practical to be adequately modeled in simulations. This thesis proposes measurement methodologies to obtain realistic results from field interference measurements, taking into account the propagation environments and external sources of interference. Less expensive simulations and laboratory measurements should be used both to aid in the planning of field measurements and to complement the results obtained from field measurements. Q3 is investigated through several field interference measurement campaigns to determine incumbent protection criteria and by analyzing the spectrum observatory data to determine the occupancy and trends in incumbent spectrum utilization. The field interference measurement campaigns have been conducted in real TV White Space, LTE Supplemental Downlink and Licensed Shared Access test network environments, and the obtained measurement results have been contributed to the development of the European spectrum regulation. In addition, field measurements have been conducted to contribute to the development and technical validation of the spectrum sharing frameworks. This thesis also presents an overview of the current status and possible directions in spectrum sharing. In conclusion, no single spectrum sharing method can provide universally optimal efficiency in spectrum utilization. Thus, an appropriate spectrum sharing framework should be chosen taking into account both the spectrum utilization of the current incumbents and the future needs in wireless communications.Siirretty Doriast

    Proxy-based near real-time TV content transmission in mobility over 4G with MPEG-DASH transcoding on the cloud

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    [EN] This paper presents and evaluates a system that provides TV and radio services in mobility using 4G communications. The system has mainly two blocks, one on the cloud and another on the mobile vehicle. On the cloud, a DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting) receiver obtains the TV/radio signal and prepares the contents to be sent through 4G. Specifically, contents are transcoded and packetized using the DASH (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP) standard. Vehicles in mobility use their 4G connectivity to receive the flows transmitted by the cloud. The key element of the system is an on-board proxy that manages the received flows and offers them to the final users in the vehicle. The proxy contains a buffer that helps reduce the number of interruptions caused by hand over effects and lack of coverage. The paper presents a comparison between a live transmission using 4G connecting the clients directly with the cloud server and a near real-time transmission based on an on-board proxy. Results prove that the use of the proxy reduces the number of interruptions considerably and, thus, improves the Quality of Experience of users at the expense of slightly increasing the delay.This work is supported by the Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnologico Industrial (CDTI) from the Government of Spain under the project "Plataforma avanzada de conectividad en movilidad" (CDTI IDI-20150126) and the project "Desarrollo de nueva plataforma de entretenimiento multimedia para entornos nauticos" (CDTI TIC-20170102).Arce Vila, P.; De Fez Lava, I.; Belda Ortega, R.; Guerri Cebollada, JC.; Ferrairó, S. (2019). Proxy-based near real-time TV content transmission in mobility over 4G with MPEG-DASH transcoding on the cloud. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 78(18):26399-26425. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-019-07840-6S2639926425781

    D21.3 Analysis of initial results at EuWIN@CTTC

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    Deliverable D21.3 del projecte europeu NEWCOM#The nature of this Deliverable of WP2.1 (“Radio interfaces for next-generation wireless systems”) is mainly descriptive and its purpose is to provide a report on the status of the different Joint Research Activities (JRAs) currently ongoing, some of them being performed on the facilities that are available at EuWInPeer ReviewedPreprin

    5G and beyond networks

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    This chapter investigates the Network Layer aspects that will characterize the merger of the cellular paradigm and the IoT architectures, in the context of the evolution towards 5G-and-beyond, including some promising emerging services as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles or Base Stations, and V2X communications