205 research outputs found

    Millimeter-wave aperture synthesis radiometry for snow and ice mapping

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    An outline design for a dual-band mm-wave polarimetric SAIR has been presented and is considered to be tractable. The envisaged application is for snow and ice mapping and ocean wind vector measurement. The vastly increased complexity of the high-frequency waveband may not be justified by the scientific benefit and operation at an additional lower frequency such as 18 GHz may give improved classification, though with reduced spatial resolution. The authors describe the outline design for a polarimetric, mm-wave SAIR. One-dimensional aperture synthesis employs a hybrid technique in which a long linear array of real-aperture stick antennas form over-lapping fan beams on the ground and aperture synthesis within the fan beams enables synthesis of the mm-wave image. Critical aspects for building a high-resolution, mm-wave ESTAR are system calibration and the construction of stick antennas that will be 3 m long and about half a wavelength wide.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Search for surface magnetic fields in Mira stars. First detection in chi Cyg

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    In order to complete the knowledge of the magnetic field and of its influence during the transition from Asymptotic Giant Branch to Planetary Nebulae stages, we have undertaken a search for magnetic fields at the surface of Mira stars. We used spectropolarimetric observations, collected with the Narval instrument at TBL, in order to detect - with Least Squares Deconvolution method - a Zeeman signature in the visible part of the spectrum. We present the first spectropolarimetric observations of the S-type Mira star chi Cyg, performed around its maximum light. We have detected a polarimetric signal in the Stokes V spectra and we have established its Zeeman origin. We claim that it is likely to be related to a weak magnetic field present at the photospheric level and in the lower part of the stellar atmosphere. We have estimated the strength of its longitudinal component to about 2-3 Gauss. This result favors a 1/r law for the variation of the magnetic field strength across the circumstellar envelope of chi Cyg. This is the first detection of a weak magnetic field at the stellar surface of a Mira star and we discuss its origin in the framework of shock waves periodically propagating throughout the atmosphere of these radially pulsating stars. At the date of our observations of chi Cyg, the shock wave reaches its maximum intensity, and it is likely that the shock amplifies a weak stellar magnetic field during its passage through the atmosphere. Without such an amplification by the shock, the magnetic field strength would have been too low to be detected. For the first time, we also report strong Stokes Q and U signatures (linear polarization) centered onto the zero velocity (i.e., at the shock front position). They seem to indicate that the radial direction would be favored by the shock during its propagation throughout the atmosphere.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysics (21 November 2013

    Long-term polarimetric observations of OH127.8+0.0

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    OH 1612 and 1667 MHz masers from the well known object OH127.8+0.0 were mon- itored in full-polarization mode over a period of 6.5 years and mapped with MERLIN at one epoch. The OH variability pattern of the star is typical of extremely long- period AGB stars. The distance determined from the 1612 MHz light curve and a new measurement of the angular radius is 3.87 (0.28) kpc. At both frequencies, the flux of polarized emission tightly follows the total flux variations while, the degrees of circu- lar and linear polarization are constant within measurement accuracy.. There is net polarization at both lines. The magnetic field strength estimated from a likely Zeeman pair is -0.6 mG at the distance of 5400 au from the star.At the near and far sides of the envelope, the polarization vectors are well aligned implying a regular structure of the magnetic field. The polarization characteristics of the OH maser emission suggest a radial magnetic field which is frozen in the stellar wind.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Contribution to advanced sensor development for passive imaging of the Earth

