9 research outputs found

    Politicians and political parties’ use of social media in-between elections

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    Digital transformation changes the relationship between citizens and politics. The observation of this nexus is highly relevant for representative democracy. After the successful 2008 Obama campaign, a vast body of research that explores how and why politicians use social media has emerged. However, we still know very little about how social media are being adopted and used in-between elections, and still less yet about what this means for political representation. Therefore, this special issue brings together innovative research that focuses on how the use of social media is impacting upon the relationship between politicians and political parties, and citizens. First, we discuss some pros and cons of this transformation in the context of the relevant literature and, especially, in relation to Stephen Coleman’s concept of ‘direct representation’. Finally, we discuss the findings and merits of the contributions and what the issue adds to our understanding of the phenomenon to the state of research

    New Media - Opportunity for New and Small Parties? Political Communication before the Parliamentary Elections in Iceland in 2013

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    Statsministern pÄ 140 tecken : En analys av Alexander Stubbs kommunikativa funktion pÄ Twitter

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    I min avhandling fokuserar jag pÄ hur de sociala medierna har pÄverkat den politiska kommunikationen. Den tidigare hÄrt övervakade och styrda politiska kommunikationen har fÄtt drag av att vara mer spontan, lÀttillgÀnglig och snabb pÄ grund av de sociala medierna. Politikerna förvÀntas vara nÄbara pÄ ett annat sÀtt Äret om och medborgarna vill dessutom se en personligare sida av politikerna, visar tidigare forskning. För att ta reda pÄ hur den politiska kommunikationen har pÄverkats i Finland har jag undersökt den politiker som Àr aktivast pÄ sociala medier, statsminister Alexander Stubb. I min forskning undersöker jag vilken kommunikativ funktion Stubb hade pÄ Twitter under perioden juni till november 2014. Min avhandling bygger pÄ en tredelad fallstudie dÀr jag kombinerar kvantitativa och kvalitativa metoder. I den första delen kategoriserar jag Stubbs tweetar under den nÀmnda tidsperioden enligt identitet och syfte. Den andra delen utgörs av en kvalitativ analys dÀr jag undersöker Àmnesval, tilltal och sprÄkhandlingar i en del av tweetarna. I den tredje delen rÀknar jag och kategoriserar alla hashtaggar som förekommer i tweetarna Àmnesvis. Mina resultat visar att Stubb i huvudsak anvÀnder Twitter i identiteten statsminister. De offentliga identiteterna statsminister, samlingspartist och offentlig person förekommer i tre fjÀrdedelar av tweetarna. I ungefÀr en fjÀrdedel av tweetarna har Stubb alltsÄ en personlig identitet. Min analys av syfte visar att flest tweetar placerar sig i kategorin politisk marknadsföring. Stubb delar ocksÄ med sig av bÄde offentlig och personlig information samt för en dialog med sina följare pÄ Twitter. MÀngden dialog Àr ÀndÄ lÄg och hans kommunikation bygger frÀmst pÄ envÀgskommunikation. Jag hittade fyra olika kommunikativa sÀrdrag hos Stubb, den informativa och politiska Stubb, den positiva och marknadsförande Stubb, den personliga och sportiga Stubb samt den diskuterande och kommunikativa Stubb. Min analys av hashtaggarna i Stubbs tweetar visar att den mest förekommande hashtaggen Àr Kokoomus, eller Samlingspartiet, alltsÄ hans eget parti. Stubb anvÀnder ocksÄ ofta hashtaggar för pÄgÄende evenemang eller skeenden, samt ett antal mer personliga hashtaggar för att signalera att det handlar om en mer lÀttsam kommunikation. Hashtaggarna placerar sig inom ÀmnesomrÄdena politik, evenemang, platser, pÄgÄende skeden och sport. Min avhandling visar att Alexander Stubb har en medveten strategi för sin kommunikation pÄ Twitter. Han för en konstant valkampanj dÀr han blandar officiella och personliga uppdateringar. I huvudsak Àr han statsminister och politiker pÄ Twitter, men han bygger Àven upp en kommunikation dÀr han samtidigt Àr nÀra den vanliga medborgaren och öppnar upp för dialog. Stubb blir ÀndÄ aldrig riktig privat, utan hÄller en viss distans ocksÄ i sina personliga uppdateringar. Ur ett bredare perspektiv visar mina resultat att det politiska kommunikationsklimatet pÄ sociala medier Àr i förÀndring, och att det finns flera utmaningar bÄde för politiker och för medborgare dÄ det inte finns nÄgra klara riktlinjer. Det leder till en svÄr balansgÄng mellan offentlig och privat, samt frÄgor kring hur uppdateringar pÄ sociala medier ska anvÀndas och tolkas. Det gÄr ÀndÄ inte att bortse frÄn de sociala mediernas vÀxande betydelse och deras allt viktigare funktion som kommunikationskanal, ocksÄ inom politiken

