44,529 research outputs found

    A psychological study of the relationship between personality assessment for selection and change in self-perception : a thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Psychology at Massey University, Manawatū, New Zealand

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    The use of personality assessments in employee selection is a growing global trend. However, there are numerous controversies in the literature regarding its utility and potential impacts. In addition, many of the ways in which personality assessments are being used in selection are neither aligned with research evidence, nor constrained by a code of ethics or extensive training. The selection process itself is not focused on the wellbeing on job applicants. This is one possible reason why little to no research has investigated the potential effects of personality assessment for selection on job applicants’ self-perception. A review of the literature reveals several possible mechanisms for occupational personality assessment as an antecedent to change in self-perception, including positive and negative events, induced behaviour and biased scanning, and response construction. This thesis investigates the relationship between the assessment of an individual’s personality, and change to that individual’s self-perception, across two independent sub-projects. In Sub-project A, self-perception was assessed for a group of job applicants before and after completion of a personality assessment within a selection process. In Sub-project B, self-perception was assessed for a group of students before and after completion of a personality assessment and receipt of a written results/feedback report. The findings for both sub-projects demonstrate evidence of change to self-perception and support for personality assessment for selection as an antecedent to change in self-perception. Possible explanations for these results are examined in relation to the mechanisms listed above. The limitations of the current studies are discussed and avenues for future research are recommended. Sub-projects A and B represent a unique contribution to the literature in relation to both personality assessment in organisational settings, and self-perception change

    Perspectives on Personality Assessment of Children with Limited Cognitive Ability

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    Personality assessment can be an important part of diagnosis and treatment planning with children and adolescents. Consequently, research in personality assessment with children and adolescents has received attention; however, there is still limited research in this area with children of below average cognitive capacity. In order to gain better understanding of the current practice of personality assessment of children with below average IQ, this interpretative phenomenological study explores expert psychologists\u27 experience and recommendations for future practice. Structured interviews were conducted with four clinical psychologists with an expertise in personality assessment with children, including children with below average intelligence. Five themes emerged from participant interviews, including: difficulties with and subsequent adjustments to typical administration of personality tests with children of low IQ, special considerations and adjustments to interpretation of personality assessment with children with low IQ, an added emphasis on multi-method assessment, the importance of developing specific training with this population, and the need for more research with this population. Limitations and suggestions for further research are discussed

    Doing justice to the richness of personality : introduction to the Special Issue 'New Approaches to the Measurement of Personality: Translational Thoughts to Applied, Educational, and Clinical Settings'

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    Personality and its assessment are growth areas in the psychological literature and are important in applied practice. In the decades since personality reemerged as a viable scientific construct following the person-situation debate, we have learned much about the nature and full breadth of personality traits as well as refined methods for the assessment of personality characteristics. Indeed, the personality assessment literature currently is vibrant and now intersects with numerous other disciplines, including traditional psychometrics, developmental psychology and psychopathology, clinical psychology, neuroscience, industrial-organizational psychology, and educational and social psychology. This growth in the personality assessment literature inspired us to organize an expert meeting on personality assessment. This 2-day event-which was held in Oostduinkerke (Belgium) in September 2016-brought together junior and senior personality assessment researchers as well as a number of methodologists from around the world and focused on sharing modern viewpoints on personality assessment from a wide diversity of perspectives. Following the meeting, we envisioned this special issue, including papers from meeting attendees addressing topics that emerged from the discussion sessions and are the result of fruitful and often new collaborations. Although the papers were invited, all were subjected to critical peer review and underwent revisions prior to their publication here. In what follows, the overall rationale for the present special issue and the connection between the different papers will be outlined from an integrative perspective

    Automatic Personality Assessment through Movement Analysis

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    Obtaining accurate and objective assessments of an individual’s personality is vital in many areas including education, medicine, sports and management. Currently, most personality assessments are conducted using scales and questionnaires. Unfortunately, it has been observed that both scales and questionnaires present various drawbacks. Their limitations include the lack of veracity in the answers, limitations in the number of times they can be administered, or cultural biases. To solve these problems, several articles have been published in recent years proposing the use of movements that participants make during their evaluation as personality predictors. In this work, a multiple linear regression model was developed to assess the examinee’s personality based on their movements. Movements were captured with the low-cost Microsoft Kinect camera, which facilitates its acceptance and implementation. To evaluate the performance of the proposed system, a pilot study was conducted aimed at assessing the personality traits defined by the Big-Five Personality Model. It was observed that the traits that best fit the model are Extroversion and Conscientiousness. In addition, several patterns that characterize the five personality traits were identified. These results show that it is feasible to assess an individual’s personality through his or her movements and open up pathways for several research.This research was partially funded by the Spanish National Project, grant number RTI2018- 101857-B-I00. Additionally, by Instituto Salud Carlos III, grant number DTS21/00091. It has been also partially supported by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación PID2020-114911GB-I00

