23,076 research outputs found

    Exploiting c\mathbf{c}-Closure in Kernelization Algorithms for Graph Problems

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    A graph is c-closed if every pair of vertices with at least c common neighbors is adjacent. The c-closure of a graph G is the smallest number such that G is c-closed. Fox et al. [ICALP '18] defined c-closure and investigated it in the context of clique enumeration. We show that c-closure can be applied in kernelization algorithms for several classic graph problems. We show that Dominating Set admits a kernel of size k^O(c), that Induced Matching admits a kernel with O(c^7*k^8) vertices, and that Irredundant Set admits a kernel with O(c^(5/2)*k^3) vertices. Our kernelization exploits the fact that c-closed graphs have polynomially-bounded Ramsey numbers, as we show

    Data Reductions and Combinatorial Bounds for Improved Approximation Algorithms

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    Kernelization algorithms in the context of Parameterized Complexity are often based on a combination of reduction rules and combinatorial insights. We will expose in this paper a similar strategy for obtaining polynomial-time approximation algorithms. Our method features the use of approximation-preserving reductions, akin to the notion of parameterized reductions. We exemplify this method to obtain the currently best approximation algorithms for \textsc{Harmless Set}, \textsc{Differential} and \textsc{Multiple Nonblocker}, all of them can be considered in the context of securing networks or information propagation

    Computation-Aware Data Aggregation

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    Data aggregation is a fundamental primitive in distributed computing wherein a network computes a function of every nodes\u27 input. However, while compute time is non-negligible in modern systems, standard models of distributed computing do not take compute time into account. Rather, most distributed models of computation only explicitly consider communication time. In this paper, we introduce a model of distributed computation that considers both computation and communication so as to give a theoretical treatment of data aggregation. We study both the structure of and how to compute the fastest data aggregation schedule in this model. As our first result, we give a polynomial-time algorithm that computes the optimal schedule when the input network is a complete graph. Moreover, since one may want to aggregate data over a pre-existing network, we also study data aggregation scheduling on arbitrary graphs. We demonstrate that this problem on arbitrary graphs is hard to approximate within a multiplicative 1.5 factor. Finally, we give an O(log n ? log(OPT/t_m))-approximation algorithm for this problem on arbitrary graphs, where n is the number of nodes and OPT is the length of the optimal schedule

    Data Reduction for Graph Coloring Problems

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    This paper studies the kernelization complexity of graph coloring problems with respect to certain structural parameterizations of the input instances. We are interested in how well polynomial-time data reduction can provably shrink instances of coloring problems, in terms of the chosen parameter. It is well known that deciding 3-colorability is already NP-complete, hence parameterizing by the requested number of colors is not fruitful. Instead, we pick up on a research thread initiated by Cai (DAM, 2003) who studied coloring problems parameterized by the modification distance of the input graph to a graph class on which coloring is polynomial-time solvable; for example parameterizing by the number k of vertex-deletions needed to make the graph chordal. We obtain various upper and lower bounds for kernels of such parameterizations of q-Coloring, complementing Cai's study of the time complexity with respect to these parameters. Our results show that the existence of polynomial kernels for q-Coloring parameterized by the vertex-deletion distance to a graph class F is strongly related to the existence of a function f(q) which bounds the number of vertices which are needed to preserve the NO-answer to an instance of q-List-Coloring on F.Comment: Author-accepted manuscript of the article that will appear in the FCT 2011 special issue of Information & Computatio

    Playing with parameters: structural parameterization in graphs

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    When considering a graph problem from a parameterized point of view, the parameter chosen is often the size of an optimal solution of this problem (the "standard" parameter). A natural subject for investigation is what happens when we parameterize such a problem by various other parameters, some of which may be the values of optimal solutions to different problems. Such research is known as parameterized ecology. In this paper, we investigate seven natural vertex problems, along with their respective parameters: the size of a maximum independent set, the size of a minimum vertex cover, the size of a maximum clique, the chromatic number, the size of a minimum dominating set, the size of a minimum independent dominating set and the size of a minimum feedback vertex set. We study the parameterized complexity of each of these problems with respect to the standard parameter of the others.Comment: 17 page

    Algorithmic aspects of disjunctive domination in graphs

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    For a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E), a set DVD\subseteq V is called a \emph{disjunctive dominating set} of GG if for every vertex vVDv\in V\setminus D, vv is either adjacent to a vertex of DD or has at least two vertices in DD at distance 22 from it. The cardinality of a minimum disjunctive dominating set of GG is called the \emph{disjunctive domination number} of graph GG, and is denoted by γ2d(G)\gamma_{2}^{d}(G). The \textsc{Minimum Disjunctive Domination Problem} (MDDP) is to find a disjunctive dominating set of cardinality γ2d(G)\gamma_{2}^{d}(G). Given a positive integer kk and a graph GG, the \textsc{Disjunctive Domination Decision Problem} (DDDP) is to decide whether GG has a disjunctive dominating set of cardinality at most kk. In this article, we first propose a linear time algorithm for MDDP in proper interval graphs. Next we tighten the NP-completeness of DDDP by showing that it remains NP-complete even in chordal graphs. We also propose a (ln(Δ2+Δ+2)+1)(\ln(\Delta^{2}+\Delta+2)+1)-approximation algorithm for MDDP in general graphs and prove that MDDP can not be approximated within (1ϵ)ln(V)(1-\epsilon) \ln(|V|) for any ϵ>0\epsilon>0 unless NP \subseteq DTIME(VO(loglogV))(|V|^{O(\log \log |V|)}). Finally, we show that MDDP is APX-complete for bipartite graphs with maximum degree 33

    Tight Kernel Bounds for Problems on Graphs with Small Degeneracy

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    In this paper we consider kernelization for problems on d-degenerate graphs, i.e. graphs such that any subgraph contains a vertex of degree at most dd. This graph class generalizes many classes of graphs for which effective kernelization is known to exist, e.g. planar graphs, H-minor free graphs, and H-topological-minor free graphs. We show that for several natural problems on d-degenerate graphs the best known kernelization upper bounds are essentially tight.Comment: Full version of ESA 201