1,144 research outputs found

    Associations between BMI and the FTO Gene Are Age Dependent: Results from the GINI and LISA Birth Cohort Studies up to Age 6 Years

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    Objective: The association between polymorphisms in intron 1 of the fat mass and obesity associated gene (FTO) and obesity-related traits is one of the most robust associations reported for complex traits and is established both in adults and children. However, little is known about the longitudinal dynamics of these polymorphisms on body mass index (BMI), overweight, and obesity. Methods: This study is based on the 2,732 full-term neonates of the German GINI-plus and LISA-plus birth cohorts, for whom genotyping data on the FTO variants rs1558902 (T>A) or rs9935401 (G>A) were available. Children were followed from birth up to age 6 years. Up to 9 anthropometric measurements of BMI were obtained. Fractional-Polynomial-Generalized-Estimation-Equation modeling was used to assess developmental trends and their potential dependence on genotype status. Results: We observed no evidence for BMI differences between genotypes of both variants for the first 3 years of life. However, from age 3 years onwards, we noted a higher BMI for the homozygous minor alleles carriers in comparison to the other two genotype groups. However, evidence for statistical significance was reached from the age of 4 years onwards. Conclusions: This is one of the first studies investigating in detail the development of BMI depending on FTO genotype between birth and the age of 6 years in a birth cohort not selected for the phenotype studied. We observed that the association between BMI and FTO genotype evolves gradually and becomes descriptively detectable from the age of 3 years onwards

    Genome-Wide Linkage Analysis of Malaria Infection Intensity and Mild Disease

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    Although balancing selection with the sickle-cell trait and other red blood cell disorders has emphasized the interaction between malaria and human genetics, no systematic approach has so far been undertaken towards a comprehensive search for human genome variants influencing malaria. By screening 2,551 families in rural Ghana, West Africa, 108 nuclear families were identified who were exposed to hyperendemic malaria transmission and were homozygous wild-type for the established malaria resistance factors of hemoglobin (Hb)S, HbC, alpha(+) thalassemia, and glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase deficiency. Of these families, 392 siblings aged 0.5–11 y were characterized for malaria susceptibility by closely monitoring parasite counts, malaria fever episodes, and anemia over 8 mo. An autosome-wide linkage analysis based on 10,000 single-nucleotide polymorphisms was conducted in 68 selected families including 241 siblings forming 330 sib pairs. Several regions were identified which showed evidence for linkage to the parasitological and clinical phenotypes studied, among them a prominent signal on Chromosome 10p15 obtained with malaria fever episodes (asymptotic z score = 4.37, empirical p-value = 4.0 × 10(−5), locus-specific heritability of 37.7%; 95% confidence interval, 15.7%–59.7%). The identification of genetic variants underlying the linkage signals may reveal as yet unrecognized pathways influencing human resistance to malaria

