536 research outputs found

    Optimization of piezoresistive cantilevers for static and dynamic sensing applications

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    The presented work aims to optimize the performance of piezoresistive cantilevers in cases where the output signal originates either from a static deflection of the cantilever or from the dynamic (resonance) characteristic of the beam. Based on a new stress concentration technique, which utilizes silicon beams and wires embedded in the cantilever, the force sensitivity of the cantilever is increased up to 8 fold with only about a 15% decrease in the cantilever stiffness. Moreover, the developed stress-concentrating cantilevers show almost the same resonance characteristic as conventional cantilevers. The focus of the second part of the present work is to provide guidelines for designing rectangular silicon cantilever beams to achieve maximum quality factors for the fundamental and higher flexural resonance at atmospheric pressure. The applied methodology is based on experimental data acquisition of resonance characteristics of silicon cantilevers, combined with modification of analytical damping models to match the measurement data. To this end, rectangular silicon cantilever beams with thicknesses of 5, 7, 8, 11 and 17 um and lengths and widths ranging from 70 to 1050 um and 80 to 230 um, respectively, have been fabricated and tested. To better describe the experimental data, modified models for air damping have been developed. Moreover, to better understand the damping mechanisms in a resonant cantilever system, analytical models have been developed to describe the cantilever effective mass in any flexural resonance mode. To be able to extract reliable Q-factor data for low signal-to-noise ratios, a new iterative curve fitting technique is developed and implemented. To address the challenge of frequency drift in (mass-sensitive) resonant sensors, and especially cantilever-based devices, the last part of the research deals with a novel compensation technique to cancel the unwanted environmental effects (e.g., temperature and humidity). This technique is based on exploring the resonance frequency difference of two flexural modes. Experimental data show improvements in temperature and humidity coefficients of frequency from -19.5 to 0.2 ppm/˚C and from 0.7 to -0.03 ppm/%RH, respectively. The last part of the work also aims on techniques to enhance or suppress the flexural vibration amplitude in desired overtones.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Brand, Oliver; Committee Member: Adibi, Ali; Committee Member: Allen, Mark G.; Committee Member: Bottomley, Lawrence A.; Committee Member: Degertekin, F. Leven

    Low power strain sensor based on MOS tunneling current.

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    Sensors, such as pressure sensors, accelerometers and gyroscopes, are very important components in modern portable electronics. A limited source of power in portable electronics is motivating research on new low power sensors. Piezoresistive and capacitive sensing technologies are the most commonly utilized technologies, which typically consume power in the µW to mW range. Tunneling current sensing is attractive for low power applications because the typical tunneling current is in the nA range. This dissertation demonstrates a low power strain sensor based on the tunneling current in a metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) structure with a power consumption of a couple of nano-Watts (nW) with a minimum detectable strain of 0.00036%. Both DC and AC measurements were used to characterize the MOS tunneling current strain sensor. The noise level is found to be smallest in the inversion region, and therefore it is best to bias the device in the inversion region. To study the sensitivity in the inversion region, a model is developed to compute the tunneling current as a function of strain in the semiconductor. The model calculates the tunneling current due to electrons tunneling from the conduction band of the semiconductor to the gate (ECB tunneling current) and the tunneling current due to electrons tunneling from the valence band of the semiconductor to the gate (EVB tunneling current). It is found that the ECB tunneling current is sufficient to explain experimental gate leakage current results reported in the literature for MOSFETs with low substrate doping concentration. However, for the tunneling current strain sensor with a higher substrate doping concentration reported here, a model using both ECB and EVB tunneling current is required. The model fits our experiments. During both DC and AC measurements, the MOS tunneling current is found to drift with time. The drift could arise from the trap states within the oxide. The current drift makes it difficult to obtain an absolute measurement of the strain. Combining the tunneling current strain sensor with a resonant sensor may be a good choice because it measures changes in the mechanical resonant frequency, independent of a drift of the tunneling current amplitude

