8,881 research outputs found

    Design and development of practical and secure e-mail system /

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    Key distribution and management in applications that use public key cryptosystems generally rely on Public Key Infrastructures (PKI). In this thesis, the disadvantages of this approach are discussed and an e-mail system that performs public key distribution and management in a unique way is proposed. The name of this system is "Practical and Secure E-Mail System" ("PractiSES"). PractiSES does not use the certification mechanisms of PKIs. A central authority, which is trusted by all users, takes the responsibility of key distribution and management in PractiSES. PractiSES Client is an e-mail application that is designed for end users. On top of regular e-mail client features, PractiSES Client can also be used to exchange e-mails among users in encrypted and/or signed fashion. PractiSES is designed according to the phases of "Object Oriented Analyses and Design (OOAD)". It is implemented using Java programming language. In PractiSES, there are several secure protocols developed for initializing users, removing and updating public keys of the users and obtaining the others' public keys. Key management and distribution features of PractiSES do not let the e-mail addresses move around in an uncontrolled fashion-this is one of the problems of PKI based systems. Moreover, certificate revocation problem does not exist in PractiSES. The trust mechanism of PractiSES is simple and straightforward so that an average user can easily use. Those characteristics of PractiSES make it "practical". On the other hand, PractiSES supports enough security features, such as authentic registration, encryption and digital signatures. The first version of PractiSES will be for closed-group e-mail exchange. PractiSES will be a free application that can be used without any warranty by companies and universities

    ICT Governance: Towards Federalized Structure and Solution

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    The ICT (Information and Communication Technology) Governance means actively identifying the service needs of the Government and her customers and to focus on planning and delivering these services to meet availability, performance, and security requirements. It also aims at managing service level agreements to meet agreed-upon security, quality and cost targets. Successful operation of an ICT unit of the government would require it to be fully integrated with the complete lifecycle of Government’s processes, improving service quality and Government agility. The paper identifies appropriate international standards for ICT Governance, and ICT Management around which solutions for ICT governance should be built.ict; governance; management; service delivery

    Data Science and Management : A Study of Theoretical Approaches to computer System with Organisation using Advanced Analytics

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    A firm's Data Management department is in charge of the corporate data capture, retention, security, management, and safety, as well as the formulation and execution of all datarelated regulations inside that company. The Data Management team, on the other hand, merely maintains the data resources; it is underrecognized in the fundamental technological uses of the material. All data is owned by the Data Function of management. The Data Science department in an organisation, on either extreme, conceptualises, develops, executes, and practises all "terms of improving" of information assets. In this context, "technical implementations" refer to the research, technologies, skill, and business practises that use corporate data


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    In recent years, this construction area has been considered as one of the most dangerous industries in which workers are more exposed to the risk of accidents. The Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) statistics prove that the construction industry has the highest rate of fatal accidents compared to other industries in the country. Therefore, this study mainly focused on the implementation of safety practices in construction industry focusing on among class of contractor A, B, C and D. Regarding to this fact, the main goal of this study is focus on the evaluation of the implementation of safety practices among each class of contractors. This study was started by reviewing literature reviews from journals, thesis, articles, books and web pages. Questionnaire surveys were formed and designed focusing on safety practices in the construction industry. A survey in questionnaire form was carried out to obtain data from the contractor’s class A to D. Subsequently, the data from the questionnaire were analyzed by using the SPSS software. In conclusion, this study also could show the difference of level of safety practices which is applied by every class of contractor in their workplace area that class of contractor C and following by class of contractor D, are contractors which is noted the lowest level in practicing safety work culture in construction. The study also proposes some suggestions and recommendations to improve the safety practices and to minimize the accidents at construction industry

    Sourcing ethics in the textile sector: The case of C&A

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    During the last years competition in the textile sector has increased, putting financial returns under considerable pressure. As a result, production has shifted to low wage countries in the third world. This has raised the relevance of ethical procedures. This paper analyses how C&A as one of the largest Western apparel companies organises its sourcing ethics, notwithstanding the financial pressure in the market. Based on interviews with Asian suppliers of C&A during the second half of 2000, we review the opinions of external stakeholders about the sourcing ethics of C&A. Finally, we evaluate C&A’s sourcing ethics from a theoretical perspective.Textile sector; audit; sourcing; code of conduct; compliance; ethics; corporate social responsibility; child labour

