3,150 research outputs found

    Perilaku Pencarian Informasi Komunitas Pokemon Go Semarang Timur dalam Menentukan Taktik Bermain yang Efektif

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    Penelitian ini membahas perilaku pencarian informasi komunitas Pokemon Go Semarang Timur dalam menentukan taktik bermain yang efektif. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengeksplorasi perilaku pencarian informasi di Komunitas Pokemon Go Semarang dalam menentukan taktik bermain yang efektif. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif deskriptif. Metode pengambilan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara daring, observasi, dan dokumentasidalam bentuk gambar. Penentuan informan penelitian menggunakan teknik non-probability sampling. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah model analisis interaktif yang terdiri dari pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan atau verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa perilaku pencarian informasi tidak hanya terjadi kepada mahasiswa, akan tetapi terjadi juga pada komunitas Pokemon Go Semarang Timur. Komunitas melakukan pencarian informasi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan informasinya meliputi event terbaru, taktik bermain efektif, lokasi Pokemon rare, dan waktu berkumpul (gathering). Komunitas melakukan pencarian informasi melalui Instagram, Youtube, Facebook, fanpage Pokemon Go, Discord, grup Whatsapp Komunitas Pokemon Go Semarang Timur dan diskusi antar anggota. Komunitas Pokemon Go Semarang Timur dalam proses pencarian informasi melakukan berbagai macam teknik untuk mendapatkan informasi sesuai dengan kebutuhannya. Teknik komunitas dalam pencarian informasi dengan melakukan kegiatan starting yaitu kesadaran komunitas akan informasi, browsing yaitu komunitas melakukan pencarian sumber informasi, differentiating yaitu komunitas dapat memilah informasi yang dibutuhkan, verifying komunitas dapat menggunakan informasi dalam permainan Pokemon Go. Saran penelitian ini yaitu komunitas harus selalu mengadakan gathering agar anggota komunitas dapat lebih aktif. Penelitian ini juga berpotensi menjadi koleksi dalam perpustakaan, dikarenakan fungsi rekreasi perpustakaan menyediakan koleksi bersifat hiburan

    Budaya Populer Game Pokemon Go Sebagai Soft Diplomacy Jepang

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    Pokemon Go is a smartphone game that blends the real and digital worlds, tasking players with exploring their neighborhoods to find creatures and treasure for in-game use. This research describes the ways Japan uses its soft power in International coorporation relations, particulary through Pokemon Go\u27s game. Based on Joseph S. Nye, Jr, the soft power defined as the ability of country to achieve its goal using cultural attraction rather than coercion and violence. After the World War II, Japan has tried to change its image as war crime through popular culture, such as anime, manga and cosplay. According to Nye, Japan has more potential resources in soft power compared to the other countries. This research is focus on Popular Culture of Pokemon Go\u27s Game as Japan\u27s Soft Diplomacy. Pokemon Go is one of Japan\u27s cultural diplomacy activities and the other countries uses popular culture to strengthen the positive image of Japan in the International world. The development of popular culture as a soft power and soft diplomacy also a diplomacy tool of development that can be used by Japan in conducting foreign policy in relation to International cooperation

    Pokemon GO in Melbourne CBD: A case study of the cyber-physical symbiotic social networks

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    [EN] The recent popular game, Pokemon GO, created two symbiotic social networks by location-based mobile augmented reality (LMAR) technique. One is in the physical world among players, and another one is in the cyber world among players' avatars. To date, there is no study that has explored the formation of each social network and their symbiosis. In this paper, we carried out a data-driven research on the Pokemon GO game to solve this problem. We accordingly organised the collection of two real datasets. For the first dataset, we designed a questionnaire to collect players' individual behaviours in Pokemon GO, and used maps of Melbourne (Australia) to track and record their usual playing areas. Based on the data that we collected, we modelled the formation of the symbiotic social networks in both physical world (i.e. for players) and cyber world (i.e. for avatars) as well as interactions between players and Pokemon GO elements (i.e. 'bridges' of the two worlds). By investigating the mechanism of network formation, we revealed the relatively weak correlation between the formation processes of the two networks. We further incorporated the real-world pedestrian dataset collected by sensors across Melbourne CBD into the study of their symbiosis. Based on the second dataset, we examined the changes of people's social behaviours in terms of most visited places. The results suggested that the existence of the cyber social network has reciprocally changed the structure of the symbiotic physical social network. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.This research is partially supported by the Australian Research Council projects DP150103732, DP140103649, and LP140100816. The authors extend their appreciation to the International Scientific Partnership Program (ISPP) at King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia for funding this work through the project No. ISPP#0069.Wang, D.; Wu, T.; Wen, S.; Liu, D.; Xiang, Y.; Zhou, W.; Hassan Mohamed, H.... (2018). Pokemon GO in Melbourne CBD: A case study of the cyber-physical symbiotic social networks. Journal of Computational Science. 26:456-467. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jocs.2017.06.009S4564672

