16 research outputs found

    Automatic control of a multirotor

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    Objective of this thesis is to describe the design and realisation phases of a multirotor to be used for low risk and cost aerial observation. Starting point of this activity was a wide literature study related to the technological evolution of multirotors design and to the state of the art. Firstly the most common multirotor configurations were defined and, according to a size and performance based evaluation, the most suitable one was chosen. A detailed computer aided design model was drawn as basis for the realisation of two prototypes. The realised multirotors were “X-shaped” octorotors with eight coaxially coupled motors. The mathematical model of the multirotor dynamics was studied. “Proportional Integral Derivative” and “Linear Quadratic” algorithms were chosen as techniques to regulate the attitude dynamics of the multirotor. These methods were tested with a nonlinear model simulation developed in the Matlab Simulink environment. In the meanwhile the Arduino board was selected as the best compromise between costs and performance and the above mentioned algorithms were implemented using this platform thanks to its main characteristic of being completely “open source”. Indeed the multirotor was conceived to be a serviceable tool for the public utility and, at the same time, to be an accessible device for research and studies. The behaviour of the physical multirotor was evaluated with a test bench designed to isolate the rotation about one single body axis at a time. The data of the experimental tests were gathered in real time using a custom Matlab code and several indoor tests allowed the “fine tuning” of the controllers gains. Afterwards a portable “ground station” was conceived and realised in adherence with the real scenarios users needs. Several outdoor experimental flights were executed with successful results and the data gathered during the outdoor tests were used to evaluate some key performance indicators as the endurance and the maximum allowable payload mass. Then the fault tolerance of the control system was evaluated simulating and experimenting the loss of one motor; even in this critical condition the system exhibited an acceptable behaviour. The reached project readiness allowed to meet some potential users as the “Turin Fire Department” and to cooperate with them in a simulated emergency. During this event the multirotor was used to gather and transmit real time aerial images for an improved “situation awareness”. Finally the study was extended to more innovative control techniques like the neural networks based ones. Simulations results demonstrated their effectiveness; nevertheless the inherent complexity and the unreliability outside the training ranges could have a catastrophic impact on the airworthiness. This is a factor that cannot be neglected especially in the applications related to flying platforms. Summarising, this research work was addressed mainly to the operating procedures for implementing automatic control algorithms to real platforms. All the design aspects, from the preliminary multirotor configuration choice to the tests in possible real scenarios, were covered obtaining performances comparable with other commercial of-the-shelf platforms


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    ABSTRACT Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) and evolution are applied to the analysis of turbulent signals. In a first instance, a new trainable delay based artificial neural network is used to analyze Hot Wire Anemometer (HW) signals obtained at different positions within the wake of a circular cylinder with Reynolds number values ranging from 2000 to 8000. Results show that these networks are capable of performing accurate short term predictions of the turbulent signal. In addition, the ANNs can be set in a long term prediction mode resulting in a sort of non linear filter able to extract the features having to do with the larger eddies and coherent structures. In a second stage these networks are used to reconstruct a regularly sampled signal straight from the irregularly sampled one provided by a Laser Doppler Anemometer (LDA). The irregular sampling dynamics of the LDA signals is governed by the arrival of the seeding particles, superimposing the already complex turbulent signal characteristics. To cope with this complexity, an evolutionary based strategy is used to perform an adaptive and continuous online training of the ANNs. This approach permits obtaining a regularly sampled signal not by interpolating the original one, as it is often done, but by modeling it


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    Hazard analyses of rainfall-induced landslides have typically been observed to experience a lack of inclusion of measurements of soil moisture within a given soil layer at a site of interest. Soil moisture is a hydromechanical variable capable of both strength gains and reductions within soil systems. However, in situ monitoring of soil moisture at every site of interest is an unfeasible goal. Therefore, spatiotemporal estimates of soil moisture that are representative of in-situ conditions are required for use in subsequent landslide hazard analyses. This study brings together various techniques for the acquisition, modeling, and forecasting of spatiotemporal retrievals of soil moisture across areas of Eastern Kentucky for use in hazard analyses. These techniques include: A novel approach for determination of satellite-based soil moisture retrieval correction factors for use in acquisition of low orbit-based soil moisture retrievals in site-specific analyses, unique spatiotemporal modeling of soil moisture at various depths within the soil layer through assimilation of satellite-based and land surface modeled soil moisture estimates, and the development of a novel workflow to effectively provide 7-day forecasts of soil moisture for use in subsequent forecasting of landslide hazards. Soil moisture retrieved through the previous approaches was implemented within landslide hazard and susceptibility analyses across known rainfall-induced landslides within Eastern Kentucky. Investigated analyses were conducted through a coupling of spatial soil moisture retrievals with that of site-specific geomorphologic data. These analyses proved capable in the detection of incipient failure conditions indicative of landslide occurrence over these known investigated slides. These soil moisture-based analyses show that inclusion of soil moisture, as hydromechanical variable, yields a more capable hazard analysis approach. Additionally, these analyses serve as a means to gain a better understanding of the coupled hydro-mechanical behavior associated with the initiation of rainfall-induced landslides