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    This work has been formally undertaken within the frame of the scholarship number BES-2012-053917 of 1 December 2012, by the "Secretario de Estado de Investigación del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad" related to the program "Formación de Personal Investigador (FPI)". The scholarship is related to the research project at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) number TEC2011-25865. In a more general scope, this thesis is related to the Remote Sensing Laboratory (Signal Theory & Communication Department, UPC) on-going activities, within the SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) mission by the European Space Agency (ESA). These activities have been organized to provide original advances in the following four main topics: 1) SMOS calibration and performance. Since the launch of the instrument in 2009, SMOS imaging has been performing exclusively in co-polar mode. However, SMOS measurements are fully polarimetric. This feature was not operationally exploited due to the large errors yielded by full-pol images. In this context my work was addressed to support better characterization of the antenna. Based on the idea that SMOS polarization mode was recently implemented using Full-pol measurements, the so-called relative phases have been recomputed by using co-polar and cross-polar measurements. SMOS moderate Side Lobe Level (SLL) is caused by the limited coverage of the measured visibility samples in the frequency domain, so another objective of this work has been devoted to assess the impact of calibration errors into SMOS side lobes level (SLL). The main objective on this topic has been to reproduce by simulation SMOS measured side-lobe levels (SLL) by adding errors to a point source response, in order to identify the dominant source of error. During commissioning phase it was detected that SMOS heater system were introducing small and random sporadic PMS offset steps (jumps) in several units. Another work during this thesis has been devoted to mitigate those PMS jumps by trimming calibration date from single LICEF averaged TA jumps over the ocean. 2) SMOS spatial bias assessment. SMOS measurements still have mathematical image reconstruction errors that must be properly assessed. The aim of this work is to focus on the so-called "floor error", defined in an error free end-to-end image reconstruction simulation. In order to reduce this error, different inversion approaches have been implemented and tested, as the so-called Gibbs 2 approach 3) SMOS improved imaging. One of the problems of most concern within the SMOS mission is related to the so-called "land-sea contamination" (LSC), an artificial increase of ocean brightness temperature close to land masses. Therefore, a systematic assessment has been performed in this thesis in order to understand and mitigate this artifact. This subject is related to one of the main original outcomes of the thesis, since it has a relevant impact on the quality of SMOS imaging. The LSC mitigation technique developed during the work of the thesis has been presented and validated by different methods. 4) SMOS follow-on missions advanced configurations. This work is devoted to assess the impact of instrumental errors on the radiometric accuracy (pixel bias) of one of the selected array configurations of the so-called Super-MIRAS instrument. The aim of this work has been focused on the assessment of different array geometries and instrument architectures of future L-band synthetic aperture radiometers to improve spatial resolution while maintaining radiometric sensitivity.Esta tesis se ha llevado a cabo en el marco de la beca FPI BES-2012-053917 del 1 de diciembre de 2012, por el "Secretario de Estado de Investigación del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad", asociada al proyecto TEC2011-25865 (Universidad Politècnica de Catalunya). En un sentido más amplio, el trabajo se engloba dentro de las actividades del Grupo de Teledetección (RSLab) del Departamento de Teoría de la Señal y Comunicaciones, UPC, en el marco de la misión SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) de la Agencia Espacial Europea del Espacio (ESA). El trabajo se divide en: 1) Calibración y prestaciones del sensor SMOS Desde el lanzamiento del instrumento en 2009, la imagen de SMOS se ha obtenido utilizando medidas en modo co-polar. Sin embargo, las medidas en SMOS se realizan en full-pol. Esto no se había llevado a cabo debido a los grandes errores que se obtenían con imágenes en full-pol. En este contexto mi trabajo se ha enfocado en la realización de una mejor caracterización de la antena. Basado en la idea de que el modo full-pol ha sido recientemente implementado en SMOS, las fases relativas entre antenas han sido recalculadas utilizando medidas co-polares y cross-polares. Los lóbulos secundarios de SMOS (SLL) son causados por la cobertura limitada de las visibilidades medidas en el dominio frecuencial, así que otro de los objetivos de este trabajo ha sido analizar el impacto de errores de calibración en los lóbulos secundarios de SMOS. Básicamente se han reproducido los lóbulos secundarios de SMOS mediantes simulaciones añadiendo errores a una fuente puntual, identificando las principales fuentes de error. Durante la fase de comisionado se detectó que el sistema de calentamiento de SMOS introducía pequeños saltos aleatorios del offset del PMS en diferentes unidades. Para hacer un seguimiento y corregir estos saltos se realizaron calibraciones de offset semanales justo después de la fase de comisionado, así que otro de los trabajos realizados en esta tesis ha sido dirigido a mitigar estos saltos introduciendo calibraciones adicionales antes de los mismos a partir de medir la temperatura de antena media calculada en el océano. 2) Técnicas de reducción de los errores espaciales SMOS tiene un error matemático de reconstrucción en la imagen que ha sido investigado en este trabajo. Así que este trabajo se ha focalizado en el "floor error" definido como el error de reconstrucción en un instrumento ideal libre de errores. Para reducir este error se han utilizado diferentes aproximaciones como Gibbs 2. 3) Mejoras en la inversión de imagen Uno de los mayores problemas durante los primeros cinco años de misión SMOS ha sido la llamada "land-sea contamination" (contaminación tierra-mar). Así pues, se ha realizado un estudio sistemático para comprender y mitigar este artefacto. Este tema está relacionado con uno de los descubrimientos más importantes de esta tesis ya que este tiene un gran impacto en la calidad de la imagen de SMOS. La técnica encontrada para mitigar este error es presentada y validada mediante diferentes métodos. 4) Misiones futuras Este trabajo está enfocado en la investigación del impacto de errores instrumentales en la precisión radiométrica de errores espaciales de una de las posibles nuevas configuraciones de array propuestas para construir un nuevo instrumento llamado Super-MIRAS. El propósito principal de este trabajo está orientado en el desarrollo de diferentes geometrías de arrays y arquitecturas de instrumentos para una futura misión en banda L, en la que se diseñaría un nuevo radiómetro de apertura sintética para mejorar la resolución espacial manteniendo la sensibilidad radiométrica