    Modeling and Control of MEMS-based Multi-layered Prestressed Piezoelectric Cantilever Beam

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    Piezoelectric materials are the preferred smart materials for sensing and actuation in the form of micro and nano-engineering structures like beams and plates. Cantilever beams play a significant role as key components in atomic force microscopy and bio and chemical sensors. Adding an active layer such as lead zirconate titanate (PZT) thin-film to form smart cantilever beams with sensing and actuation capabilities is highly desirable to facilitate miniaturization, enhance performance and functionali- ties such as enabling on-chip high-speed parallel AFM. During the micro-fabrication process, residual stresses develop in the different layers of the cantilever beam, causes initial deflection. The residual stress in the different layers of the cantilever beam and the application of voltage to the PZT thin-film affects their dynamics. This the- sis investigates the dynamic behaviour and develops a control technique and a novel charge readout circuit to improve the performance of a micro-fabricated multi-layer prestressed piezoelectric cantilever beam as an actuator and a deflection sensor. Firstly, the fabrication process of a unimorph PZT cantilever beam is explained. A low thermal budget Ultra-high vacuum e-beam evaporated polysilicon thin-film (UHVEEpoly) process is used for the fabrication of multi-layered PZT cantilever beam in d31 mode. The sharp peaks at resonant frequencies in the frequency response of the PZT cantilever beam show very little damping and a large settling time of the cantilever beam. Secondly, the dynamic behaviour of the prestressed PZT cantilever beam is in- vestigated subjected to change in driving voltage. Experimental investigations show a shift in resonant frequencies of a PZT cantilever beam. However, there is no reported mathematical model that predicts the shift in resonance frequencies of a multi-layered prestressed piezoelectric cantilever beam subjected to a change in driving voltage. This work developed a mathematical model with experimental val- idation to estimate the shift in resonance frequencies of such cantilever beams with the change in the driving voltage. A very good agreement between the model predic- tions and experimental measurements for the frequency response of the cantilever beam at different driving voltages has been obtained. A novel linear formulation has been developed to predict the shift in resonance frequencies of the PZT can- i tilever beam for a wide range of driving voltages. The formulation shows that the shift in resonance frequencies of a multi-layered prestressed piezoelectric cantilever beam per unit of applied voltage is dependent on geometric parameters and material properties. Thirdly, a robust resonant controller has been designed and implemented to re- duce the settling time of a highly vibrating PZT cantilever beam. The controller design is based on a mixed negative-imaginary, passivity, and a small-gain approach. The motivation to design a resonant controller using the above-mentioned analyti- cal framework is its bandpass nature and the use of velocity feedback, as the charge collected from a vibrating PZT cantilever beam gives the velocity information of the beam. The proposed controller design results in finite gain stability for a pos- itive feedback interconnection between two stable linear systems with a large gain and phase margin. Experimental results demonstrate that the designed resonant controller is able to effectively damp the first resonant mode of a cantilever, signifi- cantly reducing settling time from 528 ms to 32 ms. The robustness of the designed resonant controller is tested against changes in the cantilever beam dynamics due to residual stress variation and or stress variation due to driving voltage. Finally, to facilitate the miniaturization of on-chip sensors and parallel high- speed AFM, a single layer of a PZT thin-film in a cantilever beam is used as a deflection sensor and an actuator instead of bulky optical deflection sensors. A novel charge readout circuit is designed for deflection sensing by capturing the electrical charge generated due to the vibration of the PZT beam. The signal-to-noise ratio and sensitivity analysis of the readout circuit shows similar results compared to the commercially available optical deflection sensors. Our work highlights very important aspects in the dynamic behaviour and perfor- mance of a multi-layered prestressed piezoelectric cantilever beam. The agreement between the proposed theoretical formulation and experimental investigations in modeling, control design, and a novel readout circuit will provide the platform for further the development and miniaturization of microcantilever-based technologies, including on-chip parallel HS-AFM

