346 research outputs found

    The Local Integrity Approach for Urban Contexts: Definition and Vehicular Experimental Assessment

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    A novel cooperative integrity monitoring concept, called “local integrity”, suitable to automotive applications in urban scenarios, is discussed in this paper. The idea is to take advantage of a collaborative Vehicular Ad hoc NETwork (VANET) architecture in order to perform a spatial/temporal characterization of possible degradations of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) signals. Such characterization enables the computation of the so-called “Local Protection Levels”, taking into account local impairments to the received signals. Starting from theoretical concepts, this paper describes the experimental validation by means of a measurement campaign and the real-time implementation of the algorithm on a vehicular prototype. A live demonstration in a real scenario has been successfully carried out, highlighting effectiveness and performance of the proposed approach

    Characterisation of GNSS carrier phase data on a moving zero-baseline in urban and aerial navigation

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    We present analyses of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) carrier phase observations in multiple kinematic scenarios for different receiver types. Multi-GNSS observations are recorded on high sensitivity and geodetic-grade receivers operating on a moving zero-baseline by conducting terrestrial urban and aerial flight experiments. The captured data is post-processed; carrier phase residuals are computed using the double difference (DD) concept. The estimated noise levels of carrier phases are analysed with respect to different parameters. We find DD noise levels for L1 carrier phase observations in the range of 1.4–2 mm (GPS, Global Positioning System), 2.8–4.6 mm (GLONASS, Global Navigation Satellite System), and 1.5–1.7 mm (Galileo) for geodetic receiver pairs. The noise level for high sensitivity receivers is at least higher by a factor of 2. For satellites elevating above 30◩, the dominant noise process is white phase noise. For the flight experiment, the elevation dependency of the noise is well described by the exponential model, while for the terrestrial urban experiment, multipath and diffraction effects overlay; hence no elevation dependency is found. For both experiments, a carrier-to-noise density ratio (C/N0) dependency for carrier phase DDs of GPS and Galileo is clearly visible with geodetic-grade receivers. In addition, C/N0 dependency is also visible for carrier phase DDs of GLONASS with geodetic-grade receivers for the terrestrial urban experiment. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    DGNSS Cooperative Positioning in Mobile Smart Devices: A Proof of Concept

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    Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) constitutes the foremost provider for geo-localization in a growing number of consumer-grade applications and services supporting urban mobility. Therefore, low-cost and ultra-low-cost, embedded GNSS receivers have become ubiquitous in mobile devices such as smartphones and consumer electronics to a large extent. However, limited sky visibility and multipath scattering induced in urban areas hinder positioning and navigation capabilities, thus threatening the quality of position estimates. This work leverages the availability of raw GNSS measurements in ultralow-cost smartphone chipsets and the ubiquitous connectivity provided by modern, low-latency network infrastructures to enable a Cooperative Positioning (CP) framework. A Proof Of Concept is presented that aims at demonstrating the feasibility of a GNSS-only CP among networked smartphones embedding ultra-low-cost GNSS receivers. The test campaign presented in this study assessed the feasibility of a client-server approach over 4G/LTE network connectivity. Results demonstrated an overall service availability above 80%, and an average accuracy improvement over the 40% w.r.t. to the GNSS standalone solution

    SaPPART Guidelines: Assessment of positioning performance in ITS applications

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    This deliverable, entitled guidelines, is the third outcome of SaPPART COST Action, a European network of scientists and stakeholders that aims to promote smart use of GNSS technology in the field of intelligent road transport and mobility. It discusses the performance assessment of the GNSS-based Positioning terminals (GBPT), which is generally under the responsibility of the system integrators in the road market of GNSS. The aim of this document is to provide guidelines for generic test procedures for the evaluation of GBPT performance, either by field tests, simulations or their combination, compliant with the concepts and the definitions already established in the SaPPART White Paper (TMI 1) and Handbook (TMI 2). The document is intended to provide the reader with a helpful tool for planning the GBPT testing procedures by both discussing the testing in general and by providing some detailed practical information