    A Map-matching Algorithm to Improve Vehicle Tracking Systems Accuracy

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    The satellite-based vehicle tracking systems accuracy can be improved by augmenting the positional information using road network data, in a process known as map-niatcliing. Map-matching algorithms attempt to estimate vehicle route and location in it particular road map (or any restricting track such as rails, etc), in spite of the digital map errors and GPS inaccuracies. Point-to-curve map-matching is not fully suitable to the problems since it ignores any historical data and often gives inaccurate, unstable, jumping results. The better curve-to-curve matching approach consider the road connectivity and measure the curve similarity between the track and the possible road path (hypotheses), but mostly does not have any way to manage multiple route hypotheses which have varying degree of similarity over time. The thesis presents a new distance metric for curve-to-curve mapmatching technique, integrated with a framework algorithm which is able to maintain many possible route hypotheses and pick the most likely hypothesis at a time, enabling future corrections if necessary, therefore providing intelligent guesses with considerable accuracy. A simulator is developed as a test bed for the proposed algorithm for various scenarios, including the field experiment using Garmin e-Trex GPS Receiver. The results showed that the proposed algoritlimi is able to improve the neap-matching accuracy as compared to the point-to-curve algorithm. Keywords: map-matching, vehicle tracking systems, Multiple Hypotheses Technique, Global Positioning System

    Sliding Mode Control

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    The main objective of this monograph is to present a broad range of well worked out, recent application studies as well as theoretical contributions in the field of sliding mode control system analysis and design. The contributions presented here include new theoretical developments as well as successful applications of variable structure controllers primarily in the field of power electronics, electric drives and motion steering systems. They enrich the current state of the art, and motivate and encourage new ideas and solutions in the sliding mode control area

    A Map-matching Algorithm to Improve Vehicle Tracking Systems Accuracy

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    The satellite-based vehicle tracking systems accuracy can be improved by augmenting the positional information using road network data, in a process known as map-niatcliing. Map-matching algorithms attempt to estimate vehicle route and location in it particular road map (or any restricting track such as rails, etc), in spite of the digital map errors and GPS inaccuracies. Point-to-curve map-matching is not fully suitable to the problems since it ignores any historical data and often gives inaccurate, unstable, jumping results. The better curve-to-curve matching approach consider the road connectivity and measure the curve similarity between the track and the possible road path (hypotheses), but mostly does not have any way to manage multiple route hypotheses which have varying degree of similarity over time. The thesis presents a new distance metric for curve-to-curve mapmatching technique, integrated with a framework algorithm which is able to maintain many possible route hypotheses and pick the most likely hypothesis at a time, enabling future corrections if necessary, therefore providing intelligent guesses with considerable accuracy. A simulator is developed as a test bed for the proposed algorithm for various scenarios, including the field experiment using Garmin e-Trex GPS Receiver. The results showed that the proposed algoritlimi is able to improve the neap-matching accuracy as compared to the point-to-curve algorithm. Keywords: map-matching, vehicle tracking systems, Multiple Hypotheses Technique, Global Positioning System