    Solid State Circuits Technologies

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    The evolution of solid-state circuit technology has a long history within a relatively short period of time. This technology has lead to the modern information society that connects us and tools, a large market, and many types of products and applications. The solid-state circuit technology continuously evolves via breakthroughs and improvements every year. This book is devoted to review and present novel approaches for some of the main issues involved in this exciting and vigorous technology. The book is composed of 22 chapters, written by authors coming from 30 different institutions located in 12 different countries throughout the Americas, Asia and Europe. Thus, reflecting the wide international contribution to the book. The broad range of subjects presented in the book offers a general overview of the main issues in modern solid-state circuit technology. Furthermore, the book offers an in depth analysis on specific subjects for specialists. We believe the book is of great scientific and educational value for many readers. I am profoundly indebted to the support provided by all of those involved in the work. First and foremost I would like to acknowledge and thank the authors who worked hard and generously agreed to share their results and knowledge. Second I would like to express my gratitude to the Intech team that invited me to edit the book and give me their full support and a fruitful experience while working together to combine this book

    Development of a three-axis MEMS accelerometer

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    While originally developed to deploy air bags for the automotive industry, Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) based accelerometers have found their way into everything from video game controllers to cells phones. As prices drop and capabilities improve, it is expected that the use of accelerometers will further expand in the coming years. Accelerometers currently have the second highest MEMS sales volume, trailing only pressure sensors [1]. In this work several single and three-axis accelerometers are designed, fabricated, and tested under a variety of conditions. The designed accelerometers are all based off of the piezoresistive effect, where the value of a resistor changes with applied mechanical stress [2]. When accelerated, the inertia of a suspended proof mass causes stress on piezoresistors placed on support arms. The corresponding changes in these resistor values are then converted to an output voltage using a Wheatstone bridge. To sense acceleration independently in all three axes, structures with three distinct modes of vibration and three sets of Wheatstone bridges are used. Devices were fabricated at the Semiconductor and Microsystems Fabrication Laboratory (SMFL), located at RIT. A modified version of the RIT bulk MEMS process was used, consisting of 65 steps, 7 photolithography masks, bulk silicon diaphragm etch, and top hole release etch [3]. Unfortunately the finished chips show poor aluminum step coverage into contact vias and over polysilicon lines. This results in open circuits throughout the chip, prohibiting proper operation. Process corrections have been identified, and with proper fabrication the designs are still expected to yield working devices. Since the finished accelerometers were not functional, several commercial accelerometers have been tested to characterize sensitivity, linearity, cross-axis sensitivity, frequency response, and device lifetime


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    This dissertation presents a distributed-parameters base modeling framework for microcantilever (MC)-based force sensing and control with applications to nanomanipulation and imaging. Due to the widespread applications of MCs in nanoscale force sensing or atomic force microscopy with nano-Newton to pico-Newton force measurement requirements, precise modeling of the involved MCs is essential. Along this line, a distributed-parameters modeling framework is proposed which is followed by a modified robust controller with perturbation estimation to target the problem of delay in nanoscale imaging and manipulation. It is shown that the proposed nonlinear model-based controller can stabilize such nanomanipulation process in a very short time compared to available conventional methods. Such modeling and control development could pave the pathway towards MC-based manipulation and positioning. The first application of the MC-based (a piezoresistive MC) force sensors in this dissertation includes MC-based mass sensing with applications to biological species detection. MC-based sensing has recently attracted extensive interest in many chemical and biological applications due to its sensitivity, extreme applicability and low cost. By measuring the stiffness of MCs experimentally, the effect of adsorption of target molecules can be quantified. To measure MC\u27s stiffness, an in-house nanoscale force sensing setup is designed and fabricated which utilizes a piezoresistive MC to measure the force acting on the MC\u27s tip with nano-Newton resolution. In the second application, the proposed MC-based force sensor is utilized to achieve a fast-scan laser-free Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). Tracking control of piezoelectric actuators in various applications including scanning probe microscopes is limited by sudden step discontinuities within time-varying continuous trajectories. For this, a switching control strategy is proposed for effective tracking of such discontinuous trajectories. A new spiral path planning is also proposed here which improves scanning rate of the AFM. Implementation of the proposed modeling and controller in a laser-free AFM setup yields high quality image of surfaces with stepped topographies at frequencies up to 30 Hz. As the last application of the MC-based force sensors, a nanomanipulator named here MM3A® is utilized for nanomanipulation purposes. The area of control and manipulation at the nanoscale has recently received widespread attention in different technologies such as fabricating electronic chipsets, testing and assembly of MEMS and NEMS, micro-injection and manipulation of chromosomes and genes. To overcome the lack of position sensor on this particular manipulator, a fused vision force feedback robust controller is proposed. The effects of utilization of the image and force feedbacks are individually discussed and analyzed for use in the developed fused vision force feedback control framework in order to achieve ultra precise positioning and optimal performance