    Hvem snakker de med? En kvantitativ innholdsanalyse av norske stortingskandidaters samtaler med andre brukere pÄ Twitter under valgkampen i 2013

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    Denne masteroppgaven undersÞker forholdet mellom politikere og andre brukere pÄ den sosiale nettverkssiden Twitter. Mer konkret tar oppgaven for seg hvilke brukere de 32 politikerne i undersÞkelsen samtalte med i ukene rundt stortingsvalget i 2013. Oppgavens fire problemstillinger lÞses gjennom en kvantitativ innholdsanalyse av politikernes samtaler og funnene tolkes med utgangspunkt i teori om teknologi og demokrati, samt politisk kommunikasjon og valgkamp. I tillegg baseres studien i stor grad ogsÄ pÄ funn og hypoteser fra tidligere empiriske undersÞkelser og kaster dermed ett nytt og oppdatert lys over norske politikeres bruk av sosiale medier. Studien viser at én tredjedel av politikernes poster pÄ Twitter var samtaler med andre brukere. Selv om flesteparten av disse brukerne viste seg Ä vÊre andre politiske aktÞrer, rettet politikerne om lag én tredjedel av sine samtaler mot velgerne. Velgerne sÄ ikke ut til Ä vÊre de mest sentrale bidragsyterne i politikernes samtaler, men de ble likevel prioritert i stÞrre grad enn aktÞrer fra pressen og organisasjonslivet. Imidlertid sluttet politikerne i stor grad Ä fÞre samtaler med andre brukere etter valgdagen, noe som indikerer at den politiske valgkampen var den primÊre motivasjonen bak politikernes dialogrettede atferd. I tillegg viste det seg at velgerne som politikerne hadde samtalt med pÄ Twitter, i stor grad var populÊre brukere med utstrakte publikum pÄ den sosiale nettverkssiden. UndersÞkelsen avslutter derfor med ett Äpent spÞrsmÄl om hvorvidt politikerne regelrett prioriterte populÊre brukere i sine samtaler, eller om mindre populÊre brukere heller frastÄr fra Ä delta i Äpne samtaler med politikere pÄ sosiale medier

    VirĂĄlis politika: Politikai kommunikĂĄciĂł a Facebookon = Viral Politics: Political Communication on Facebook

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    A közössĂ©gi oldalak a politika fontos terepeivĂ© vĂĄltak. A pĂĄrtok Ă©s politikusok aktĂ­van hasznĂĄljĂĄk e platformokat, kĂŒlönösen a legnĂ©pszerƱbb közössĂ©gi oldalt, a Facebookot. A politikusok közössĂ©gi oldalakon folytatott tevĂ©kenysĂ©gĂ©vel foglalkozĂł szakirodalom fƑárama azonban arra a következtetĂ©sre jutott, hogy a közössĂ©gi mĂ©dia nem eredmĂ©nyezett jelentƑs vĂĄltozĂĄst a politika mƱködĂ©sĂ©ben. A disszertĂĄciĂł amellett Ă©rvel, hogy ez az eredmĂ©ny abbĂłl fakad, hogy a szakirodalom empirikus fĂłkusza tĂșlsĂĄgosan szƱk, Ă©s a jelensĂ©get a politikai kommunikĂĄciĂł tĂĄgabb kontextusĂĄtĂłl elszigetelten vizsgĂĄlja. ________ Social network sites have become important spheres of politics. Parties and politicians actively adopt these platform, most notably the most popular social network site, Facebook, for their communication. However, the mainstream literature on political actors’ social media use suggest that the emergence of social media does not result in major changes in politics. The diagnosis is “politics as usual” as it had been argued by the early literature on the connections between internet and politics (see, Margolis – Resnick, 2000). However, the dissertation argues that this conclusion is due to the fact that the empirical focus of the mainstream literature is too narrow, and the phenomenon under scrutiny is investigated in isolation from the wider context of and literature on political communication

    Les traces de la révolution dans les campagnes numériques des partis politiques en Tunisie démocratique.

