403 research outputs found

    Post Processing Wrapper Generated Tables For Labeling Anonymous Datasets

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    A large number of wrappers generate tables without column names for human consumption because the meaning of the columns are apparent from the context and easy for humans to understand, but in emerging applications, labels are needed for autonomous assignment and schema mapping where machine tries to understand the tables. Autonomous label assignment is critical in volume data processing where ad hoc mediation, extraction and querying is involved. We propose an algorithm Lads for Labeling Anonymous Datasets, which can holistically label/annotate tabular Web document. The algorithm has been tested on anonymous datasets from a number of sites, yielding very promising results. We report here our experimental results on anonymous datasets from a number of sites e.g., music, movie, watch, political, automobile, synthetic obtained through different search engine such as Google, Yahoo and MSN. The comparative probabilities of attributes being candidate labels are presented which seem to be very promising, achieved as high as 98% probability of assigning good label to anonymous attribute. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first of its kind for label assignment based on multiple search engines\u27 recommendation. We have introduced a new paradigm, Web search engine based annotator which can holistically label tabular Web document. We categorize column into three types: disjoint set column (DSC), repeated prefix/suffix column (RPS) and numeric column (NUM). For labeling DSC column, our method rely on hit counts from Web search engine (e.g., Google, Yahoo and MSN). We formulate speculative queries to Web search engine and use the principle of disambiguation by maximal evidence to come up with our solution. Our algorithm Lads is guaranteed to work for the disjoint set column. Experimental results from large number of sites in different domains and subjective evaluation of our approach show that the proposed algorithm Lads works fairly well. In this line we claim that our algorithm Lads is robust. In order to assign label for the Disjoint Set Column, we need a candidate set of labels (e.g., label library) which can be collected on-the-fly from user SQL query variable as well as from Web Form label tag. We classify a set of homogeneous anonymous datasets into meaningful label and at the same time cluster those labels into a label library by learning user expectation and materialization of her expectation from a site. Previous work in this field rely on extraction ontologies, we eliminate the need for domain specific ontologies as we could extract label from the Web form. Our system is novel in the sense that we accommodate label from the user query variable. We hypothesize that our proposed algorithm Lads will do a good job for autonomous label assignment. We bridge the gap between two orthogonal research directions: wrapper generation and ontology generation from Web site (i.e., label extraction). We are NOT aware of any such prior work that address to connect these two orthogonal research for value added services such as online comparison shopping

    An ant colony-based semi-supervised approach for learning classification rules

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    Semi-supervised learning methods create models from a few labeled instances and a great number of unlabeled instances. They appear as a good option in scenarios where there is a lot of unlabeled data and the process of labeling instances is expensive, such as those where most Web applications stand. This paper proposes a semi-supervised self-training algorithm called Ant-Labeler. Self-training algorithms take advantage of supervised learning algorithms to iteratively learn a model from the labeled instances and then use this model to classify unlabeled instances. The instances that receive labels with high confidence are moved from the unlabeled to the labeled set, and this process is repeated until a stopping criteria is met, such as labeling all unlabeled instances. Ant-Labeler uses an ACO algorithm as the supervised learning method in the self-training procedure to generate interpretable rule-based models—used as an ensemble to ensure accurate predictions. The pheromone matrix is reused across different executions of the ACO algorithm to avoid rebuilding the models from scratch every time the labeled set is updated. Results showed that the proposed algorithm obtains better predictive accuracy than three state-of-the-art algorithms in roughly half of the datasets on which it was tested, and the smaller the number of labeled instances, the better the Ant-Labeler performance

    Self-labeling techniques for semi-supervised time series classification: an empirical study

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    An increasing amount of unlabeled time series data available render the semi-supervised paradigm a suitable approach to tackle classification problems with a reduced quantity of labeled data. Self-labeled techniques stand out from semi-supervised classification methods due to their simplicity and the lack of strong assumptions about the distribution of the labeled and unlabeled data. This paper addresses the relevance of these techniques in the time series classification context by means of an empirical study that compares successful self-labeled methods in conjunction with various learning schemes and dissimilarity measures. Our experiments involve 35 time series datasets with different ratios of labeled data, aiming to measure the transductive and inductive classification capabilities of the self-labeled methods studied. The results show that the nearest-neighbor rule is a robust choice for the base classifier. In addition, the amending and multi-classifier self-labeled-based approaches reveal a promising attempt to perform semi-supervised classification in the time series context


