183 research outputs found

    Design and simulation of advanced fault tolerant flight control schemes

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    This research effort describes the design and simulation of a distributed Neural Network (NN) based fault tolerant flight control scheme and the interface of the scheme within a simulation/visualization environment. The goal of the fault tolerant flight control scheme is to recover an aircraft from failures to its sensors or actuators. A commercially available simulation package, Aviator Visual Design Simulator (AVDS), was used for the purpose of simulation and visualization of the aircraft dynamics and the performance of the control schemes.;For the purpose of the sensor failure detection, identification and accommodation (SFDIA) task, it is assumed that the pitch, roll and yaw rate gyros onboard are without physical redundancy. The task is accomplished through the use of a Main Neural Network (MNN) and a set of three De-Centralized Neural Networks (DNNs), providing analytical redundancy for the pitch, roll and yaw gyros. The purpose of the MNN is to detect a sensor failure while the purpose of the DNNs is to identify the failed sensor and then to provide failure accommodation. The actuator failure detection, identification and accommodation (AFDIA) scheme also features the MNN, for detection of actuator failures, along with three Neural Network Controllers (NNCs) for providing the compensating control surface deflections to neutralize the failure induced pitching, rolling and yawing moments. All NNs continue to train on-line, in addition to an offline trained baseline network structure, using the Extended Back-Propagation Algorithm (EBPA), with the flight data provided by the AVDS simulation package.;The above mentioned adaptive flight control schemes have been traditionally implemented sequentially on a single computer. This research addresses the implementation of these fault tolerant flight control schemes on parallel and distributed computer architectures, using Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) sockets and Message Passing Interface (MPI) for inter-process communication

    An adaptive atmospheric prediction algorithm to improve density forecasting for aerocapture guidance processes

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    Many modern entry guidance systems depend on predictions of atmospheric parameters, notably atmospheric density, in order to guide the entry vehicle to some desired final state. However, in highly dynamic atmospheric environments such as the Martian atmosphere, the density may vary by as much as 200% from predicted pre-entry trends. This high level of atmospheric density uncertainty can cause significant complications for entry guidance processes and may in extreme scenarios cause complete failure of the entry. In the face of this uncertainty, mission designers are compelled to apply large trajectory and design safety margins which typically drive the system design towards less efficient solutions with smaller delivered payloads. The margins necessary to combat the high levels of atmospheric uncertainty may even preclude scientifically interesting destinations or architecturally useful mission modes such as aerocapture. Aerocapture is a method for inserting a spacecraft into an orbit about a planetary body with an atmosphere without the need for significant propulsive maneuvers. This can reduce the required propellant and propulsion hardware for a given mission which lowers mission costs and increases the available payload fraction. However, large density dispersions have a particularly acute effect on aerocapture trajectories due to the interaction of the high required speeds and relatively low densities encountered at aerocapture altitudes. Therefore, while the potential system level benefits of aerocapture are great, so too are the risks associated with this mission mode in highly uncertain atmospheric environments such as Mars. Contemporary entry guidance systems utilize static atmospheric density models for trajectory prediction and control. These static models are unable to alter the fundamental nature of the underlying state equations which are used to predict atmospheric density. This limits both the fidelity and adaptive freedom of these models and forces the guidance system to retroactively correct for the density prediction errors after those errors have already impacted the trajectory. A new class of dynamic density estimator called a Plastic Ensemble Neural System (PENS) is introduced which is able to generate high fidelity, adaptable density forecast models by altering the underlying atmospheric state equations to better agree with observed atmospheric trends. A new construct called an ensemble echo is also introduced which creates an associative learning architecture, permitting PENS to evolve with increasing atmospheric exposure. The PENS estimator is applied to a numerical guidance system and the performance of the composite system is investigated with over 144,000 guided trajectory simulations. The results demonstrate that the PENS algorithm achieves significant reductions in both the required post-aerocapture performance, and the aerocapture failure rates relative to historical density estimators.Ph.D

    Aircraft parameter identification for application within a fault-tolerant flight control system

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    A parameter identification study was conducted to identify a detailed aircraft mathematical model for application within a fault-tolerant flight control system that aims to detect, identify, and accommodate for sensor and actuator failures. Specifically, a mathematical model was identified under nominal conditions for two aircraft platforms, and a model was developed for one platform under actuator failure conditions. These models are to be used in flight control law design and to account for actuator failures on the primary control surfaces for one of the research platforms. In order to accurately model the aircraft behavior following a control surface failure, the effects of an individual surface on the aircraft dynamics was estimated. Since an individual control surface deflection---for example in the event of a locked actuator---causes a coupling between the longitudinal and lateral-directional dynamics, additional terms were identified in the state space and stability and control derivative mathematical models. These models were derived from measured flight data acquired from pilot and automated computer-injected maneuvers under both nominal and failure conditions. From this analysis, the stability and control derivatives were extracted to determine the aerodynamic forces and moments on each aircraft. These aerodynamics were next introduced into a simulation environment to validate the accuracy of the identified mathematical models. A Data Compendium (DATCOM) -- based analysis was conducted in order to provide a means of comparison of the models obtained through the parameter identification study and to provide constraints on parameter optimization. Finally, a confidence interval analysis was conducted to determine the reliability of the estimated values. Several simulation studies were conducted to validate the accuracy of the models for each research platform, focusing on both nominal and primary control surface failure conditions where applicable. The model outputs were compared to the measured flight data from the two respective research platforms to validate the accuracy of the estimated parameters

    Joint University Program for Air Transportation Research, 1989-1990

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    Research conducted during the academic year 1989-90 under the NASA/FAA sponsored Joint University Program for Air Transportation research is discussed. Completed works, status reports and annotated bibliographies are presented for research topics, which include navigation, guidance and control theory and practice, aircraft performance, human factors, and expert systems concepts applied to airport operations. An overview of the year's activities for each university is also presented

    Aeronautical engineering: A continuing bibliography with indexes (supplement 268)

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    This bibliography lists 406 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in July, 1991. Subject coverage includes: design, construction and testing of aircraft and aircraft engines; aircraft components, equipment and systems; ground support systems; and theoretical and applied aspects of aerodynamics and general fluid dynamics

    Autonomous Approach and Landing Algorithms for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

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    In recent years, several research activities have been developed in order to increase the autonomy features in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), to substitute human pilots in dangerous missions or simply in order to execute specific tasks more efficiently and cheaply. In particular, a significant research effort has been devoted to achieve high automation in the landing phase, so as to allow the landing of an aircraft without human intervention, also in presence of severe environmental disturbances. The worldwide research community agrees with the opportunity of the dual use of UAVs (for both military and civil purposes), for this reason it is very important to make the UAVs and their autolanding systems compliant with the actual and future rules and with the procedures regarding autonomous flight in ATM (Air Traffic Management) airspace in addition to the typical military aims of minimizing fuel, space or other important parameters during each autonomous task. Developing autolanding systems with a desired level of reliability, accuracy and safety involves an evolution of all the subsystems related to the guide, navigation and control disciplines. The main drawbacks of the autolanding systems available at the state of art concern or the lack of adaptivity of the trajectory generation and tracking to unpredicted external events, such as varied environmental condition and unexpected threats to avoid, or the missed compliance with the guide lines imposed by certification authorities of the proposed technologies used to get the desired above mentioned adaptivity. During his PhD period the author contributed to the development of an autonomous approach and landing system considering all the indispensable functionalities like: mission automation logic, runway data managing, sensor fusion for optimal estimation of vehicle state, trajectory generation and tracking considering optimality criteria, health management algorithms. In particular the system addressed in this thesis is capable to perform a fully adaptive autonomous landing starting from any point of the three dimensional space. The main novel feature of this algorithm is that it generates on line, with a desired updating rate or at a specified event, the nominal trajectory for the aircraft, based on the actual state of the vehicle and on the desired state at touch down point. Main features of the autolanding system based on the implementation of the proposed algorithm are: on line trajectory re-planning in the landing phase, fully autonomy from remote pilot inputs, weakly instrumented landing runway (without ILS availability), ability to land starting from any point in the space and autonomous management of failures and/or adverse atmospheric conditions, decision-making logic evaluation for key-decisions regarding possible execution of altitude recovery manoeuvre based on the Differential GPS integrity signal and compatible with the functionalities made available by the future GNSS system. All the algorithms developed allow reducing computational tractability of trajectory generation and tracking problems so as to be suitable for real time implementation and to still obtain a feasible (for the vehicle) robust and adaptive trajectory for the UAV. All the activities related to the current study have been conducted at CIRA (Italian Aerospace Research Center) in the framework of the aeronautical TECVOL project whose aim is to develop innovative technologies for the autonomous flight. The autolanding system was developed by the TECVOL team and the author’s contribution to it will be outlined in the thesis. Effectiveness of proposed algorithms has been then evaluated in real flight experiments, using the aeronautical flying demonstrator available at CIRA

    Proceedings of the Second Joint Technology Workshop on Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic, volume 2

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    Documented here are papers presented at the Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic Workshop sponsored by NASA and the University of Texas, Houston. Topics addressed included adaptive systems, learning algorithms, network architectures, vision, robotics, neurobiological connections, speech recognition and synthesis, fuzzy set theory and application, control and dynamics processing, space applications, fuzzy logic and neural network computers, approximate reasoning, and multiobject decision making

    The 1990 Johnson Space Center bibliography of scientific and technical papers

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    Abstracts are presented of scientific and technical papers written and/or presented by L. B. Johnson Space Center (JSC) authors, including civil servants, contractors, and grantees, during the calendar year of 1990. Citations include conference and symposium presentations, papers published in proceedings or other collective works, seminars, and workshop results, NASA formal report series (including contractually required final reports), and articles published in professional journals
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