3,883 research outputs found

    Turning Up the Heat on Energy Monitoring in the Home

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    The use of domestic electrical energy monitoring systems is becoming more common however gas usage has received comparatively little attention. This paper presents a new technique for monitoring gas-powered heating and hot water usage in the home integrated into a prototype energy monitoring platform. Compared to usual meter-based approaches this technique provides finer-grained usage data and uses simple temperature sensors. The main motivation for this work is to provide more meaningful energy information to users for inclusion in novel mobile and embedded applications. This is part of ongoing work which aims to reduce energy use among teenagers in the UK and make lasting attitude changes. The development and findings from a prototype deployed in a typical UK house over 7 days are presented. The findings highlight the utility of the technique and simplicity of the sensing approach. The novel requirements that inspired the development of this technique are also presented

    Smart Water Meter

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    SEPA: Senior Electronic Personal Assistant

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    [EN] The objective of this thesis was to explore how modern technologies fail in being adopted by older people; the issues that come with older age, and how current technology is proving unable to solve or ease the problems faced by elderly people. Drawing conclusions from this analysis, accessible and adequate design choices for the elderly were studied in order to build a prototype. Based on the study, choices were made trying to balance different factors such as the scope of the project, available parts and time constraints. The last step was to analyze on goal completion and any improvements for better achieving this thesis goals. Also, interesting features that were not included due to constraints were listed.[ES] Investigación, desarrollo y prototipado de una solución hardware con el propósito de facilitar la rutina diaria de las personas mayores y ofrecer asistencia en el seguimiento de algunos tratamientos.García Blanes, D. (2019). SEPA: Senior Electronic Personal Assistant. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/137366TFG

    Implementation of Ac Power Stand by Switch-Off Outlets using Arduino mega2560

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    As more and more domestic appliances and consumer electronics are installed, house usage electronic devices tends to grow rapidly. A large number of electronic devices increase power consumption in two features, standby power and normal operation power. These two types of power consumption are proportional to the number of domestic devices. As a result, operational cost in household areas is also increasing. To achieve efficient domestic energy management in addition to the technology of standby power reduction

    Water Fun at Exploration Station

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    This report documents the design and fabrication processes involved for the creation of an interactive science exhibit for the Grover Beach Exploration Station. This is a student-led senior project advised by Sarah Harding, professor of mechanical engineering, as a part of California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo’s mechanical engineering program. The final product is a fully functioning, durable system that is capable of pumping and recycling water throughout use when users are in its vicinity. The exhibit is to be considered in 4 main subsystems: basin, plumbing, frame, and sleep mode system. A fiberglass basin that holds all the water in the exhibit sits recessed inside a welded steel frame. Water is pumped through the bottom of the basin from within an enclosed storage area inside the frame, and is recycled back into the water reservoir by placement of two weir valves. A submersible pump powers the exhibit, and is controlled by passive infrared sensors that activate when human presence is sensed within 15ft. While the manufacturing process did reach completion, testing and verification did not. However, proposed testing plans are still included in the appendices of the report for informational purposes. Divided into distinct sections, this report will enlighten the reader on each part of the design process. First, background research and preliminary design explains the methodology of developing the vision of the final design. Next, different design analysis techniques are given for each respective subsystem of the proposed exhibit. An in-depth description for manufacturing and testing of the completed exhibit is given for each subsystem. Finally, recommendations are given for future improvements to the exhibit, and what kinds of different decisions would be made in the design process if given a second iteration

    A reconfigurable tactile display based on polymer MEMS technology

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    This research focuses on the development of polymer microfabrication technologies for the realization of two major components of a pneumatic tactile display: a microactuator array and a complementary microvalve (control) array. The concept, fabrication, and characterization of a kinematically-stabilized polymeric microbubble actuator (¡°endoskeletal microbubble actuator¡±) were presented. A systematic design and modeling procedure was carried out to generate an optimized geometry of the corrugated diaphragm to satisfy membrane deflection, force, and stability requirements set forth by the tactile display goals. A refreshable Braille cell as a tactile display prototype has been developed based on a 2x3 endoskeletal microbubble array and an array of commercial valves. The prototype can provide both a static display (which meets the displacement and force requirement of a Braille display) and vibratory tactile sensations. Along with the above capabilities, the device was designed to meet the criteria of lightness and compactness to permit portable operation. The design is scalable with respect to the number of tactile actuators while still being simple to fabricate. In order to further reduce the size and cost of the tactile display, a microvalve array can be integrated into the tactile display system to control the pneumatic fluid that actuates the microbubble actuator. A piezoelectrically-driven and hydraulically-amplified polymer microvalve has been designed, fabricated, and tested. An incompressible elastomer was used as a solid hydraulic medium to convert the small axial displacement of a piezoelectric actuator into a large valve head stroke while maintaining a large blocking force. The function of the microvalve as an on-off switch for a pneumatic microbubble tactile actuator was demonstrated. To further reduce the cost of the microvalve, a laterally-stacked multilayer PZT actuator has been fabricated using diced PZT multilayer, high aspect ratio SU-8 photolithography, and molding of electrically conductive polymer composite electrodes.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Allen,Mark; Committee Member: Bucknall,David; Committee Member: Book,Wayne; Committee Member: Griffin,Anselm; Committee Member: Yao,Donggan

    Building Blocks for Adaptive Modular Sensing Systems

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    This thesis contributes towards the development of systems and strategies by which sensor and actuator components can be combined to produce flexible and robust sensor systems for a given application. A set of intelligent modular blocks (building blocks) have been created from which composite sensors (made up of multiple sensor and actuator components) can be rapidly reconfigured for the construction of Adaptive Modular Sensing Systems. The composite systems are expected to prove useful in several application domains including industrial control, inspection systems, mobile robotics, monitoring and data acquisition. The intelligent building blocks, referred to as transducer interface modules, contain embedded knowledge about their capabilities and how they can interact with other modules. These modules encapsulate a general purpose modular hardware architecture that provides an interface between the sensors, the actuators, and the communication medium. The geometry of each transducer interface module is a cube. A connector mechanism implemented on each face of the module enables physical connection of the modules. Each module provides a core functionality and can be connected to other modules to form more capable composite sensors. Once the modules are combined, the capabilities (e.g., range, resolution, sample rate, etc.) and functionality (e.g., temperature measurement) of the composite sensor is determined and communicated to other sensors in the enviornment. For maximum flexibility, a distributed software architecture is executed on the blocks to enable automatic acquisition of configuration-specific algorithms. This logical algorithm imparts a collective identity to the composite group, and processes data based on the capabilities and functionalities of the transducers present in the system. A knowledge representation scheme allows each module in the composite group to store and communicate its functionality and capabilities to other connected modules in the system
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