140 research outputs found

    Digital Nomad Entrepreneurship and Lifestyle Design: A Process Theory

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    Advances in information technology have led to the emergence of a digital workforce comprised of several types of workers, one such being the digital nomad. There is an opportunity in to expand the IS literature by investigating the entrepreneurial side of digital nomadism. Digital nomad entrepreneurship (DNE) is a growing phenomenon and distinctive approach to life and entrepreneurship. Previous research has tended to focus on either the lifestyle or business-level aspects of DNE. This study uses grounded theory method to investigate the merger of lifestyle and business factors that combine to form how an individual becomes a digital nomad entrepreneur. The findings reveal a model called the “Digital Nomad Entrepreneurship & Lifestyle Design Process”, which is comprised of four conceptual sub-categories: 1). Pre-Day Zero - Lamentation & Discovery, 2). Plugging In - Transition & Acculturation, 3). Just Get Started - 1,000 Messy Days, and 4). The Other Side - Mentality Shifts and Scale Lessons

    Object-Disoriented Sound

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    For some time, I have been deeply con- cerned with the mindful potential of listening as the subjective ramification of auditory perception. The thoughts that envelop these concerns essentially stem from questions of perpetual mobility, flow, fluidity, flexibility, and nomadism that are perhaps symptomatic of the contemporary post-digital culture. A nomadic listener is affected by a fleeting sound, which appears and diminishes as it triggers an amorphous stream of subjective contemplation and thoughts bordering on the immediate known-ness of the sonic phenom- enon yet simultaneously moving toward the realm of the unknown.

    Nomadism and intermittent ubiquity in ‘off the grid’ Shuar people

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    Media ecology suggests that the anyone, anywhere, anytime slogan of the ubiquitous society characterizes our times. A priori, mobile technology in the “digital ecosystem” fits this circumstance. However, if we delocalize to a remote area, this initial assumption changes. Results of a case study analyzing the use and appropriation of mobile phones in the indigenous Amazon Shuar communities show a different reality that could be labeled ‘intermittent ubiquity’. How does the delocalization facilitated by mobile telephones affect a remote area? How do Ecuadorian Shuars appropriate digital mobile technology? How does technological novelty become apparent in a context that is currently ‘off the grid’? These questions drive our interest in examining the three premises of the ubiquitous society slogan in this specific contex