    Piima laapumisomaduste modelleerimine ja geneetiline determineeritus

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    Milk coagulation properties (milk coagulation time and curd firmness) are of great importance for the cheese industry because of their influence on cheese outcome and quality. This thesis focuses on possibilities for the genetic improvement of these economically important traits in Estonian Holstein cattle and also evaluates transformation possibilities of milk coagulation measurements into one scale, between different analytical techniques. This study is the first large-scale study of genetic parameters of milk coagulation traits based on the optical method for measuring these traits. Estimates of heritability, repeatability and genetic correlations among milk coagulation, production, milk fat and protein percentage, somatic cell score, urea content and pH were found. Effect of ÎČ-Îș-casein genotype on the milk traits referred to above and their additive genetic variation were also examined. Genetic parameters were estimated based on 17,577 first lactation milk samples from 4,191 Estonian Holstein cows, while ÎČ-Îș-casein genotype effects were evaluated based on 23,970 milk samples for the first to third lactation from 2,859 genotyped Estonian Holstein cows. To study the transformability of measurements of milk coagulation traits, these traits were measured for 165 milk samples in two laboratories in Italy, using two different mechanical methods, and in Estonian laboratory using the optical method. The analyses of subsamples from the same cow were performed on the same day in all three laboratories. The study revealed that precision of transformation was high for milk coagulation time, while transformability of curd firmness remained moderate between mechanical methods, and modest between optical and mechanical methods. The association between milk coagulation traits, measured by the optical method, and cheese outcome and quality remains unclear. Genetic study showed that heritable additive genetic variation described about one-third of the phenotypic variation in milk coagulation traits of Estonian Holstein cows. Further, the ÎČ-Îș-casein genotype described half of the additive genetic variation of curd firmness. Genetic associations of milk coagulation traits with milk production, pH and composition traits were predominantly low and favourable. It could be concluded that genetic determination of milk coagulation traits enables the improvement of these milk properties by using breeding methods, such as direct selection, on these traits as well as selection on the basis of genetic markers considering the high frequency found for ÎČ-Îș-casein genotypes with an unfavourable effect on milk coagulation properties. However, a lack of high capacity equipment and analytical techniques for measuring milk coagulation traits makes routine recording of these traits on a whole dairy cow population unfeasible. Nevertheless, genetic evaluation can be applied to a limited number of breeding animals (e. g. bulls or bull dams).Piima laapumisomadustest (laapumisaeg ja kalgendi tugevus) sĂ”ltub juustu vĂ€ljatulek ja kvaliteet, mistĂ”ttu on need piima kvaliteedinĂ€itajad vajalikud eelkĂ”ige juustutööstusele. Doktoritöö keskendub nende piima kvaliteedinĂ€itajate parandamisvĂ”imaluste vĂ€ljaselgitamisele aretuse teel eesti holsteini tĂ”ugu lehmadel, hinnates ka laapumisnĂ€itajate teisendamisvĂ”imalusi erinevate mÀÀramismeetodite vahel. KĂ€esolev uurimistöö on esimene suuremahuline optilisel mÀÀramismeetodil baseeruv piima laapumisomaduste geneetiliste parameetrite uuring. Uuringu kĂ€igus anti hinnangud piima laapumisomaduste, piima toodangu, rasva- ja valgusisalduse, somaatiliste rakkude arvu skoori, karbamiidisisalduse ja pH geneetilistele parameetritele (pĂ€ritavus, korduvus, omavahelised geneetilised korrelatsioonid). Ühtlasi uuriti ka ÎČ-Îș-kaseiini genotĂŒĂŒbi mĂ”ju mainitud piimanĂ€itajatele ning nende aditiivgeneetilisele varieeruvusele. Geneetilised parameetrid leiti 4191 eesti holsteini tĂ”ugu lehma esimese laktatsiooni piimaproovi alusel (kokku 17577 proovi) ning ÎČ-Îș-kaseiini genotĂŒĂŒbi mĂ”ju hindamine baseerus 2859 genotĂŒpiseeritud eesti holsteini tĂ”ugu lehma esimese kolme laktatsiooni piimaproovidel (kokku proove 23970). Laapumisomaduste teisendamisvĂ”imaluste hindamiseks kasutati 165 lehma piimaproovi laapumisomaduste mÀÀramist paralleelselt kahes Itaalia laboris mehaaniliste meetoditega ning Eesti laboris optilise meetodiga. Uurimistöö tulemused nĂ€itasid, et laapumisaja teisendustĂ€psus oli kĂ”rge, samas kui kalgendi tugevusel jĂ€i see mehaaniliste meetodite vahel mÔÔdukaks ning optilise ja mehaaniliste meetodite vahel tagasihoidlikuks. Optilisel meetodil mÀÀratud laapumisomaduste seosed juustu vĂ€ljatuleku ning kvaliteediga vajavad tĂ€iendavat uurimist. Geneetilised hinnangud nĂ€itasid, et eesti holsteini tĂ”ugu lehmade piima laapumisomaduste varieeruvusest ligikaudu kolmandiku moodustas pĂ€ritav aditiivgeneetiline variatsioon, millest kalgendi tugevusel kirjeldas omakorda poole ÎČ-Îș-kaseiini genotĂŒĂŒp. Valdavalt olid laapumisnĂ€itajate ja teiste oluliste piimanĂ€itajate vahel nĂ”rgad soodsa suunaga geneetilised seosed. Toodud geneetiliste hinnangute tulemusena saab aretuse seisukohast vĂ€ita, et piima laapumisomaduste geneetiline determineeritus vĂ”imaldab kĂ”ne all olevate omaduste parandamist nii otsese selektsiooni teel kui ka geneetiliste markerite alusel. Selektsiooniks soodne oli ka populatsiooni geneetiline struktuur, kuna laapumisomadustele negatiivset mĂ”ju avaldavad ÎČ-Îș-kaseiini genotĂŒĂŒbid olid suure esinemissagedusega. Praktilisest seisukohast on kogu populatsiooni laapumisomaduste mÔÔtmine ja rutiinne registreerimine tĂ”husa mÀÀramismeetodi puudumise tĂ”ttu hetkel kĂŒll raskendatud, kuid piiratud arvu aretusloomade (vaid valik pulle ja/vĂ”i pulliemasid) geneetiline hindamine siiski vĂ”imalik.Publication of this dissertation is supported by the Estonian University of Life Sciences and by Bio-Competence Centre of Healthy Dairy Products LLC

    Low-level visual processing and its relation to neurological disease

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    Retinal neurons extract changes in image intensity across space, time, and wavelength. Retinal signal is transmitted to the early visual cortex, where the processing of low-level visual information occurs. The fundamental nature of these early visual pathways means that they are often compromised by neurological disease. This thesis had two aims. First, it aimed to investigate changes in visual processing in response to Parkinson’s disease (PD) by using electrophysiological recordings from animal models. Second, it aimed to use functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate how low-level visual processes are represented in healthy human visual cortex, focusing on two pathways often compromised in disease; the magnocellular pathway and chromatic S-cone pathway. First, we identified a pathological mechanism of excitotoxicity in the visual system of Drosophila PD models. Next, we found that we could apply machine learning classifiers to multivariate visual response profiles recorded from the eye and brain of Drosophila and rodent PD models to accurately classify these animals into their correct class. Using fMRI and psychophysics, found that measurements of temporal contrast sensitivity differ as a function of visual space, with peripherally tuned voxels in early visual areas showing increased contrast sensitivity at a high temporal frequency. Finally, we used 7T fMRI to investigate systematic differences in achromatic and S-cone population receptive field (pRF) size estimates in the visual cortex of healthy humans. Unfortunately, we could not replicate the fundamental effect of pRF size increasing with eccentricity, indicating complications with our data and stimulus

