11 research outputs found

    Physioland: a motivational complement of physical therapy for patients with neurological diseases

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    The number of patients with mobility constraints is increasing as a result of neurological diseases. From the substantiation of the lost functions recoveries, it was possible to determine that the nervous system is able to reorganize itself expressing its property called neuroplasticity. Physical therapy is the well-known way to encourage and promote this ability. However, repetitive traditional physical therapy exercises may become boring and patients eventually abandon their physiotherapeutic programs. The development of new environments that motivate patients to continue with their treatments may be a suitable alternative or complementary tool. Serious games seems to be the ideal tool to provide them. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to present Physioland, a serious game already developed which can be a motivational complement for the physical therapy of patients with neurological diseases. Physioland is a non-invasive system that uses Image Processing Techniques and Artificial Intelligence to monitor patients and adapts some exercises of traditional physical therapy to electronic game situations. To determine whether Physioland would be motivating and challenging enough to increase a patient's desire to perform the exercises and continue/complete the rehabilitation process the game was tested in a clinical environment using two samples: one with twelve health professionals in the area of physiotherapy and the other with eleven patients with neurological diseases. The research team carried out a questionnaire-based survey. This questionnaire is an adaptation of another one already validated in the literature—the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). For the analysis of the data obtained with the Likert scale, percentages were calculated. The answers to the open questions were subject to a content analysis. The results showed that the developed game, Physioland, proved to be highly motivating for patients at the physiotherapy clinic where it was tested. If the results are similar in other clinics, Physioland, can be used as a good and effective complement to traditional physical therapy for patients with neurological diseases.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Desenvolvimento de um jogo sério para fisioterapia, monitorização e motivação de pacientes com doenças neurológicas

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    Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia Electrónica e de Computadores (Especialidade em Tecnologia dos Sistemas de Informação)As doenças neurológicas provocam frequentemente graves sequelas, nomeadamente problemas de mobilidade. Estes pacientes necessitam de programas regulares de fisioterapia para manterem a sua independência. No entanto, os exercícios da fisioterapia tradicional são monótonos e fastidiosos, deixando-os, muitas vezes, desmotivados. Vários estudos têm revelado que os jogos sérios criam ambientes digitais agradáveis e usam formas de feedback que encorajam os pacientes a executar os exercícios fisioterapêuticos com satisfação e tranquilidade, incentivando-os a permanecer cada vez mais motivados. Neste sentido, foi objetivo geral desta investigação desenvolver um jogo sério, para motivar e monitorizar a prática de fisioterapia de pacientes com doenças neurológicas, atendendo ao conceito de interação homem-máquina. Este objetivo foi dividido em objetivos parciais, que se fizeram corresponder a questões de investigação. Através da estratégia da investigação-ação, desenvolveu-se um sistema não invasivo que utiliza técnicas de processamento de imagem para monitorizar os pacientes, e adapta, a situações de jogo eletrónico, exercícios propostos pela fisioterapia tradicional. Com a estratégia de estudo de caso, experimentou-se o jogo desenvolvido em ambiente clínico, utilizando duas amostras: uma relativa a profissionais de saúde, e outra a pacientes com doenças neurológicas. A observação participante não estruturada e o inquérito por questionário foram as técnicas escolhidas para a recolha de dados para responder às questões de investigação. Além destes, utilizaram-se, ainda, os dados recolhidos pelo software. Os dados do questionário revelaram que o jogo é capaz de motivar os pacientes para a prática da fisioterapia, e os do software mostraram a sua capacidade de adaptação ao estado físico do paciente, de monitorização dos exercícios e de armazenamento de toda a informação. Os resultados obtidos permitiram responder afirmativamente a todas as questões de investigação, ou seja, foram atingidos os objetivos parciais definidos para esta investigação, concluindo-se que o jogo desenvolvido é um complemento válido à fisioterapia tradicional.Neurological diseases may cause serious consequences in their victims, including mobility problems. These patients require physical therapy programs to maintain their independence for the longest possible time. But traditional therapy exercises are often monotonous and boring, leaving them unmotivated. Several studies have revealed that serious games create pleasant digital environments and use feedback forms that encourage patients to perform the physical therapy exercises with pleasure and tranquility, encouraging them to remain increasingly motivated. In this sense, it was the general objective of this research to develop a serious game to motivate and monitor the practice of physical therapy of patients with neurological disease, taking into account the concept of man-machine interaction. This goal was divided into sub-goals, which correspond to research questions. Through the research-action strategy, it was developed a non-invasive system that uses image processing techniques monitoring of patients and that adapts some exercises of traditional physical therapy to electronic game situations. With the case study strategy, it was tested the developed game in a clinical environment, using two samples: one corresponding to health professionals and another to patients with neurological diseases. The unstructured participant observation and the questionnaire survey were the techniques used to collect data that allow to answer the research questions. In addition, the data collected by the software was also analyzed. The questionnaire data revealed that the game is able to motivate patients to practice physical therapy, and the software showed its ability to adapt to the physical condition of the patient, to monitor the exercises and to store all information. The results allowed to answer positively to all research questions or, in other words, the partial objectives defined for this study were achieved, and it may be concluded that the developed game is a good complement to traditional physiotherapy