    Learning Neural Graph Representations in Non-Euclidean Geometries

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    The success of Deep Learning methods is heavily dependent on the choice of the data representation. For that reason, much of the actual effort goes into Representation Learning, which seeks to design preprocessing pipelines and data transformations that can support effective learning algorithms. The aim of Representation Learning is to facilitate the task of extracting useful information for classifiers and other predictor models. In this regard, graphs arise as a convenient data structure that serves as an intermediary representation in a wide range of problems. The predominant approach to work with graphs has been to embed them in an Euclidean space, due to the power and simplicity of this geometry. Nevertheless, data in many domains exhibit non-Euclidean features, making embeddings into Riemannian manifolds with a richer structure necessary. The choice of a metric space where to embed the data imposes a geometric inductive bias, with a direct impact on the performance of the models. This thesis is about learning neural graph representations in non-Euclidean geometries and showcasing their applicability in different downstream tasks. We introduce a toolkit formed by different graph metrics with the goal of characterizing the topology of the data. In that way, we can choose a suitable target embedding space aligned to the shape of the dataset. By virtue of the geometric inductive bias provided by the structure of the non-Euclidean manifolds, neural models can achieve higher performances with a reduced parameter footprint. As a first step, we study graphs with hierarchical structures. We develop different techniques to derive hierarchical graphs from large label inventories. Noticing the capacity of hyperbolic spaces to represent tree-like arrangements, we incorporate this information into an NLP model through hyperbolic graph embeddings and showcase the higher performance that they enable. Second, we tackle the question of how to learn hierarchical representations suited for different downstream tasks. We introduce a model that jointly learns task-specific graph embeddings from a label inventory and performs classification in hyperbolic space. The model achieves state-of-the-art results on very fine-grained labels, with a remarkable reduction of the parameter size. Next, we move to matrix manifolds to work on graphs with diverse structures and properties. We propose a general framework to implement the mathematical tools required to learn graph embeddings on symmetric spaces. These spaces are of particular interest given that they have a compound geometry that simultaneously contains Euclidean as well as hyperbolic subspaces, allowing them to automatically adapt to dissimilar features in the graph. We demonstrate a concrete implementation of the framework on Siegel spaces, showcasing their versatility on different tasks. Finally, we focus on multi-relational graphs. We devise the means to translate Euclidean and hyperbolic multi-relational graph embedding models into the space of symmetric positive definite (SPD) matrices. To do so we develop gyrocalculus in this geometry and integrate it with the aforementioned framework

    Deep Feature Learning and Adaptation for Computer Vision

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    We are living in times when a revolution of deep learning is taking place. In general, deep learning models have a backbone that extracts features from the input data followed by task-specific layers, e.g. for classification. This dissertation proposes various deep feature extraction and adaptation methods to improve task-specific learning, such as visual re-identification, tracking, and domain adaptation. The vehicle re-identification (VRID) task requires identifying a given vehicle among a set of vehicles under variations in viewpoint, illumination, partial occlusion, and background clutter. We propose a novel local graph aggregation module for feature extraction to improve VRID performance. We also utilize a class-balanced loss to compensate for the unbalanced class distribution in the training dataset. Overall, our framework achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance in multiple VRID benchmarks. We further extend our VRID method for visual object tracking under occlusion conditions. We motivate visual object tracking from aerial platforms by conducting a benchmarking of tracking methods on aerial datasets. Our study reveals that the current techniques have limited capabilities to re-identify objects when fully occluded or out of view. The Siamese network based trackers perform well compared to others in overall tracking performance. We utilize our VRID work in visual object tracking and propose Siam-ReID, a novel tracking method using a Siamese network and VRID technique. In another approach, we propose SiamGauss, a novel Siamese network with a Gaussian Head for improved confuser suppression and real time performance. Our approach achieves SOTA performance on aerial visual object tracking datasets. A related area of research is developing deep learning based domain adaptation techniques. We propose continual unsupervised domain adaptation, a novel paradigm for domain adaptation in data constrained environments. We show that existing works fail to generalize when the target domain data are acquired in small batches. We propose to use a buffer to store samples that are previously seen by the network and a novel loss function to improve the performance of continual domain adaptation. We further extend our continual unsupervised domain adaptation research for gradually varying domains. Our method outperforms several SOTA methods even though they have the entire domain data available during adaptation

    18th IEEE Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems: Proceedings

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    Proceedings of the 18th IEEE Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems, which took place in Dresden, Germany, 26 – 28 May 2010.:Welcome Address ........................ Page I Table of Contents ........................ Page III Symposium Committees .............. Page IV Special Thanks ............................. Page V Conference program (incl. page numbers of papers) ................... Page VI Conference papers Invited talks ................................ Page 1 Regular Papers ........................... Page 14 Wednesday, May 26th, 2010 ......... Page 15 Thursday, May 27th, 2010 .......... Page 110 Friday, May 28th, 2010 ............... Page 210 Author index ............................... Page XII