163 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Steep Approach Terhadap Operasional Runway

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    Kebutuhan transportasi udara terus meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Peningkatan kebutuhan ini juga berdampak pada lingkungan sekitar bandar udara dan salah satunya adalah dampak kebisingan dari operasional pesawat. Dalam penelitian ini, akan dibandingkan kapasitas runway dengan sudut approach standar (3⁰) dengan steep approach (4,5⁰). Dengan data lalu lintas dari peak hour eksisting, akan diketahui kapasitas runway awal menggunakan diagram ruang-waktu yang menghasilkan kapasitas ultimate dari runway tersebut dan dapat diketahui pula kapasitas runway steep approach. Dengan kapasitas runway ultimate dan kapasitas runway steep approach, akan diketahui perbedaan kapasitas dari kedua metode approach dan diketahui pengurangan kapasitas dari steep approach. Hasil analisa menggunakan diagram ruang waktu menunjukkan bahwa tidak terjadi pengurangan kapasitas dengan 34 pergerakan per jam. Jenis pesawat yang memenuhi target kecepatan 137±4kt adalah Airbus A320. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah steep approach tidak mengurangi kapasitas runway pada peak hour. Pada peak hour, pesawat cenderung homogen dalam tipe wake turbulence yang dihasilkan. Penggunaan ILS akan diperuntukkan bagi standard approach dan steep approach dapat menggunakan Microwave Landing System atau GBAS (Ground Based Augmentation System) Landing System. Terjadi pengurangan kebisingan tingkat 2 dari 1400 m menjadi 1282 m dan pada area perumahan sekitar bandara sebesar 60,5%

    Effects Of Flight Factors On Pilot Performance, Workload, And Stress At Final Approach To Landing Phase Of Flight

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    Since human errors are one of the major causes of flight accidents, the design and operation of the modern aircraft system deals with them seriously. Particularly, the pilot workload on aviation causes human errors. Whenever new procedures are introduced and operated, the aircraft capabilities have been checked in every aspect. However, there has been little study on the impact of the new procedures such as LDLP, SCDA, SATS, and Steep Angle approach on the pilot performance, workload, and stress. In this study, different methods have been tried to understand the relationship between new procedures and the pilots in terms of performance, workload, and stress. The flight factors (e.g. flight experience, gliding angle, and approach area) were examined by the pilot performance, workload, and stress at the Final Approach to L/D phase using the single engine Cessna 172R type flight simulator. Five students and five instructor pilots from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Dayton Beach, Florida, participated and they flew under four different simulation tasks of gliding angle and approach area. Their Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and NASA-Task Load Index (TLX) were measured to determine their stress level and subjective workload, respectively. In addition, Landing Performance (LP) data (e.g. landing distance, landing speed) and Above Glide Path Tracking Performance (AGPTP) data were also collected to evaluate pilot performance. As a result, the type of approach area showed a significant effect on pilot performance, workload, and stress determined by ANOVA (HRV, TLX, LP, AGPTP: all are p \u3c .05). Flying over Populated area (e.g. a large city) resulted in lower pilot performance and higher pilot workload and stress than that over Non-Populated area (e.g. a grass field). Similarly, the levels of a gliding angle showed the statistical difference on the performance, workload, and stress (HRV, TLX, and LP: all are p \u3c .05). During the flight with 4.5 degree, the pilots showed lower performance with higher workload and stress. However, the levels of the flight experience did not have any influence on the performance, workload, and stress levels (AGPTP, LP, TLX, HRV: all are p \u3e .05). In conclusion, flying in Populated area and flying with a 4.5 degree gliding angle increases the workload and stress level of the pilots. In addition, when the pilots were flying over Populated area at Final Approach to L/D phase, they showed lower performance on tracking the glide path. Based on the results, stresses and workload can have a significant impact on flight performance. Therefore, in order to reduce the workload and stress that can cause human errors, it is highly recommended to carefully examine the impact of new flight procedures on pilot workload and stress before they are implemented

