594 research outputs found

    A Survey on Privacy-preserving Electronic Toll Collection Schemes for Intelligent Transportation Systems

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    As part of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), Electronic toll collection (ETC) is a type of toll collection system (TCS) which is getting more and more popular as it can not only help to finance the government's road infrastructure but also it can play a crucial role in pollution reduction and congestion management. As most of the traditional ETC schemes (ETCS) require identifying their users, they enable location tracking. This violates user privacy and poses challenges regarding the compliance of such systems with privacy regulations such as the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). So far, several privacy-preserving ETC schemes have been proposed. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first survey that systematically reviews and compares various characteristics of these schemes, including components, technologies, security properties, privacy properties, and attacks on ETCS. This survey first categorizes the ETCS based on two technologies, GNSS and DSRC. Then under these categories, the schemes are classified based on whether they provide formal proof of security and support security analysis. We also demonstrate which schemes specifically are/are not resistant to collusion and physical attacks. Then, based on these classifications, several limitations and shortcomings in privacy-preserving ETCS are revealed. Finally, we identify several directions for future research

    Enhancing Drivers’ Privacy in Urban Electronic Road Pricing Systems

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    Durant l’últim segle els vehicles ha esdevingut el mitjà de transport per excel·lència. L’ús generalitzat d’aquests vehicles en la nostra societat ha significat una revolució en diferents àmbits com ara les relacions socials, la comoditat i l’economia. Malgrat això, també ha suposat nous inconvenients, com per exemple, un augment de la congestió del trànsit, dels accidents, i de la contaminació atmosfèrica. Recentment, l’agreujament d’aquests fets, especialment en àrees urbanes, juntament amb l’aparició de les tecnologies de la informació i de la comunicació, i una major conscienciació de la societat amb aquestes problemàtiques, ha suposat el desenvolupament dels sistemes de telepeatge en ciutats. L’objectiu d’aquests sistemes és restringir l’accés de vehicles a determinades zones de la ciutat, anomenades “zones de baixes emissions” (LEZ), mitjançant el pagament de peatges en funció de les condicions del trànsit i les emissions del vehicle. Des de la seva implantació, les solucions semblen prometedores. Tot i això, encara son lluny de ser ideals ja que, com s’ha demostrat, afecten la privadesa dels conductors i tenen un alt percentatge d’error en el control de frau. Aquesta tesi té com objectiu proporcionar seguretat i privadesa als sistemes de peatge urbans mitjançant l’estudi de la privadesa i control de frau que ofereixen els sistemes existents. A més a més, basat amb les conclusions d’aquest estudi, es proposen dos nous sistemes de telepeatge per detectar el frau de manera determinista i preservar la privadesa dels conductors mitjançant anonimat revocable. Ambdues propostes permeten dispersar el trànsit procedent de zones amb alta densitat de trànsit amb l’objectiu de reduir les emissions contaminants. En la primera proposta, els conductors paguen en funció de la durada de l’estada a la LEZ, en canvi, en la segona, els conductors paguen d’acord amb trajecte recorregut. També inclouen un estudi de seguretat, privadesa i viabilitat.Durante el último siglo los vehículos se han convertido en el medio de transporte por excelencia. El uso generalizado de éstos en nuestra sociedad ha significado una revolución en ámbitos como las relaciones sociales y la economía. Sin embargo, también ha supuesto nuevos inconvenientes, como el aumento de la congestión del tráfico y de la contaminación atmosférica. Recientemente, el agravamiento de estos hechos, especialmente en áreas urbanas, junto con la aparición de las tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación, y una mayor concienciación de la sociedad con estas problemáticas, ha supuesto el desarrollo de los sistemas de telepeaje en ciudades. El objetivo de éstos es restringir el acceso de vehículos a determinadas zonas de la ciudad, llamadas "zonas de bajas emisiones" (LEZ), mediante el pago de peajes en función de las condiciones del tráfico y las emisiones del vehículo. Desde su implantación, las soluciones parecen prometedoras. Sin embargo, todavía son lejos de ser ideales ya que pueden afectar a la privacidad de los conductores y tienen un alto porcentaje de error en el control del fraude. Esta tesis tiene como objetivo proporcionar seguridad y privacidad a los sistemas de peaje urbanos mediante el estudio de la privacidad y control de fraude que ofrecen los sistemas existentes. Además, se proponen dos nuevos sistemas de telepeaje para detectar el fraude de manera determinista y preservar la privacidad de los conductores mediante anonimato revocable. Ambas propuestas permiten dispersar el tráfico procedente de zonas con alta densidad de tráfico con el objetivo de reducir las emisiones contaminantes. En la primera propuesta, los conductores pagan en función de la duración de la estancia en la LEZ, en cambio, en la segunda, los conductores pagan de acuerdo con trayecto recorrido. También incluyen un estudio de seguridad, privacidad y viabilidad.Over the last century, vehicles have become the means of transport par excellence. The widespread vehicle adoption by our societies has been a revolution in terms of social interactions and economy. They undoubtedly bring many benefits, but they also entail some drawbacks such as an increase of traffic congestion and air pollution. Recently, the aggravation of these problems in urban areas and the emergence of the Information and Communication Technologies have led to solutions such as the deployment of Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) systems. The main purpose of these systems is to restrict the access of vehicles to certain city areas, named Low Emission Zones (LEZ), for which a toll is assessed according to traffic conditions and vehicle emissions. Since their adoption, these solutions have proven to be quite promising. However, current proposals are still far from being ideal. While reducing congestion to some extent, they exhibit several shortcomings. They still introduce a significant error percentage in the detection of fraudulent drivers. Moreover, they usually require toll systems to be equipped with cameras that take pictures of all the vehicles that pass through the control points, which may represent a serious privacy threat. This thesis aims at providing security and privacy to new LEZs. Two new urban ERP systems have been proposed with the aim of detecting fraud while preserving drivers’ privacy. They provide a deterministic fraud control and revocable anonymity for vehicles that misbehave. Both proposals allow to disperse traffic from areas with high traffic density with the aim of reducing the pollutant emissions. In the first proposal, drivers pay depending on the duration of the stay in the LEZ. In the second proposal, drivers pay according to the path they have covered. They include a study of security, privacy and feasibility