    Development of Secure Software : Rationale, Standards and Practices

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    The society is run by software. Electronic processing of personal and financial data forms the core of nearly all societal and economic activities, and concerns every aspect of life. Software systems are used to store, transfer and process this vital data. The systems are further interfaced by other systems, forming complex networks of data stores and processing entities.This data requires protection from misuse, whether accidental or intentional. Elaborate and extensive security mechanisms are built around the protected information assets. These mechanisms cover every aspect of security, from physical surroundings and people to data classification schemes, access control, identity management, and various forms of encryption. Despite the extensive information security effort, repeated security incidents keep compromising our financial assets, intellectual property, and privacy. In addition to the direct and indirect cost, they erode the trust in the very foundation of information security: availability, integrity, and confidentiality of our data. Lawmakers at various national and international levels have reacted by creating a growing body of regulation to establish a baseline for information security. Increased awareness of information security issues has led to extend this regulation to one of the core issues in secure data processing: security of the software itself. Information security contains many aspects. It is generally classified into organizational security, infrastructure security, and application security. Within application security, the various security engineering processes and techniques utilized at development time form the discipline of software security engineering. The aim of these security activities is to address the software-induced risk toward the organization, reduce the security incidents and thereby lower the lifetime cost of the software. Software security engineering manages the software risk by implementing various security controls right into the software, and by providing security assurance for the existence of these controls by verification and validation. A software development process has typically several objectives, of which security may form only a part. When security is not expressly prioritized, the development organizations have a tendency to direct their resources to the primary requirements. While producing short-term cost and time savings, the increased software risk, induced by a lack of security and assurance engineering, will have to be mitigated by other means. In addition to increasing the lifetime cost of software, unmitigated or even unidentified risk has an increased chance of being exploited and cause other software issues. This dissertation concerns security engineering in agile software development. The aim of the research is to find ways to produce secure software through the introduction of security engineering into the agile software development processes. Security engineering processes are derived from extant literature, industry practices, and several national and international standards. The standardized requirements for software security are traced to their origins in the late 1960s, and the alignment of the software engineering and security engineering objectives followed from their original challenges to the current agile software development methods. The research provides direct solutions to the formation of security objectives in software development, and to the methods used to achieve them. It also identifies and addresses several issues and challenges found in the integration of these activities into the development processes, providing directly applicable and clearly stated solutions for practical security engineering problems. The research found the practices and principles promoted by agile and lean software development methods to be compatible with many security engineering activities. Automated, tool-based processes and the drive for efficiency and improved software quality were found to directly support the security engineering techniques and objectives. Several new ways to integrate software engineering into agile software development processes were identified. Ways to integrate security assurance into the development process were also found, in the form of security documentation, analyses, and reviews. Assurance artifacts can be used to improve software design and enhance quality assurance. In contrast, detached security engineering processes may create security assurance that serves only purposes external to the software processes. The results provide direct benefits to all software stakeholders, from the developers and customers to the end users. Security awareness is the key to more secure software. Awareness creates a demand for security, and the demand gives software developers the concrete objectives and the rationale for the security work. This also creates a demand for new security tools, processes and controls to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of software security engineering. At first, this demand is created by increased security regulation. The main pressure for