17 research outputs found

    Greek Idioms Processing in the Machine Translation System CAT2

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    This paper describes Machine Translation (MT) and the associated processing of idioms. Particularly, this research examines the rule-based CAT 2 MT system and experiments with Greek sentences containing idioms. The paper also provides an in depth discussion of the resources and the procedure which have enhanced the translation of the quality of the idioms for the chosen German-Greek language pair. Greek is a morphologically rich language and the successful processing of Greek idioms within CAT 2 has proven that MT can translate idioms correctly, whatever the level of language complexity

    Note on the complexities of simple things such as a timeline. On the notions text, e-text, hypertext, and origins of machine translation.

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    The composition of a timeline depends on purpose, perspective, and scale – and of the very understanding of the word, the phenomenon referred to, and whether the focus is the idea or concept, an instance of an idea or a phenomenon, a process, or an event and so forth. The main function of timelines is to provide an overview over a long history, it is a kind of a mnemotechnic device or a particular kind of Knowledge Organization System (KOS).b The entries in the timeline should be brief and indisputable. Therefore, timelines often identify the first occurrences rather than the most widespread or most qualified instances leaving the fuller and more complex, and possibly disputable story out. But even first occurrences are often difficult to establish. The first occurrence is most often only the first finding of an instance. Older instances may be found and competing definitions develop either within a field or in different fields. This is further complicated since the phenomena, their names, and their meanings may change over time. Former meanings may become redundant, or they must accommodate and coexist with new meanings. The time and place of the composition of the timeline are to be considered in interpreting the things listed. The following note will discuss these issues as they occur in the development of the notions of text, e-text and hypertext, and the origin of machine translation

    The child program and the history of AI

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    In this contribution I try to illustrate some of the most significant moments in the history of AI (Artificial Intelligence), imagining that they have been a series of subsequent stages in the development of the so called "Child Program." With this name Alan Turing - in Computing machinery and intelligence (1950) - described for the first time the idea of an algorithm "capable of being educated." After discussing Turing’s prophecy, I will present some milestones of research in AI considering that each is a piece of a "learning scheme" of extended intelligence, i.e. an intelligence ascribable not only to humans beings, but also to any subject able to support thinking functions. I propose that from the elements of this scheme it is possible to draw useful suggestions for human education in general. In the final part of the contribution, I will collect the elements into a synoptic vision, which I will call "the educational protocol of the extended intelligence." This will define the minimum requirements that a training course should possess in order to conduct a "child program" at the "adult program" stage

    Epistemic diversity and the question of Lingua Franca in science and philosophy

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    Epistemic diversity is the ability or possibility of producing diverse and rich epis- temic apparati to make sense of the world around us. In this paper we discuss whether, and to what extent, different conceptions of knowledge – notably as ‘justified true belief’ and as ‘distributed and embodied cognition’ – hinder or foster epistemic diversity. We then link this discussion to the widespread move in science and philosophy towards monolingual disciplinary environments. We ar- gue that English, despite all appearance, is no Lingua Franca, and we give rea- sons why epistemic diversity is also deeply hindered is monolingual contexts. Finally, we sketch a proposal for multilingual academia where epistemic diver- sity is thereby fostered

    Система пошуку семантично-ідентичних фрагментів в різномовних текстах

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    Дипломну роботу виконано на 73 аркушах, вона містить 3 додатки та перелік посилань на використані джерела з 50 найменувань. У роботі наведено 6 рисунків. Метою роботи було створення системи пошуку семантично-ідентичних фрагментів в різномовних текстах. Програма забезпечує пошук семантично-ідентичних фрагментів в різномовних текстах, забезпечує переклад текстів на англійську мову. Розроблений програмний продукт може бути використаний, наприклад, в організаціях та установах, де часто застосовується перевірка на плагіат.The thesis is presented in 73 pages. It contains 3 appendixes and bibliography of 50 references. Six figures are given in the thesis. The purpose of the work was to create a system for searching semantically identical fragments in multilingual texts. The program provides search of semantically identical fragments in multilingual texts, provides translation of texts into English. The developed software product can be used, for example, in organizations and institutions where plagiarization testing is often used.Целью работы было создание системы поиска семантически идентичных фрагментов в разноязычных текстах. Программа обеспечивает поиск семантически идентичных фрагментов в разноязычных текстах, обеспечивает перевод текстов на английский язык. Разработанный программный продукт может быть использован, например, в организациях и учреждениях, где часто применяется проверка на плагиат