    Analysis Of The Suspension Beam In Accelerometer For Stiffness Constant And Resonant Frequency By Using Analytical And Numerical Investigation

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    Mikro-meterpecut yang digunakan dalam pelbagai penerapan hanya akan tercapai dengan jayanya sekiranya keperluan frekuensi resonans dan kepekaan dapat dipenuhi dan konsisten. A successful and consistent performance of micro-accelerometer which has been applied in various applications can only be achieved when the resonant frequency and the sensitivity requirement are fulfilled

    A high temperature pressure sensor based on magnetic coupling and silicon wafer bonding

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    In this thesis, the design and fabrication of a bulk micromachined and wafer bonded pressure sensor for high temperature applications is described. The device design is based on the magnetic coupling principle as described by the Biot-Savart law. By combining the mechanical properties of single crystal silicon with magnetic coupling, the designed sensor can be operated up to 600°C. The key components within the sensor are two inductive coils, a silicon diaphragm and a hermetic vacuum cavity. The modeling based on a nine-turn single level coil device and a 300 μm x 300 diaphragm indicates an output rms voltage range of 70 mV with an input current of 100 mA and frequency of 200 MHz at pressures ranging from 0 kPa to 300 kPa for a sensitivity of 11 μV/mA.MHzkPa at 300°C. The output voltage doubles to 150 mV at 600 °C for the same pressure range. Experiments on 6-turn single-level aluminum foil coils showed a linear decrease in output with the reduction in coil dimensions as the Young\u27s modulus decreases. Experiments indicate that double-level or multi-level coils give substantially larger output. The sensor fabrication plan combines standard IC processing, anistropic etch of silicon and silicon wafer bonding. A KOH solution is used to etch the silicon and define the diaphragm. The diaphragm is formed by a boron diffusion technique. The diaphragm thickness is controlled by the diffusion depth and etch-stop technology. The silicon wafer bonding uses sputtered Pyrex as an intermediate adhesive layer. Pyrex has good thermal expansion of coefficient with that of silicon. This would ensure a good thermal match between the silicon and glass together with a good thermal stability at high temperatures

    Analysis Of The Suspension Beam In Accelerometer For Stiffness Constant And Resonant Frequency By Using Analytical And Numerical Investigation [TL589.2.A3 W872 2007 f rb].

