168 research outputs found

    Edge Computing Platforms and Protocols

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    Cloud computing has created a radical shift in expanding the reach of application usage and has emerged as a de-facto method to provide low-cost and highly scalable computing services to its users. Existing cloud infrastructure is a composition of large-scale networks of datacenters spread across the globe. These datacenters are carefully installed in isolated locations and are heavily managed by cloud providers to ensure reliable performance to its users. In recent years, novel applications, such as Internet-of-Things, augmented-reality, autonomous vehicles etc., have proliferated the Internet. Majority of such applications are known to be time-critical and enforce strict computational delay requirements for acceptable performance. Traditional cloud offloading techniques are inefficient for handling such applications due to the incorporation of additional network delay encountered while uploading pre-requisite data to distant datacenters. Furthermore, as computations involving such applications often rely on sensor data from multiple sources, simultaneous data upload to the cloud also results in significant congestion in the network. Edge computing is a new cloud paradigm which aims to bring existing cloud services and utilities near end users. Also termed edge clouds, the central objective behind this upcoming cloud platform is to reduce the network load on the cloud by utilizing compute resources in the vicinity of users and IoT sensors. Dense geographical deployment of edge clouds in an area not only allows for optimal operation of delay-sensitive applications but also provides support for mobility, context awareness and data aggregation in computations. However, the added functionality of edge clouds comes at the cost of incompatibility with existing cloud infrastructure. For example, while data center servers are closely monitored by the cloud providers to ensure reliability and security, edge servers aim to operate in unmanaged publicly-shared environments. Moreover, several edge cloud approaches aim to incorporate crowdsourced compute resources, such as smartphones, desktops, tablets etc., near the location of end users to support stringent latency demands. The resulting infrastructure is an amalgamation of heterogeneous, resource-constrained and unreliable compute-capable devices that aims to replicate cloud-like performance. This thesis provides a comprehensive collection of novel protocols and platforms for integrating edge computing in the existing cloud infrastructure. At its foundation lies an all-inclusive edge cloud architecture which allows for unification of several co-existing edge cloud approaches in a single logically classified platform. This thesis further addresses several open problems for three core categories of edge computing: hardware, infrastructure and platform. For hardware, this thesis contributes a deployment framework which enables interested cloud providers to effectively identify optimal locations for deploying edge servers in any geographical region. For infrastructure, the thesis proposes several protocols and techniques for efficient task allocation, data management and network utilization in edge clouds with the end-objective of maximizing the operability of the platform as a whole. Finally, the thesis presents a virtualization-dependent platform for application owners to transparently utilize the underlying distributed infrastructure of edge clouds, in conjunction with other co-existing cloud environments, without much