660 research outputs found

    Phase Transitions and Backbones of the Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem

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    In recent years, there has been much interest in phase transitions of combinatorial problems. Phase transitions have been successfully used to analyze combinatorial optimization problems, characterize their typical-case features and locate the hardest problem instances. In this paper, we study phase transitions of the asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem (ATSP), an NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem that has many real-world applications. Using random instances of up to 1,500 cities in which intercity distances are uniformly distributed, we empirically show that many properties of the problem, including the optimal tour cost and backbone size, experience sharp transitions as the precision of intercity distances increases across a critical value. Our experimental results on the costs of the ATSP tours and assignment problem agree with the theoretical result that the asymptotic cost of assignment problem is pi ^2 /6 the number of cities goes to infinity. In addition, we show that the average computational cost of the well-known branch-and-bound subtour elimination algorithm for the problem also exhibits a thrashing behavior, transitioning from easy to difficult as the distance precision increases. These results answer positively an open question regarding the existence of phase transitions in the ATSP, and provide guidance on how difficult ATSP problem instances should be generated

    Extremal Optimization at the Phase Transition of the 3-Coloring Problem

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    We investigate the phase transition of the 3-coloring problem on random graphs, using the extremal optimization heuristic. 3-coloring is among the hardest combinatorial optimization problems and is closely related to a 3-state anti-ferromagnetic Potts model. Like many other such optimization problems, it has been shown to exhibit a phase transition in its ground state behavior under variation of a system parameter: the graph's mean vertex degree. This phase transition is often associated with the instances of highest complexity. We use extremal optimization to measure the ground state cost and the ``backbone'', an order parameter related to ground state overlap, averaged over a large number of instances near the transition for random graphs of size nn up to 512. For graphs up to this size, benchmarks show that extremal optimization reaches ground states and explores a sufficient number of them to give the correct backbone value after about O(n3.5)O(n^{3.5}) update steps. Finite size scaling gives a critical mean degree value αc=4.703(28)\alpha_{\rm c}=4.703(28). Furthermore, the exploration of the degenerate ground states indicates that the backbone order parameter, measuring the constrainedness of the problem, exhibits a first-order phase transition.Comment: RevTex4, 8 pages, 4 postscript figures, related information available at http://www.physics.emory.edu/faculty/boettcher

    Allocation in Practice

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    How do we allocate scarcere sources? How do we fairly allocate costs? These are two pressing challenges facing society today. I discuss two recent projects at NICTA concerning resource and cost allocation. In the first, we have been working with FoodBank Local, a social startup working in collaboration with food bank charities around the world to optimise the logistics of collecting and distributing donated food. Before we can distribute this food, we must decide how to allocate it to different charities and food kitchens. This gives rise to a fair division problem with several new dimensions, rarely considered in the literature. In the second, we have been looking at cost allocation within the distribution network of a large multinational company. This also has several new dimensions rarely considered in the literature.Comment: To appear in Proc. of 37th edition of the German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI 2014), Springer LNC

    Relationship between clustering and algorithmic phase transitions in the random k-XORSAT model and its NP-complete extensions

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    We study the performances of stochastic heuristic search algorithms on Uniquely Extendible Constraint Satisfaction Problems with random inputs. We show that, for any heuristic preserving the Poissonian nature of the underlying instance, the (heuristic-dependent) largest ratio αa\alpha_a of constraints per variables for which a search algorithm is likely to find solutions is smaller than the critical ratio αd\alpha_d above which solutions are clustered and highly correlated. In addition we show that the clustering ratio can be reached when the number k of variables per constraints goes to infinity by the so-called Generalized Unit Clause heuristic.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Statistical-Mechanical Informatics, September 16-19, 2007, Kyoto, Japan; some imprecisions in the previous version have been correcte

    A Preference-Based Approach to Backbone Computation with Application to Argumentation

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    The backbone of a constraint satisfaction problem consists of those variables that take the same value in all solutions. Algorithms for determining the backbone of propositional formulas, i.e., Boolean satisfiability (SAT) instances, find various real-world applications. From the knowledge representation and reasoning (KRR) perspective, one interesting connection is that of backbones and the so-called ideal semantics in abstract argumentation. In this paper, we propose a new backbone algorithm which makes use of a "SAT with preferences" solver, i.e., a SAT solver which is guaranteed to output a most preferred satisfying assignment w.r.t. a given preference over literals of the SAT instance at hand. We also show empirically that the proposed approach is specifically effective in computing the ideal semantics of argumentation frameworks, noticeably outperforming an other state-of-the-art backbone solver as well as the winning approach of the recent ICCMA 2017 argumentation solver competition in the ideal semantics track.Peer reviewe

    On the phase transitions of graph coloring and independent sets

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    We study combinatorial indicators related to the characteristic phase transitions associated with coloring a graph optimally and finding a maximum independent set. In particular, we investigate the role of the acyclic orientations of the graph in the hardness of finding the graph's chromatic number and independence number. We provide empirical evidence that, along a sequence of increasingly denser random graphs, the fraction of acyclic orientations that are `shortest' peaks when the chromatic number increases, and that such maxima tend to coincide with locally easiest instances of the problem. Similar evidence is provided concerning the `widest' acyclic orientations and the independence number
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