1,893 research outputs found

    Libraries, Archives and Museums as Democratic Spaces in a Digital Age

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    Libraries, archives and museums have traditionally been a part of the public sphere's infrastructure. They have been so by providing public access to culture and knowledge, by being agents for enlightenment and by being public meeting places in their communities. Digitization and globalization poses new challenges in relation to upholding a sustainable public sphere. Can libraries, archives and museums contribute in meeting these challenges

    Urban food strategies in Central and Eastern Europe: what's specific and what's at stake?

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    Integrating a larger set of instruments into Rural Development Programmes implied an increasing focus on monitoring and evaluation. Against the highly diversified experience with regard to implementation of policy instruments the Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework has been set up by the EU Commission as a strategic and streamlined method of evaluating programmes’ impacts. Its indicator-based approach mainly reflects the concept of a linear, measure-based intervention logic that falls short of the true nature of RDP operation and impact capacity on rural changes. Besides the different phases of the policy process, i.e. policy design, delivery and evaluation, the regional context with its specific set of challenges and opportunities seems critical to the understanding and improvement of programme performance. In particular the role of local actors can hardly be grasped by quantitative indicators alone, but has to be addressed by assessing processes of social innovation. This shift in the evaluation focus underpins the need to take account of regional implementation specificities and processes of social innovation as decisive elements for programme performance.

    Introduction : Theorizing Digital Peripheries

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    The global reach of online platforms and services as well as the globally synchronized flows of audiovisual content might suggest that the global media market is now fully integrated. This book argues contrariwise that the global digital market is far from united and that national borders, center-periphery hierarchies and differences in scale still matter, and perhaps they matter even more than in the analog broadcast era

    Roadmap for Renewable Energy Technologies Diffusion : A comparative study of Socioeconomic, Regulatory, and Technological issues in Finland and Poland

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    Energy is a fundamental resource required for the functioning and prosperity of societies across the globe. However, due to e.g. industrialization, digitalization, overpopulation, and growing shares of the global middle and middle-high class, the energy demand levels are expeditiously increasing. Considering climate change and global warming issues, there is a need to significantly limit the utilization of fossil fuels for energy generation purposes. Renewable energy technologies (RETs) can support the global energy transition by providing more clean, sustainable, and environmentally-friendly solutions. The expanding technological innovation advancement generates the capacity of renewables to enhance, inter alia, energy efficiency and security, sustainable development, proficient use of native resources, independence from energy imports, and escalating cost competitiveness. Regrettably, the share of renewables in global energy mixes remains relatively modest and inadequate. This doctoral dissertation aims to explore the major factors influencing the diffusion of renewable energy technologies. Particular emphasis has been put