    Serious games to improve health professional´s skills when caring for cardiac patients

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    This study focuses on a coronary care unit, aiming to identify ways in which these formal caregivers try to solve their problems and educational needs However, to intervene with non formal education and training actions, using innovative ways of designing, starting and delivering training, in which the participants involved organize themselves and take an active role in terms of the selection of objectives and contents This dynamic includes serious games as an element capable of producing attention, memory, and motivation for participants, providing them with effective and affective experiences A scoping review on the topic highlights the potential of serious games in the development of affection, attention, memory, and motivation to learn, nonetheless other factors should be considered, such as collaborative learning environments

    Study and development of custom “serious games” for patients and users

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    Video games are part of our culture and permeate several segments of society, from casual entertainment to serious purposes. This research work focuses on the latter, more specifically on the use of Serious Games in the healthcare context. In this sense, Serious Games have been researched through clinical studies, implemented to improve several conditions and have already proved to be efficient and valid, especially due to their ability to captivate and motivate the patient. With this in mind, this research explored the use of Serious Games for physical rehabilitation of stroke impaired patients and how this approach could be implemented in the Portuguese healthcare system. The research started with a thorough literature review of the validity and effectiveness of the use of Serious Games for this type of patients. Then, through surveys and interviews with healthcare professionals and game developers, the main barriers to the implementation and development of Serious Games for physical rehabilitation were accessed. Posteriorly, the feasibility of implementing a business model for this specific niche (in Portugal) was evaluated through a market analysis, abridging social, economic, political and technological aspects that culminated in the design of several hypothetical scenarios that envisioned the possibility of making this approach work. This research allowed to achieve an understanding of what needs to be overcome in order for this technique to be successful: Serious Games are still widely unknown among healthcare professionals and there is an underlying stigma against video games that clouds the possible benefits of using Serious Games. Moreover, the social context of future users will also determine their acceptance and compliance. Nevertheless, the research has evidenced that the implementation of this paradigm is economically viable as it would indirectly allow the monetization of rehabilitation therapies by making them available to a larger slice of the disabled population, which is of utmost importance, mainly during the times we currently live in.Os videojogos fazem parte da nossa cultura e permeiam vários segmentos da sociedade, desde entretenimento casual até propósitos mais sérios. Este trabalho de investigação concentra-se na segunda opção – mais especificamente, no uso de Serious Games no contexto da saúde. Neste sentido, os Serious Games têm sido investigados através de estudos clínicos, implementados para melhorar diversas condições e patologias e já provaram ser eficientes e válidos, principalmente graças à sua capacidade de motivar e cativar o paciente. Tendo isto em conta, esta investigação explorou o uso dos Serious Games para reabilitação física de pacientes pós-AVC e de que forma é que esta abordagem poderia ser implementada no Serviço Nacional de Saúde. A investigação começou com uma revisão bibliográfica completa da validade e eficácia do uso de Serious Games para este tipo de pacientes. De seguida, através de questionários e entrevistas a profissionais de saúde e desenvolvedores de videojogos, as principais barreiras para implementação e desenvolvimento de Serious Games para reabilitação física foram levantadas. Posteriormente, a viabilidade de executar um business plan para esse nicho específico (em Portugal) foi avaliada através de uma análise de mercado, abrangendo aspetos sociais, económicos, políticos e tecnológicos, que culminou no desenho de vários cenários hipotéticos que previam a possibilidade de fazer com que este paradigma se tornasse possível e funcional. Este trabalho de investigação permitiu atingir uma compreensão daquilo que necessita de ser ultrapassado para que esta abordagem tenha sucesso: os Serious Games ainda são amplamente desconhecidos entre os profissionais de saúde e existe um estigma subjacente aos videojogos que obscurece os possíveis benefícios do seu uso. Para além disso, o contexto social dos futuros utilizadores também irá determinar a sua aceitação e adesão. No entanto, esta investigação evidenciou que a implementação deste modelo é economicamente viável, pois iria permitir, de uma forma indireta, a rentabilização de terapias de reabilitação ao fazer com que estas fossem acessíveis a uma fatia mais larga da população debilitada, o que é de extrema importância, principalmente nos dias de hoje

