17 research outputs found

    Planar graphs have bounded nonrepetitive chromatic number

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    A colouring of a graph isnonrepetitiveif for every path of even order, thesequence of colours on the first half of the path is different from the sequence of colours onthe second half. We show that planar graphs have nonrepetitive colourings with a boundednumber of colours, thus proving a conjecture of Alon, Grytczuk, Hałuszczak and Riordan(2002). We also generalise this result for graphs of bounded Euler genus, graphs excluding afixed minor, and graphs excluding a fixed topological minor

    Nonrepetitive Colourings of Planar Graphs with O(logn)O(\log n) Colours

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    A vertex colouring of a graph is \emph{nonrepetitive} if there is no path for which the first half of the path is assigned the same sequence of colours as the second half. The \emph{nonrepetitive chromatic number} of a graph GG is the minimum integer kk such that GG has a nonrepetitive kk-colouring. Whether planar graphs have bounded nonrepetitive chromatic number is one of the most important open problems in the field. Despite this, the best known upper bound is O(n)O(\sqrt{n}) for nn-vertex planar graphs. We prove a O(logn)O(\log n) upper bound

    Nonrepetitive colourings of planar graphs with O(log n) colours

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    A vertex colouring of a graph is nonrepetitive if there is no path for which the first half of the path is assigned the same sequence of colours as the second half. The nonrepetitive chromatic number of a graph G is the minimum integer k such that G has a nonrepetitive k-colouring. Whether planar graphs have bounded nonrepetitive chromatic number is one of the most important open problems in the field. Despite this, the best known upper bound is O(n−−√) for n-vertex planar graphs. We prove a O(logn) upper bound

    A note about online nonrepetitive coloring kk-trees

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    We prove that it is always possible to color online nonrepetitively any (partial) kk-tree (that is, graphs with tree-width at most kk) with 4k4^k colors. This implies that it is always possible to color online nonrepetitively cycles, trees and series-parallel graphs with 1616 colors. Our results generalize the respective (offline) nonrepetitive coloring results

    The Weak Circular Repetition Threshold Over Large Alphabets

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    The repetition threshold for words on nn letters, denoted \mbox{RT}(n), is the infimum of the set of all rr such that there are arbitrarily long rr-free words over nn letters. A repetition threshold for circular words on nn letters can be defined in three natural ways, which gives rise to the weak, intermediate, and strong circular repetition thresholds for nn letters, denoted \mbox{CRT}_{\mbox{W}}(n), \mbox{CRT}_{\mbox{I}}(n), and \mbox{CRT}_{\mbox{S}}(n), respectively. Currie and the present authors conjectured that \mbox{CRT}_{\mbox{I}}(n)=\mbox{CRT}_{\mbox{W}}(n)=\mbox{RT}(n) for all n4n\geq 4. We prove that \mbox{CRT}_{\mbox{W}}(n)=\mbox{RT}(n) for all n45n\geq 45, which confirms a weak version of this conjecture for all but finitely many values of nn.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1911.0577

    Another approach to non-repetitive colorings of graphs of bounded degree

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    We propose a new proof technique that aims to be applied to the same problems as the Lov\'asz Local Lemma or the entropy-compression method. We present this approach in the context of non-repetitive colorings and we use it to improve upper-bounds relating different non-repetitive numbers to the maximal degree of a graph. It seems that there should be other interesting applications to the presented approach. In terms of upper-bound our approach seems to be as strong as entropy-compression, but the proofs are more elementary and shorter. The application we provide in this paper are upper bounds for graphs of maximal degree at most Δ\Delta: a minor improvement on the upper-bound of the non-repetitive number, a 4.25Δ+o(Δ)4.25\Delta +o(\Delta) upper-bound on the weak total non-repetitive number and a Δ2+3213Δ53+o(Δ53) \Delta^2+\frac{3}{2^\frac{1}{3}}\Delta^{\frac{5}{3}}+ o(\Delta^{\frac{5}{3}}) upper-bound on the total non-repetitive number of graphs. This last result implies the same upper-bound for the non-repetitive index of graphs, which improves the best known bound

    Clustered 3-Colouring Graphs of Bounded Degree

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    A (not necessarily proper) vertex colouring of a graph has "clustering" cc if every monochromatic component has at most cc vertices. We prove that planar graphs with maximum degree Δ\Delta are 3-colourable with clustering O(Δ2)O(\Delta^2). The previous best bound was O(Δ37)O(\Delta^{37}). This result for planar graphs generalises to graphs that can be drawn on a surface of bounded Euler genus with a bounded number of crossings per edge. We then prove that graphs with maximum degree Δ\Delta that exclude a fixed minor are 3-colourable with clustering O(Δ5)O(\Delta^5). The best previous bound for this result was exponential in Δ\Delta.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1904.0479