857 research outputs found

    FlexStream: SDN-Based Framework for Programmable and Flexible Adaptive Video Streaming

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    With the tremendous increase in video traffic fueled by smartphones, tablets, 4G LTE networks, and other mobile devices and technologies, providing satisfactory services to end users in terms of playback quality and a fair share of network resources become challenging. As a result, an HTTP video streaming protocol was invented and widely adopted by most video providers today with the goal of maximizing the user’s quality of experience. However, despite the intensive efforts of major video providers such as YouTube and Netflix to improve their players, several studies as well as our measurements indicate that the players still suffer from several performance issues including instability and sub-optimality in the video bitrate, stalls in the playback, unfairness in sharing the available bandwidth, and inefficiency with regard to network utilization, considerably degrading the user’s QoE. These issues are frequently experienced when several players start competing over a common bottleneck. Interestingly, the root cause of these issues is the intermittent traffic pattern of the HTTP adaptive protocol that causes the players to over-estimate the available bandwidth and stream unsustainable video bitrates. In addition, the wireless network standards today do not allow the network to have a fine-grain control over individual devices which is necessary for providing resource usage coordination and global policy enforcement. We show that enabling such a network-side control would drive each device to fairly and efficiently utilize the network resources based on its current context, which would result in maximizing the overall viewing experience in the network and optimizing the bandwidth utilization. In this dissertation, we propose FlexStream, a flexible and programmable Software-Defined Network (SDN) based framework that solves all the adaptive streaming problems mentioned above. We develop FlexStream on top of the SDN-based framework that extends SDN functionality to mobile end devices, allowing for a fine-grained control and management of bandwidth based on real time context-awareness and specified policy. We demonstrate that FlexStream can be used to manage video delivery for a set of end devices over WiFi and cellular links and can effectively alleviate common problems such as player instability, playback stalls, large startup delay, and inappropriate bandwidth allocation. FlexStream offloads several tasks such as monitoring and policy enforcement to end-devices, while a network element (i.e., Global Controller), which has a global view of a network condition, is primarily employed to manage the resource allocation. This also alleviates the need for intrusive, large and costly traffic management solutions within the network, or modifications to servers that are not feasible in practice. We define an optimization method within the global controller for resource allocation to maximize video QoE considering context information, such as screen size and user priority. All features of FlexStream are implemented and validated on real mobile devices over real Wi-Fi and cellular networks. To the best of our knowledge, FlexStream is the first implementation of SDN-based control in a live cellular network that does not require any internal network support for SDN functionality

    Integrated Support for Handoff Management and Context-Awareness in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks

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    The overwhelming success of mobile devices and wireless communications is stressing the need for the development of mobility-aware services. Device mobility requires services adapting their behavior to sudden context changes and being aware of handoffs, which introduce unpredictable delays and intermittent discontinuities. Heterogeneity of wireless technologies (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 3G) complicates the situation, since a different treatment of context-awareness and handoffs is required for each solution. This paper presents a middleware architecture designed to ease mobility-aware service development. The architecture hides technology-specific mechanisms and offers a set of facilities for context awareness and handoff management. The architecture prototype works with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, which today represent two of the most widespread wireless technologies. In addition, the paper discusses motivations and design details in the challenging context of mobile multimedia streaming applications

    Video Streaming over Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks: A Comparative Study and Future Perspectives

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    Vehicular  Ad Hoc Network  (VANET) is emerged as an important research area that provides ubiquitous short-range connectivity among moving vehicles.  This network enables efficient traffic safety and infotainment applications. One of the promising applications is video transmission in vehicle-to-vehicle or vehicle-to-infrastructure environments.  But, video streaming over vehicular environment is a daunting task due to high movement of vehicles. This paper presents a survey on state-of-arts of video streaming over VANET. Furthermore, taxonomy of vehicular video transmission is highlighted in this paper with special focus on significant applications and their requirements with challenges, video content sharing, multi-source video streaming and video broadcast services. The comparative study of the paper compares the video streaming schemes based on type of error resilient technique, objective of study, summary of their study, the utilized simulator and the type of video sharing.  Lastly, we discussed the open issues and research directions related to video communication over VANET

    Provider-Controlled Bandwidth Management for HTTP-based Video Delivery

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    Over the past few years, a revolution in video delivery technology has taken place as mobile viewers and over-the-top (OTT) distribution paradigms have significantly changed the landscape of video delivery services. For decades, high quality video was only available in the home via linear television or physical media. Though Web-based services brought video to desktop and laptop computers, the dominance of proprietary delivery protocols and codecs inhibited research efforts. The recent emergence of HTTP adaptive streaming protocols has prompted a re-evaluation of legacy video delivery paradigms and introduced new questions as to the scalability and manageability of OTT video delivery. This dissertation addresses the question of how to enable for content and network service providers the ability to monitor and manage large numbers of HTTP adaptive streaming clients in an OTT environment. Our early work focused on demonstrating the viability of server-side pacing schemes to produce an HTTP-based streaming server. We also investigated the ability of client-side pacing schemes to work with both commodity HTTP servers and our HTTP streaming server. Continuing our client-side pacing research, we developed our own client-side data proxy architecture which was implemented on a variety of mobile devices and operating systems. We used the portable client architecture as a platform for investigating different rate adaptation schemes and algorithms. We then concentrated on evaluating the network impact of multiple adaptive bitrate clients competing for limited network resources, and developing schemes for enforcing fair access to network resources. The main contribution of this dissertation is the definition of segment-level client and network techniques for enforcing class of service (CoS) differentiation between OTT HTTP adaptive streaming clients. We developed a segment-level network proxy architecture which works transparently with adaptive bitrate clients through the use of segment replacement. We also defined a segment-level rate adaptation algorithm which uses download aborts to enforce CoS differentiation across distributed independent clients. The segment-level abstraction more accurately models application-network interactions and highlights the difference between segment-level and packet-level time scales. Our segment-level CoS enforcement techniques provide a foundation for creating scalable managed OTT video delivery services

    Dynamic Adaptive Video Streaming on Heterogeneous TVWS and Wi-Fi Networks

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    Nowadays, people usually connect to the Internet through a multitude of different devices. Video streaming takes the lion's share of the bandwidth, and represents the real challenge for the service providers and for the research community. At the same time, most of the connections come from indoor, where Wi-Fi already experiences congestion and coverage holes, directly translating into a poor experience for the user. A possible relief comes from the TV white space (TVWS) networks, which can enhance the communication range thanks to sub-GHz frequencies and favorable propagation characteristics, but offer slower datarates compared with other 802.11 protocols. In this paper, we show the benefits that TVWS networks can bring to the end user, and we present CABA, a connection aware balancing algorithm able to exploit multiple radio connections in the favor of a better user experience. Our experimental results indicate that the TVWS network can effectively provide a wider communication range, but a load balancing middleware between the available connections on the device must be used to achieve better performance. We conclude this paper by presenting real data coming from field trials in which we streamed an MPEG dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP video over TVWS and Wi-Fi. Practical quantitative results on the achievable quality of experience for the end user are then reported. Our results show that balancing the load between Wi-Fi and TVWS can provide a higher playback quality (up to 15% of average quality index) in scenarios in which the Wi-Fi is received at a low strength
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