11 research outputs found

    Subshifts with Simple Cellular Automata

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    A subshift is a set of infinite one- or two-way sequences over a fixed finite set, defined by a set of forbidden patterns. In this thesis, we study subshifts in the topological setting, where the natural morphisms between them are ones defined by a (spatially uniform) local rule. Endomorphisms of subshifts are called cellular automata, and we call the set of cellular automata on a subshift its endomorphism monoid. It is known that the set of all sequences (the full shift) allows cellular automata with complex dynamical and computational properties. We are interested in subshifts that do not support such cellular automata. In particular, we study countable subshifts, minimal subshifts and subshifts with additional universal algebraic structure that cellular automata need to respect, and investigate certain criteria of ‘simplicity’ of the endomorphism monoid, for each of them. In the case of countable subshifts, we concentrate on countable sofic shifts, that is, countable subshifts defined by a finite state automaton. We develop some general tools for studying cellular automata on such subshifts, and show that nilpotency and periodicity of cellular automata are decidable properties, and positive expansivity is impossible. Nevertheless, we also prove various undecidability results, by simulating counter machines with cellular automata. We prove that minimal subshifts generated by primitive Pisot substitutions only support virtually cyclic automorphism groups, and give an example of a Toeplitz subshift whose automorphism group is not finitely generated. In the algebraic setting, we study the centralizers of CA, and group and lattice homomorphic CA. In particular, we obtain results about centralizers of symbol permutations and bipermutive CA, and their connections with group structures.Siirretty Doriast

    Topological Conjugacies Between Cellular Automata

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    We study cellular automata as discrete dynamical systems and in particular investigate under which conditions two cellular automata are topologically conjugate. Based on work of McKinsey, Tarski, Pierce and Head we introduce derivative algebras to study the topological structure of sofic shifts in dimension one. This allows us to classify periodic cellular automata on sofic shifts up to topological conjugacy based on the structure of their periodic points. We also get new conjugacy invariants in the general case. Based on a construction by Hanf and Halmos, we construct a pair of non-homeomorphic subshifts whose disjoint sums with themselves are homeomorphic. From this we can construct two cellular automata on homeomorphic state spaces for which all points have minimal period two, which are, however, not topologically conjugate. We apply our methods to classify the 256 elementary cellular automata with radius one over the binary alphabet up to topological conjugacy. By means of linear algebra over the field with two elements and identities between Fibonacci-polynomials we show that every conjugacy between rule 90 and rule 150 cannot have only a finite number of local rules. Finally, we look at the sequences of finite dynamical systems obtained by restricting cellular automata to spatially periodic points. If these sequences are termwise conjugate, we call the cellular automata conjugate on all tori. We then study the invariants under this notion of isomorphism. By means of an appropriately defined entropy, we can show that surjectivity is such an invariant

    Cellular automata with complicated dynamics

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    A subshift is a collection of bi-infinite sequences (configurations) of symbols where some finite patterns of symbols are forbidden to occur. A cellular automaton is a transformation that changes each configuration of a subshift into another one by using a finite look-up table that tells how any symbol occurring at any possible context is to be changed. A cellular automaton can be applied repeatedly on the configurations of the subshift, thus making it a dynamical system. This thesis focuses on cellular automata with complex dynamical behavior, with some different definitions of the word “complex”. First we consider a naturally occurring class of cellular automata that we call multiplication automata and we present a case study with the point of view of symbolic, topological and measurable dynamics. We also present an application of these automata to a generalized version of Mahler’s problem. For different notions of complex behavior one may also ask whether a given subshift or class of subshifts has a cellular automaton that presents this behavior. We show that in the class of full shifts the Lyapunov exponents of a given reversible cellular automaton are uncomputable. This means that in the dynamics of reversible cellular automata the long term maximal propagation speed of a perturbation made in an initial configuration cannot be determined in general from short term observations. In the last part we construct, on all mixing sofic shifts, diffusive glider cellular automata that can decompose any finite configuration into two distinct components that shift into opposing direction under repeated action of the automaton. This implies that every mixing sofic shift has a reversible cellular automaton all of whose directions are sensitive in the sense of the definition of Sablik. We contrast this by presenting a family of synchronizing subshifts on which all reversible cellular automata always have a nonsensitive direction