    Mapping the functional landscape of frequent phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) genotypes promotes personalised medicine in phenylketonuria

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    Background: In phenylketonuria, genetic heterogeneity, frequent compound heterozygosity, and the lack of functional data for phenylalanine hydroxylase genotypes hamper reliable phenotype prediction and individualised treatment. Methods: A literature search revealed 690 different phenylalanine hydroxylase genotypes in 3066 phenylketonuria patients from Europe and the Middle East. We determined phenylalanine hydroxylase function of 30 frequent homozygous and compound heterozygous genotypes covering 55% of the study population, generated activity landscapes, and assessed the phenylalanine hydroxylase working range in the metabolic (phenylalanine) and therapeutic (tetrahydrobiopterin) space. Results: Shared patterns in genotype-specific functional landscapes were linked to biochemical and pharmacological phenotypes, where (1) residual activity below 3.5% was associated with classical phenylketonuria unresponsive to pharmacological treatment; (2) lack of defined peak activity induced loss of response to tetrahydrobiopterin; (3) a higher cofactor need was linked to inconsistent clinical phenotypes and low rates of tetrahydrobiopterin response; and (4) residual activity above 5%, a defined peak of activity, and a normal cofactor need were associated with pharmacologically treatable mild phenotypes. In addition, we provide a web application for retrieving country-specific information on genotypes and genotype-specific phenylalanine hydroxylase function that warrants continuous extension, updates, and research on demand. Conclusions: The combination of genotype-specific functional analyses with biochemical, clinical, and therapeutic data of individual patients may serve as a powerful tool to enable phenotype prediction and to establish personalised medicine strategies for dietary regimens and pharmacological treatment in phenylketonuria

    Blood group probabilities by next of kin

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    For rare blood groups the recruitment of donor relatives, for example siblings, is expected to be effective, since the probability of a similar rare blood group is likely. However, the likelihood differs between blood groups and is not commonly available. This paper provides a unified mathematical formulation to calculate such likelihoods. From a mathematical and probabilistic point of view, it is shown that these likelihoods can be obtained from the computation of a stationary genotype distribution. This, in turn, can be brought down to a system of quadratic stochastic operators. A generic mathematical approach is presented which directly leads to a stationary genotype distribution for arbitrary blood groups. The approach enables an exact computation for the effectiveness of recruiting next of kin for blood donorship. Next to an illustration of computations for ‘standard’ ABO and Rhesus-D blood groups, it is particularly illustrated for the extended Rhesus blood group system. Also other applications requiring next of kin blood group associations can be solved directly by using the unified mathematical formulation

    The role of TASK-3 potassium channels in theta oscillations and behaviour

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    The two pore-domain potassium channel TASK-3 provides a potassium leak conductance in the mammalian brain and is activated by volatile anaesthetics. Previous studies have shown that TASK-3 knockout (KO) mice have a number of physiological and behavioural abnormalities. In particular, TASK-3 KO mice lack the type-2 theta oscillation (4-8 Hz) usually present in the electroencephalogram (EEG) under halothane anaesthesia, while the higher frequency type-1 theta oscillation (8-12 Hz) recorded during exploratory behaviour is unaffected. That TASK-3 KO mice also have moderate memory impairments, led us to ask whether there might be a link between type-2 theta deficits and impaired mnemonic behaviour. Our results indicate that TASK-3 KO mice also have impaired type-2 theta oscillations during freezing behaviour in a predator exposure test, suggesting possible sensorimotor integration problems. TASK-3 KO mice were found to have a mild impairment in working memory in the T-maze, but object recognition and emotional memory were intact, excluding a role for the TASK-3-dependent theta oscillation in these processes. Further studies then sought to understand the mechanistic role of TASK-3 in the theta oscillation using recombinant Adeno-associated viruses (rAAVs). We first investigated a possible functional role for the type-2 theta oscillation in mediating anaesthesia, and then confirmed that the halothane-associated theta oscillation was dependent upon cholinergic input from the medial septum to the hippocampus. TASK-3 was then re-expressed via rAAV in the medial septum in KO mice, resulting in partial rescue of the type-2 theta oscillation. Our results show that (1) the type-2 theta oscillation plays a redundant role in halothane anaesthesia, (2) type-2 theta deficits in TASK-3 KO mice have minimal effect on memory processing, and (3) that TASK-3 channels in the medial septum play a facilitatory role in type-2 theta oscillations