change will emanate from the people and organizations utilizing the software: security is a mandatory requirement, and software must provide it. This dissertation addresses these new challenges. Software security continues to gain importance, prompting for new solutions and research.Ohjelmistot ovat keskeinen osa yhteiskuntamme perusinfrastruktuuria. Merkittävä osa sosiaalisesta ja taloudellisesta toiminnastamme perustuu tiedon sähköiseen käsittelyyn, varastointiin ja siirtoon. Näitä tehtäviä suorittamaan on kehitetty merkittävä joukko ohjelmistoja, jotka muodostavat mutkikkaita tiedon yhteiskäytön mahdollistavia verkostoja. Tiedon suojaamiseksi sen ympärille on kehitetty lukuisia suojamekanismeja, joiden tarkoituksena on estää tiedon väärinkäyttö, oli se sitten tahatonta tai tahallista. Suojausmekanismit koskevat paitsi ohjelmistoja, myös niiden käyttöympäristöjä ja käyttäjiä sekä itse käsiteltävää tietoa: näitä mekanismeja ovat esimerkiksi tietoluokittelut, tietoon pääsyn rajaaminen, käyttäjäidentiteettien hallinta sekä salaustekniikat. Suojaustoimista huolimatta tietoturvaloukkaukset vaarantavat sekä liiketoiminnan ja yhteiskunnan strategisia tietovarantoj että henkilökohtaisia tietojamme. Taloudellisten menetysten lisäksi hyökkäykset murentavat luottamusta tietoturvan kulmakiviin: tiedon luottamuksellisuuteen, luotettavuuteen ja sen saatavuuteen. Näiden tietoturvan perustusten suojaamiseksi on laadittu kasvava määrä tietoturvaa koskevia säädöksiä, jotka määrittävät tietoturvan perustason. Lisääntyneen tietoturvatietoisuuden ansiosta uusi säännöstö on ulotettu koskemaan myös turvatun tietojenkäsittelyn ydintä,ohjelmistokehitystä. Tietoturva koostuu useista osa-alueista. Näitä ovat organisaatiotason tietoturvakäytännöt, tietojenkäsittelyinfrastruktuurin tietoturva, sekä tämän tutkimuksen kannalta keskeisenä osana ohjelmistojen tietoturva. Tähän osaalueeseen sisältyvät ohjelmistojen kehittämisen aikana käytettävät tietoturvatekniikat ja -prosessit. Tarkoituksena on vähentää ohjelmistojen organisaatioille aiheuttamia riskejä, tai poistaa ne kokonaan. Ohjelmistokehityksen tietoturva pyrkii pienentämään ohjelmistojen elinkaarikustannuksia määrittämällä ja toteuttamalla tietoturvakontrolleja suoraan ohjelmistoon itseensä. Lisäksi kontrollien toimivuus ja tehokkuus osoitetaan erillisten verifiointija validointimenetelmien avulla. Tämä väitöskirjatutkimus keskittyy tietoturvatyöhön osana iteratiivista ja inkrementaalista ns. ketterää (agile) ohjelmistokehitystä. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on löytää uusia tapoja tuottaa tietoturvallisia ohjelmistoja liittämällä tietoturvatyö kiinteäksi osaksi ohjelmistokehityksen prosesseja. Tietoturvatyön prosessit on johdettu alan tieteellisestä ja teknillisestä kirjallisuudesta, ohjelmistokehitystyön vallitsevista käytännöistä sekä kansallisista ja kansainvälisistä tietoturvastandardeista. Standardoitujen tietoturvavaatimusten kehitystä on seurattu aina niiden alkuajoilta 1960-luvulta lähtien, liittäen ne ohjelmistokehityksen tavoitteiden ja haasteiden kehitykseen: nykyaikaan ja ketterien menetelmien valtakauteen saakka. Tutkimuksessa esitetään konkreettisia ratkaisuja ohjelmistokehityksen tietoturvatyön tavoitteiden asettamiseen ja niiden saavuttamiseen. Tutkimuksessa myös tunnistetaan ongelmia ja haasteita tietoturvatyön ja ohjelmistokehityksen menetelmien yhdistämisessä, joiden ratkaisemiseksi tarjotaan toimintaohjeita ja -vaihtoehtoja. Tutkimuksen perusteella iteratiivisen ja inkrementaalisen ohjelmistokehityksen käytäntöjen ja periaatteiden yhteensovittaminen tietoturvatyön toimintojen kanssa parantaa ohjelmistojen laatua ja tietoturvaa, alentaen täten kustannuksia koko ohjelmiston ylläpitoelinkaaren aikana. Ohjelmistokehitystyön automatisointi, työkaluihin pohjautuvat prosessit ja pyrkimys tehokkuuteen sekä korkeaan laatuun ovat suoraan yhtenevät tietoturvatyön menetelmien ja tavoitteiden kanssa. Tutkimuksessa tunnistettiin useita uusia tapoja yhdistää ohjelmistokehitys ja tietoturvatyö. Lisäksi on löydetty tapoja käyttää dokumentointiin, analyyseihin ja katselmointeihin perustuvaa tietoturvan todentamiseen tuotettavaa materiaalia osana ohjelmistojen suunnittelua ja laadunvarmistusta. Erillisinä nämä prosessit johtavat tilanteeseen, jossa tietoturvamateriaalia hyödynnetään pelkästään ohjelmistokehityksen ulkopuolisiin tarpeisiin. Tutkimustulokset hyödyttävät kaikkia sidosryhmiä ohjelmistojen kehittäjistä niiden tilaajiin ja loppukäyttäjiin. Ohjelmistojen tietoturvatyö perustuu tietoon ja koulutukseen. Tieto puolestaan lisää kysyntää, joka luo tietoturvatyölle konkreettiset tavoitteet ja perustelut jo ohjelmistokehitysvaiheessa. Tietoturvatyön painopiste siirtyy torjunnasta ja vahinkojen korjauksesta kohti vahinkojen rakenteellista ehkäisyä. Kysyntä luo tarpeen myös uusille työkaluille, prosesseille ja tekniikoille, joilla lisätään tietoturvatyön tehokkuutta ja vaikuttavuutta. Tällä hetkellä kysyntää luovat lähinnä lisääntyneet tietoturvaa koskevat säädökset. Pääosa muutostarpeesta syntyy kuitenkin ohjelmistojen tilaajien ja käyttäjien vaatimuksista: ohjelmistojen tietoturvakyvykkyyden taloudellinen merkitys kasvaa. Tietoturvan tärkeys tulee korostumaan entisestään, lisäten tarvetta tietoturvatyölle ja tutkimukselle myös tulevaisuudessa

