432 research outputs found

    Approximability of Robust Network Design: The Directed Case

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    We consider robust network design problems where an uncertain traffic vector belonging to a polytope has to be dynamically routed to minimize either the network congestion or some linear reservation cost. We focus on the variant in which the underlying graph is directed. We prove that an O(?k) = O(n)-approximation can be obtained by solving the problem under static routing, where k is the number of commodities and n is the number of nodes. This improves previous results of Hajiaghayi et al. [SODA\u272005] and matches the ?(n) lower bound of Ene et al. [STOC\u272016] and the ?(?k) lower bound of Azar et al. [STOC\u272003]. Finally, we introduce a slightly more general problem version where some flow restrictions can be added. We show that it cannot be approximated within a ratio of k^{c/(log log k)} (resp. n^{c/(log log n)}) for some constant c. Making use of a weaker complexity assumption, we prove that there is no approximation within a factor of 2^{log^{1- ?} k} (resp. 2^{log^{1- ?} n}) for any ? > 0

    Survivability and performance optimization in communication networks using network coding

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    The benefits of network coding are investigated in two types of communication networks: optical backbone networks and wireless networks. In backbone networks, network coding is used to improve survivability of the network against failures. In particular, network coding-based protection schemes are presented for unicast and multicast traffic models. In the unicast case, network coding was previously shown to offer near-instantaneous failure recovery at the bandwidth cost of shared backup path protection. Here, cost-effective polynomial-time heuristic algorithms are proposed for online provisioning and protection of unicast traffic. In the multicast case, network coding is used to extend the traditional live backup (1+1) unicast protection to multicast protection; hence called multicast 1+1 protection. It provides instantaneous recovery for single failures in any bi-connected network with the minimum bandwidth cost. Optimal formulation and efficient heuristic algorithms are proposed and experimentally evaluated. In wireless networks, performance benefits of network coding in multicast transmission are studied. Joint scheduling and performance optimization formulations are presented for rate, energy, and delay under routing and network coding assumptions. The scheduling component of the problem is simplified by timesharing over randomly-selected sets of non-interfering wireless links. Selecting only a linear number of such sets is shown to be rate and energy effective. While routing performs very close to network coding in terms of rate, the solution convergence time is around 1000-fold compared to network coding. It is shown that energy benefit of network coding increases as the multicast rate demand is increased. Investigation of energy-rate and delay-rate relationships shows both parameters increase non-linearly as the multicast rate is increased

    Shortest Path versus Multi-Hub Routing in Networks with Uncertain Demand

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    We study a class of robust network design problems motivated by the need to scale core networks to meet increasingly dynamic capacity demands. Past work has focused on designing the network to support all hose matrices (all matrices not exceeding marginal bounds at the nodes). This model may be too conservative if additional information on traffic patterns is available. Another extreme is the fixed demand model, where one designs the network to support peak point-to-point demands. We introduce a capped hose model to explore a broader range of traffic matrices which includes the above two as special cases. It is known that optimal designs for the hose model are always determined by single-hub routing, and for the fixed- demand model are based on shortest-path routing. We shed light on the wider space of capped hose matrices in order to see which traffic models are more shortest path-like as opposed to hub-like. To address the space in between, we use hierarchical multi-hub routing templates, a generalization of hub and tree routing. In particular, we show that by adding peak capacities into the hose model, the single-hub tree-routing template is no longer cost-effective. This initiates the study of a class of robust network design (RND) problems restricted to these templates. Our empirical analysis is based on a heuristic for this new hierarchical RND problem. We also propose that it is possible to define a routing indicator that accounts for the strengths of the marginals and peak demands and use this information to choose the appropriate routing template. We benchmark our approach against other well-known routing templates, using representative carrier networks and a variety of different capped hose traffic demands, parameterized by the relative importance of their marginals as opposed to their point-to-point peak demands

    Optimal Cell Clustering and Activation for Energy Saving in Load-Coupled Wireless Networks

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    Optimizing activation and deactivation of base station transmissions provides an instrument for improving energy efficiency in cellular networks. In this paper, we study optimal cell clustering and scheduling of activation duration for each cluster, with the objective of minimizing the sum energy, subject to a time constraint of delivering the users' traffic demand. The cells within a cluster are simultaneously in transmission and napping modes, with cluster activation and deactivation, respectively. Our optimization framework accounts for the coupling relation among cells due to the mutual interference. Thus, the users' achievable rates in a cell depend on the cluster composition. On the theoretical side, we provide mathematical formulation and structural characterization for the energy-efficient cell clustering and scheduling optimization problem, and prove its NP hardness. On the algorithmic side, we first show how column generation facilitates problem solving, and then present our notion of local enumeration as a flexible and effective means for dealing with the trade-off between optimality and the combinatorial nature of cluster formation, as well as for the purpose of gauging the deviation from optimality. Numerical results demonstrate that our solutions achieve more than 60% energy saving over existing schemes, and that the solutions we obtain are within a few percent of deviation from global optimum.Comment: Revision, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    Robust network optimization under polyhedral demand uncertainty is NP-hard

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    AbstractMinimum cost network design/dimensioning problems where feasibility has to be ensured w.r.t. a given (possibly infinite) set of scenarios of requirements form an important subclass of robust LP problems with right-hand side uncertainty. Such problems arise in many practical contexts such as Telecommunications, logistic networks, power distribution networks, etc. Though some evidence of the computational difficulty of such problems can be found in the literature, no formal NP-hardness proof was available up to now. In the present paper, this pending complexity issue is settled for all robust network optimization problems featuring polyhedral demand uncertainty, both for the single-commodity and multicommodity case, even if the corresponding deterministic versions are polynomially solvable as regular (continuous) linear programs. A new family of polynomially solvable instances is also discussed

    On the vehicle routing problem with time windows

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