    Investigation of Shadow Matching for GNSS Positioning in Urban Canyons

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    All travel behavior of people in urban areas relies on knowing their position. Obtaining position has become increasingly easier thanks to the vast popularity of ‘smart’ mobile devices. The main and most accurate positioning technique used in these devices is global navigation satellite systems (GNSS). However, the poor performance of GNSS user equipment in urban canyons is a well-known problem and it is particularly inaccurate in the cross-street direction. The accuracy in this direction greatly affects many applications, including vehicle lane identification and high-accuracy pedestrian navigation. Shadow matching is a new technique that helps solve this problem by integrating GNSS constellation geometries and information derived from 3D models of buildings. This study brings the shadow matching principle from a simple mathematical model, through experimental proof of concept, system design and demonstration, algorithm redesign, comprehensive experimental tests, real-time demonstration and feasibility assessment, to a workable positioning solution. In this thesis, GNSS performance in urban canyons is numerically evaluated using 3D models. Then, a generic two-phase 6-step shadow matching system is proposed, implemented and tested against both geodetic and smartphone-grade GNSS receivers. A Bayesian technique-based shadow matching is proposed to account for NLOS and diffracted signal reception. A particle filter is designed to enable multi-epoch kinematic positioning. Finally, shadow matching is adapted and implemented as a mobile application (app), with feasibility assessment conducted. Results from the investigation confirm that conventional ranging-based GNSS is not adequate for reliable urban positioning. The designed shadow matching positioning system is demonstrated complementary to conventional GNSS in improving urban positioning accuracy. Each of the three generations of shadow matching algorithm is demonstrated to provide better positioning performance, supported by comprehensive experiments. In summary, shadow matching has been demonstrated to significantly improve urban positioning accuracy; it shows great potential to revolutionize urban positioning from street level to lane level, and possibly meter level


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    In recent times, a lot of research has been conducted to improve the accuracy of various positioning systems. The motivation behind this trend is to ensure high quality GNSS services for various applications. In particular, emphasis has been placed on improving the level of accuracy of consumer grade GNSS receivers. Significant improvements in the quality of signal reception of these receivers would enable low-cost solutions for asset management in for example, harbor areas. Research in Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring - Fault Detection and Exclusion (RAIM-FDE) algorithms give users the ability to exclude satellites with degraded signals, hereby improving the performance of the GNSS solution. This research investigates and evaluates the performance of various customer grade GNSS positioning systems intended for port applications. Various high precision techniques such as Precise Point Positioning and Real-Time Kinematic were conducted and accuracy levels were noted on Multi-band receivers, Single frequency receivers, and GNSS-enabled smartphone. Our final conclusion suggests optimal low-cost GNSS solutions for asset monitoring and management

    A Comprehensive Review of the GNSS with IoT Applications and Their Use Cases with Special Emphasis on Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models

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    This paper presents a comprehensive review of the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) with Internet of Things (IoT) applications and their use cases with special emphasis on Machine learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) models. Various factors like the availability of a huge amount of GNSS data due to the increasing number of interconnected devices having low-cost data storage and low-power processing technologies - which is majorly due to the evolution of IoT - have accelerated the use of machine learning and deep learning based algorithms in the GNSS community. IoT and GNSS technology can track almost any item possible. Smart cities are being developed with the use of GNSS and IoT. This survey paper primarily reviews several machine learning and deep learning algorithms and solutions applied to various GNSS use cases that are especially helpful in providing accurate and seamless navigation solutions in urban areas. Multipath, signal outages with less satellite visibility, and lost communication links are major challenges that hinder the navigation process in crowded areas like cities and dense forests. The advantages and disadvantages of using machine learning techniques are also highlighted along with their potential applications with GNSS and IoT

    Scoping Study on Pseudolites

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    Pseudolites or pseudo-satellites are an emerging technology with the potential of enabling satellite navigation indoors. This technology found several applications that are not limited to indoor navigation. Precise landing, emergency services in difficult environments and precise positioning and machine control are few examples where pseudolite technology can be employed. Despite the great potential of this technology, severe interference problems with existing GNSS services can arise. The problem can be particularly severe when considering non-participating receivers, i.e., legacy devices not designed for pseudolite signals. The design of pseudolite signals is thus a complex problem that has to account for market requirements (modifications of existing receivers for enabling the use of pseudolite signals, measurement accuracy, target application), regulatory aspects (frequency bands to be allocated for pseudoliteservices) and interference problems. The main aspects for the design of a pseudolite signal standard minimizing the interference problem without compromising the location capabilities of the system are considered. The focus is on the signal characteristics and topics relevant for the signal design. A literature review on the different pseudolite applications, prototypes and solutions adopted for minimizing the interference problem is first conducted. Recommendations on the aspects that should be further investigated are then provided.JRC.DG.G.6-Security technology assessmen

    Advanced Integration of GNSS and External Sensors for Autonomous Mobility Applications

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