51 research outputs found

    Completeness of Flat Coalgebraic Fixpoint Logics

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    Modal fixpoint logics traditionally play a central role in computer science, in particular in artificial intelligence and concurrency. The mu-calculus and its relatives are among the most expressive logics of this type. However, popular fixpoint logics tend to trade expressivity for simplicity and readability, and in fact often live within the single variable fragment of the mu-calculus. The family of such flat fixpoint logics includes, e.g., LTL, CTL, and the logic of common knowledge. Extending this notion to the generic semantic framework of coalgebraic logic enables covering a wide range of logics beyond the standard mu-calculus including, e.g., flat fragments of the graded mu-calculus and the alternating-time mu-calculus (such as alternating-time temporal logic ATL), as well as probabilistic and monotone fixpoint logics. We give a generic proof of completeness of the Kozen-Park axiomatization for such flat coalgebraic fixpoint logics.Comment: Short version appeared in Proc. 21st International Conference on Concurrency Theory, CONCUR 2010, Vol. 6269 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2010, pp. 524-53

    Towards Bridging the Gap between High-Level Reasoning and Execution on Robots

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    When reasoning about actions, e.g., by means of task planning or agent programming with Golog, the robot's actions are typically modeled on an abstract level, where complex actions such as picking up an object are treated as atomic primitives with deterministic effects and preconditions that only depend on the current state. However, when executing such an action on a robot it can no longer be seen as a primitive. Instead, action execution is a complex task involving multiple steps with additional temporal preconditions and timing constraints. Furthermore, the action may be noisy, e.g., producing erroneous sensing results and not always having the desired effects. While these aspects are typically ignored in reasoning tasks, they need to be dealt with during execution. In this thesis, we propose several approaches towards closing this gap.Comment: PhD Thesi

    28th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME 2021)

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    The 28th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME 2021) was planned to take place in Klagenfurt, Austria, but had to move to an online conference due to the insecurities and restrictions caused by the pandemic. Since its frst edition in 1994, TIME Symposium is quite unique in the panorama of the scientifc conferences as its main goal is to bring together researchers from distinct research areas involving the management and representation of temporal data as well as the reasoning about temporal aspects of information. Moreover, TIME Symposium aims to bridge theoretical and applied research, as well as to serve as an interdisciplinary forum for exchange among researchers from the areas of artifcial intelligence, database management, logic and verifcation, and beyond

    Probabilistic and Epistemic Model Checking for Multi-Agent Systems

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    Model checking is a formal technique widely used to verify security and communication protocols in epistemic multi-agent systems against given properties. Qualitative properties such as safety and liveliness have been widely analysed in the literature. However, systems also have quantitative and uncertain (i.e., probabilistic) properties such as degree of reliability and reachability, which still need further attention from the model checking perspective. In this dissertation, we analyse such properties and present a new method for probabilistic model checking of epistemic multi-agent systems specified by a new probabilistic-epistemic logic PCTLK. We model multiagent systems distributed knowledge bases using probabilistic interpreted systems. We also define transformations from those interpreted systems into discrete-time Markov chains and from PCTLK formulae to PCTL formulae, an existing extension of CTL with probabilities. By so doing, we are able to convert the PCTLK model checking problem into the PCTL one. We address the problem of verifying probabilistic properties and epistemic properties in concurrent probabilistic systems as well. We then prove that model checking a formula of PCTLK in concurrent probabilistic systems is PSPACE-complete. Furthermore, we represent models associated with PCTLK logic symbolically with Multi-Terminal Binary Decision Diagrams (MTBDDs). Finally, we make use of PRISM, the model checker of PCTL without adding new computation cost. Dining cryptographers protocol is implemented to show the applicability of the proposed technique along with performance analysis and comparison in terms of execution time and state space scalability with MCK, an existing epistemic-probabilistic model checker, and MCMAS, a model checker for multi-agent systems. Another example, NetBill protocol, is also implemented with PRISM to verify probabilistic epistemic properties and to evaluate the complexity of this verification