    Air Traffic Control

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    Improving air traffic control and air traffic management is currently one of the top priorities of the global research and development agenda. Massive, multi-billion euro programs like SESAR (Single European Sky ATM Research) in Europe and NextGen (Next Generation Air Transportation System) in the United States are on their way to create an air transportation system that meets the demands of the future. Air traffic control is a multi-disciplinary field that attracts the attention of many researchers, ranging from pure mathematicians to human factors specialists, and even in the legal and financial domains the optimization and control of air transport is extensively studied. This book, by no means intended to be a basic, formal introduction to the field, for which other textbooks are available, includes nine chapters that demonstrate the multi-disciplinary character of the air traffic control domain

    Application of Strategic Planning Process with Fleet Level Analysis Methods

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    The goal of this work is to quantify and characterize the potential system-wide reduction of fuel consumption and corresponding CO2 emissions, resulting from the introduction of N+2 aircraft technologies and concepts into the fleet. Although NASA goals for this timeframe are referenced against a large twin aisle aircraft we consider their application across all vehicle classes of the commercial aircraft fleet, from regional jets to very large aircraft. In this work the authors describe and discuss the formulation and implementation of the fleet assessment by addressing the main analytical components: forecasting, operations allocation, fleet retirement, fleet replacement, and environmental performance modeling

    Lähestymisprofiilien teoreettinen riskiperiodianalyysi ja turvallisuusperusteinen optimointi kaupallisessa toiminnassa yksimoottorisilla potkuriturbiinikoneilla