management overhead.Pilvilaskenta on aikaansaanut suuren muutoksen sovellusten toiminta-alueessa ja on sen myötä muodostunut lähes oletusarvoiseksi tavaksi toteuttaa edullisia ja skaalautuvia laskentapalveluita käyttäjille. Olemassaoleva pilvi-infrastruktuuri on kokoelma suuren mittakaavan datakeskuksia ympäri maailman. Datakeskukset sijaitsevat maantieteellisesti tarkkaan valituissa paikoissa, joista pilvioperaattorit pystyvät takaamaan hyvän suorituskyvyn käyttäjilleen. Viime vuosina yleistyneet uudet sovellusalat, kuten esineiden Internet (IoT), lisätty todellisuus (AR), itseohjautuvat autot, jne., ovat yleistyneet Internetissä. Valtaosa edellä mainituista sovellusaloista on aikakriittisiä, ja ne asettavat laskennalle tiukan viivemarginaalin, jonka toteutuminen on edellytys sovelluksen hyväksyttävälle suorituskyvylle. Perinteiset menetelmät delegoida laskentaa pilvipalveluihin ovat kelvottomia aikakriittisissä sovelluksissa, sillä laskentaan liittyvän oheisdatan siirtämisestä johtuva verkkoviive on liian suuri. Useat edellä mainituista uusista sovellusaloista hyödyntävät sensoridataa, jota kerätään useista eri lähteistä. Samanaikaiset datayhteydet puolestaan aiheuttavat merkittävää ruuhkaa verkossa. Reunalaskenta on uusi pilviparadigma, jonka tavoitteena on tuoda nykyiset palvelut ja resurssit lähemmäksi loppukäyttäjää. Myös reunapilvenä tunnetun paradigman keskeinen tavoite on vähentää pilveen kohdistuvaa verkkoliikennettä suorittamalla sovelluksen vaatima laskenta resursseilla, jotka sijaitsevat lähempänä loppukäyttäjää. Reunapilvien tiheä maantieteellinen sijoittelu ei ainoastaan auta minimoimaan tiedonsiirtoviivettä aikakriittisiä sovelluksia varten, vaan tukee myös sovellusten mobiliteettia, kontekstitietoisuutta ja datan aggregointia laskentaa varten. Edellä mainitut reunapilven tarjoamat uudet mahdollisuudet eivät kuitenkaan ole yhteensopivia nykyisten pilvi-infrastruktuurien kanssa. Datakeskukset toimivat tarkoin valvotuissa ympäristöissä palvelun takaamiseksi, kun taas reunapilvien toiminta-alue on hallinnoimaton ja julkinen. Useat esitykset reunapilven toteutukseen liittyen hyödyntävät myös käyttäjien laitteiden potentiaalista laskentakapasiteettia, jota tänä päivänä löytyy runsaasti mm. älypuhelimista, kannettavista tietokoneista, tableteista. Reunapilven infrastruktuuri on täten haastava yhdistelmä heterogeenisiä, resurssirajoitettuja, epäluotettavia, mutta laskentakykyisiä laitteita, jotka yhdessä pyrkivät suorittamaan pilvilaskentaa. Tämä väitöstutkimus tarjoaa kokoelman uudentyyppisiä protokollia ja alustoja reunalaskennan integroimiseksi osaksi nykyistä pilvi-infrastruktuuria. Tutkimuksen pohjana on kokonaisvaltainen reunapilviarkkitehtuuri, joka pyrkii yhdistämään useita rinnakkaisia arkkitehtuuriehdotuksia yhdeksi loogiseksi pilvialustaksi. Väitöstutkimus ottaa myös kantaa useisiin avoimiin ongelmiin reunalaskennan kolmella osa-alueella: resurssit, infrastruktuuri ja palvelualusta. Resursseihin liittyen tämä väitöstutkimus tarjoaa käyttöönottokehyksen, jonka avulla palveluntarjoajat voivat tehokkaasti selvittää reunapalvelinten optimaaliset maantieteelliset sijoituskohteet. Infrastruktuurin osalta tämä väitöstutkimus esittelee reunapilvessä tapahtuvaa tehokasta tehtävien allokointia, datan hallinnointia ja verkon hyödyntämistä varten useita protokollia ja tekniikoita, joiden yhteinen tavoite on maksimoida alustan toiminnallisuus kokonaisuutena. Tämän väitöstutkimuksen lopussa kuvataan virtualisointiin pohjautuva alusta, jonka avulla käyttäjä voi läpinäkyvästi hyödyntää ympäröivää reunapilveä perinteisten pilvi-infrastruktuurien rinnalla ilman suurta hallinnollista kuormaa