on key regulatory, socioeconomic, and technological aspects of RETs diffusion in two European Union member states, Finland and Poland. By applying a problem-solving approach, this study initially detects the most hampering factors of RETs diffusion in order to address them and suggest effective improvement measures. The outcomes of this research highlight the importance of regulatory regimes and inter-sectoral collaborative networks to uphold the diffusion of environmentally-friendly solutions and propose circular economy, venture capital, and blockchain technology as possible incubators for RETs diffusion. Qualitative research methodology, strengthened with the philosophical approach of critical realism has helped to thoroughly investigate the phenomenon of RETs diffusion based on selected case studies from the RETs industry. A cross-country comparative analysis reveals novel insights on major similarities and differences in various predicaments for developing RETs in both investigated countries. The collective outcomes of the analyses served to develop a “Roadmap for RETs diffusion”, which suggests practical mechanisms, actions, and measures to facilitate the adoption of renewables in Finland and Poland. This study is a vital information source for the policymakers, practitioners, and other stakeholders and interest groups devoted to the widespread diffusion of RETs.Energia on yhteiskuntien toiminnan ja hyvinvoinnin kannalta keskeinen perusresurssi kaikkialla maailmassa. Energian kysyntä kasvaa kuitenkin nopeasti johtuen muun muassa teollistumisesta, digitalisaatiosta ja ylikansoituksesta. Ilmaston lämpenemisen hillitsemiseksi fossiilisten polttoaineiden käyttöä energiantuotantotarkoituksiin on merkittävästi rajoitettava. Uusiutuvan energian teknologiat (RET) voivat tukea maailmanlaajuista energiasiirtymää tarjoamalla puhtaampia, kestävämpiä ja ympäristöystävällisempiä ratkaisuja. Uusiin energialähteisiin liittyvät teknologiset innovaatiot parantavat energiatehokkuutta ja turval¬lisuutta, kestävää kehitystä, luonnonvarojen asiantuntevaa käyttöä, riippu¬mattomuutta energian tuonnista sekä kansallista kustannuskilpailukykyä. Uusiutuvien energialähteiden osuus maailman energiantuotannosta on kuitenkin edelleen suhteellisen vaatimaton. Tämän väitöskirjan tavoitteena on selvittää uusiutuvan energian teknologioiden leviämiseen vaikuttavia keskeisiä tekijöitä. Uusiutuvan energian teknologioiden leviämisen keskeisiä tekijöitä sääntelyn sekä sosioekonomisten ja teknologisten näkökohtien kannalta on tarkasteltu erityisesti kahdessa Euroopan unionin jäsenvaltiossa, Suomessa ja Puolassa. Tutkimuksessa on tunnistettu teknologioiden leviämistä vaikeuttavia tekijöitä ja niihin liittyviä parannuksia. Tutkimuksen tulokset korostavat sääntelyjärjestelmien välisten yhteistyöverkostojen merkitystä ympäristöystävällisten ratkaisujen edistämisessä, ja ehdottavat kierto¬taloutta, riskipääomaa ja lohkoketjuteknologiaa mahdollisiksi ratkaisuiksi uusiutuvan energian teknologioiden leviämiselle. Tutkimus noudattaa kriittiseen realismiin pohjautuvaa laadullista tutkimusmetodologiaa. Uusiutuvan energian teknologioiden leviämistä tutkitaan tapaustutkimuksia käyttäen. Maiden välinen vertaileva analyysi tuo esiin havaintoja merkittävistä yhtäläisyyksistä ja eroista erilaisissa uusiutuvan energian teknologioiden kehityksen haasteissa molemmissa tutkituissa maissa. Analyysien tulosten pohjalta työssä on kehitetty tiekartta, joka ehdottaa käytännön mekanismeja, toimia ja toimenpiteitä uusiutuvien energialähteiden käyttöönoton helpotta¬miseksi Suomessa ja Puolassa. Tämä tutkimus toimii tietolähteenä poliittisille päättäjille, toimijoille ja muille sidosryhmille uusiutuvan energian teknologisen kehityksen alueella.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Media, place and tourism:Worlds of Imagination