    Digital nomads : The rising workforce of the digital era

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    Digital nomadism is a phenomenon growing in popularity, especially among the younger generation of knowledge workers. Digital nomads are digital workers who enjoy freedom and global mobility. Due to the nature of their work, they can live and work from anywhere in the world. This is made possible by technological advances and favourable global economic conditions. Digital nomads are prime examples of people and workers who take advantage of the technological advances and innovative digital possibilities. In the increasingly dynamic and global business world, the demand for other types of workers than traditional employees is rising. Digital nomads are a modern type of workforce that companies can leverage to their advantage. This thesis is conducted by literature review about the current academic knowledge about digital nomadism coupled with empirical research, in which five Finnish digital nomads were interviewed. The aim of this research is to construct a more thorough understanding of the digital nomadism phenomenon. This thesis aims to answer the questions of why people are increasingly working as digital nomads, what motivates them, how do they operate and run their businesses, and what kind of challenges and risks are there in digital nomadism. As a result, it is found in this thesis that digital nomads are motivated by the desire for freedom and new experiences, increased flexibility regarding the time and place of work, utilizing the value of their work by advancing their own businesses, and an independent lifestyle as an alternative to traditional employment. Digital nomads are passionate about what they do, they are able to manage themselves and sell their services to potential clients. They are digitally skilled people, and their business relies heavily on digital solutions. For organizations, hiring a digital nomad can often be a more cost-efficient way than hiring a permanent employee, especially for project-like assignments. As a dynamic type of lifestyle, there are naturally challenges as well in digital nomadism. The work is highly uncertain and insecure, digital nomads are solely responsible for running their businesses and delivering their services, they need to tolerate constant risk and a lonely working environment and maintain a favourable work-life balance.Digital nomads, vapaasti suomennettuna diginomadit, ovat paikkariippumattomasti töitä tekeviä ja digitaalisia ratkaisuja käyttäviä henkilöitä. Tämä tutkielma on rajattu yrittäjinä toimiviin diginomadeihin. Diginomadina työskentely on ilmiö, joka on kasvattanut suosiotaan etenkin nuoremman sukupolven asiantuntijatyötä tekevien ihmisten keskuudessa. Diginomadit nauttivat työssään vapaudesta ja globaalista liikkuvuudesta. Digitaalisen työn luonteen vuoksi, he voivat elää ja työskennellä missä tahansa omista preferensseistään riippuen. Tämä on mahdollista teknologisen kehityksen ja suotuisan globaalin markkinatilanteen myötä. Diginomadit ovat erinomainen esimerkki työtä tekevistä ihmisistä, jotka käyttävät edukseen teknologista kehitystä ja digitaalisten innovaatioiden suomia mahdollisuuksia. Nopeasti muuttuvassa, dynaamisessa ja globaalissa liike-elämässä kysyntä muunlaisellekin työvoimalle, kuin perinteiselle vakituiselle palkkatyölle, on kasvavaa. Diginomadit ovat vaihtoehtoinen työvoima, jota yritykset voivat käyttää edukseen. Tämä tutkielma koostuu kirjallisuuskatsauksesta sekä empiirisestä tutkimuksesta, johon on haastateltu viittä suomalaista diginomadia. Tutkielman tavoite on luoda syvempi ymmärrys diginomadeista. Erityiset kiinnostuksen kohteet tutkielmassa ovat syyt, miksi ihmiset enenevissä määrin työskentelvät diginomadeina, mikä heitä motivoi, kuinka he toimivat ja edistävät liiketoimintaansa ja millaisia haasteita diginomadien elämässä on. Tutkielman tuloksena voidaan todeta, että diginomadeja motivoi erityisesti vapauden ja uusien kokemusten halu, lisääntynyt joustavuus koskien työn aikaa ja paikkaa, mahdollisuudet hyödyntää oman työnsä arvoa edistämällä omaa liiketoimintaa ja itsenäinen elämäntyyli vaihtoehtona perinteiselle palkkatyölle. Diginomadit ovat intohimoisia työtään kohtaan, kykenevät hallitsemaan omaa työtään ja myymään palveluitaan potentiaalisille asiakkaille. He ovat digitaalisesti lahjakkaita ja heidän toimintansa nojaa vahvasti digitaalisiin ratkaisuihin. Yrityksille diginomadilta työn tilaaminen voi olla kustannustehokkaampi ratkaisu kuin vakituisen työntekijän palkkaaminen erityisesti projektiluontoisiin tehtäviin. Diginomadit kohtaavat työelämässään myös haasteita. Heidän työtilanteensa on epävarma ja turvaton, he ovat yksin vastuussa liiketoiminnastaan ja tarvittavien töiden tekemisestä, heidän tulee kyetä sietämään riskejä ja yksinäisyyttä sekä ylläpitämään suotuisaa työn ja vapaa-ajan tasapainoa

    Arctic broadband connectivity and the creative economy: Access, challenges, and opportunities in Nunavut and Alaska

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    This chapter explores digital creative entrepreneurship as it is impacted by data connectivity and communication infrastructure in remote communities of the North American Arctic. In addition to summarizing details related to access, data speeds and bandwidth in specific regions of the North, this chapter looks at values-based Arctic digital entrepreneurial curricular development, collaborative possibilities between Nunavut and Alaska, and cites opportunities and challenges for the Arctic’s Indigenous creative economy. Similarities and differences between the United States and Canadian Arctic in terms of opportunity and networking based on the digital connectivity and the cost of access are also explored. The chapter offers specific examples related to opportunities and barriers for Arctic small business development given variances in digital access. The chapter concludes with a number of important policy recommendations for government and industry

    Connect-Universum - 2016

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    Digital information literacy, self-directed learning, and personal knowledge management in critical readers: Application of IDC Theory

