11,638 research outputs found

    Asynchronous and Multiprecision Linear Solvers - Scalable and Fault-Tolerant Numerics for Energy Efficient High Performance Computing

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    Asynchronous methods minimize idle times by removing synchronization barriers, and therefore allow the efficient usage of computer systems. The implied high tolerance with respect to communication latencies improves the fault tolerance. As asynchronous methods also enable the usage of the power and energy saving mechanisms provided by the hardware, they are suitable candidates for the highly parallel and heterogeneous hardware platforms that are expected for the near future

    Predictive control using an FPGA with application to aircraft control

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    Alternative and more efficient computational methods can extend the applicability of MPC to systems with tight real-time requirements. This paper presents a “system-on-a-chip” MPC system, implemented on a field programmable gate array (FPGA), consisting of a sparse structure-exploiting primal dual interior point (PDIP) QP solver for MPC reference tracking and a fast gradient QP solver for steady-state target calculation. A parallel reduced precision iterative solver is used to accelerate the solution of the set of linear equations forming the computational bottleneck of the PDIP algorithm. A numerical study of the effect of reducing the number of iterations highlights the effectiveness of the approach. The system is demonstrated with an FPGA-inthe-loop testbench controlling a nonlinear simulation of a large airliner. This study considers many more manipulated inputs than any previous FPGA-based MPC implementation to date, yet the implementation comfortably fits into a mid-range FPGA, and the controller compares well in terms of solution quality and latency to state-of-the-art QP solvers running on a standard PC

    GPU-Accelerated Asynchronous Error Correction for Mixed Precision Iterative Refinement

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    In hardware-aware high performance computing, block-asynchronous iteration and mixed precision iterative refinement are two techniques that may be used to leverage the computing power of SIMD accelerators like GPUs in the iterative solution of linear equation systems. although they use a very different approach for this purpose, they share the basic idea of compensating the convergence properties of an inferior numerical algorithm by a more efficient usage of the provided computing power. In this paper, we analyze the potential of combining both techniques. Therefore, we derive a mixed precision iterative refinement algorithm using a block-asynchronous iteration as an error correction solver, and compare its performance with a pure implementation of a block-asynchronous iteration and an iterative refinement method using double precision for the error correction solver. For matrices from the University of Florida Matrix collection, we report the convergence behaviour and provide the total solver runtime using different GPU architectures