    Pokemon GO and Mental Health

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    Pokémon GO is a new type of game that emphasizes physical activity and social interaction. In the literature, both physical activity and social interactions have been shown to be positively correlated with mental health. Much research has been conducted on the effects of gaming on mental health, but to date no research has been done on the possible correlations of the game Pokémon GO and mental health. The present study was conducted to determine whether Pokémon GO players scored significantly lower than a control group of traditional garners on scales of depression, anxiety, and pathological gaming, and if they reported more positive coping styles. Results indicated that Pokémon GO players did not score significantly lower on depression, anxiety, and pathological gaming inventories, but they did have trends toward better coping skills. Additionally, 39.6% of Pokémon GO players reported that they felt their mental health is either better or much better since playing the game, and 50.5% reported that they felt their physical health is either better or much better. While causation was not determined, the present study could open the door to discovering new coping interventions

    Set theory ontology as an approach to gaming’s composite form

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    This paper will explore the possibilities that mathematical set theory has to offer the scholarly study of videogames. Videogames are highly heterogeneous objects of study, comprising what Linderoth (2015) has called a ‘composite form’: complex arrangements of material, symbolic and computational capacities. This composite is becoming ever-more heterogeneous, ‘recruiting’ increasingly volatile bodies and relations as computing resources are newly distributed throughout both built and natural environments to create locative, alternate and virtual realities that have been used by designers in various ways (Pokemon Go being only one example)

    Pokemon Go as a productive counter-space.

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    FENOMENA POKEMON GO DIKALANGAN GAMERS BALAI KOTA BANDUNG Studi Kasus Tindakan Sosial Fenomena Pokemon Go Dikalangan Gamers Balai Kota Bandung

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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini berjudul “FENOMENA POKEMON GO DIKALANGAN GAMERS BALAI KOTA BANDUNG”. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan gagasan yang mendasari para komunitas gamers yang memainkan Game Pokemon Go. Penelitian ini berjenis kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode penelitian fenomenologi, dan teknik pengumpulan data melalui studi kepustakaan beserta studi lapangan melalui wawancara mendalam dengan partisipan sepuluh orang informan yang menggunakan Game Pokemon Go dikalangan gamers Balai Kota Bandung Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan, peneliti menemukan bahwa komunitas gamers memiliki motif yang berawal dari rasa ingin tahu ataupun melalui ajakan dari teman lingkungannya, dalam hal ini gamers melakukan tindakan dengan memainkan Game memiliki tujuan untuk mengisi waktu kosong di aktivitas sehari-harinya. Pada dasarnya manusia mudah terkontaminasi oleh sekitarnya, peneliti menemukan permasalahan yang timbul pada komunitas gamers ini pada saat memainkan Game Pokemon Go. Dengan muncul nya peristiwa atas game tersebut para gamers mengemukakan pendapatnya mengenai game yang dimainkannya. Hal-hal yang ingin peneliti sampaikan kepada para gamers yang memainkan Game tersebut, sebagai bahan masukan yaitu agar lebih memperhatikan lingkungan sekitar dan lebih menghargai waktu. Meskipun Game tersebut memberikan nilai positif ataupun negatif yang ditawarkan melalui fitur yang berhubungan langsung dengan penggunanya, namun semuanya tidak lepas dari dampak baik dan buruk yang kemungkinan terjadi, salah satunya menjadi manusia yang anti-sosial

    Location-based Games as Exergames - From Pokemon To The Wizarding World

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    Exergames, i.e. games which aim to increase player's physical activity, are a prominent sub-category of serious games (SGs). Recently, location-based games (LBGs) similar to Pokemon GO have gained the attention of exergame designers as they have been able to reach people who would otherwise not be motivated to exercise. Multiple studies have been conducted on Pokemon GO alone, identifying positive outcomes related to, for example, exercise and social well-being. However, with substantial findings derived from a single game, it is unclear whether the identified benefits of playing Pokemon GO are present in other similar games. In order to broaden the understanding of LBGs as exergames, this study investigates the gameplay features and initial reactions of early adopters to a game called Harry Potter: Wizards Unite (HPWU) which was launched in summer 2019. A questionnaire (N=346) was sent to HPWU players to measure the effects playing the game has on their physical activity. During the first week of play, an increase in mild physical activity was recorded among HPWU players, similar to what has been reported with Pokemon GO. Also almost half of respondents (46,82%) reported to play the game socially, showcasing how LBGs can generally have a positive impact also on players' social well-being