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    Mikro-meterpecut yang digunakan dalam pelbagai penerapan hanya akan tercapai dengan jayanya sekiranya keperluan frekuensi resonans dan kepekaan dapat dipenuhi dan konsisten. Berdasarkan syarat-syarat tersebut, analisis struktur pada pekali kekukuhan and frekuensi resonans bagi rasuk ampaian dalam meter pecut dan seterusnya pengoptimuman kepada kepekaan haruslah dilakukan. A successful and consistent performance of micro-accelerometer which has been applied in various applications can only be achieved when the resonant frequency and the sensitivity requirement are fulfilled. In view of this, structural analysis on stiffness constant and resonant frequency for the suspension beam in accelerometer, and subsequently optimization design of accelerometer with respect to sensitivity in term of displacement against acceleration must be performed

    Single-Chip Scanning Probe Microscopes

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    Scanning probe microscopes (SPMs) are the highest resolution imaging instruments available today and are among the most important tools in nanoscience. Conventional SPMs suffer from several drawbacks owing to their large and bulky construction and to the use of piezoelectric materials. Large scanners have low resonant frequencies that limit their achievable imaging bandwidth and render them susceptible to disturbance from ambient vibrations. Array approaches have been used to alleviate the bandwidth bottleneck; however as arrays are scaled upwards, the scanning speed must decline to accommodate larger payloads. In addition, the long mechanical path from the tip to the sample contributes thermal drift. Furthermore, intrinsic properties of piezoelectric materials result in creep and hysteresis, which contribute to image distortion. The tip-sample interaction signals are often measured with optical configurations that require large free-space paths, are cumbersome to align, and add to the high cost of state-of-the-art SPM systems. These shortcomings have stifled the widespread adoption of SPMs by the nanometrology community. Tiny, inexpensive, fast, stable and independent SPMs that do not incur bandwidth penalties upon array scaling would therefore be most welcome. The present research demonstrates, for the first time, that all of the mechanical and electrical components that are required for the SPM to capture an image can be scaled and integrated onto a single CMOS chip. Principles of microsystem design are applied to produce single-chip instruments that acquire images of underlying samples on their own, without the need for off-chip scanners or sensors. Furthermore, it is shown that the instruments enjoy a multitude of performance benefits that stem from CMOS-MEMS integration and volumetric scaling of scanners by a factor of 1 million. This dissertation details the design, fabrication and imaging results of the first single-chip contact-mode AFMs, with integrated piezoresistive strain sensing cantilevers and scanning in three degrees-of-freedom (DOFs). Static AFMs and quasi-static AFMs are both reported. This work also includes the development, fabrication and imaging results of the first single-chip dynamic AFMs, with integrated flexural resonant cantilevers and 3 DOF scanning. Single-chip Amplitude Modulation AFMs (AM-AFMs) and Frequency Modulation AFMs (FM-AFMs) are both shown to be capable of imaging samples without the need for any off-chip sensors or actuators. A method to increase the quality factor (Q-factor) of flexural resonators is introduced. The method relies on an internal energy pumping mechanism that is based on the interplay between electrical, mechanical, and thermal effects. To the best of the author’s knowledge, the devices that are designed to harness these effects possess the highest electromechanical Qs reported for flexural resonators operating in air; electrically measured Q is enhanced from ~50 to ~50,000 in one exemplary device. A physical explanation for the underlying mechanism is proposed. The design, fabrication, imaging, and tip-based lithographic patterning with the first single-chip Scanning Thermal Microscopes (SThMs) are also presented. In addition to 3 DOF scanning, these devices possess integrated, thermally isolated temperature sensors to detect heat transfer in the tip-sample region. Imaging is reported with thermocouple-based devices and patterning is reported with resistive heater/sensors. An “isothermal electrothermal scanner” is designed and fabricated, and a method to operate it is detailed. The mechanism, based on electrothermal actuation, maintains a constant temperature in a central location while positioning a payload over a range of >35μm, thereby suppressing the deleterious thermal crosstalk effects that have thus far plagued thermally actuated devices with integrated sensors. In the thesis, models are developed to guide the design of single-chip SPMs and to provide an interpretation of experimental results. The modelling efforts include lumped element model development for each component of single-chip SPMs in the electrical, thermal and mechanical domains. In addition, noise models are developed for various components of the instruments, including temperature-based position sensors, piezoresistive cantilevers, and digitally controlled positioning devices