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    With the exponential growth of network-based applications globally, there has been a transformation in organizations\u27 business models. Furthermore, cost reduction of both computational devices and the internet have led people to become more technology dependent. Consequently, due to inordinate use of computer networks, new risks have emerged. Therefore, the process of improving the speed and accuracy of security mechanisms has become crucial.Although abundant new security tools have been developed, the rapid-growth of malicious activities continues to be a pressing issue, as their ever-evolving attacks continue to create severe threats to network security. Classical security techniquesfor instance, firewallsare used as a first line of defense against security problems but remain unable to detect internal intrusions or adequately provide security countermeasures. Thus, network administrators tend to rely predominantly on Intrusion Detection Systems to detect such network intrusive activities. Machine Learning is one of the practical approaches to intrusion detection that learns from data to differentiate between normal and malicious traffic. Although Machine Learning approaches are used frequently, an in-depth analysis of Machine Learning algorithms in the context of intrusion detection has received less attention in the literature.Moreover, adequate datasets are necessary to train and evaluate anomaly-based network intrusion detection systems. There exist a number of such datasetsas DARPA, KDDCUP, and NSL-KDDthat have been widely adopted by researchers to train and evaluate the performance of their proposed intrusion detection approaches. Based on several studies, many such datasets are outworn and unreliable to use. Furthermore, some of these datasets suffer from a lack of traffic diversity and volumes, do not cover the variety of attacks, have anonymized packet information and payload that cannot reflect the current trends, or lack feature set and metadata.This thesis provides a comprehensive analysis of some of the existing Machine Learning approaches for identifying network intrusions. Specifically, it analyzes the algorithms along various dimensionsnamely, feature selection, sensitivity to the hyper-parameter selection, and class imbalance problemsthat are inherent to intrusion detection. It also produces a new reliable dataset labeled Game Theory and Cyber Security (GTCS) that matches real-world criteria, contains normal and different classes of attacks, and reflects the current network traffic trends. The GTCS dataset is used to evaluate the performance of the different approaches, and a detailed experimental evaluation to summarize the effectiveness of each approach is presented. Finally, the thesis proposes an ensemble classifier model composed of multiple classifiers with different learning paradigms to address the issue of detection accuracy and false alarm rate in intrusion detection systems

    Behavioral Profiling of SCADA Network Traffic using Machine Learning Algorithms

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    Mixed traffic networks containing both traditional ICT network traffic and SCADA network traffic are more commonplace now due to the desire for remote control and monitoring of industrial processes. The ability to identify SCADA devices on a mixed traffic network with zero prior knowledge, such as port, protocol or IP address, is desirable since SCADA devices are communicating over corporate networks but typically use non-standard ports and proprietary protocols. Four supervised ML algorithms are tested on a mixed traffic dataset containing 116,527 dataflows from both SCADA and traditional ICT networks: Naive Bayes, NBTree, BayesNet, and J4.8. Using packet timing, packet size and data throughput as traffic behavior categories, this research calculates 24 attributes from each device dataflow. All four algorithms are tested with three attribute subsets: a full set and two reduced attribute subsets. The attributes and ML algorithms chosen for experimentation successfully demonstrate that a TPR of .9935 for SCADA network traffic is feasible on a given network. It also successfully identifies an optimal attribute subset, while maintaining at least a .99 TPR. The optimal attribute subset provides the SCADA network traffic behaviors that most effectively differentiating them from traditional ICT network traffic