    Personality Measurement and Assessment in Large Panel Surveys

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    Personality tests are being added to large panel studies with increasing regularity, such as the Health and Retirement Study (HRS). To facilitate the inclusion and interpretation of these tests, we provide some general background on personality psychology, personality assessment, and the validity of personality tests. In this review, we provide background on definitions of personality, the strengths and weaknesses of the self-report approaches to personality testing typically used in large panel studies, and the validity of personality tests for three outcomes: genetics, income, and health. We conclude with recommendations on how to improve personality assessment in future panel studies

    Indicadores de calidad de la producción en la Web of Science de diez profesores del área de personalidad, evaluación y tratamiento psicológico: aportaciones adicionales al estudio de Olivas-Ávila y Musi-Lechuga

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    Web of Science production quality indicators of ten professors" at the Area of Personality, Assessment and Psychological Treatment: Additional contributions to Olivas-Ávila y Musi-Lechuga study. Rankings of scientifi c productivity are increasingly relevant both from an individual and a collective perspective. Therefore, making sure they are based on reliable and exhaustive information is really important. This study clearly shows that available rankings change dramatically when internationally acknowledged bibliometric indices are considered. Data from the 10 Professors belonging to the Personality, Assessment, and Psychological Treatment" Department considered in the recent analysis by Olivas-Ávila y Musi-Lechuga (Psicothema 2010. Vol. 22, nº 4, pp. 909-916) are revisited here for illustrative purposes

    "Explaining the Impact of Jacques Delors: Conceptualizing and Assessing the Commission Presidency"

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    This paper analyzes the Presidency of the European Commission as a political leadership position. It does so on three levels. First, it considers the relational nature of leadership, arguing that every leadership position is shaped by its "relationship network"- the relationship of the leader with his constituents, co-actors, and subordinates. Second, it develops a typology of leadership styles, that Commission Presidents might exercise within the limits of the Commission Presidency's highly constraining relationship network. The three main types (neo-functionalist, federalist and intergovernmentalist) integrate integration theory literature with existing knowledge of the activities of Commission Presidents. Third, these ideas, and a personality-assessment-at-a-distance technique, are employed in a case-study of Jacques Delors. The study shows that Delor's leadership cannot be understood in simple Euro-federalist terms. It also shows the ability of the concepts and methods used to advance comparative study of the Commission Presidency

    Próffræðilegir eiginleikar íslenskrar þýðingar Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI)

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenPróffræðilegir eiginleikar íslenskrar þýðingar Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) voru athugaðir. PAI er 344 atriða sjálfsmatslisti sem metur einkenni geðraskana, samskiptastíl, meðferðarheldni svarenda og réttmæti svara. Áreiðanleiki, réttmæti og þáttabygging prófsins var athugað. Til að kanna samleitni- og aðgreiniréttmæti undirkvarða PAI sem meta þunglyndi, kvíða og áfengisvanda svöruðu þátttakendur Becks Depression Inventory-II, Becks Anxiety Inventory og Short Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test auk PAI prófsins. Úrtakið samanstóð af 243 háskólanemum, 79 áfengissjúklingum, auk 66 sjúklinga af verkjasviði og 44 sjúklinga af geðsviði Reykjalundar. Áreiðanleikastuðlar voru víðast afar háir og allir ásættanlegir. Niðurstöður þáttagreiningar voru svipaðar þeim sem aðrir rannsakendur hafa komist að, þó þáttabyggingin væri ekki eins skýr í þessari rannsókn. Samleitni- og aðgreiniréttmæti þunglyndiskvarða og áfengisvandakvarða PAI var stutt í rannsókninni. Samleitniréttmæti kvíðakvarða PAI (ANX) reyndist gott en aðgreinandi réttmæti var ekki eins afgerandi. Meðaltöl og staðalfrávik meðal Íslendinga voru auk þess í flestum tilvikum sambærileg tölum frá Bandaríkjunum