    Contribution to advanced sensor development for passive imaging of the Earth

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    This work has been formally undertaken within the frame of the scholarship number BES-2012-053917 of 1 December 2012, by the "Secretario de Estado de Investigación del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad" related to the program "Formación de Personal Investigador (FPI)". The scholarship is related to the research project at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) number TEC2011-25865. In a more general scope, this thesis is related to the Remote Sensing Laboratory (Signal Theory & Communication Department, UPC) on-going activities, within the SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) mission by the European Space Agency (ESA). These activities have been organized to provide original advances in the following four main topics: 1) SMOS calibration and performance. Since the launch of the instrument in 2009, SMOS imaging has been performing exclusively in co-polar mode. However, SMOS measurements are fully polarimetric. This feature was not operationally exploited due to the large errors yielded by full-pol images. In this context my work was addressed to support better characterization of the antenna. Based on the idea that SMOS polarization mode was recently implemented using Full-pol measurements, the so-called relative phases have been recomputed by using co-polar and cross-polar measurements. SMOS moderate Side Lobe Level (SLL) is caused by the limited coverage of the measured visibility samples in the frequency domain, so another objective of this work has been devoted to assess the impact of calibration errors into SMOS side lobes level (SLL). The main objective on this topic has been to reproduce by simulation SMOS measured side-lobe levels (SLL) by adding errors to a point source response, in order to identify the dominant source of error. During commissioning phase it was detected that SMOS heater system were introducing small and random sporadic PMS offset steps (jumps) in several units. Another work during this thesis has been devoted to mitigate those PMS jumps by trimming calibration date from single LICEF averaged TA jumps over the ocean. 2) SMOS spatial bias assessment. SMOS measurements still have mathematical image reconstruction errors that must be properly assessed. The aim of this work is to focus on the so-called "floor error", defined in an error free end-to-end image reconstruction simulation. In order to reduce this error, different inversion approaches have been implemented and tested, as the so-called Gibbs 2 approach 3) SMOS improved imaging. One of the problems of most concern within the SMOS mission is related to the so-called "land-sea contamination" (LSC), an artificial increase of ocean brightness temperature close to land masses. Therefore, a systematic assessment has been performed in this thesis in order to understand and mitigate this artifact. This subject is related to one of the main original outcomes of the thesis, since it has a relevant impact on the quality of SMOS imaging. The LSC mitigation technique developed during the work of the thesis has been presented and validated by different methods. 4) SMOS follow-on missions advanced configurations. This work is devoted to assess the impact of instrumental errors on the radiometric accuracy (pixel bias) of one of the selected array configurations of the so-called Super-MIRAS instrument. The aim of this work has been focused on the assessment of different array geometries and instrument architectures of future L-band synthetic aperture radiometers to improve spatial resolution while maintaining radiometric sensitivity.Esta tesis se ha llevado a cabo en el marco de la beca FPI BES-2012-053917 del 1 de diciembre de 2012, por el "Secretario de Estado de Investigación del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad", asociada al proyecto TEC2011-25865 (Universidad Politècnica de Catalunya). En un sentido más amplio, el trabajo se engloba dentro de las actividades del Grupo de Teledetección (RSLab) del Departamento de Teoría de la Señal y Comunicaciones, UPC, en el marco de la misión SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) de la Agencia Espacial Europea del Espacio (ESA). El trabajo se divide en: 1) Calibración y prestaciones del sensor SMOS Desde el lanzamiento del instrumento en 2009, la imagen de SMOS se ha obtenido utilizando medidas en modo co-polar. Sin embargo, las medidas en SMOS se realizan en full-pol. Esto no se había llevado a cabo debido a los grandes errores que se obtenían con imágenes en full-pol. En este contexto mi trabajo se ha enfocado en la realización de una mejor caracterización de la antena. Basado en la idea de que el modo full-pol ha sido recientemente implementado en SMOS, las fases relativas entre antenas han sido recalculadas utilizando medidas co-polares y cross-polares. Los lóbulos secundarios de SMOS (SLL) son causados por la cobertura limitada de las visibilidades medidas en el dominio frecuencial, así que otro de los objetivos de este trabajo ha sido analizar el impacto de errores de calibración en los lóbulos secundarios de SMOS. Básicamente se han reproducido los lóbulos secundarios de SMOS mediantes simulaciones añadiendo errores a una fuente puntual, identificando las principales fuentes de error. Durante la fase de comisionado se detectó que el sistema de calentamiento de SMOS introducía pequeños saltos aleatorios del offset del PMS en diferentes unidades. Para hacer un seguimiento y corregir estos saltos se realizaron calibraciones de offset semanales justo después de la fase de comisionado, así que otro de los trabajos realizados en esta tesis ha sido dirigido a mitigar estos saltos introduciendo calibraciones adicionales antes de los mismos a partir de medir la temperatura de antena media calculada en el océano. 2) Técnicas de reducción de los errores espaciales SMOS tiene un error matemático de reconstrucción en la imagen que ha sido investigado en este trabajo. Así que este trabajo se ha focalizado en el "floor error" definido como el error de reconstrucción en un instrumento ideal libre de errores. Para reducir este error se han utilizado diferentes aproximaciones como Gibbs 2. 3) Mejoras en la inversión de imagen Uno de los mayores problemas durante los primeros cinco años de misión SMOS ha sido la llamada "land-sea contamination" (contaminación tierra-mar). Así pues, se ha realizado un estudio sistemático para comprender y mitigar este artefacto. Este tema está relacionado con uno de los descubrimientos más importantes de esta tesis ya que este tiene un gran impacto en la calidad de la imagen de SMOS. La técnica encontrada para mitigar este error es presentada y validada mediante diferentes métodos. 4) Misiones futuras Este trabajo está enfocado en la investigación del impacto de errores instrumentales en la precisión radiométrica de errores espaciales de una de las posibles nuevas configuraciones de array propuestas para construir un nuevo instrumento llamado Super-MIRAS. El propósito principal de este trabajo está orientado en el desarrollo de diferentes geometrías de arrays y arquitecturas de instrumentos para una futura misión en banda L, en la que se diseñaría un nuevo radiómetro de apertura sintética para mejorar la resolución espacial manteniendo la sensibilidad radiométrica.Postprint (published version

