51 research outputs found

    On Motion Mechanisms of Freight Train Suspension Systems

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    In this dissertation, a freight train suspension system is presented for all possible types of motion. The suspension system experiences impacts and friction between wedges and bolster. The impacts cause the chatter motions between wedges and bolster, and the friction will cause the stick and non-stick motions between wedges and bolster. Due to the wedge effect, the suspension system may become stuck and not move, which cause the suspension lose functions. To discuss such phenomena in the freight train suspension systems, the theory of discontinuous dynamical systems is used, and the motion mechanism of impacting chatter with stick and stuck is discussed. The analytical conditions for the onset and vanishing of stick motions between the wedges and bolster are presented, and the condition for maintaining stick motion was achieved as well. The analytical conditions for stuck motion are developed to determine the onset and vanishing conditions for stuck motion. Analytical prediction of periodic motions relative to impacting chatter with stick and stuck motions in train suspension is performed through the mapping dynamics. The corresponding analyses of local stability and bifurcation are carried out, and the grazing and stick conditions are used to determine periodic motions. Numerical simulations are to illustrate periodic motions of stick and stuck motions. Finally, from field testing data, the effects of wedge angle on the motions of the suspension is presented to find a more desirable suspension response for design

    Discontinuity and bifurcation analysis of motions in a fermi oscillator under dual excitations

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    In this paper, the stability and bifurcation of motions in a fermi oscillator under dual excitations are presented using the theory of discontinuous dynamical systems. The analytical conditions for motion switching in such a fermi-oscillator are obtained, and the generic mappings are introduced to describe the periodic and chaotic motions for such oscillator. Bifurcation scenarios for periodic and chaotic motions are presented together with analytical predictions of periodic motions. Finally, numerical illustrations of periodic and chaotic motions in such an oscillator are given. In addition, the flutter oscillations of such an oscillator are presented through the switching section for the Neimark bifurcation


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    Vibro-impact systems are extensively used in engineering and physics field, such as impact damper, particle accelerator, etc. These systems are most basic elements of many real world applications such as cars and aircrafts. Such vibro-impact systems possess both the continuous characteristics as continuous dynamical systems and discrete characteristics introduced by impacts at the same time. Thus, an appropriately developed discrete mapping system is required for such vibro-impact systems in order to simplify investigation on the complexity of motions. In this dissertation, a few vibro-impact oscillators will be investigated using discrete maps in order to understand the dynamics of vibro-impact systems. Before discussing the nonlinear dynamical phenomena and behaviors of these vibro-impact oscillators, the theory for nonlinear discrete systems will be applied to investigate a two-dimensional discrete system (Henon Map). And the complete dynamics of such a nonlinear discrete dynamical system will be presented using the inversed mapping method. Neimark bifurcations in such a discrete system have also drawn a lot of interest to the author. The Neimark bifurcations in such a system have actually formed a boundary dividing the stable solution of positive and negative maps (inversed mapping). For the first time, one is able to obtain a complete prediction of both stable and unstable solutions in such a discrete dynamical system. And a detailed parameter map will be presented to illustrate how changes of parameters could affect the different solutions in such a system. Then, the theory of discontinuous dynamical systems will be adopted to investigate the vibro-impact dynamics in several vibro-impact systems. First, the bouncing ball dynamics will be analytically discussed using a single discrete map. Different types of motions (periodic and chaotic) will be presented to understand the complex behavior of this simple model. Analytical condition will be expressed using switching phase of the system in order to easily predict stick and grazing motion. After that, a horizontal impact damper model will be studied to show how complex periodic motions could be developed analytically. Complete set of symmetric and asymmetric periodic motions can also be easily predicted using the analytical method. Finally, a Fermi-Accelerator being excited at both ends will be discussed in detail for application. Different types of motions will be thoroughly studied for such a vibro-impact system under both same and different excitations

    Discontinuity and bifurcation analysis of motions in a fermi oscillator under dual excitations

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    In this paper, the stability and bifurcation of motions in a fermi oscillator under dual excitations are presented using the theory of discontinuous dynamical systems. The analytical conditions for motion switching in such a fermi-oscillator are obtained, and the generic mappings are introduced to describe the periodic and chaotic motions for such oscillator. Bifurcation scenarios for periodic and chaotic motions are presented together with analytical predictions of periodic motions. Finally, numerical illustrations of periodic and chaotic motions in such an oscillator are given. In addition, the flutter oscillations of such an oscillator are presented through the switching section for the Neimark bifurcation

    5th EUROMECH nonlinear dynamics conference, August 7-12, 2005 Eindhoven : book of abstracts

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    5th EUROMECH nonlinear dynamics conference, August 7-12, 2005 Eindhoven : book of abstracts

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    Nonlinear Time-Frequency Control Theory with Applications