    Системы машинного перевода в методике преподавания иностранного языка

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    В работе рассмотрены пути повышения мотивации обучающихся, пути внедрения в процесс обучения систем машинного перевода. Цель исследования состоит в выявлении возможностей и определении путей использования машинного перевода в целях повышения мотивации у студентов

    Makine çevirisinde yeni bir bilgisayımsal yaklaşım

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    Doktora TeziBilişsel süreçlerde bağlantısallık ve biçimsellik şeklinde ortaya çıkan ayrım, özünde bilişsel işlevlerin aşamalı gelişiminin ürünüdür ve bir ayrımdan çok katmanlı bir yapıya işaret eder. Doğal dil işlemede biçimsel yaklaşımların tek başına yetersiz kalması da geliştirilen biçimsel sistemlerin, bağlantısal temeller üzerine oturtulmamasından kaynaklanmaktadır. Bu tez çalışmasının ardındaki temel motivasyon da bağlantısal dayanaklı ontolojilerin makine çevirisinde kullanılabilecek biçimsel yapıdaki aradillerin oluşturulmasında temel olabileceği düşüncesi olmuştur. Bu noktadan yola çıkarak, dillerarası kavramsal eşlemeler bağlantısal bir şekilde gerçeklenmeye çalışılmış, ardından bu eşlemeler üzerinde temellenen aradil yapıları biçimsel bir çerçeve içinde modellenmiştir. Son olarak, kavram kafesleri şeklinde biçimselleştirilen ontolojiler, aradil yapıları olarak kullanılmış ve böylece edimsel bilginin süreç odaklı makine çevirisine eklemlenmesi sağlanarak bu ontolojilerin işlevsellikleri sınanmıştır. Ortaya konan çeviri sisteminin, Türkçe bir çocuk hikayesine uygulanması ile elde edilen test sonuçları, çeviri sonuçlarında filtre olarak kullanılan kavram kafeslerinin, makine çevirisini geliştirme açısından umut verici bir potansiyele sahip olduğunu ortaya koymuştur.AbstractThe distinction emerged as associativeness and formality in cognitive processes is fundamentally the product of the gradual development of cognitive functions and this indicates a multi-stratified structure. Since formal systems which have been developed for natural language processing are not based on associative grounds, formal approaches that are merely used in natural language processing lead to limited systems. The main motivation behind this thesis is the thought that ontologies based on associativeness could serve as the core of forming formal-structured interlingua that could be used in machine translation. Therefore, it is tried to realize cross-language conceptual mapping on the basis of associativeness; then, interlingual structures based on these mappings are modeled within a formal framework. At the end, ontologies formed as concept lattices are used as interlingual structures and functionalities of the ontologies are tested via incorporating pragmatic information into process-oriented machine translation. Test results retrieved from the application of the developed translation system to a child story reveal that concept lattices used as filters in translation results have a promising potential with regard to the development of machine translation

    As tecnologias de apoio à tradução e o trabalho do tradutor: um binómio indissociável

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    Este relatório apresenta todo o desenrolar do estágio curricular inserido no Mestrado de Tradução, realizado na Câmara Municipal de Bragança, mais precisamente na Divisão de Promoção Económica e Desenvolvimento Social. A procura de serviços linguísticos aumentou significativamente devido às mudanças socioeconómicas decorrentes da globalização. Os desenvolvimentos tecnológicos dos últimos anos originaram um crescimento exponencial do uso dos documentos digitais o que contribuiu igualmente para esta procura. Tal fenómeno aumentou também o nível da exigência por parte das empresas quanto à necessidade de traduções de alta qualidade em curtos períodos de tempo. Por conseguinte, as ferramentas de Tradução Assistidas por Computador são indispensáveis na realização do trabalho do tradutor, uma vez que estas aumentam a produtividade e eficiência do mesmo, ajudando-o a satisfazer as exigências do mercado. A adoção destas ferramentas traz inúmeras vantagens que são explanadas na parte teórica e comprovadas na realização prática deste relatório. Este trabalho aborda, numa primeira parte, as diferentes tecnologias de apoio à tradução, começando por distingui-las, delimitando os seus campos de ação e apresentando uma breve abordagem histórica sobre as mesmas. Para além disso, aborda as várias ferramentas de Tradução Assistida por Computador, as suas vantagens e desvantagens para o tradutor. Por fim, a última parte consiste na exposição das tarefas realizadas no decorrer do estágio desenvolvido, demonstrando a preponderância destas ferramentas não só para a execução deste estágio, mas também para o trabalho do tradutor nos dias de hoje. Conclui-se ainda, com este relatório que, as tecnologias são fundamentais para o tradutor, mas que o aspeto humano não pode ser excluído da equação. O tradutor revela-se assim primordial para que a tecnologia não falheThis work presents the activities carried out throughout the curricular internship of the Master in Translation which took place at the Bragança Town Hall, more precisely in the Department for Social Development and Economical promotion. The demand for linguistic services has risen significantly in recent years. This is mainly due to many social and economic changes, but also due to globalisation. Technological development in the last few years created an emergence for digital documentation which, subsequently contributed to a higher interest in linguistic services, including translation and adaptation of documents to specific linguistic and cultural situations. Apart from the increasing demand for these services, companies require and pay for high quality translations done in shorter periods of time. This study will report the relevance of Computer-Assisted translation tools to achieve that goal, since the latter contribute to enhance productivity and efficiency while translating, thus satisfying the market’s demands in terms of speed. The different existent translation technologies will be referred to along the presentation, as well as their different features and characteristics. Another approach in this work is the reference to the advantages and disadvantages of each tool for the translator’s tasks. The relevance of the abovementioned tools is acknowledged for the good results achieved during the internship and for the translator’s work in general. It is highlighted that technologies are important for the translator but that human translation cannot be forgotten in the equation. As such, the use of technologies and human translation are inseparable