    Aplicação de técnicas de Clustering ao contexto da Tomada de Decisão em Grupo

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    Nowadays, decisions made by executives and managers are primarily made in a group. Therefore, group decision-making is a process where a group of people called participants work together to analyze a set of variables, considering and evaluating a set of alternatives to select one or more solutions. There are many problems associated with group decision-making, namely when the participants cannot meet for any reason, ranging from schedule incompatibility to being in different countries with different time zones. To support this process, Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS) evolved to what today we call web-based GDSS. In GDSS, argumentation is ideal since it makes it easier to use justifications and explanations in interactions between decision-makers so they can sustain their opinions. Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA) is a subfield of Argument Mining closely related to Natural Language Processing. It intends to classify opinions at the aspect level and identify the elements of an opinion. Applying ABSA techniques to Group Decision Making Context results in the automatic identification of alternatives and criteria, for example. This automatic identification is essential to reduce the time decision-makers take to step themselves up on Group Decision Support Systems and offer them various insights and knowledge on the discussion they are participants. One of these insights can be arguments getting used by the decision-makers about an alternative. Therefore, this dissertation proposes a methodology that uses an unsupervised technique, Clustering, and aims to segment the participants of a discussion based on arguments used so it can produce knowledge from the current information in the GDSS. This methodology can be hosted in a web service that follows a micro-service architecture and utilizes Data Preprocessing and Intra-sentence Segmentation in addition to Clustering to achieve the objectives of the dissertation. Word Embedding is needed when we apply clustering techniques to natural language text to transform the natural language text into vectors usable by the clustering techniques. In addition to Word Embedding, Dimensionality Reduction techniques were tested to improve the results. Maintaining the same Preprocessing steps and varying the chosen Clustering techniques, Word Embedders, and Dimensionality Reduction techniques came up with the best approach. This approach consisted of the KMeans++ clustering technique, using SBERT as the word embedder with UMAP dimensionality reduction, reducing the number of dimensions to 2. This experiment achieved a Silhouette Score of 0.63 with 8 clusters on the baseball dataset, which wielded good cluster results based on their manual review and Wordclouds. The same approach obtained a Silhouette Score of 0.59 with 16 clusters on the car brand dataset, which we used as an approach validation dataset.Atualmente, as decisões tomadas por gestores e executivos são maioritariamente realizadas em grupo. Sendo assim, a tomada de decisão em grupo é um processo no qual um grupo de pessoas denominadas de participantes, atuam em conjunto, analisando um conjunto de variáveis, considerando e avaliando um conjunto de alternativas com o objetivo de selecionar uma ou mais soluções. Existem muitos problemas associados ao processo de tomada de decisão, principalmente quando os participantes não têm possibilidades de se reunirem (Exs.: Os participantes encontramse em diferentes locais, os países onde estão têm fusos horários diferentes, incompatibilidades de agenda, etc.). Para suportar este processo de tomada de decisão, os Sistemas de Apoio à Tomada de Decisão em Grupo (SADG) evoluíram para o que hoje se chamam de Sistemas de Apoio à Tomada de Decisão em Grupo baseados na Web. Num SADG, argumentação é ideal pois facilita a utilização de justificações e explicações nas interações entre decisores para que possam suster as suas opiniões. Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA) é uma área de Argument Mining correlacionada com o Processamento de Linguagem Natural. Esta área pretende classificar opiniões ao nível do aspeto da frase e identificar os elementos de uma opinião. Aplicando técnicas de ABSA à Tomada de Decisão em Grupo resulta na identificação automática de alternativas e critérios por exemplo. Esta identificação automática é essencial para reduzir o tempo que os decisores gastam a customizarem-se no SADG e oferece aos mesmos conhecimento e entendimentos sobre a discussão ao qual participam. Um destes entendimentos pode ser os argumentos a serem usados pelos decisores sobre uma alternativa. Assim, esta dissertação propõe uma metodologia que utiliza uma técnica não-supervisionada, Clustering, com o objetivo de segmentar os participantes de uma discussão com base nos argumentos usados pelos mesmos de modo a produzir conhecimento com a informação atual no SADG. Esta metodologia pode ser colocada num serviço web que segue a arquitetura micro serviços e utiliza Preprocessamento de Dados e Segmentação Intra Frase em conjunto com o Clustering para atingir os objetivos desta dissertação. Word Embedding também é necessário para aplicar técnicas de Clustering a texto em linguagem natural para transformar o texto em vetores que possam ser usados pelas técnicas de Clustering. Também Técnicas de Redução de Dimensionalidade também foram testadas de modo a melhorar os resultados. Mantendo os passos de Preprocessamento e variando as técnicas de Clustering, Word Embedder e as técnicas de Redução de Dimensionalidade de modo a encontrar a melhor abordagem. Essa abordagem consiste na utilização da técnica de Clustering KMeans++ com o SBERT como Word Embedder e UMAP como a técnica de redução de dimensionalidade, reduzindo as dimensões iniciais para duas. Esta experiência obteve um Silhouette Score de 0.63 com 8 clusters no dataset de baseball, que resultou em bons resultados de cluster com base na sua revisão manual e visualização dos WordClouds. A mesma abordagem obteve um Silhouette Score de 0.59 com 16 clusters no dataset das marcas de carros, ao qual usamos esse dataset com validação de abordagem

    Sparse Predictive Modeling : A Cost-Effective Perspective

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    Many real life problems encountered in industry, economics or engineering are complex and difficult to model by conventional mathematical methods. Machine learning provides a wide variety of methods and tools for solving such problems by learning mathematical models from data. Methods from the field have found their way to applications such as medical diagnosis, financial forecasting, and web-search engines. The predictions made by a learned model are based on a vector of feature values describing the input to the model. However, predictions do not come for free in real world applications, since the feature values of the input have to be bought, measured or produced before the model can be used. Feature selection is a process of eliminating irrelevant and redundant features from the model. Traditionally, it has been applied for achieving interpretable and more accurate models, while the possibility of lowering prediction costs has received much less attention in the literature. In this thesis we consider novel feature selection techniques for reducing prediction costs. The contributions of this thesis are as follows. First, we propose several cost types characterizing the cost of performing prediction with a trained model. Particularly, we consider costs emerging from multitarget prediction problems as well as a number of cost types arising when the feature extraction process is structured. Second, we develop greedy regularized least-squares methods to maximize the predictive performance of the models under given budget constraints. Empirical evaluations are performed on numerous benchmark data sets as well as on a novel water quality analysis application. The results demonstrate that in settings where the considered cost types apply, the proposed methods lead to substantial cost savings compared to conventional methods

    Analysis and Classification of Current Trends in Malicious HTTP Traffic

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    Web applications are highly prone to coding imperfections which lead to hacker-exploitable vulnerabilities. The contribution of this thesis includes detailed analysis of malicious HTTP traffic based on data collected from four advertised high-interaction honeypots, which hosted different Web applications, each in duration of almost four months. We extract features from Web server logs that characterize malicious HTTP sessions in order to present them as data vectors in four fully labeled datasets. Our results show that the supervised learning methods, Support Vector Machines (SVM) and Decision Trees based J48 and PART, can be used to efficiently distinguish attack sessions from vulnerability scan sessions, as well as efficiently classify twenty-two different types of malicious activities with high probability of detection and very low probability of false alarms for most cases. Furthermore, feature selection methods can be used to select important features in order to improve the computational complexity of the learners