10 research outputs found

    Query Morphing: A Proximity-Based Approach for Data Exploration

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    We are living in age where large information in the form of structured and unstructured data is generated through social media, blogs, lab simulations, sensors etc. on daily basis. Due to this occurrences, acquisition of relevant information becomes a challenging task for humans. Fundamental understanding of complex schema and content is necessary for formulating data retrieval request. Therefore, instead of search, we need exploration in which a naïve user walks through the database and stops when satisfactory information is met. During this, a user iteratively transforms his search request in order to gain relevant information; morphing is an approach for generation of various transformation of input. We proposed ‘Query morphing’, an approach for query reformulation based on data exploration. Identified design concerns and implementation constraints are also discussed for the proposed approach

    QueryVis: Logic-based diagrams help users understand complicated SQL queries faster

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    Understanding the meaning of existing SQL queries is critical for code maintenance and reuse. Yet SQL can be hard to read, even for expert users or the original creator of a query. We conjecture that it is possible to capture the logical intent of queries in \emph{automatically-generated visual diagrams} that can help users understand the meaning of queries faster and more accurately than SQL text alone. We present initial steps in that direction with visual diagrams that are based on the first-order logic foundation of SQL and can capture the meaning of deeply nested queries. Our diagrams build upon a rich history of diagrammatic reasoning systems in logic and were designed using a large body of human-computer interaction best practices: they are \emph{minimal} in that no visual element is superfluous; they are \emph{unambiguous} in that no two queries with different semantics map to the same visualization; and they \emph{extend} previously existing visual representations of relational schemata and conjunctive queries in a natural way. An experimental evaluation involving 42 users on Amazon Mechanical Turk shows that with only a 2--3 minute static tutorial, participants could interpret queries meaningfully faster with our diagrams than when reading SQL alone. Moreover, we have evidence that our visual diagrams result in participants making fewer errors than with SQL. We believe that more regular exposure to diagrammatic representations of SQL can give rise to a \emph{pattern-based} and thus more intuitive use and re-use of SQL. All details on the experimental study, the evaluation stimuli, raw data, and analyses, and source code are available at https://osf.io/mycr2Comment: Full version of paper appearing in SIGMOD 202

    View recommendation for visual data exploration

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    Learning Join Queries from User Examples

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    International audienceWe investigate the problem of learning join queries from user examples. The user is presented with a set of candidate tuples and is asked to label them as positive or negative examples, depending on whether or not she would like the tuples as part of the join result. The goal is to quickly infer an arbitrary n-ary join predicate across an arbitrary number m of relations while keeping the number of user interactions as minimal as possible. We assume no prior knowledge of the integrity constraints across the involved relations. Inferring the join predicate across multiple relations when the referential constraints are unknown may occur in several applications, such as data integration, reverse engineering of database queries, and schema inference. In such scenarios, the number of tuples involved in the join is typically large. We introduce a set of strategies that let us inspect the search space and aggressively prune what we call uninformative tuples, and we directly present to the user the informative ones that is, those that allow the user to quickly find the goal query she has in mind. In this article, we focus on the inference of joins with equality predicates and also allow disjunctive join predicates and projection in the queries. We precisely characterize the frontier between tractability and intractability for the following problems of interest in these settings: consistency checking, learnability, and deciding the informativeness of a tuple. Next, we propose several strategies for presenting tuples to the user in a given order that allows minimization of the number of interactions. We show the efficiency of our approach through an experimental study on both benchmark and synthetic datasets

    On Learning SQL:Disentangling concepts in Data Systems Education

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    Scalable diversification for data exploration platforms

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