    Sustainability Assessment of Inter Urban Crowdshipping- A Case Study Approach

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    Smartphone-based vehicle telematics: a ten-year anniversary

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the publisher via the DOI in this recordJust as it has irrevocably reshaped social life, the fast growth of smartphone ownership is now beginning to revolutionize the driving experience and change how we think about automotive insurance, vehicle safety systems, and traffic research. This paper summarizes the first ten years of research in smartphone-based vehicle telematics, with a focus on user-friendly implementations and the challenges that arise due to the mobility of the smartphone. Notable academic and industrial projects are reviewed, and system aspects related to sensors, energy consumption, and human-machine interfaces are examined. Moreover, we highlight the differences between traditional and smartphone-based automotive navigation, and survey the state of the art in smartphone-based transportation mode classification, vehicular ad hoc networks, cloud computing, driver classification, and road condition monitoring. Future advances are expected to be driven by improvements in sensor technology, evidence of the societal benefits of current implementations, and the establishment of industry standards for sensor fusion and driver assessment

    Power Consumption Analysis, Measurement, Management, and Issues:A State-of-the-Art Review of Smartphone Battery and Energy Usage

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    The advancement and popularity of smartphones have made it an essential and all-purpose device. But lack of advancement in battery technology has held back its optimum potential. Therefore, considering its scarcity, optimal use and efficient management of energy are crucial in a smartphone. For that, a fair understanding of a smartphone's energy consumption factors is necessary for both users and device manufacturers, along with other stakeholders in the smartphone ecosystem. It is important to assess how much of the device's energy is consumed by which components and under what circumstances. This paper provides a generalized, but detailed analysis of the power consumption causes (internal and external) of a smartphone and also offers suggestive measures to minimize the consumption for each factor. The main contribution of this paper is four comprehensive literature reviews on: 1) smartphone's power consumption assessment and estimation (including power consumption analysis and modelling); 2) power consumption management for smartphones (including energy-saving methods and techniques); 3) state-of-the-art of the research and commercial developments of smartphone batteries (including alternative power sources); and 4) mitigating the hazardous issues of smartphones' batteries (with a details explanation of the issues). The research works are further subcategorized based on different research and solution approaches. A good number of recent empirical research works are considered for this comprehensive review, and each of them is succinctly analysed and discussed

    Distributed record and replay blackbox for acute care medical devices

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    Medical devices have been used in HealthCare for years. Such devices transform the way clinical operations are being performed, rendering care both more efficient and more effective. Equipped with advanced sensors and precision electronics, they can collect physiological measurements of patients in real-time and administer drugs or act on the human body in response. For example, a blood pressure cuff can control the rate by which infusion pumps can deliver pulses of the infused material at precision levels in the order of milliliters or even nanoliters. We have discovered multiple issues with infusion pumps where an adversary is able to attack and modify the nature of the device. Further, we discovered that some devices such as patient monitor and infusion pump are directly interacting, and often the output of one device is the input for the other device. In this case, if the patient monitor has been compromised and sends faulty outputs to the infusion pump, the end result will cause the patient to lose his/her life due to having a bad source of input. This scenario demonstrates that how networked devices in an emergency room can generate a collection of faulty systems. Thus, they will cause damage (1) to other devices in the room and (2) they will put the patient life at risk. To help with this problem, we are proposing a Distributed Record and Replay system formally known as DRnR. The purposed system will facilitate with identifying the compromised and or faulty medical device in an Emergency Room setting. The technology is target to solve two sets or problems (1) identifying the exact stage and cause of the device misbehavior (2) educating the medical staff with replaying a specific scenario

    Networking Transportation

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    Networking Transportation looks at how the digital revolution is changing Greater Philadelphia's transportation system. It recognizes several key digital transportation technologies: Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, connected and automated vehicles, digital mapping, Intelligent Transportation Systems, the Internet of Things, smart cities, real-time information, transportation network companies (TNCs), unmanned aerial systems, and virtual communications. It focuses particularly on key issues surrounding TNCs. It identifies TNCs currently operating in Greater Philadelphia and reviews some of the more innovative services around the world. It presents four alternative future scenarios for their growth: Filling a Niche, A Tale of Two Regions, TNCs Take Off, and Moore Growth. It then creates a future vision for an integrated, multimodal transportation network and identifies infrastructure needs, institutional reforms, and regulatory recommendations intended to help bring about this vision

    High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications

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    This open access book was prepared as a Final Publication of the COST Action IC1406 “High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications (cHiPSet)“ project. Long considered important pillars of the scientific method, Modelling and Simulation have evolved from traditional discrete numerical methods to complex data-intensive continuous analytical optimisations. Resolution, scale, and accuracy have become essential to predict and analyse natural and complex systems in science and engineering. When their level of abstraction raises to have a better discernment of the domain at hand, their representation gets increasingly demanding for computational and data resources. On the other hand, High Performance Computing typically entails the effective use of parallel and distributed processing units coupled with efficient storage, communication and visualisation systems to underpin complex data-intensive applications in distinct scientific and technical domains. It is then arguably required to have a seamless interaction of High Performance Computing with Modelling and Simulation in order to store, compute, analyse, and visualise large data sets in science and engineering. Funded by the European Commission, cHiPSet has provided a dynamic trans-European forum for their members and distinguished guests to openly discuss novel perspectives and topics of interests for these two communities. This cHiPSet compendium presents a set of selected case studies related to healthcare, biological data, computational advertising, multimedia, finance, bioinformatics, and telecommunications

    Integrating sensors data in optimization methods for sustainable urban logistic

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