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    The European Aviation Safety Agency has recently approved commercial operations on single-engine turbine aeroplanes at night and in poor weather. Growth in the operations in this sector can be reasonably expected. In addition to regulations applicable to all commercial operators, the single-engine turbine operators must fulfil various single-engine safety related demands. For example, an emergency landing site must be available within gliding distance unless a risk period is utilised. Approach phase is one of the critical phases of the flight due to relatively low flying altitudes. It is also complicated to examine due to variance in actual flight routes in approach. A theoretical model for studying the risk period is developed in this thesis. The applicability of the method is tested with a case study. The first objectives are to find equations and boundary conditions required in the analysis. Then simulated flight profiles are constructed and the risk periods arising in the approach flight phase are calculated. Moreover, the geographical location of the risk areas is identified. Aim is to first calculate the risk periods assuming still air conditions and then study and compare the effect of headwind. Furthermore, possible risk mitigation methods are discussed and their effect to the risk periods and risk areas are examined. As an outcome, a spreadsheet computation tool was developed. The case study focused on Pilatus PC-12 aircraft flying approaches at Helsinki Airport. A total of 40 different standard instrument arrivals were studied. The analysis was highly theoretical and the simulated flight profiles do not precisely correspond to actual flight routes at Helsinki Airport. However, the results were credible and distinctive. The results indicate that the total risk period can vary greatly depending on the relation between the arrival direction and the runway in use, as well as on the altitude constraints in the instrument approach procedures. Headwind had a significant effect in the risk period. It decreased the aeroplane’s gliding capability and ground speed, thus increasing the risk area and exposure time. In some cases, both with and without the headwind effect, risk mitigation was necessary to fulfil the requirements set for the maximum duration of the risk period. The main mitigation means identified were utilising higher descent angle and speed profiles in the approach and selecting an alternative emergency landing site in addition to the runway in use. By utilising these means the risk period could be significantly reduced.Euroopan lentoturvallisuusvirasto on äskettäin antanut hyväksyntänsä yksimoottoristen potkuriturbiinikoneiden kaupalliselle operoinnille yöllä ja huonon sään vallitessa. On siis perusteltua odottaa operaatiomäärien kasvavan tällä sektorilla. Niiden määräysten lisäksi, jotka koskevat kaikkia kaupallisia operaattoreita, yksimoottorisia turbiinikoneita käyttävien operaattoreiden on täytettävä useita yksimoottoristen lentokoneiden turvallisuuteen liittyvä vaatimuksia. Esimerkiksi, pakkolaskupaikka on oltava aina saavutettavissa liitomatkan päässä, ellei riskiperiodia hyödynnetä. Lähestyminen on tässä mielessä yksiä kriittisimpiä lennon vaiheita, koska silloin lennetään suhteellisen matalalla. Lähestyminen on myös monimutkainen tutkia, sillä todelliset lentoreitit vaihtelevat paljon. Tässä diplomityössä kehitetään teoreettinen malli, jolla voidaan tutkia riskiperiodeja. Mallin toimivuutta käytännössä testataan esimerkkitapauksen avulla. Työn ensimmäiset tavoitteet ovat etsiä analyysissä tarvittavat matemaattiset yhtälöt sekä määrittää raja-arvot. Seuraavaksi rakennetaan simuloidut lentoprofiilit ja lasketaan lähestymisvaiheessa syntyvät riskiperiodit. Lisäksi tunnistetaan riskialueiden maantieteelliset sijainnit. Tarkoituksena on ensin laskea riskiperiodit tyynessä säässä sekä sen jälkeen tutkia ja vertailla vastatuulen vaikutusta. Lisäksi pohditaan mahdollisia keinoja riskien pienentämiseksi ja tutkitaan niiden vaikutuksia riskiperiodeihin ja riskialueisiin. Työn tuloksena kehitettiin taulukkolaskentatyökalu. Esimerkkitapaus keskittyi Pilatus PC-12 -lentokoneeseen ja Helsinki-Vantaan lentoaseman lähestymismenetelmiin. Yhteensä tarkasteltiin 40 vakiotuloreittiä. Tehty analyysi on hyvin teoreettinen ja simuloidut lentoprofiilit eivät vastaa tarkasti todellisia lentoreittejä Helsinki-Vantaalla. Saadut tulokset ovat kuitenkin selkeitä ja uskottavia. Tulokset osoittavat, että riskiperiodin pituus voi vaihdella suuresti riippuen tulosuunnan ja käytössä olevan kiitotien välisestä suhteesta sekä mittarilähestymismenetelmän korkeusrajoituksista. Vastatuulella oli merkittävä vaikutus riskiperiodiin. Se heikensi lentokoneen liitokykyä ja pienensi maanopeutta, samalla kasvattaen altistusaikaa riskialueilla. Joissain tapauksissa sekä ilman vastatuulen vaikutusta että sen kanssa tarvittiin keinoja riskiperiodin pienentämiseksi, jotta täytettiin riskiperiodin maksimipituudelle asetetut vaatimukset. Tärkeimmät löydetyt keinot olivat jyrkemmän liukukulman ja suuremman lentonopeuden käyttäminen sekä vaihtoehtoisen pakkolaskupaikan valinta käytössä olevan kiitotien lisäksi. Niiden avulla riskiperiodia saatiin huomattavasti pienennettyä

    The development of a simulation technique for the analysis of helicopter offshore operations

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    The helicopter has been accepted as being the only form of transport that can serve reliably and rapidly the routine operational needs of oilrig platforms. The role of unmanned simulation studies in this field is important, since it can provide a positive and immediate contribution towards the safety issues associated with helicopter operations in this environment. Previous theoretical simulation studies have been of limited scope due to the lack of emphasis placed on pilot strategy and the simplified rotorcraft models employed. In this research programme, a conceptually novel simulation technique (HIFIS) that includes the ability to model pilot reaction time has been developed. A helicopter operating in the proximity of an oil rig is often required to fly in flight regimes that are unique to the offshore environment. As a result, the helicopter mathematical model employed must be able to accurately replicate these conditions if the correct aircraft behaviour is to be portrayed. Consequently much research effort has been attributed to the rotorcraft model employed to ensure that it did not impose any limitations on the investigative programme. In this research programme, knowledge of the manoeuvres performed in the offshore environment has been provided mostly in terms of a narrative description of the corresponding pilot strategy. For this investigation, a mathematical model of the manoeuvre trajectory is required to drive the HIFIS simulation algorithm. In order to formulate such models, a generic method that transforms the narrative of the pilot strategy into validated expressions of the aircraft trajectory has been developed. One of the most significant aspects of helicopter offshore operations is the possibility of an engine failure in the proximity of the oilrig platform. The task of directly simulating such a failure is difficult as the original manoeuvre as intended by the pilot may be unflyable due to the limited power available. In order to portray this feature, a specialised simulation technique has been developed that allows the pilot strategy in response to a failure to be accurately determined. The HIFIS simulation technique has been demonstrated by its application to the investigation of rotorcraft safety related topics during take-off of landing manoeuvres. During the course of this investigation, the ability of the rotorcraft to perform a manoeuvre has been explored in terms of the key parameters that would be available to a pilot in practice