    Logical methods for the hierarchy of hyperlogics

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    In this thesis, we develop logical methods for reasoning about hyperproperties. Hyperproperties describe relations between multiple executions of a system. Unlike trace properties, hyperproperties comprise relational properties like noninterference, symmetry, and robustness. While trace properties have been studied extensively, hyperproperties form a relatively new concept that is far from fully understood. We study the expressiveness of various hyperlogics and develop algorithms for their satisfiability and synthesis problems. In the first part, we explore the landscape of hyperlogics based on temporal logics, first-order and second-order logics, and logics with team semantics. We establish that first-order/second-order and temporal hyperlogics span a hierarchy of expressiveness, whereas team logics constitute a radically different way of specifying hyperproperties. Furthermore, we introduce the notion of temporal safety and liveness, from which we obtain fragments of HyperLTL (the most prominent hyperlogic) with a simpler satisfiability problem. In the second part, we develop logics and algorithms for the synthesis of smart contracts. We introduce two extensions of temporal stream logic to express (hyper)properties of infinite-state systems. We study the realizability problem of these logics and define approximations of the problem in LTL and HyperLTL. Based on these approximations, we develop algorithms to construct smart contracts directly from their specifications.In dieser Arbeit beschreiben wir logische Methoden, um über Hypereigenschaften zu argumentieren. Hypereigenschaften beschreiben Relationen zwischen mehreren Ausführungen eines Systems. Anders als pfadbasierte Eigenschaften können Hypereigenschaften relationale Eigenschaften wie Symmetrie, Robustheit und die Abwesenheit von Informationsfluss ausdrücken. Während pfadbasierte Eigenschaften in den letzten Jahrzehnten ausführlich erforscht wurden, sind Hypereigenschaften ein relativ neues Konzept, das wir noch nicht vollständig verstehen. Wir untersuchen die Ausdrucksmächtigkeit verschiedener Hyperlogiken und entwickeln ausführbare Algorithmen, um deren Erfüllbarkeits- und Syntheseproblem zu lösen. Im ersten Teil erforschen wir die Landschaft der Hyperlogiken basierend auf temporalen Logiken, Logiken erster und zweiter Ordnung und Logiken mit Teamsemantik. Wir stellen fest, dass temporale Logiken und Logiken erster und zweiter Ordnung eine Hierarchie an Ausdrucksmächtigkeit aufspannen. Teamlogiken hingegen spezifieren Hypereigenschaften auf eine radikal andere Art. Wir führen außerdem das Konzept von temporalen Sicherheits- und Lebendigkeitseigenschaften ein, durch die Fragmente der bedeutensten Logik HyperLTL entstehen, für die das Erfüllbarkeitsproblem einfacher ist. Im zweiten Teil entwickeln wir Logiken und Algorithmen für die Synthese digitaler Verträge. Wir führen zwei Erweiterungen temporaler Stromlogik ein, um (Hyper)eigenschaften in unendlichen Systemen auszudrücken. Wir untersuchen das Realisierungsproblem dieser Logiken und definieren Approximationen des Problems in LTL und HyperLTL. Basierend auf diesen Approximationen entwickeln wir Algorithmen, die digitale Verträge direkt aus einer Spezifikation erstellen

    Computer Aided Verification

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    The open access two-volume set LNCS 12224 and 12225 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 32st International Conference on Computer Aided Verification, CAV 2020, held in Los Angeles, CA, USA, in July 2020.* The 43 full papers presented together with 18 tool papers and 4 case studies, were carefully reviewed and selected from 240 submissions. The papers were organized in the following topical sections: Part I: AI verification; blockchain and Security; Concurrency; hardware verification and decision procedures; and hybrid and dynamic systems. Part II: model checking; software verification; stochastic systems; and synthesis. *The conference was held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic
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