133,872 research outputs found

    Self-Organizing Time Map: An Abstraction of Temporal Multivariate Patterns

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    This paper adopts and adapts Kohonen's standard Self-Organizing Map (SOM) for exploratory temporal structure analysis. The Self-Organizing Time Map (SOTM) implements SOM-type learning to one-dimensional arrays for individual time units, preserves the orientation with short-term memory and arranges the arrays in an ascending order of time. The two-dimensional representation of the SOTM attempts thus twofold topology preservation, where the horizontal direction preserves time topology and the vertical direction data topology. This enables discovering the occurrence and exploring the properties of temporal structural changes in data. For representing qualities and properties of SOTMs, we adapt measures and visualizations from the standard SOM paradigm, as well as introduce a measure of temporal structural changes. The functioning of the SOTM, and its visualizations and quality and property measures, are illustrated on artificial toy data. The usefulness of the SOTM in a real-world setting is shown on poverty, welfare and development indicators

    Emergence of a stable cortical map for neuroprosthetic control.

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    Cortical control of neuroprosthetic devices is known to require neuronal adaptations. It remains unclear whether a stable cortical representation for prosthetic function can be stored and recalled in a manner that mimics our natural recall of motor skills. Especially in light of the mixed evidence for a stationary neuron-behavior relationship in cortical motor areas, understanding this relationship during long-term neuroprosthetic control can elucidate principles of neural plasticity as well as improve prosthetic function. Here, we paired stable recordings from ensembles of primary motor cortex neurons in macaque monkeys with a constant decoder that transforms neural activity to prosthetic movements. Proficient control was closely linked to the emergence of a surprisingly stable pattern of ensemble activity, indicating that the motor cortex can consolidate a neural representation for prosthetic control in the presence of a constant decoder. The importance of such a cortical map was evident in that small perturbations to either the size of the neural ensemble or to the decoder could reversibly disrupt function. Moreover, once a cortical map became consolidated, a second map could be learned and stored. Thus, long-term use of a neuroprosthetic device is associated with the formation of a cortical map for prosthetic function that is stable across time, readily recalled, resistant to interference, and resembles a putative memory engram

    Periods, Lefschetz numbers and entropy for a class of maps on a bouquet of circles

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    We consider some smooth maps on a bouquet of circles. For these maps we can compute the number of fixed points, the existence of periodic points and an exact formula for topological entropy. We use Lefschetz fixed point theory and actions of our maps on both the fundamental group and the first homology group.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figure

    Non-linear models: applications in economics

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    The study concentrated on demonstrating how non-linear modelling can be useful to investigate the behavioural of dynamic economic systems. Using some adequate non-linear models could be a good way to find more refined solutions to actually unsolved problems or ambiguities in economics. Beginning with a short presentation of the simplest non-linear models, then we are demonstrating how the dynamics of complex systems, as the economic system is, could be explained on the base of some more advanced non-linear models and using specific techniques of simulation. We are considering the non-linear models only as an alternative to the stochastic linear models in economics. The conventional explanations of the behaviour of economic system contradict many times the empirical evidence. We are trying to demonstrate that small modifications in the standard linear form of some economic models make more complex and consequently more realistic the behaviour of system simulated on the base of the new non-linear models. Finally, few applications of non-linear models to the study of inflation-unemployment relationship, potentially useful for further empirical studies, are presented.non-linear model; continuous time map; strange attractor; fractal dimension; natural unemployment

    Koopman analysis of the long-term evolution in a turbulent convection cell

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    We analyse the long-time evolution of the three-dimensional flow in a closed cubic turbulent Rayleigh-B\'{e}nard convection cell via a Koopman eigenfunction analysis. A data-driven basis derived from diffusion kernels known in machine learning is employed here to represent a regularized generator of the unitary Koopman group in the sense of a Galerkin approximation. The resulting Koopman eigenfunctions can be grouped into subsets in accordance with the discrete symmetries in a cubic box. In particular, a projection of the velocity field onto the first group of eigenfunctions reveals the four stable large-scale circulation (LSC) states in the convection cell. We recapture the preferential circulation rolls in diagonal corners and the short-term switching through roll states parallel to the side faces which have also been seen in other simulations and experiments. The diagonal macroscopic flow states can last as long as a thousand convective free-fall time units. In addition, we find that specific pairs of Koopman eigenfunctions in the secondary subset obey enhanced oscillatory fluctuations for particular stable diagonal states of the LSC. The corresponding velocity field structures, such as corner vortices and swirls in the midplane, are also discussed via spatiotemporal reconstructions.Comment: 32 pages, 9 figures, article in press at Journal of Fluid Mechanic

    Spectral curves and the mass of hyperbolic monopoles

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    The moduli spaces of hyperbolic monopoles are naturally fibred by the monopole mass, and this leads to a nontrivial mass dependence of the holomorphic data (spectral curves, rational maps, holomorphic spheres) associated to hyperbolic multi-monopoles. In this paper, we obtain an explicit description of this dependence for general hyperbolic monopoles of magnetic charge two. In addition, we show how to compute the monopole mass of higher charge spectral curves with tetrahedral and octahedral symmetries. Spectral curves of euclidean monopoles are recovered from our results via an infinite-mass limit.Comment: 43 pages, LaTeX, 3 figure