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    Cette thĂšse porte sur les pratiques de communication numĂ©riques des partis politiques en Tunisie lors des premiĂšres Ă©lections municipales Ă  l’ùre dĂ©mocratique qui ont eu lieu le 6 mai2018. Un manque de travaux est relevĂ© dans la littĂ©rature scientifique sur ces pratiques dans des contextes autres que des dĂ©mocraties occidentales Ă©tablies et sur des Ă©lections locales plutĂŽt que nationales. De plus, malgrĂ© la succession des Ă©chĂ©ances Ă©lectorales depuis le changement de rĂ©gime en Tunisie et l’importance du numĂ©rique dans la vie politique depuis la rĂ©volution de 2011, trĂšs peu d’études se sont intĂ©ressĂ©es aux campagnes numĂ©riques des partis politiques dans le cadre des compĂ©titions Ă©lectorales. Notre thĂšse entend combler ces carences dans la littĂ©rature en nous appuyant sur des considĂ©rations sociales pour mieux cerner les logiques d’élaboration des stratĂ©gies numĂ©riques des partis politiques dans ce contexte inĂ©dit. Le phĂ©nomĂšne rĂ©volutionnaire de 2011 constitue un point tournant dans la vie politique tunisienne dans lequel le numĂ©rique est frĂ©quemment prĂ©sentĂ© comme ayant jouĂ© un rĂŽle important. L’objectif de cette thĂšse est d’identifier et de comprendre si les traces de la rĂ©volution marquent sept ans plus tard les pratiques numĂ©riques de campagne des partis politiques. Nous mobilisons ainsi l’hypothĂšse gĂ©nĂ©rale de la sĂ©dimentation qui s’inscrit dans une perspective d’analyse processuelle empruntĂ©e Ă  la gĂ©ologie. Elle nous sert de guide pour Ă©tablir un lien entre deux phĂ©nomĂšnes temporellement distincts : la rĂ©volution de 2011 et les Ă©lections municipales de 2018.La question de l’appropriation du web par les partis politiques est apprĂ©hendĂ©e dans ce terrain de recherche Ă  partir d’une approche par les acteurs. D’un point de vue thĂ©orique, la thĂšse met en lumiĂšre des dimensions sociologiques souvent nĂ©gligĂ©es dans les travaux sur les campagnes numĂ©riques. En plaçant la focale sur le profil des concepteurs des stratĂ©gies, l’étude se dĂ©marque de la majoritĂ© des recherches sur le web politique qui se consacrent gĂ©nĂ©ralement aux analyses des objets techniques. La thĂšse met Ă©galement en relation deux champs disciplinaires distincts. Elle montre comment l’approche thĂ©orique de l’ « action connective » (Bennett et Segerberg, 2012) dĂ©veloppĂ©e dans le cadre des mouvements sociaux en ligne s’articule avec l’approche thĂ©orique du systĂšme mĂ©diatique hybride (Chadwick, 2013) dans un cadre de communication politique Ă©lectorale. Dans une premiĂšre Ă©tape, nous brossons un portrait des stratĂšges numĂ©riques au sein des partis politiques en Ă©tudiant comment ces derniers ont mobilisĂ© le numĂ©rique lors de la rĂ©volution de 2011. Dans une deuxiĂšme Ă©tape, nous nous intĂ©ressons Ă  leurs valeurs et Ă  leurs perceptions du rĂŽle du numĂ©rique dans le cadre du soulĂšvement de 2011 et dans celui de la dĂ©mocratie. Dans une troisiĂšme Ă©tape, nous examinons les sources d’inspiration des stratĂšges en essayant de saisir si ces derniers reproduisent dans leurs stratĂ©gies Ă©lectorales des pratiques numĂ©riques qui ont marquĂ© la rĂ©volution. Enfin, nous analysons les objectifs qu’assignent les stratĂšges aux campagnes numĂ©riques pour les Ă©lections municipales. Un devis en mĂ©thodes mixtes est mis en place. Les donnĂ©es, – colligĂ©es Ă  l’aide d’une sĂ©rie d’entretiens avec 27 stratĂšges en communication des six principaux partis politiques tunisiens– ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©es Ă  travers des analyses de contenu qualitatives (par catĂ©gories et thĂ©matiques) et quantitatives semi-automatisĂ©es (Ă  l’aide d’un dictionnaire).L’étude rĂ©vĂšle que les formations qui semblent adopter des stratĂ©gies numĂ©riques citoyennes plus innovantes sont celles oĂč se sont accumulĂ©s les sĂ©diments de la rĂ©volution : Elles emploient des cyberactivistes de la rĂ©volution, cyber-optimistes qui mobilisent les pratiques numĂ©riques de la rĂ©volution dans la conception des stratĂ©gies Ă©lectorales numĂ©riques. La thĂšse soutient qu’à travers un processus de sĂ©dimentation – qui se serait dĂ©veloppĂ© de la rĂ©volution aux Ă©lections – l’hĂ©ritage du soulĂšvement de 2011 semble marquer le contexte dĂ©mocratique tunisien. Cet hĂ©ritage imprĂšgne Ă  divers degrĂ©s, les stratĂ©gies numĂ©riques prĂ©parĂ©es pour les Ă©lections municipales de 2018 en favorisant notamment les initiatives citoyennes et l’exploitation des potentialitĂ©s dĂ©mocratisantes des mĂ©dias socionumĂ©riques. Sous les apparences des campagnes numĂ©riques, il existe des logiques sous-jacentes non observables qui relĂšvent non seulement de considĂ©rations sociohistoriques propres au contexte Ă©tudiĂ©, mais aussi de considĂ©rations liĂ©es au profil des acteurs chargĂ©s d’élaborer les stratĂ©gies Ă©lectorales. Cette thĂšse identifie, met en Ă©vidence et croise ces facteurs en soulevant leur incidence sur l’orientation des stratĂ©gies prĂ©parĂ©es pour les Ă©lections municipales de 2018 en Tunisie post-rĂ©volution.This thesis examines the digital communication practices of political parties in Tunisia during the first municipal elections of the country’s democratic era conducted on May 6, 2018. Agap in the scientific literature is noted on these practices in other contexts than established Western democracies and on local rather than national elections. Moreover, despite the succession of