    Performance of sea surface salinity and soil moisture retrieval algorithms with different auxiliary datasets in 2-D L-band aperture synthesis interferometric radiometers

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    The Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) Earth Explorer Opportunity Mission was selected in May 1999 by the European Space Agency Earth Observation Programme Board to provide global and frequent soil moisture (SM) and sea surface salinity (SSS) maps. SMOS' single payload is the Microwave Imaging Radiometer by Aperture Synthesis (MIRAS) sensor, an L-band two-dimensional aperture synthesis interferometric radiometer with multiangular and polarimetric imaging capabilities. The definition of the SMOS Level 2 Processor requires the selection of the optimum operation mode (dual-polarization or full-polarimetric) for each application, the specification of the required auxiliary data, and the optimum retrieval algorithms. Using the SMOS simulator and based on the experience gained in previous works, this paper presents a study of the SM and SSS retrieval capabilities over homogeneous pixels, in the two modes of operation with different auxiliary data. It is found that SSS retrievals using the first Stokes parameter measured in the dual-polarization mode perform somewhat worse than using the vertical (T/sub vv/) and horizontal (T/sub hh/) brightness temperatures measured in the full-polarimetric mode, and the performance degrades for cold waters due to the lower sensitivity of the brightness temperature to SSS at low sea surface temperature (SST). Due to the larger angular variation of T/sub hh/ and T/sub vv/, SM retrievals using T/sub hh/ and T/sub vv/ measured in the full-polarimetric mode exhibit a significant better performance over bare soils than over vegetation-covered soils. Over vegetation-covered soils vegetation parameters (opacity and albedo) can be inferred over a 550-km swath width in the full-polarimetric mode. However, since the first Stokes parameter is independent of both geometric and Faraday rotations, it is very robust in the presence of instrumental and geophysical errors. In the SSS retrieval problem and in the SM retrieval problem (with T/sub hh/ and T/sub vv/ measured in the full-polarimetric mode), the performance of the retrieval algorithms tested is not significantly altered if the model parameters are not exactly known, but are left as adjustable parameters in the optimization process.Peer Reviewe