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    Nonlinear control is an important subject drawing much attention. When a nonlinear system undergoes route-to-chaos, its response is naturally bounded in the time-domain while in the meantime becoming unstably broadband in the frequency-domain. Control scheme facilitated either in the time- or frequency-domain alone is insufficient in controlling route-to-chaos, where the corresponding response deteriorates in the time and frequency domains simultaneously. It is necessary to facilitate nonlinear control in both the time and frequency domains without obscuring or misinterpreting the true dynamics. The objective of the dissertation is to formulate a novel nonlinear control theory that addresses the fundamental characteristics inherent of all nonlinear systems undergoing route-to-chaos, one that requires no linearization or closed-form solution so that the genuine underlying features of the system being considered are preserved. The theory developed herein is able to identify the dynamic state of the system in real-time and restrain time-varying spectrum from becoming broadband. Applications of the theory are demonstrated using several engineering examples including the control of a non-stationary Duffing oscillator, a 1-DOF time-delayed milling model, a 2-DOF micro-milling system, unsynchronized chaotic circuits, and a friction-excited vibrating disk. Not subject to all the mathematical constraint conditions and assumptions upon which common nonlinear control theories are based and derived, the novel theory has its philosophical basis established in the simultaneous time-frequency control, on-line system identification, and feedforward adaptive control. It adopts multi-rate control, hence enabling control over nonstationary, nonlinear response with increasing bandwidth ? a physical condition oftentimes fails the contemporary control theories. The applicability of the theory to complex multi-input-multi-output (MIMO) systems without resorting to mathematical manipulation and extensive computation is demonstrated through the multi-variable control of a micro-milling system. The research is of a broad impact on the control of a wide range of nonlinear and chaotic systems. The implications of the nonlinear time-frequency control theory in cutting, micro-machining, communication security, and the mitigation of friction-induced vibrations are both significant and immediate

    Nonlinear Time-Frequency Control Theory with Applications

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    Nonlinear control is an important subject drawing much attention. When a nonlinear system undergoes route-to-chaos, its response is naturally bounded in the time-domain while in the meantime becoming unstably broadband in the frequency-domain. Control scheme facilitated either in the time- or frequency-domain alone is insufficient in controlling route-to-chaos, where the corresponding response deteriorates in the time and frequency domains simultaneously. It is necessary to facilitate nonlinear control in both the time and frequency domains without obscuring or misinterpreting the true dynamics. The objective of the dissertation is to formulate a novel nonlinear control theory that addresses the fundamental characteristics inherent of all nonlinear systems undergoing route-to-chaos, one that requires no linearization or closed-form solution so that the genuine underlying features of the system being considered are preserved. The theory developed herein is able to identify the dynamic state of the system in real-time and restrain time-varying spectrum from becoming broadband. Applications of the theory are demonstrated using several engineering examples including the control of a non-stationary Duffing oscillator, a 1-DOF time-delayed milling model, a 2-DOF micro-milling system, unsynchronized chaotic circuits, and a friction-excited vibrating disk. Not subject to all the mathematical constraint conditions and assumptions upon which common nonlinear control theories are based and derived, the novel theory has its philosophical basis established in the simultaneous time-frequency control, on-line system identification, and feedforward adaptive control. It adopts multi-rate control, hence enabling control over nonstationary, nonlinear response with increasing bandwidth ? a physical condition oftentimes fails the contemporary control theories. The applicability of the theory to complex multi-input-multi-output (MIMO) systems without resorting to mathematical manipulation and extensive computation is demonstrated through the multi-variable control of a micro-milling system. The research is of a broad impact on the control of a wide range of nonlinear and chaotic systems. The implications of the nonlinear time-frequency control theory in cutting, micro-machining, communication security, and the mitigation of friction-induced vibrations are both significant and immediate

    14th Conference on Dynamical Systems Theory and Applications DSTA 2017 ABSTRACTS

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    From Preface: This is the fourteen time when the conference “Dynamical Systems – Theory and Applications” gathers a numerous group of outstanding scientists and engineers, who deal with widely understood problems of theoretical and applied dynamics. Organization of the conference would not have been possible without a great effort of the staff of the Department of Automation, Biomechanics and Mechatronics. The patronage over the conference has been taken by the Committee of Mechanics of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. It is a great pleasure that our invitation has been accepted by so many people, including good colleagues and friends as well as a large group of researchers and scientists, who decided to participate in the conference for the first time. With proud and satisfaction we welcome nearly 250 persons from 38 countries all over the world. They decided to share the results of their research and many years experiences in the discipline of dynamical systems by submitting many very interesting papers. This booklet contains a collection of 375 abstracts, which have gained the acceptance of referees and have been qualified for publication in the conference proceedings [...]