26 research outputs found

    Francis Ford Coppola’s Apocalypse Now, Heart of Darkness, and the Vietnam War Redux

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    This essay is a consideration of Francis Ford Coppola’s Apocalypse Now—in its original as well as revised form—in light of Francis Ford Coppola’s film career, the Vietnam War, and Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness.This essay is a consideration of Francis Ford Coppola’s Apocalypse Now—in its original as well as revised form—in light of Francis Ford Coppola’s film career, the Vietnam War, and Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness

    Cormac McCarthy and the Genre Turn in Contemporary Literary Fiction

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    The wholesale embrace of genre fiction by contemporary literary writers is currently reorganizing the literary field. This essay looks at the role that genre has played in Cormac McCarthy’s fiction since his turn to the Western with Blood Meridian (1985). It assesses his genre fiction vis-à-vis Mark McGurl’s influential study of the importance of creative writing programs for postwar US fiction in The Program Era (2009). In contrast to the modernist aesthetic institutionalized in program era fiction, I argue that the recent genre turn significantly changes the relationship of literary fiction to reality as well as to institutions. I suggest that the turn to genre should be considered the formal response to a crisis in reality, triggered by twenty-first-century reconceptualizations of the world and our place in it, which requires new ways of representing reality. By reading McCarthy’s The Road (2006) alongside Colson Whitehead’s Zone One (2011), I argue that the genre turn in contemporary literary fiction also marks a turn toward institutions, one that both rejects the anti-institutionality of the program era and a return to the modern disciplinary institution in favor of rethinking a value basis for future institutions

    The Beacon, August 25, 2010

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    Vol. 24, Issue 2, 8 pageshttps://digitalcommons.fiu.edu/student_newspaper/1452/thumbnail.jp

    Popping (It) Up: An Exploration on Popular Culture and TV Series Supernatural

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    Supernatural is a TV series created in 2005 that draws inspiration from urban legends, folklore and mythological tales to tell the journey of two brothers who hunt monsters, ghosts and creatures from the underworld in an apocalyptic scenario. This article intends to explore Supernatural as a reflection of/on the present time, its main concerns and practices. First, it analyzes the show as part of a post-9/11 culture that is deeply affected by the events of 2001 and the underlying sense of terror. Even though the show privileges the horror genre as a framework to deal with 9/11-ensued fears and anxieties, it also brings into play many other genres that blur its categorization and reproduce today’s fast pace and fluidity. Second, the article looks at how the show integrates and has been integrated into contemporary pop culture. Supernatural is known for pushing the boundaries, communicating with other cultural products, self-referencing and interacting with the audience, thus fostering an active interchange between the show, pop culture products, different media, and viewers. The article therefore understands Supernatural as both a cultural manifestation and a manifestation of culture, a product that impacts popular culture and is, in turn, impacted by it. It investigates how the present social, cultural and political context in America has influenced the creation of the series and its plot, and how the use of popular culture references, which pop up regularly throughout the show and create a sublayer of meaning the viewer must decode and interpret, has become a distinctive characteristic of the show and a key factor for its success and durability

    On Using Machinima as “Found” in Animation Production

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    Machinima is a relatively new animation production technique that has become popular among independent animators. It is also used by installation artists to create installation artefacts in a digital space. As a form of remix and fandom culture, machinima can be appropriated for the production of readymade and found arts. However, its exact contribution to this art form has not been clearly defined, as the knowledge generated within the machinima community is usually fragmented, incomplete and poorly documented. This article examines machinima production practices and installation art with the aim of determining how machinima components can be considered as “found art” within an animation. The outcome will be of interest to both animators and installation artists who want to use machinima in their works. It also provides a lens for further study of machinima and digital installations that use videogames

    Miksi Hotel Sapiens on olemassa? Leena Krohnin romaani postapokalyptisen fiktion lajikonventioiden valossa

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    Paysage Apocalyptique en sĂ©rie, ou comment les zombies reconfigurent l’espace tĂ©lĂ©visuel

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    Les paysages des villes et des campagnes proposĂ©es par les sĂ©ries consacrĂ©es aux Zombies n’offrent pas seulement le reflet d’une apocalypse liĂ©e Ă  une pandĂ©mie qui annihile l’espĂšce humaine. Ils proposent en fait une tentative de reprĂ©sentation de ce que le capitalisme, poussĂ© Ă  outrance, rĂ©serve Ă  l’espĂšce humaine dans un avenir plus ou moins proche. Bien qu’il ne soit pas possible en un seul article de faire le tour de la question sur le rapport entre l’idĂ©e de paysage et l’espace humain mi..

    Vesitetty ympÀristösanoma : Waterworld -elokuva (1995) ilmastokatastrofin representaationa

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    Tutkielma kÀsittelee yhdysvaltalaista toimintaelokuvaa Waterworld (1995). Maailmanlopun jÀlkeiseen maailmaan sijoittuva Waterworld tunnetaan aikansa kalleimpana ja suurta mediahuomiota synnyttÀneenÀ elokuvana, joka kÀsitteli 1980-luvun lopulla ja 1990-luvun alussa kansainvÀliseen keskusteluun noussutta ilmastokriisiÀ. Tarkastelen Waterworldin apokalyptistÀ tapaa kÀsitellÀ ilmastokriisiÀ ja kysyn, miten elokuva rinnastuu oman aikansa ympÀristökeskusteluun. Tutkimusmetodini on kontekstualisoiva elokuvahistoria. AlkuperÀislÀhteenÀ kÀytÀn Waterworldin vuonna 2018 ilmestynyttÀ Blu-ray-julkaisua. LÀhestyn elokuvaa ekokriittisestÀ nÀkökulmasta, jonka avulla tutkitaan kulttuuritekstien suhdetta ympÀristöön ja luontoon. Tutkimuksessani hyödynnÀn kattavasti Waterworldia koskevaa aikalaisuutisointia, elokuva-arvioita ja haastatteluita sijoittaakseni elokuvan omaan kontekstiinsa 1990-luvun alkupuolen Yhdysvaltoihin. Waterworld pyrkii ottamaan kantaa oman aikansa ympÀristöongelmiin ja osallistuu tulkintani mukaan Yhdysvaltojen sisÀiseen ympÀristöpoliittiseen kiistaan. Elokuva on amerikkalaisen viihdekoneiston valmistama kaupallinen tuote, jonka tarkoitus on tuottaa tekijöilleen taloudellista voittoa. Globaalia ilmastokatastrofia maalaileva Waterworld ammentaa innoitustaan 1960-luvulla syntyneestÀ ympÀristöliikkeestÀ ja hyödyntÀÀ kerronnassaan varhaisen ympÀristöajattelun apokalyptistÀ retoriikkaa. Samalla elokuva liputtaa edistysuskon ja ihmisen sopeutumiskyvyn puolesta. ApokalypsiÀ on pidetty subliimina, eli ihmisen kÀsityskyvyn ulottumattomissa olevana ilmiönÀ. PystyÀkseen kuvittelemaan apokalyptisen meren peittÀmÀn maailman Waterworld ammentaa muinaisista myytteistÀ ja varhaismoderneista merta koskevista uskomuksista, jolloin ilmastokatastrofin mahdolliset todelliset seuraukset jÀÀvÀt sivuun. PÀÀttelen, ettÀ Waterworld kierrÀttÀÀ myös amerikkalaiselle itseymmÀrrykselle ominaista utopismia ja maalaisidylliÀ ihannoivaa pastoralismia. Elokuva toistaa lÀnsimaisen ajatteluperinteen luonnon sukupuolittamisen tapaa, jossa luonto mielletÀÀn feminiiniseksi. Ilmastokatastrofin tuhoamasta maailmasta rakennetaan Waterworldissa miehisen toiminnan kenttÀÀ lÀnnenelokuvan lajityypin konventioita mukaillen. LoppupÀÀtelmÀni on, ettÀ ilmastokriisi jÀÀ Waterworldissa viihteen ja ihmiskeskeisen draaman taustalle, mutta elokuvan kautta avautuu kurkistusikkuna aikaan, jolloin ilmastosta alkoi tulla kiistanalainen aihe yhdysvaltalaisessa politiikassa