23 research outputs found

    Metodologia orientada a la elección de FPGAs con prioridad en el consumo de potencia

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    En este trabajo se presenta una metodología de diseño orientada a explorar el cada vez más amplio conjunto de FPGAs con el fin de seleccionar la mejor opción. Los parámetros que se utilizan para realizar la exploración son los recursos consumidos, la frecuencia de operación y el consumo de potencia. Sobre este último parámetro, el más difícil de medir, se hace un especial énfasis. Se exploran dos fabricantes (Altera y Xilinx), dos familias diferentes de cada fabricante y dos subfamilias dentro de cada familia, una de la gama alta y otra de la gama baja. Esta exploración se ha realizado implementando dos circuitos que realizan la operación división de números de 64 bits usando dos algoritmos con plena vigencia.España, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TEC2007-65105/MICEspaña, Junta de Andalucía TIC-360

    Energy profiling of FPGA-based PHY-layer building blocks encountered in modern wireless communication systems

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    Proceeding at: IEEE 8th Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM), took place 2014, Jun, 22-25 in Coruña (españa). The event web site of http://www.gtec.udc.es/sam2014/ .Characterizing the energy cost of different physical (PHY) layer building blocks is becoming increasingly important in modern cellular-based communications, considering the cross sector requirements for performance enhancements and energy savings. This paper presents energy profiling metrics of different PHY-layer FPGA implementations encountered in modern wireless communication systems. The results give an insight of the distribution of the consumed energy in different baseband building blocks or configurations before and after applying power optimizations in the FPGA design and implementation.This work was partially supported by: the Spanish Government under projects TEC2011-29006-C03-01 (GRE3N-PHY), TEC2011-29006-C03-02 (GRE3N-LINKMAC) and TEC2011-29006-C03-03 (GRE3N-SYST); and the European Commission under project NEWCOM# (GA 318306).Publicad

    Modeling of glitch effects in FPGA based arithmetic circuits

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    Power Measurement Methodology for FPGA Devices

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    The efficiency of power optimization tools depends on information on design power provided by the power estimation models. Power models targeting different power groups can enable fast identification of the most power consuming parts of design and their properties. The accuracy of these estimation models is highly dependent on the accuracy of the method used for their characterization. The highest precision is achieved by using physical onboard measurements. In this paper, we present a measurement methodology that is primarily aimed at calibrating and validating high-level dynamic power estimation models. The measurements have been carefully designed to enable the separation of the interconnect power from the logic power and the power of the clock circuitry, so that each of these power groups can be used for the corresponding model validation. The standard measurement uncertainty is lower than 2% of the measured value even with a very small number of repeated measurements. Additionally, the accuracy of a commercial low-level power estimation tool has been also assessed for comparison purposes. The results indicate that the tool is not suitable for power estimation of data path-oriented designs

    KAPow: high-accuracy, low-overhead online per-module power estimation for FPGA designs

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    In an FPGA system-on-chip design, it is often insufficient to merely assess the power consumption of the entire circuit by compile-time estimation or runtime power measurement. Instead, to make better decisions, one must understand the power consumed by each module in the system. In this work, we combine measurements of register-level switching activity and system-level power to build an adaptive online model that produces live breakdowns of power consumption within the design. Online model refinement avoids time-consuming characterisation while also allowing the model to track long-term operating condition changes. Central to our method is an automated flow that selects signals predicted to be indicative of high power consumption, instrumenting them for monitoring. We named this technique KAPow, for 'K'ounting Activity for Power estimation, which we show to be accurate and to have low overheads across a range of representative benchmarks. We also propose a strategy allowing for the identification and subsequent elimination of counters found to be of low significance at runtime, reducing algorithmic complexity without sacrificing significant accuracy. Finally, we demonstrate an application example in which a module-level power breakdown can be used to determine an efficient mapping of tasks to modules and reduce system-wide power consumption by up to 7%

    Power Efficient Data-Aware SRAM Cell for SRAM-Based FPGA Architecture

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    The design of low-power SRAM cell becomes a necessity in today\u27s FPGAs, because SRAM is a critical component in FPGA design and consumes a large fraction of the total power. The present chapter provides an overview of various factors responsible for power consumption in FPGA and discusses the design techniques of low-power SRAM-based FPGA at system level, device level, and architecture levels. Finally, the chapter proposes a data-aware dynamic SRAM cell to control the power consumption in the cell. Stack effect has been adopted in the design to reduce the leakage current. The various peripheral circuits like address decoder circuit, write/read enable circuits, and sense amplifier have been modified to implement a power-efficient SRAM-based FPGA

    A Reconfigurable Distributed Computing Fabric Exploiting Multilevel Parallelism

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    This paper presents a novel reconfigurable data flow processing architecture that promises high performance by explicitly targeting both fine- and course-grained parallelism. This architecture is based on multiple FPGAs organized in a scalable direct network that is substantially more interconnectefficient than currently used crossbar technology. In addition, we discuss several ancillary issues and propose solutions required to support this architecture and achieve maximal performance for general-purpose applications; these include supporting IP, mapping techniques, and routing policies that enable greater flexibility for architectural evolution and code portability. 1

    A Reconfigurable Distributed Computing Fabric Exploiting Multilevel Parallelism

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    This paper presents a novel reconfigurable data flow processing architecture that promises high performance by explicitly targeting both fine- and course-grained parallelism. This architecture is based on multiple FPGAs organized in a scalable direct network that is substantially more interconnect-efficient than currently used crossbar technology. In addition, we discuss several ancillary issues and propose solutions required to support this architecture and achieve maximal performance for general-purpose applications; these include supporting IP, mapping techniques, and routing policies that enable greater flexibility for architectural evolution and code portability

    Estimación estadística de consumo en FPGAs

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    Tesis doctoral inédita. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Escuela Politécnica Superior, junio de 200