    Potential Categories for the Application of Blockchain in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)

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    693JJ321D000021 Task Order 693JJ322F00408NThe purpose of this document is to summarize for the United States Department of Transportation\u2019s (U.S. DOT\u2019s) Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office (ITS JPO), the potential blockchain applications in ITS categorized based on Architecture Reference for Cooperative and Intelligent Transportation (ARC-IT) taxonomy. The applications are selected based on the literature review of existing blockchain applications, conceptual use cases and pilot projects; relevance with U.S. DOT\u2019s strategic goals and research and development plans; and inputs from U.S. DOT


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    This dissertation is comprised of three essays intended to contribute to the operations management discipline, specifically within supply chain management. The first essay provides a research agenda for studying deceptive product counterfeits, which are products that have been manufactured and/or distributed and sold by an entity in violation of another’s intellectual property rights and intentionally misrepresented by the seller as the genuine article. The proliferation of counterfeits into legitimate supply chains presents quality, health and safety and cost concerns for nearly all industries. We identify antecedents of vulnerability to deceptive counterfeits for firms and their supply chain partners using Situational Crime Prevention Theory and Normal Accident Theory. Vulnerability to counterfeiting has negative performance impacts for the firm, its customers and society. We propose using the Six Ts of Supply Chain Quality Management (Roth, Tsay, Pullman and Gray, 2008) as an approach to select effective strategies to mitigate these impacts. Essay Two serves as an initial effort to understand how counterfeits can enter supply chains. In this essay, we test whether purchasing specialists can serve as effective guardians of the supply chain using a scenario based role playing experiment. We explore if buyers can detect signals of counterfeits in proposals and successfully avoid the counterfeit supplier in the decision process. We additionally examine whether time constraints and workload pressure detracts from the ability to successfully process signals and avoid the counterfeit. We find that the buyers can successfully detect counterfeit signals and avoid the counterfeit in the selection decision, but don’t find support for time constraints and workload pressure effects. The final contribution of this dissertation is a methodological essay that explores the effect of time pressure on decision making by using a combination of perceived time pressure and objective measures of time spent in the decision process to determine if time pressure affects the quality of the decision making in a supplier selection decision. We find that time constraints and perceived time pressure are related constructs that negatively affect decision quality in a supplier selection decision

    Identity preservation & traceability: the state of the art - from a grain perspective (status of agricultural quality systems / traceability / certification systems)

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    A descriptive paper on the state of identity preservation and traceability (IPT) as it relates domestically and internationally to food safety and economics. While not exhaustive, it is illustrative of trends. Identity preservation and traceability (IPT) are not new concepts; however, the growth of public and business interest and concerns regarding them has grown tremendously during the past decade due to many events, which has resulted in these concepts joining together within a single concept (with the same title). This paper, while attempting to be thorough, will highlight the major systems of IPT from a US business perspective. Before and during the research of this study many companies and organizations have been created, bought out, or simply gone out of business. Government and non-government organizations have changed regulations and how they have adapted to current world events. Thus the state of IPT will be a sampling of the major players that are in existence during the research. Several of the examples of IPT programs will be of situations that affect the US grain industry, however, other examples will be provided.;Scope of this work; to provide an introduction to, and summary of, identity preservation and traceability (IPT) systems and programs presently available, develop a conceptual model of IPT at the farmer level, and interpretation of the overall art.;The purpose of this research is to provide a sampling of government, industry, and company approaches towards identity preservation and traceability (IPT) systems from the 1990s to early 2007. From this the audience should gain a better understanding of the complexity of IPT systems, rules that it functions under, how IPT is shaped and modified; primary, support, and ancillary components, and the diverse reasons why IPT is critical for food safety and the market.;The format of this work starts with IPT history followed by the theory, design, and general components of IPT, examples of IPT programs and standards, examples of auditing and laboratory firms, chapters that discuss domestic/foreign policy and advisory groups, software providers, process facilitators, food recalls/insurance, cost-benefit spreadsheet that focuses on farm level IP for comparison, farmer IP questionnaire, interpretation, conclusion, and appendixes, related products guide, glossary, directory of resources, and works cited

