29 research outputs found

    Preliminary measurements on the effect of server adaptation for web content delivery

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    Review: Political Analysis of Public Policy for Sustainable Infrastructure Development

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    Infrastructure development is carried out to create community welfare. However, infrastructure development hurt the socio-cultural conditions of the community. This research will explain the political analysis of public policies regarding the social risks and benefits of infrastructure development for the community. The research method was carried out with a systematic literature review by referring to reputable journal articles published through www.sciencedirect.com and other relevant reference sources. The research results explain that the risks of infrastructure development from social and political aspects include: people's aspirations are not accommodated by the government; creating forced displacement and poverty for communities; changes in the quality of social life. Then the scientific novelty that can be developed is to explain the risk analysis and potential benefits from the social aspect, through the concept of bottom-up decision making in infrastructure development policies

    File Updates Under Random/Arbitrary Insertions And Deletions

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    A client/encoder edits a file, as modeled by an insertion-deletion (InDel) process. An old copy of the file is stored remotely at a data-centre/decoder, and is also available to the client. We consider the problem of throughput- and computationally-efficient communication from the client to the data-centre, to enable the server to update its copy to the newly edited file. We study two models for the source files/edit patterns: the random pre-edit sequence left-to-right random InDel (RPES-LtRRID) process, and the arbitrary pre-edit sequence arbitrary InDel (APES-AID) process. In both models, we consider the regime in which the number of insertions/deletions is a small (but constant) fraction of the original file. For both models we prove information-theoretic lower bounds on the best possible compression rates that enable file updates. Conversely, our compression algorithms use dynamic programming (DP) and entropy coding, and achieve rates that are approximately optimal.Comment: The paper is an extended version of our paper to be appeared at ITW 201


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    Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi fenomena social pengadaan tanah pembangunan infrastruktur jalan tol di Indonesia, dengan focus pada proyek Jalan Tol Seksi Sicincin–Padang di Sumatra Barat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pelaksanaan dan kendala pengadaan tanah pembangunan jalan tol di Indonesia dan di Sumatra Barat (secara khusus); mendeskripsikan analisis risiko sosial dan potensi manfaat sosial pengadaan tanah pembangunan jalan tol di Sumatra Barat; mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan pengaruh budaya masyarakat, political will (kemauan politik), land governance (tata kelola lahan) terhadap kualitas pengambilan keputusan melalui partisipasi masyarakat pada pengadaan tanah pembangunan jalan tol di Sumatra Barat. Terakhir, merumuskan hybrid policy model pada proses pengambilan keputusan pengadaan tanah pembangunan jalan tol di Sumatra Barat sebagai usulan untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang muncul. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah pragmatism, yaitu paradigm yang mencakup gagasan, metode, pendekatan, principal, atau campuran dari semuanya untuk menjelaskan solusi bagi masalah mixed methods penelitian. Varian mix method yang digunakan adalah concurrent triangulation yaitu penelitian dua sisi yang dilakukan secara bersamaan, sehingga kedua sisi memiliki penekanan yang sama (teknik pengumpulan dan analisis data). Data dikumpulkan dari informan yang relevan dan responden dari masyarakat terdampak (325 orang responden). Analisis data dilakukan secara kualitatif (SSM-analisis CATWOE) dan kuantitatif (structural equation model-SEM) yang kemudian keduanya saling menguatkan antara satu dengan yang lainnya. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan pengadaan tanah jalan tol di Indonesia maupun jalan tol seksi Sicincin–Padang belum optimal, karena masih terdapat masalah seperti penolakan nilai ganti kerugian; masalah trase jalan, administrasi pengadaan tanah; koordinasi antara pemerintah pusat, pemerintah daerah dan masyarakat. Hasil indeks risiko sosial pengadaan tanah jalan tol seksi Sicincin–Padang terkategori sedang hingga rendah, terutama faktor pemindahan asset dan implementasi regulasi. Potensi manfaat social dapat diupayakan melalui jalur diskusi dan dialog antara pemerintah, investor dan masyarakat terdampak. Kemudian, berdasarkan uji hipotesis, diketahui bahwa variabel budaya masyarakat, political will dan land governance terhadap kualitas pengambilan keputusan melalui partisipasi masyarakat memiliki nilai pengaruh yang berbeda-beda. Berdasarkan temuan di atas dirumuskan hybrid policy model kebijakan pengadaan tanah (terutama pada tahap perencanaan) sebagai kebaruan konsep yang dapat menjadi alternatif solusi terhadap masalah pengadaan tanah jalan tol

    Scalable consistency maintenance in content distribution networks using cooperative leases

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    Data integrity for active web intermediaries

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    Propagation of updates to replicas using error-correcting codes

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    With the increase in percentage of replicas of data in the Internet, reducing the amount of bandwidth needed for propagation of updates across the replicas has become a major issue. Objective of our investigation is to design an update propagation mechanism focused on reducing the amount of bandwidth needed to propagate the change across multiple distinct versions of the replicas in a distributed system. We obtain the estimated amount of bytes changed from the user and generate parity information needed to correct these bytes using Error Correcting Codes. Transferring the parity information propagates the update. The updated data can be constructed using the parity information and the outdated data. Our investigation proved that the approach would be bandwidth efficient but computation intensive. We conclude our investigation with an update propagation mechanism that we believe would be less computationally intensive and also reduced bandwidth requirements

    Web Replica Hosting Systems

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