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    Accessible and interdisciplinary in nature, this volume highlights the connections between media, tourism and place, bringing together the diverse perspectives, approaches and actors involved in critical issues relating to media tourism worldwide.This book explores new avenues, adopting a global and transnational perspec-tive and placing emphasis on the exploration, analysis and comparison of cases from around the world. Encompassing chapters from a plethora of experts, the volume discusses processes and relationships of power involved in the develop-ment and experience of media tourism. This book seeks to broaden the horizons of both the reader and existing academic research into media tourism by including research into, among other topics, Bollywood and Nollywood films, Brazilian telenovelas and South Korean K-pop culture. Illustrated with tables and figures throughout, the volume presents insights from a variety of strands of cutting-edge and empirically rich research, which are collated, compared and contrasted to dem-onstrate the connections between media, tourism and place around the world.International in scope, this book is an ideal companion for academics and scholars within a wide array of disciplines, such as media studies, tourism studies, fan studies, cultural geography and sociology, as well as those with an interest in media tourism more specifically

    Patrimonio cultural innovador y sostenible para el desarrollo local frente al desequilibrio territorial

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    Els recents canvis en la concepció del patrimoni cultural han portat a considerar-lo no sols com a objecte de protecció i salvaguarda sinó, més enllà, com un recurs per al desenvolupament sostenible. En conseqüència, els efectes del seu correcte tractament podrien contribuir significativament a un dels grans reptes contemporanis del món occidental: el desequilibri urbà-territorial. El nostre propòsit en aquest estudi és extreure les claus de la contribució de l'ús innovador i sostenible del patrimoni cultural per al desenvolupament local de zones rurals, perifèriques o vulnerables. A través de la consideració dels aspectes socioeconòmics i urbà-territorials, i de l'anàlisi de dos estudis de cas europeus, tractarem de revelar com aquestes pràctiques i la pròpia presència del patrimoni cultural poden contribuir a pal·liar el desequilibri territorial. Per a això, combinarem la recerca bibliogràfica i documental amb l'ús i tractament de dades. Hem utilitzat principalment dades estadístiques sobre l'evolució demogràfica a diferents escales, així com dades sobre elements del patrimoni natural i cultural, material i immaterial. Els dos casos triats són el sud d'Espanya i Hongria. Reflecteixen la pluralitat del territori rural a Europa i la seva diversitat de circumstàncies tant en termes d'ocupació del territori com d'evolució sociodemogràfica i de tractament del patrimoni. Els resultats revelen que la mera presència del patrimoni i la seva protecció contribueixen a millorar el comportament demogràfic de les zones vulnerables, però que els efectes es potencien quan van acompanyats d'iniciatives innovadores i de cooperació territorial.Recent changes in the conception of cultural heritage have led to considering it not only as an object of protection and safeguarding but, beyond that, as a resource for sustainable development. Consequently, the effects of correctly handling heritage issues may significantly contribute to one of the great contemporary challenges of the western world: the urban-territorial imbalance. In this study, our purpose is to extract the key means of contributing to the innovative and sustainable deployment of cultural heritage for the local development of rural, peripheral, and/or vulnerable areas. Through the consideration of both socio-economic and urban-territorial aspects, and analysis of two European case studies, we aim to demonstrate how these practices and the very presence of cultural heritage can contribute to alleviating territorial imbalances. For this purpose, we set out the findings of bibliographic and documentary research with recourse to data processing. We have mainly applied statistical data on demographic trends across different scales as well as data on facets of natural and cultural, tangible and intangible heritage. The two cases chosen are southern Spain and Hungary. They reflect the plurality of the rural territories of Europe and their diversity of circumstances, both in terms of their territorial occupation and the socio-demographic evolution and treatment of their respective heritage. The results not only reveal how the mere presence of heritage and its protection contribute to improving demographic trends in vulnerable areas but also that these effects are enhanced when accompanied by innovative initiatives and territorial cooperation.Los recientes cambios en la concepción del patrimonio cultural han llevado a considerarlo no sólo como objeto de protección y salvaguarda sino, más allá, como un recurso para el desarrollo sostenible. En consecuencia, los efectos de su correcto tratamiento podrían contribuir significativamente a uno de los grandes retos contemporáneos del mundo occidental: el desequilibrio urbano-territorial. Nuestro propósito en este estudio es extraer las claves de la contribución del uso innovador y sostenible del patrimonio cultural para el desarrollo local de zonas rurales, periféricas o vulnerables. A través de la consideración de los aspectos socioeconómicos y urbano-territoriales, y del análisis de dos estudios de caso europeos, trataremos de desvelar cómo estas prácticas y la propia presencia del patrimonio cultural pueden contribuir a paliar el desequilibrio territorial. Para ello, combinaremos la investigación bibliográfica y documental con el uso y tratamiento de datos. Hemos utilizado principalmente datos estadísticos sobre la evolución demográfica a diferentes escalas, así como datos sobre elementos del patrimonio natural y cultural, material e inmaterial. Los dos casos elegidos son el sur de España y Hungría. Reflejan la pluralidad del territorio rural en Europa y su diversidad de circunstancias tanto en términos de ocupación del territorio como de evolución sociodemográfica y de tratamiento del patrimonio. Los resultados revelan que la mera presencia del patrimonio y su protección contribuyen a mejorar el comportamiento demográfico de las zonas vulnerables, pero que los efectos se potencian cuando van acompañados de iniciativas innovadoras y de cooperación territorial.Peer Reviewe

    Introduction. Traces of Terror, Signs of Trauma

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    The article introduces a collection of articles about the spatialization processes of memory of war in contemporary Europe. It is divided in three parts. The first part proposes a transdisciplinary perspective, which includes semiotics, to tackle the relations between space, heritage and cultural memory and to analyse memory narratives conveyed by places. An approach based on the investigation of "terrorscapes" (places with a high density of traces) is proposed. The second part delves on the notion of terrorscapes, focusing on the meaning of "terror" and on the shift of paradigm in European politics of memory after 1989. The third part deals with the European space of memory, questioning the possibility of construction of a shared European memory narrative on XX centuries wars. Last paragraph summarizes the contributions of the volume