    Serious games para profissionais de saúde como estratégia promotora de reconstrução da autonomia em doentes após enfarte agudo do miocárdio

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    O presente estudo está focalizado numa unidade de cuidados coronários, pretendendo-se conhecer formas pelas quais estes cuidadores formais procuram resolver os seus problemas e necessidades educativas e, por outro, promover o desenvolvimento de competências aos profissionais que lhes permitam ultrapassar os obstáculos à sua intervenção com doentes do foro cardíaco. O serious games surge como elemento capaz de produzir a atenção, a memória e a motivação aos participantes, proporcionando-lhes várias experiências. Estudo de cariz participativo, de abordagem qualitativa, cujos métodos são as oficinas de educação e formação interativas, utilizando-se um serious games construído com conteúdos de saúde pertinentes e adaptados às necessidades e ao contexto onde estes profissionais de saúde atuam. Os ganhos estão relacionados com a preparação da equipa multidisciplinar capacitando-a para o desenvolvimento de competências amplas, contribuindo para o empowerment e a promoção do autocuidado no doente pós- Enfarte Agudo do Miocárdio durante o período de internamento.The present study is focused on a coronary care unit context, aiming to know the methods in which these formal caregivers try to solve their problems and educational needs. The serious games is a tool capable of producing attention, memory and motivation of participants, by providing them with effective and affective experiences. It is intended to promote the development of nursing skills so they can overcome any obstacles during their intervention with cardiac patients in particular, the social, emotional and transversal skills such as, entrepreneurship, information and communication technology and learning throughout life. For this qualitative study, participatory approach with interactive education and training workshops methods, using a serious games built with relevant health content and adapted to the needs and context in which these health professionals work was used. The gains are related with the multidisciplinary team skills necessary for the development of patient empowerment and self-care in post acute myocardial infarction during hospitalization period

    I Congresso Internacional Inteligência Emocional: livro de atas

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    Este livro condensa os artigos do I Congresso Internacional Inteligência Emocional, que decorreu de 21 a 23 de fevereiro de 2019, no Instituto Politécnico de Bragança.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Physioland - A serious game for rehabilitation of patients with neurological diseases

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    Current society has observed an increasing number of victims of neurological disease, with reduced mobility, leading to a necessity to perform physical therapy to optimize their quality of life. This action results in physiotherapeutic programs filled with repetitive exercises, often fastidious, that lead to the demotivation of patients and consequent poor adherence and withdrawal. As a result of the technological evolution, new tools such as serious games are emerging, so their use in the field of physical therapy can modify the way patients face their treatments, promoting their motivation. Thus, we have developed a serious game based on image processing techniques to motivate and monitor patients with neurological diseases in their physical therapy practice.This work has been supported by COMPETE: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043 and FCT - "Fundação para a Ciencia e Tecnologia" within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2013 and also by FCT - "Fundação para a Ciencia e Tecnologia" within the Project Scope: SFRH/BD/74852/2010

    2012-2013 Bulletin

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    After 2003 the University of Dayton Bulletin went exclusively online. This copy was downloaded from the University of Dayton\u27s website.https://ecommons.udayton.edu/bulletin/1011/thumbnail.jp

    Physioland – A serious game for physical rehabilitation of patients with neurological diseases

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    Objective: Being aware that serious games can be an interesting and appealing tool, the objective of this paper is to present the Physioland, a serious game based on image processing techniques, developed to monitor the physical therapy practice of patients with reduced mobility as a consequence of neurological disease. Materials and Methods: Several tests were performed in a clinical environment. The system stores every second the data relative to alignment, compensation and speed of the patient while he/she performs each exercise. The sample consisted of eleven elements aged from 17 years to 83 years, with neurological diseases in a mild or moderate state, with sequelae such as hemiparesis, paraparesis, hemidystonia, cerebellar syndrome and hemihyposthesia. Each patient used the game in twice a week in sessions of physical therapy, with the duration of about thirty minutes, for twelve to fifteen sessions. In each session, the patient performed several challenges, for two and a half minutes or five minutes each, according to his/her physiotherapeutic plan. Results: All the patients suffered oscillations in their behavior, but with better or worse performances, higher or lower scores, they were able to successfully complete the different exercises provided by Physioland, which are part of their physiotherapeutic plans. Conclusion: Based on the results obtained it can be said that it was possible to adapt specific exercises of traditional physical therapy to situations of electronic game, reason why Physioland fulfills the objective of monitoring the practice of physical therapy of patients with reduced mobility as a consequence of neurological disease.This work has been supported by national funds through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/ CEC/00319/2019. The authors are also grateful to the Portuguese Foundation (FCT) for funding through SFRH/BD/74852/2010 Ph.D. scholarship