    Assessing the Relationships between Task Demand, Task Difficulty and Performance during Physicians' Interaction with EHR systems

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    The study’s aim was to relate task demand, task difficulty with performance during physicians’ interaction with electronic health records (EHR) system. The results indicated that there was a significant effect of task demands on task difficulty and performance; task difficulty was also related to performance. Practically, the results suggest that EHR designers might be able to positively affect physicians’ performance by enhancing usability of interfaces aimed at directing physician’ EHR-related interaction strategies.Master of Science in Information Scienc

    Contributions to the Characterization and Mitigation of Rotorcraft Brownout

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    Rotorcraft brownout, the condition in which the flow field of a rotorcraft mobilizes sediment from the ground to generate a cloud that obscures the pilot's field of view, continues to be a significant hazard to civil and military rotorcraft operations. This dissertation presents methodologies for: (i) the systematic mitigation of rotorcraft brownout through operational and design strategies and (ii) the quantitative characterization of the visual degradation caused by a brownout cloud. In Part I of the dissertation, brownout mitigation strategies are developed through simulation-based brownout studies that are mathematically formulated within a numerical optimization framework. Two optimization studies are presented. The first study involves the determination of approach-to-landing maneuvers that result in reduced brownout severity. The second study presents a potential methodology for the design of helicopter rotors with improved brownout characteristics. The results of both studies indicate that the fundamental mechanisms underlying brownout mitigation are aerodynamic in nature, and the evolution of a ground vortex ahead of the rotor disk is seen to be a key element in the development of a brownout cloud. In Part II of the dissertation, brownout cloud characterizations are based upon the Modulation Transfer Function (MTF), a metric commonly used in the optics community for the characterization of imaging systems. The use of the MTF in experimentation is examined first, and the application of MTF calculation and interpretation methods to actual flight test data is described. The potential for predicting the MTF from numerical simulations is examined second, and an initial methodology is presented for the prediction of the MTF of a brownout cloud. Results from the experimental and analytical studies rigorously quantify the intuitively-known facts that the visual degradation caused by brownout is a space and time-dependent phenomenon, and that high spatial frequency features, i.e., fine-grained detail, are obscured before low spatial frequency features, i.e., large objects. As such, the MTF is a metric that is amenable to Handling Qualities (HQ) analyses

    Development and Evaluation of Mission Task Elements for Certification of Aircraft with Non-Conventional Control Interfaces

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    Electrification of aircraft is resulting in configurations that had not been possible. These configurations use fly-by-wire flight controls and introduce novel control concepts that do not map back to traditional mechanical flight controls. The control concepts also do not map to existing Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) certification requirements and therefore need alternate means of compliance. This report addresses that need by considering the use of Cooper-Harper Ratings, ADS-33, and developing a means of compliance for transportation missions. Additionally, a lift + cruise aircraft simulation was developed and implemented in the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Langley Research Center\u2019s Cockpit Motion Facility to evaluate the means of compliance developed. The report presents a possible approach and discussion for using the Cooper-Harper rating scale. It also contains discussion about the use of ADS-33. A means of compliance for evaluating 14 CFR Part 23 rules for stability and controllability is presented. The means of compliance was evaluated in the simulation and results are discussed. The researchers did not conclude that use of CHR was helpful for certification

    The applications of satellites to communications, navigation and surveillance for aircraft operating over the contiguous United States. Volume 1 - Technical report

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    Satellite applications to aircraft communications, navigation, and surveillance over US including synthesized satellite network and aircraft equipment for air traffic contro