    Towards Cyber Security for Low-Carbon Transportation: Overview, Challenges and Future Directions

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    In recent years, low-carbon transportation has become an indispensable part as sustainable development strategies of various countries, and plays a very important responsibility in promoting low-carbon cities. However, the security of low-carbon transportation has been threatened from various ways. For example, denial of service attacks pose a great threat to the electric vehicles and vehicle-to-grid networks. To minimize these threats, several methods have been proposed to defense against them. Yet, these methods are only for certain types of scenarios or attacks. Therefore, this review addresses security aspect from holistic view, provides the overview, challenges and future directions of cyber security technologies in low-carbon transportation. Firstly, based on the concept and importance of low-carbon transportation, this review positions the low-carbon transportation services. Then, with the perspective of network architecture and communication mode, this review classifies its typical attack risks. The corresponding defense technologies and relevant security suggestions are further reviewed from perspective of data security, network management security and network application security. Finally, in view of the long term development of low-carbon transportation, future research directions have been concerned.Comment: 34 pages, 6 figures, accepted by journal Renewable and Sustainable Energy Review

    Attributes of Commodity Supply Chains: Feasibility of Blockchain Technology for Responsible Sourcing

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    Assuring the credibility of information on sourcing of raw materials is a major challenge in sustainable supply chain management. Enhancing the reliability and transparency increase the trust of stakeholders and help mitigate sustainability risks that may cause reputational harm to firms. Blockchain is an emerging digital technology that has gained interest as a tool for assurance of supply chains. This research explores the potential for blockchain technology to contribute to the domain of sustainability, looking at the feasibility of blockchain technology for responsible sourcing. The study employed a qualitative approach, drawing on data from expert consultations, academic literature, industry reports and media reports to evaluate the attributes of commodity supply chains that could influence their assurance and alignment with blockchain. A framework was developed to analyze the attributes of commodity supply chains relevant to blockchain technology. A major contribution of this study is the development of a decision tree tool that was then used to assess twelve different commodity supply chains for seven biotic commodities (cocoa, coffee, cotton, fish, palm oil, oranges, and rubber) and five abiotic commodities (aluminum, cobalt, diamonds, mica, and tin). Significant sustainability risks in these commodity supply chains were identified. The results found that there is commonly a lack of trust among actors in all the assessed commodity supply chains yet found variation in the willingness of different sectors to accept new technology. Two models (a hybrid model and a digital model) are proposed that could be used by companies interested in transitioning to a blockchain-based assurance system. The findings in the study provide new insights into the practicality of blockchain technology in sustainable supply chain management

    Internet of Things and Modern Supply Chain Management

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    Information flow has a great influence over the flow of materials in the supply chain industry. The behavior by which the materials flow is highly affected by how the information flows throughout the organization in a smooth manner. To develop the supply chain performance and improve the efficiency of information sharing a lot of practices have been developed to achieve that target. However nowadays with the expansion of companies and having complicated structures of communication, ordinary practices cannot suffice any longer. Additionally, a lot of time is not utilized properly wasting a lot of time and lowering the efficiency of the organization. This research aim is to investigate the development of the internet of things and how when properly utilized it can make a huge impact on modern supply chain management. This research aim is to provide a theoretical basis on how companies can use internet of things to allow easier access for information throughout the organization with minimal effort. The research questions to be addressed in this research are (1), What is the impact of the internet of things on modern supply chain management (2) what are the possible improvements and future work that can be done with regards to the internet of things (3) is it easy to use. An application of internet of things in the supply chain management is developed based on literature findings. The applications aim is to take place to match between execution flexibility and information abundance. Information sharing aimed should be providing high quality information for the higher ups and management before making crucial and swift decisions. To improve the flexibility of the operations and improve the pace within the working environment information must be gathered in a swift manner. It was determined that there are several reasons behind the turbulent flow between materials flow and information flow. Numerous plan changes in response to demand changes, varying planning processes which would subsequently cause problems when designing a supply chain model to organize the information flow. Moreover, it was also found that another reason was insufficient data which resulted in the inability of sharing information between various departments