    Decision problems in groups of homeomorphisms of Cantor space

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    The Thompson groups F,TF, T and VV are important groups in geometric group theory: TT and VV being the first discovered examples of finitely presented infinite simple groups. There are many generalisations of these groups including, for nn and rr natural numbers and 121 2. However, their techniques give no information about automorphisms of Gn,rG_{n,r}. The second chapter of this thesis is dedicated to characterising the automorphisms of Gn,rG_{n,r}. Presenting results of the author's article [10], we show that automorphisms of Gn,rG_{n,r} are homeomorphisms of Cantor space induced by transducers (finite state machines) which satisfy a strong synchronizing condition. In the rest of Chapter 2 and early sections of Chapter 3 we investigate the group \out{G_{n,r}} of outer automorphisms of Gn,rG_{n,r}. Presenting results of the forthcoming article [6] of the author's, we show that there is a subgroup \hn{n} of \out{G_{n,r}}, independent of rr, which is isomorphic to the group of automorphisms of the one-sided shift dynamical system. Most of Chapter 3 is devoted to the order problem in \hn{n} and is based on [44]. We give necessary and sufficient conditions for an element of \hn{n} to have finite order, although these do not yield a decision procedure. Given an automorphism ϕ\phi of a group GG, two elements f,gGf, g ∈ G are said to be ϕ\phi-twisted conjugate to one another if for some hGh ∈ G, g=h1f(h)ϕg = h⁻¹ f (h)\phi. This defines an equivalence relation on GG and GG is said to have the \rfty property if it has infinitely many ϕ\phi-twisted conjugacy classes for all automorphisms \phi ∈ \aut{G}. In the final chapter we show, using the description of \aut{G_{n,r}}, that for certain automorphisms, Gn,rG_{n,r} has infinitely many twisted conjugacy classes. We also show that for certain \phi ∈ \aut{G_{2,1}} the problem of deciding when two elements of G2,1G_{2,1} are ϕ\phi-twisted conjugate to one another is soluble

    On some one-sided dynamics of cellular automata

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    A dynamical system consists of a space of all possible world states and a transformation of said space. Cellular automata are dynamical systems where the space is a set of one- or two-way infinite symbol sequences and the transformation is defined by a homogenous local rule. In the setting of cellular automata, the geometry of the underlying space allows one to define one-sided variants of some dynamical properties; this thesis considers some such one-sided dynamics of cellular automata. One main topic are the dynamical concepts of expansivity and that of pseudo-orbit tracing property. Expansivity is a strong form of sensitivity to the initial conditions while pseudo-orbit tracing property is a type of approximability. For cellular automata we define one-sided variants of both of these concepts. We give some examples of cellular automata with these properties and prove, for example, that right-expansive cellular automata are chain-mixing. We also show that left-sided pseudo-orbit tracing property together with right-sided expansivity imply that a cellular automaton has the pseudo-orbit tracing property. Another main topic is conjugacy. Two dynamical systems are conjugate if, in a dynamical sense, they are the same system. We show that for one-sided cellular automata conjugacy is undecidable. In fact the result is stronger and shows that the relations of being a factor or a susbsystem are undecidable, too

    Reversible Computation: Extending Horizons of Computing

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    This open access State-of-the-Art Survey presents the main recent scientific outcomes in the area of reversible computation, focusing on those that have emerged during COST Action IC1405 "Reversible Computation - Extending Horizons of Computing", a European research network that operated from May 2015 to April 2019. Reversible computation is a new paradigm that extends the traditional forwards-only mode of computation with the ability to execute in reverse, so that computation can run backwards as easily and naturally as forwards. It aims to deliver novel computing devices and software, and to enhance existing systems by equipping them with reversibility. There are many potential applications of reversible computation, including languages and software tools for reliable and recovery-oriented distributed systems and revolutionary reversible logic gates and circuits, but they can only be realized and have lasting effect if conceptual and firm theoretical foundations are established first

    Reversible Computation: Extending Horizons of Computing

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    This open access State-of-the-Art Survey presents the main recent scientific outcomes in the area of reversible computation, focusing on those that have emerged during COST Action IC1405 "Reversible Computation - Extending Horizons of Computing", a European research network that operated from May 2015 to April 2019. Reversible computation is a new paradigm that extends the traditional forwards-only mode of computation with the ability to execute in reverse, so that computation can run backwards as easily and naturally as forwards. It aims to deliver novel computing devices and software, and to enhance existing systems by equipping them with reversibility. There are many potential applications of reversible computation, including languages and software tools for reliable and recovery-oriented distributed systems and revolutionary reversible logic gates and circuits, but they can only be realized and have lasting effect if conceptual and firm theoretical foundations are established first