    A tradução automática e o papel do tradutor como pós-editor

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    A pós-edição tem sido uma atividade cada vez mais presente no cenário da prestação de serviços de tradução e isto ocorre, principalmente, devido à demanda crescente do mercado da tradução no mundo. Segundo a estimativa da Statista Inc e CSA, o mercado global da tradução arrecadou entre 2019 e 2020 cerca de 50 mil milhões de dólares, o que sugere um valor de arrecadação de 20 mil milhões de euros somente para os EstadosMembros da União Européia. Há décadas que já não é possível conceber o trabalho do tradutor sem o uso de ferramentas computacionais e, recentemente, está cada vez mais presente o uso da tradução automática, processo conhecido como Googlish. Sendo a pósedição o processo de melhoria da tradução automática com o mínimo de trabalho manual e devido às exigências do mercado da tradução quanto à otimização de tempo e aumento da produtividade, é perceptível que o tradutor precisa estar preparado para assumir a atribuição de pós-editor. Este trabalho se propõe a apresentar o histórico e a análise da evolução da tradução automática e a contextualizar o seu uso na perspectiva atual do tradutor. A partir da experiência adquirida na realização do estágio profissional na empresa Quicksilver Translate, e por meio da análise dos trabalhos desenvolvidos, especialmente o trabalho de pós-edição, foi possível observar a necessidade de formação específica do tradutor para o aperfeiçoamento das competências linguísticas, de tradução especializada, de gestão terminológica, competências informáticas e o aperfeiçoamento em tecnologia linguística, que é a base do desenvolvimento das ferramentas de apoio ao tradutor. Por meio dessa análise fica evidente que a tecnologia é a maior aliada do tradutor que está preparado para gerir as ferramentas e utilizá-las de maneira a atingir seu maior potencial no intuito de fornecer uma tradução com a credibilidade e qualidade esperadas pelo cliente.Post-editing has been an increasingly relevant activity in the translation service provider scenario, mainly due to the growing demand of the translation market worldwide. According to the estimate of Statista Inc and CSA, the global translation market has billed about $50 billion between 2019 and 2020, which suggests a revenue figure of €20 billion for EU member states alone. It has been decades since it has been possible to conceive the translator's work without the use of computer tools, and recently the use of machine translation, a process known as Googlish. Since post-editing is the process of improving machine translation with minimal manual work, and due to the demands of the translation market for time optimization and increased productivity, it becomes apparentthat the translator needs to be prepared to take on the assignment of post-editor. This report proposes to present the history and analysis of the evolution of machine translation and to contextualize its use in the translator's current perspective. Based on the experience acquired during the professional internship at Quicksilver Translate, and through the analysis of the work carried out, especially regarding post-editing, I was able to observe the need for specific training for translators to improve their linguistic skills, specialized translation skills, terminology management skills, computer skills and in linguistic technology, which is the basis for the development of the translator's support tools. Through this analysis, it becomes obvious that technology is the translator's greatest ally, and that the translator must be prepared to manage the tools and use them in such a way as to reach their greatest potential, to provide a translation with the credibility and quality expected by the client