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    The usefulness of self-directed learning ability in education has been demonstrated in previous studies. However, there has been much less understanding of the importance of digital information literacy, as well as how to manage these abilities and knowledge, and their effects on learning processes, especially in the current situation of digital education dominance and the necessity of interest creation in students. In order to address such needs and to evaluate students, as well as determine the effectiveness of the Interest-Driven Creator (IDC) loops, this study was conducted. In this study, 164 English language students were asked to participate in the pre-test, treatment, and post-test processes, while the treatments for the IDC group were developed in the form of interest-creation-habit triple loops. The results represented that IDC hybrid instruction was more effective in strengthening digital information literacy and personal knowledge management; and the IDC hybrid group outperformed the non-IDC hybrid group in terms of self-directed learning skills. These findings also revealed that to develop self-directed learning in critical readers, in addition to digital skills and how to manage and apply acquired knowledge, learning instructions (i.e., interest-creation-habit loops) have been effective. The IDC-hybrid group also identified the features of participation, perception-interest and facility-opportunity as the most significant and tangible ones

    Horizons of security, state and extended family:the Somali safety net in Scandinavia

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    Making a name for Anonymous. Digital culture , anonymous publics and transgressie subjectivities

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    Recently, researchers from various domains of social sciences have been particularly concerned with the social, cultural, and political impacts of digital media. To give an account of the specific processes behind the formation of Anonymous, I develop a microsociological framework for the analysis of disembodied global forms – anchoring such forms in intersubjective reciprocity. In order to move beyond interpretative sociology’s emphasis on language as society’s integrative function, I privileged the dimensions of temporality, rhythms and patterns. I also focused on how “disembodied” internet collectives are enacted and assembled within computer screens, terminals, and the digital networks that connect them. My analysis takes into account those temporalities, projections and reflections, which point to the non-symbolic components of mediated sociality. Those dynamic interconnections behind the Anonymous collective are approached through the notions of publics, networks or even swarms.Recientemente, investigadores de diversos campos de las ciencias sociales se han enfocado en los impactos sociales, culturales y políticos de los medios digitales. Para dar cuenta de los procesos específicos detrás de la formación de Anonymous, yo desarrollo un marco microsociológico para el análisis de formas globales “desencarnadas” de sociabilidad, anclando estas formas en la reciprocidad intersubjetiva mediada. Para ir más allá del énfasis en el lenguaje como función integrativa de la sociedad de la sociología interpretativa, privilegié las dimensiones de la temporalidad, los ritmos y los patrones en mi análisis. También me enfoqué a ver cómo los colectivos de Internet "desencarnados" se construyen en pantallas de computadora, terminales y las redes digitales que los conectan. Mi análisis tiene en cuenta esas temporalidades, proyecciones y reflexiones, que apuntan a los componentes no simbólicos de la socialidad mediada. Esas interconexiones dinámicas detrás del colectivo Anónimo se acercan a través de las nociones de públicos, redes y enjambres.Recentment, investigadors de diversos camps de les ciències socials s'han enfocat en els impactes socials, culturals i polítics dels mitjans digitals. Per donar compte dels processos específics darrere de la formació d'Anonymous, jo desenvolupament un marc miocrosociològic per a l'anàlisi de formes globals "desencarnades" de sociabilitat, ancorant aquestes formes en la reciprocitat intersubjectiva intervinguda. Per anar més enllà de l'èmfasi en el llenguatge com a funció integrativa de la societat de la sociologia interpretativa, privilegiï les dimensions de la temporalitat, els ritmes i els patrons en la meva anàlisi. També vaig focalitzar a veure com els col·lectius d'Internet "desencarnats" es construeixen en pantalles d'ordinador, terminals i les xarxes digitals que els connecten. La meva anàlisi té en compte aquestes temporalitats, projeccions i reflexions, que apunten als components no simbòlics de la socialitat intervinguda. Aquestes interconnexions dinàmiques darrere del col·lectiu Anònim s'acosten a través de les nocions de públics, xarxes i eixams