    Polarimetric Formulation Of The Visibility Function Equation Including Cross-Polar Antenna Patterns

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    The European Space Agency's Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission will be the first one using two-dimensional aperture synthesis radiometry for Earth observation. This study presents the formulation that relates instrument observables and brightness temperature maps including cross-polar antenna voltage patterns, which may be also different from element to element. Finally, the radiometric accuracy degradation if cross-polar patterns are neglected in the image reconstruction is studied.Peer Reviewe

    Performance Of Sea Surface Salinity And Soil Moisture Retrieval Algorithms With Different Auxiliary Datasets In 2-D L-Band Aperture Synthesis Interferometric Radiometers

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    The Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) Earth Explorer Opportunity Mission was selected in May 1999 by the European Space Agency Earth Observation Programme Board to provide global and frequent soil moisture (SM) and sea surface salinity (SSS) maps. SMOS' single payload is the Microwave Imaging Radiometer by Aperture Synthesis (MIRAS) sensor, an L-band two-dimensional aperture synthesis interferometric radiometer with multiangular and polarimetric imaging capabilities. The definition of the SMOS Level 2 Processor requires the selection of the optimum operation mode (dual-polarization or full-polarimetric) for each application, the specification of the required auxiliary data, and the optimum retrieval algorithms. Using the SMOS simulator and based on the experience gained in previous works, this paper presents a study of the SM and SSS retrieval capabilities over homogeneous pixels, in the two modes of operation with different auxiliary data. It is found that SSS retrievals using the first Stokes parameter measured in the dual-polarization mode perform somewhat worse than using the vertical (T/sub vv/) and horizontal (T/sub hh/) brightness temperatures measured in the full-polarimetric mode, and the performance degrades for cold waters due to the lower sensitivity of the brightness temperature to SSS at low sea surface temperature (SST). Due to the larger angular variation of T/sub hh/ and T/sub vv/, SM retrievals using T/sub hh/ and T/sub vv/ measured in the full-polarimetric mode exhibit a significant better performance over bare soils than over vegetation-covered soils. Over vegetation-covered soils vegetation parameters (opacity and albedo) can be inferred over a 550-km swath width in the full-polarimetric mode. However, since the first Stokes parameter is independent of both geometric and Faraday rotations, it is very robust in the presence of instrumental and geophysical errors. In the SSS retrieval problem and in the SM retrieval problem (with T/sub hh/ and T/sub vv/ measured in the full-polarimetric mode), the performance of the retrieval algorithms tested is not significantly altered if the model parameters are not exactly known, but are left as adjustable parameters in the optimization process.Peer Reviewe

    Evidence of a Mira-like tail and bow shock about the semi-regular variable V CVn from four decades of polarization measurements

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    Polarization is a powerful tool for understanding stellar atmospheres and circumstellar environments. Mira and semi-regular variable stars have been observed for decades and some are known to be polarimetrically variable, however, the semi-regular variable V Canes Venatici displays an unusually large, unexplained amount of polarization. We present ten years of optical polarization observations obtained with the HPOL instrument, supplemented by published observations spanning a total interval of about forty years for V CVn. We find that V CVn shows large polarization variations ranging from 1 - 6%. We also find that for the past forty years the position angle measured for V CVn has been virtually constant suggesting a long-term, stable, asymmetric structure about the star. We suggest that this asymmetry is caused by the presence of a stellar wind bow shock and tail, consistent with the star's large space velocity.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in A&