electoral events since the regime change in Tunisia and the importance of digital in political life since the 2011 revolution, very few studies have focused on the digital campaigns of political parties within the framework of electoral competitions. Our thesis intends to fill these gaps by drawing on social considerations to better understand the logic underscoring the development of the digital strategies of political parties in this unprecedented context. The revolutionary phenomenon of 2011 marks a turning point in Tunisian political life and constitutes a period in which digital technology is frequently presented as having played an important role. The thesis aims to identify and understand whether traces of the revolution mark the digital campaign practices of political parties seven years later. We thus mobilize the general hypothesis of sedimentation, which is part of a processual analysis perspective borrowed from geology. It serves as a guide to establish a link between two temporally distinct phenomena: the 2011 revolution and the 2018 municipal elections. The appropriation of the web by political parties is addressed in this research field from anactor-based approach. From a theoretical point of view, the thesis highlights sociological dimensions that are often neglected in works on digital campaigns. By focusing on the profile of strategy designers, the study differs from the majority of research on the political web, which is generally devoted to the analysis of technical objects. The thesis also brings together two distinct disciplinary fields. It shows how the theoretical approach of "connective action" (Bennett and Segerberg, 2012) developed in the context of online social movements connects to the theoretical approach of the hybrid media system (Chadwick, 2013) in the context of electoral political communication. We first paint a portrait of digital strategists within political parties by studying how they mobilized digital tools during the 2011 revolution. We secondly examine their values and perceptions of the role of digital in the 2011 uprising and in democracy. We thirdly examine the strategists’ sources of inspiration, thus trying to understand whether they reproduce digital practices that marked the revolution in their electoral strategies. Finally, we analyze the objectives that strategists assign to digital campaigns for municipal elections. Our research uses a mixed-methods approach. The data - collected through a series of interviews with 27 communication strategists from the six main Tunisian political parties -were analyzed through qualitative (by categories and themes) and semi-automated quantitative content analysis (using a dictionary).The study reveals that political parties that appear to adopt more innovative digital citizen strategies are those in which the sediments of the revolution had accumulated: they employ cyberactivists of the revolution, cyber-optimists and mobilize the digital practices characteristic of the revolution in the digital electoral strategies’ design. This thesis argues that through a process of sedimentation - which would have developed from the revolution to the elections - the legacy of the 2011 uprising seems to mark the Tunisian democratic context. This legacy permeates, to varying degrees, the digital strategies prepared for the 2018 municipal elections through the promotion of citizen initiatives and the exploitation of the democratizing potential of social media. Underneath the appearances of digital campaigns, there are unobservable, underlying logics that are not only related to sociohistorical elements specific to the context under study, but which also relate to the profile of the actors in charge of developing electoral strategies. This thesis identifies, highlights, and cross-references these factors by insisting on their impact on the strategies prepared for the 2018 municipal elections in post-revolution Tunisia

    Politicians online – Identifying current research opportunities

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    For more than a decade, researchers have shown interest in how politicians make use of the Internet for a variety of purposes. Based on critical assessments of previous online political communication scholarship, this paper identifies a series of overlooked areas of research that should be of interest for researchers concerned with how politicians make use of online technologies. Specifically, three such research opportunities are introduced. First, we suggest that research should attempt to move beyond dichotomization, such as conceiving of the Internet as either bringing about revolutionary changes or having a normalizing effect. Second, while there is a considerable body of knowledge regarding the activity of politicians during election campaigns, relatively little is known about the day–to–day communicative uses of the Internet at the hands of politicians. The third section argues that as political communication research has typically focused on national or international levels of study, scholars within the field should also make efforts to contribute to our knowledge of online practices at the hands of politicians at regional and local levels — something we label as studies at the micro level. In synthesizing the literature available regarding the use of the Internet at the hands of politicians, the paper concludes suggesting routes ahead for interested scholars