    Considerations regarding the agile development of portals

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    Starting with methodologies, methods and techniques used generally in the development of information systems, a personal approach regarding quick development of portals has been introduced. After a strict theoretical foundation the proposal has been applied within a real collaborative knowledge portal development project. We consider the proposed agile development approach (based on the prototype technique enriched with MDA valences) suitable to all kind of information systems. The agile development framework establishes the life-cycle phases of product development taking into account the desired functionalities.portal, prototype technique, model driven architecture, agile development

    Organisational learning and environmental communication:the momentum of environmental management

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    Green Entrepreneurs Challenges and Innovation: The Struggles They Face

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    Purpose:  A green entrepreneur's enterprise prioritises environmental protection by minimising the negative impact of existing products, services, or processes. It contributes to the beneficial transformation of society. This study discusses green entrepreneur challenges and innovations in Tamil Nadu's Salem District.  The intention of this study is to determine what factors determine the obstacles they experience in their business and how to transform those obstacles into opportunities   Design/methodology/approach:  Snowball sampling is employed to choose the population for this study from Salem's vast population, and the total number of respondents chosen is 50.   Findings: Simple Percentage Analysis, Chi-Square, and the Henry Garrett Ranking Method are utilised for measuring the factors. The result of testing the hypothesis indicates that there is no correlation between age and the influence to start a business using technical or professional knowledge and skill   Future Implications: Our work presents a range of theoretical and practical implications, as previously said, but it is not without limitations. In order to ascertain the direct and indirect effects of stakeholder demands, green dynamic capacity, green innovation, and firm performance, we first propose that future research make use of our framework and conduct a comparison study of small and large enterprise

    Secure external access to Odoo

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    Tämän kirjallisuustutkimuksena toteutettavan opinnäytetyön tavoitteena on tutkia kuinka Odoo-toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän (ERP) käyttöönotto toteutetaan turvallisesti ulkoisten toimijoiden kanssa. Lisäksi tavoitteena on löytää parhaita käytänteitä, miten ulkoiset käyttäjät liitetään ERP:iin vaarantamatta yrityksen ydintietoa. Työn toimeksiantaja on suomalainen teollisuusalan yritys, jolla on käytössä avoimen lähdekoodin ERP-järjestelmä Odoo. Yrityksessä on tulevaisuudessa vahva tarve laajentaa Odoon toiminnallisuuksia siten, että myös ulkoiset toimijat kuten partnerit, toimittajat sekä asiakkaat saadaan integroitua osaksi yrityksen Odoota. Teoriaosuudessa perehdytään ERP-järjestelmien tarkoitukseen, etuihin ja haittapuoliin sekä eri toimitus- sekä hankintamalleihin. Lisäksi luodaan lyhyt katsaus tietoturvaan, keskittyen etenkin sovellusten ja tietokantojen tietoturvaan. Lisäksi tarkastellaan myös ERP-tietoturvamenetelmiä. ERP:n arkkitehtuurimalli yhdessä sovellus- ja tietokantaturvamekanismien kanssa nähdään ratkaisevaksi tietoturvahaasteisiin vastaamisessa. Kolmitasoinen arkkitehtuurimalli, jota myös Odoo tukee, nähdään turvallisempana ratkaisuna kuin yksi- tai kaksitasoiset mallit. Koska yritykset toimivat tänä päivänä verkostoissa, joissa liiketoimintapartnerit ovat osa ERP-järjestelmää, tarvitaan uudenlaisia tapoja mahdollistamaan pääsy ERP:iin mutta kuitenkin samalla suojaamaan yrityksen ydindataa. Perinteiset ERP-tietoturvamekanismit eivät välttämättä enää riitä. Tarvitaan uusia ratkaisuja, joilla ERP:n turvallinen ulkoinen käyttö voidaan mahdollistaa. Nämä parhaat käytänteet ovat vasta muovautumassa.The aim of this thesis is to investigate based on the literature review that how to implement Odoo enterprise resource planning system (ERP) securely with external connectivity. Additionally, the target was to form an understanding of the best practises available to create the external connections in ERP without risking the core data of the company. The commissioner of this thesis is a manufacturing company in Finland which is using open source ERP called Odoo. In the future there is a strong need to enable connectivity also with external partners meaning that several modules from the same ERP application need to be enabled for external usage. The theory framework is introducing main purpose of ERP systems, its advantages, disadvantages, different delivery models and acquisition options. Information security on high level is introduced with focus on application, database and ERP specific security aspects. The architectural structure of ERPs, together with application and database security mechanisms, are seen crucial to respond to security challenges. The three tier architecture model, supported also by Odoo, is seen more secure than one or two tier models. As companies today are operating over the traditional company borders, secure business partner access to enterprise data is needed. Traditional security methods of ERP have to be re-considered to enable usage also with external connections to fulfil the security needs of companies. It seems that at the moment the best practise security mechanisms for web ERPs are not yet widely established