21,367 research outputs found

    L\'evy-type diffusion on one-dimensional directed Cantor Graphs

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    L\'evy-type walks with correlated jumps, induced by the topology of the medium, are studied on a class of one-dimensional deterministic graphs built from generalized Cantor and Smith-Volterra-Cantor sets. The particle performs a standard random walk on the sets but is also allowed to move ballistically throughout the empty regions. Using scaling relations and the mapping onto the electric network problem, we obtain the exact values of the scaling exponents for the asymptotic return probability, the resistivity and the mean square displacement as a function of the topological parameters of the sets. Interestingly, the systems undergoes a transition from superdiffusive to diffusive behavior as a function of the filling of the fractal. The deterministic topology also allows us to discuss the importance of the choice of the initial condition. In particular, we demonstrate that local and average measurements can display different asymptotic behavior. The analytic results are compared with the numerical solution of the master equation of the process.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Classical dynamics on graphs

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    We consider the classical evolution of a particle on a graph by using a time-continuous Frobenius-Perron operator which generalizes previous propositions. In this way, the relaxation rates as well as the chaotic properties can be defined for the time-continuous classical dynamics on graphs. These properties are given as the zeros of some periodic-orbit zeta functions. We consider in detail the case of infinite periodic graphs where the particle undergoes a diffusion process. The infinite spatial extension is taken into account by Fourier transforms which decompose the observables and probability densities into sectors corresponding to different values of the wave number. The hydrodynamic modes of diffusion are studied by an eigenvalue problem of a Frobenius-Perron operator corresponding to a given sector. The diffusion coefficient is obtained from the hydrodynamic modes of diffusion and has the Green-Kubo form. Moreover, we study finite but large open graphs which converge to the infinite periodic graph when their size goes to infinity. The lifetime of the particle on the open graph is shown to correspond to the lifetime of a system which undergoes a diffusion process before it escapes.Comment: 42 pages and 8 figure

    Transport and dynamics on open quantum graphs

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    We study the classical limit of quantum mechanics on graphs by introducing a Wigner function for graphs. The classical dynamics is compared to the quantum dynamics obtained from the propagator. In particular we consider extended open graphs whose classical dynamics generate a diffusion process. The transport properties of the classical system are revealed in the scattering resonances and in the time evolution of the quantum system.Comment: 42 pages, 13 figures, submitted to PR

    Lock-in Problem for Parallel Rotor-router Walks

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    The rotor-router model, also called the Propp machine, was introduced as a deterministic alternative to the random walk. In this model, a group of identical tokens are initially placed at nodes of the graph. Each node maintains a cyclic ordering of the outgoing arcs, and during consecutive turns the tokens are propagated along arcs chosen according to this ordering in round-robin fashion. The behavior of the model is fully deterministic. Yanovski et al.(2003) proved that a single rotor-router walk on any graph with m edges and diameter DD stabilizes to a traversal of an Eulerian circuit on the set of all 2m directed arcs on the edge set of the graph, and that such periodic behaviour of the system is achieved after an initial transient phase of at most 2mD steps. The case of multiple parallel rotor-routers was studied experimentally, leading Yanovski et al. to the conjecture that a system of k \textgreater{} 1 parallel walks also stabilizes with a period of length at most 2m2m steps. In this work we disprove this conjecture, showing that the period of parallel rotor-router walks can in fact, be superpolynomial in the size of graph. On the positive side, we provide a characterization of the periodic behavior of parallel router walks, in terms of a structural property of stable states called a subcycle decomposition. This property provides us the tools to efficiently detect whether a given system configuration corresponds to the transient or to the limit behavior of the system. Moreover, we provide polynomial upper bounds of O(m4D2+mDlogk)O(m^4 D^2 + mD \log k) and O(m5k2)O(m^5 k^2) on the number of steps it takes for the system to stabilize. Thus, we are able to predict any future behavior of the system using an algorithm that takes polynomial time and space. In addition, we show that there exists a separation between the stabilization time of the single-walk and multiple-walk rotor-router systems, and that for some graphs the latter can be asymptotically larger even for the case of k=2k = 2 walks

    Sigma models for quantum chaotic dynamics

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    We review the construction of the supersymmetric sigma model for unitary maps, using the color- flavor transformation. We then illustrate applications by three case studies in quantum chaos. In two of these cases, general Floquet maps and quantum graphs, we show that universal spectral fluctuations arise provided the pertinent classical dynamics are fully chaotic (ergodic and with decay rates sufficiently gapped away from zero). In the third case, the kicked rotor, we show how the existence of arbitrarily long-lived modes of excitation (diffusion) precludes universal fluctuations and entails quantum localization

    A Unifying Model for Representing Time-Varying Graphs

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    Graph-based models form a fundamental aspect of data representation in Data Sciences and play a key role in modeling complex networked systems. In particular, recently there is an ever-increasing interest in modeling dynamic complex networks, i.e. networks in which the topological structure (nodes and edges) may vary over time. In this context, we propose a novel model for representing finite discrete Time-Varying Graphs (TVGs), which are typically used to model dynamic complex networked systems. We analyze the data structures built from our proposed model and demonstrate that, for most practical cases, the asymptotic memory complexity of our model is in the order of the cardinality of the set of edges. Further, we show that our proposal is an unifying model that can represent several previous (classes of) models for dynamic networks found in the recent literature, which in general are unable to represent each other. In contrast to previous models, our proposal is also able to intrinsically model cyclic (i.e. periodic) behavior in dynamic networks. These representation capabilities attest the expressive power of our proposed unifying model for TVGs. We thus believe our unifying model for TVGs is a step forward in the theoretical foundations for data analysis of complex networked systems.Comment: Also appears in the Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (IEEE DSAA'2015

    Analytical computation of the epidemic threshold on temporal networks

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    The time variation of contacts in a networked system may fundamentally alter the properties of spreading processes and affect the condition for large-scale propagation, as encoded in the epidemic threshold. Despite the great interest in the problem for the physics, applied mathematics, computer science and epidemiology communities, a full theoretical understanding is still missing and currently limited to the cases where the time-scale separation holds between spreading and network dynamics or to specific temporal network models. We consider a Markov chain description of the Susceptible-Infectious-Susceptible process on an arbitrary temporal network. By adopting a multilayer perspective, we develop a general analytical derivation of the epidemic threshold in terms of the spectral radius of a matrix that encodes both network structure and disease dynamics. The accuracy of the approach is confirmed on a set of temporal models and empirical networks and against numerical results. In addition, we explore how the threshold changes when varying the overall time of observation of the temporal network, so as to provide insights on the optimal time window for data collection of empirical temporal networked systems. Our framework is both of fundamental and practical interest, as it offers novel understanding of the interplay between temporal networks and spreading dynamics.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure