23 research outputs found

    PetFMM--A dynamically load-balancing parallel fast multipole library

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    Fast algorithms for the computation of NN-body problems can be broadly classified into mesh-based interpolation methods, and hierarchical or multiresolution methods. To this last class belongs the well-known fast multipole method (FMM), which offers O(N) complexity. This paper presents an extensible parallel library for NN-body interactions utilizing the FMM algorithm, built on the framework of PETSc. A prominent feature of this library is that it is designed to be extensible, with a view to unifying efforts involving many algorithms based on the same principles as the FMM and enabling easy development of scientific application codes. The paper also details an exhaustive model for the computation of tree-based NN-body algorithms in parallel, including both work estimates and communications estimates. With this model, we are able to implement a method to provide automatic, a priori load balancing of the parallel execution, achieving optimal distribution of the computational work among processors and minimal inter-processor communications. Using a client application that performs the calculation of velocity induced by NN vortex particles, ample verification and testing of the library was performed. Strong scaling results are presented with close to a million particles in up to 64 processors, including both speedup and parallel efficiency. The library is currently able to achieve over 85% parallel efficiency for 64 processors. The software library is open source under the PETSc license; this guarantees the maximum impact to the scientific community and encourages peer-based collaboration for the extensions and applications.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figure

    Optimal, scalable forward models for computing gravity anomalies

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    We describe three approaches for computing a gravity signal from a density anomaly. The first approach consists of the classical "summation" technique, whilst the remaining two methods solve the Poisson problem for the gravitational potential using either a Finite Element (FE) discretization employing a multilevel preconditioner, or a Green's function evaluated with the Fast Multipole Method (FMM). The methods utilizing the PDE formulation described here differ from previously published approaches used in gravity modeling in that they are optimal, implying that both the memory and computational time required scale linearly with respect to the number of unknowns in the potential field. Additionally, all of the implementations presented here are developed such that the computations can be performed in a massively parallel, distributed memory computing environment. Through numerical experiments, we compare the methods on the basis of their discretization error, CPU time and parallel scalability. We demonstrate the parallel scalability of all these techniques by running forward models with up to 10810^8 voxels on 1000's of cores.Comment: 38 pages, 13 figures; accepted by Geophysical Journal Internationa

    A Tuned and Scalable Fast Multipole Method as a Preeminent Algorithm for Exascale Systems

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    Among the algorithms that are likely to play a major role in future exascale computing, the fast multipole method (FMM) appears as a rising star. Our previous recent work showed scaling of an FMM on GPU clusters, with problem sizes in the order of billions of unknowns. That work led to an extremely parallel FMM, scaling to thousands of GPUs or tens of thousands of CPUs. This paper reports on a a campaign of performance tuning and scalability studies using multi-core CPUs, on the Kraken supercomputer. All kernels in the FMM were parallelized using OpenMP, and a test using 10^7 particles randomly distributed in a cube showed 78% efficiency on 8 threads. Tuning of the particle-to-particle kernel using SIMD instructions resulted in 4x speed-up of the overall algorithm on single-core tests with 10^3 - 10^7 particles. Parallel scalability was studied in both strong and weak scaling. The strong scaling test used 10^8 particles and resulted in 93% parallel efficiency on 2048 processes for the non-SIMD code and 54% for the SIMD-optimized code (which was still 2x faster). The weak scaling test used 10^6 particles per process, and resulted in 72% efficiency on 32,768 processes, with the largest calculation taking about 40 seconds to evaluate more than 32 billion unknowns. This work builds up evidence for our view that FMM is poised to play a leading role in exascale computing, and we end the paper with a discussion of the features that make it a particularly favorable algorithm for the emerging heterogeneous and massively parallel architectural landscape

    Pipelining the Fast Multipole Method over a Runtime System

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    Fast Multipole Methods (FMM) are a fundamental operation for the simulation of many physical problems. The high performance design of such methods usually requires to carefully tune the algorithm for both the targeted physics and the hardware. In this paper, we propose a new approach that achieves high performance across architectures. Our method consists of expressing the FMM algorithm as a task flow and employing a state-of-the-art runtime system, StarPU, in order to process the tasks on the different processing units. We carefully design the task flow, the mathematical operators, their Central Processing Unit (CPU) and Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) implementations, as well as scheduling schemes. We compute potentials and forces of 200 million particles in 48.7 seconds on a homogeneous 160 cores SGI Altix UV 100 and of 38 million particles in 13.34 seconds on a heterogeneous 12 cores Intel Nehalem processor enhanced with 3 Nvidia M2090 Fermi GPUs.Comment: No. RR-7981 (2012